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The Back Room


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Magnus looked at the shifter with suspicion. Respect for his insights was a foreign thing to him and the dwarf seemed taken aback. Studying the cleric's face though his own expression finally dissolved into a broken toothed grin.

Hehehe. A desire for knowledge...very good.

The disheveled dwarf leaned in closer, speaking in a lower voice, his countenance having taken on a grimmer cast.

It's there...for anyone willing to see.
Kamotz smiles broadly. This is the first time anyone had expressed interest in tutoring him since the incident. The cleric of Death who bestowed Kamotz' title had been there, and given him "the choice". Kamotz didn't think it was much of a choice though...

He paused, grasping Kamotz hand. Magnus drew a spiral in the upturned palm, his finger leaving a trail of crimson. Closing the shifter's hand over his handiwork he locked eyes with the morbid cleric.

However...Her mysteries are not without cost. Can Death's grip be released so easily?

Magnus patted the closed had gently.

Ponder this...

With that he leaned back again chuckling to himself, as if nothing had occurred.


Fear not, you've been prestidigitated, the mark will soon fade. ><


[sblock=ooc] Clever freaking wizards, with Kamotz' huge -1 in arcana he has no idea, Ha. Check out the cheesy alliteration below, :lol:[/sblock]

Kamotz pulls his fist back in wonder. Both due to the odd spiral insignia emblazoned into his palm, and that the Dwarf so readily touched his furry hand.

When he opens his hand the insignia slowly fades, convincing Kamotz it has absorbed into his self.

He stares into his hand lost in thought, "something stronger than Death, a way to escape..." He shakes his mane out and comes back to the present.
I shall consider your words, Magnus.

Kamotz ponders madness, couldn't be much worse than loneliness, Magnus may shed some light on it soon. Or Kamotz muses, Magnus' madness may morph my mentality...
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Kamotz stirs from his introspection,

Morvannon I'm not sure if Reggie would like to be seen in public with us, or more importantly, if we should be seen in public with him.


Tristan considers Komatz's comments.

"I expect that having come here once, this will serve as a good as place as any for us to return, should we locate the ring. I'm sure that for a . . . nominal fee, the bartender will consent to keep messages for us, should you need to contact us during our investigation."

Then, his business with Reginald concluded for the moment, he addresses the group.

"Two immediate leads present themselves to me. If she was indeed planning to visit her family, we should investigate the docks and ask if anyone matching her description indeed boarded a boat.

Otherwise we may wish to contact the artist, and see if there was indeed some deeper connection there."


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Remember it has been twenty four days or so since Reginald last saw her, I agree with Tristan's assessment though, nothing seems better than those leads. If nothing presents itself, we shall simply visit her family. Reggie, did Gwen have friends in the area?

Kamotz listens to his response, and then looks to everyone.

I believe we are off to the the docks. Any opposed?

[sblock=OOC]Shall we drum up some conversation? It seems Seapainter is either busy, or having difficulties, which is understandable. It would be lovely to get to know your characters better, form bonds, build trust, et-cetera, et-cetera...[/sblock]
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[sblock=OOC]Sorry... the boards were down whenever I had the time to sit down and get us moved to the new thread. It should be ready & open for business in about 8 hours.

Oh yeah... when I looked up fortnight on wikipedia, it said it was about two weeks. That is still a H-E-"double hockey sticks" of a lead time... [/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC for SeaPainter] I figured you had issues due to the down time. No worries, it happens to everyone. Happy to see you back though! Thanks for DMing, I'm learning what it entails, so one day in the near (as PBP goes) future I can contribute to the community.

I confused it for a Score and 4. However it works out in the end because Kamotz isn't intelligent anyway... Not that I knew any better:lol:[/sblock]


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Reggie gives everyone an appraising look. "Yes, good. It seems that I have chosen well... yes, quite well... and you seem to be ready to be on your way. Just a couple more things before you go..." he reaches into his satchel, and pulls out two more wrapped parcels.

The first is smaller than a deck of cards, and he opens it to reveal several note-sized pieces of paper, and two small bottles of ink. "I'll expect reports on your progress," he begins to explain "with these." He counts out half the stack (10 sheets of note-sized parchment) and one of the vials, "When you have something to report, you just use that ink to write it on one of these," he holds up one of the pieces that he kept "and throw it into a non-magical fire... don't know why, but they were very specific... very clear on that point... the fire must be non-magical. After the paper burns, your message will appear on this piece... and I'll have to burn that before I can recieve another or try to reply."

He looks around at everyone again, and gives a nod before unwrapping the second parcel... a two-foot long shaft of purple crystal, with a paper band around its middle. He unrolls the paper band, reading the writing within. Confusion is plain across his face, and at several points he reads parts aloud to himself. He stands up, then breaks the top section of the shaft off... "hmphf...meh... touching to the head... hrn fhru... circle..." as he starts walking around the table, touching the broken piece to the head of each person seated there. After he finishes he goes into the corner, and crumbles the broken off piece into powder before sprinkling it around the room.

"There..." he says as he hands the remaining 20 inches of crystal off to the party. He looks down and reads off the crystal's instructions, "now this crystal has been attuned to the ring and the five of you..." he looks down and reads some more, while speaking "so now, once you five... have the ring in your... (squinting)... possession... yes, your possession... then you just shatter... umm... that section there... (points at 20 inch piece)... and you'll be teleported back here." He looks back from the paper. "I've booked a room upstairs, and I'll book this room as well. Now... that should be everything. I've hired a coachman, and he's waiting outside to take you whereever you need to go... and after he drops you off, he'll return here. Good Luck..."
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[sblock=OOC]Alrighty. Those items will allow you to have some contact with Reggie, and the crystal will get y'all back here when you're done.[/sblock]


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Serving staff finish clearing and cleaning, replacing the sawdust on the floor, filling the carafe and pitcher with drink, and placing a steaming plate of food on the table in the middle of the room.

Kamotz sits and waits for his pack, and the possible new members, to enter.

Sitting at one head of the table Kamotz leans back and begins reciting his healing and hurting prayers, making sure each syllable is full and no dialect alters the sacred words. Occasionally making a cross body motion with his hand and arm, as if reaping crops.

Voidrunner's Codex

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