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YES! It will work, see here...
Elemental Companion - Complete Mage Book

Every druid reveres nature, but some pay more respect to the fundamental building blocks of the natural world than to its flora and fauna. By forgoing her bond with the animal kingdom, a druid can instead take on an elemental creature as her companion.

Class: Druid.

Level: 1st.

Special Requirement: Knowledge (the planes) 1 rank, Speak Language (Auran, Terran, Ignan, or Aquan)

Replaces: You do not gain an animal companion, nor do you gain wild empathy.

Benefit: You gain the companionship of a Small elemental (air, earth, fire, or water; your choice).You must speak the language of your chosen elemental companion (Auran, Terran, Ignan, or Aquan, respectively).

Your elemental companion has the normal statistics of an elemental of its kind. It does not gain any extra HD, natural armor adjustment, Strength or Dexterity adjustment, or extra tricks (it is intelligent enough to follow your spoken commands and thus needs no tricks). It gains all other special abilities normally granted to an animal companion, with the exception of Multiattack.

At 4th level, your elemental grows into a Medium elemental of the same kind. Its statistics change appropriately.

At 10th level, you can choose for your elemental companion to grow to a Large elemental of the same kind, with the appropriate changes to its statistics. If you choose for your elemental to remain Medium, it instead gains 2 HD, +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, and damage reduction 5/--.

At 16th level, you can choose for your elemental companion to grow to a Huge elemental of the same kind, with the appropriate changes to its statistics. If you choose for your elemental to remain at its current size, it instead gains an additional +4 HD, +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and damage reduction 5/--. All these benefits stack with existing statistics except for the damage reduction.
From Complete Mage page 33
I'll get something whipped up pending approval.


First Post
Okay, instead of the crippled route I'm taking, I think I'll just use elemental companion with a druid/planar shepard build. Rae (his name) would be an Evil Neraphim who fled to the abyss after being hounded by his people. If he just happens to be able to eventually wildshape into a balor, the demon overlords will just have to deal with that later.


First Post
NS - just post a build and I'll ask questions. Where are Neraphim from? Could you list their LA and racial features? :D

Shayuri - Feel free to add yourself in whenever. I presume that you'll simply come in from the portal and find your way up. A cultist should be there to guide you.


First Post
Race-Neraphim (Planar Handbook Page 12)
Outsider, Medium, 30 ft Speed, Darkvision 60ft, Camo Charge- The first time a Neraph attacks something in an encounter the target is denied it's Dex to AC, +5 to jump, Weapon familliarity (annulat) (it sucks), +2 to Natural Armor, +2 to spot and search, Favored Class- Ranger, +0LA
Class Breakdown-
Druid 5/Planar Shepard (Faiths of Eberron, explanation here- http://boards1.wizards.com/showthread.php?t=709233)
Fernia, Sea of Fire is the plane for the planar shepard by the way.
1-Elemental Companion, (Murky-Eyed, Vulnerable, Spell Focus (Conjuration))
3-Greensinger Initiate
6-Rashemi Elemental Summoning
9-Summon Elemental
Elemental Companion and Summon Elemental are feats from Complete Mage, described in these places- http://boards1.wizards.com/showpost.php?p=10325875&postcount=14
Stats for good measure:
Wis-21(From level ups)
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First Post
Ah, okay, this thing. I commend you on your choice of race.

I note that the PSH poster is wrong about Efreeti in the Fernius section - he forgets that A) they cannot benefit from their own "free" wishes, and B) efreeti wishes, by nature, tend to be twisted somehow when granted.

I previously stated that we aren't doing flaws, so fix that.

How are you Rashemi, Greensinger, and Ashbound all at once? At the very least you should see that Greensinger can't be combined with Ashbound, as Eb lists them as separate sects with decidedly different takes on the world.

For the complete mage feats, I'd like to see the strict rules text rather than someone's interpretation, as it's impossible to see nuance from a general "this feat lets you do blah" post. ;)
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First Post
Im confused, how is it that you can get a LA +0 race with outsider type, darkvision 60 ft, misc bonuses to skills, +2 natural armor and a unique racial ability that meshes incredibly well with sneak attack?

Comparing it to the planetouched races who are at LA +1 just doesnt look very fair.


First Post
*reads Neraphim entry*


*explodes into laughter*

Wizards, you've done it again! I used to be iffy on warforged being +0...but they at least have some semi-serious drawbacks too. Heee heee....


First Post
Question said:
Im confused, how is it that you can get a LA +0 race with outsider type, darkvision 60 ft, misc bonuses to skills, +2 natural armor and a unique racial ability that meshes incredibly well with sneak attack?

Comparing it to the planetouched races who are at LA +1 just doesnt look very fair.

Long story short, someone messed up when considering balance. That racial ability is really something, and probably more than makes up for the lack of racial stat mods and the fact that lots of people will want to kill you on sight. But as long as it is official, I suppose I'll allow it.

Unrelated to Neraphim, it seems that NS's new character will also have the fire subtype.
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