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The Back Room

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Tristan follows along through the twisting conversation, remaining silent as the questions and answers flow around him. At length he leans forward.

"I believe I understand enough of the situation. A ring has gone missing, a ring that should not have been misplaced. We are to find the ring, and anything further will simply be at our discretion.

You are a man who does not pin his dreams on uncertain hopes when their are sadly pressing realities to confront first.

I believe I can help."

He draws the contract to him, and signs in a much more conventional manner.


First Post
No choice, no choice...You had no choice but come here...I understand this well, Magnus said this with something that might be akin to sympathy.

You shouldn't worry...it'll be a while yet before you sound like me. Hehehe.

With a twirl of his finger, one of the contracts slid across the table to him. He signed in script that swooped and whirled and spiraled in strange ways.

So then...what direction has this ring run off to?


History (1d20+4+2=23)



First Post
No choice, no choice...You had no choice but come here...I understand this well, Magnus said this with something that might be akin to sympathy.

You shouldn't worry...it'll be a while yet before you sound like me. Hehehe... So then...what direction has this ring run off to?
"Of her direction after dinner that night, I know not... we dined at a little... umm, 'cafe' I believe they call them down in 'The Commons'... a place called 'Stefan's', recommended to me by an Eladrin friend of mine..." he says, giving a nod to Tristan at that last bit, "... they had the most exquisite bread... most magnificent... I was truly suprised... possibly the best I've ever eaten... I really must try to make my way back there..."

He realizes he's been rambling, and pulls himself back to the present. "The cafe was across the street from the artist... I remember, we could smell that heavenly bread baking from across the street... got our appitites going smelling that..." his head cocks at an odd angle, as he seems to recall a detail, "you know, there was an elderly half-elven woman doing oil portraits on miniature canvases... but, Gwennie insisted on being portrayed in charcoal... anyway, after dinner I offered her the use of my... I mean, I offered to book her a coach... but she refused... wanted to stroll the waterfront before she retired for the evening... said she planned to wake early, to begin making arrangements to see her family..."
[sblock=Magnus]The Regal Crest of VonGravin!!! Don't you see, you doddering fool?!?

...Vashik? ...is that you? I thought you left? What have you done to Hekate?

Silence! It was the Thane of Bacarte, Earl Gareth VonGravin VI... I believe they're on the VIII now, or some such... but that was who commisioned the rings from Dorian.

Kay. Umm... Vashik? Is Hekate coming back, because she's much nicer to...

Silence, Worm!! Gah, how do you manage? Don't you see, if he wears the ring... then this whelp is of the royal line. [/sblock]

Tristan follows along through the twisting conversation, remaining silent as the questions and answers flow around him. At length he leans forward.

"I believe I understand enough of the situation. A ring has gone missing, a ring that should not have been misplaced. We are to find the ring, and anything further will simply be at our discretion.

You are a man who does not pin his dreams on uncertain hopes when their are sadly pressing realities to confront first.

I believe I can help."

He draws the contract to him, and signs in a much more conventional manner.
Reggie gives a relieved nod.
[sblock=Tristan]Its good to have you back...[/sblock]


First Post
Kamotz, busy scribbling about the others in the room, barely pays more attention than normal to Reggie, and by extension trusts everything the flustered man says.

Kamotz listens to the dialogue of Morvannon and Reggie, looking for further information. Morvannon's insightful words spark a memory for Kamotz. He glances at the ring on Reggie's hand and then the ring on The Lady's Hand. Doing a double take!
[sblock=Roll] Streetwise 15
Roll Lookup
Perception 18
Roll lookup[/sblock]

Kamotz sizes Reggie up, wondering as to his religious bend, and stares at the picture of the woman to glean the same about her.

[sblock=Roll] Religion 17 Roll lookup[/sblock]

I agree with Tristan, once you have answered Magnus' question of direction Reggie, I believe our company shall begin the search, so long as Morvannon has sated his curiosity. Say your last words... Until our return that is.

With that Kamotz dips the feather one last time and signs the contract, sprinkling bone-dust over the ink, before laying it in front of Reggie.

Then moving over to Mikara,
It seems you were ready to chase before we knew the quarry. May I put a salve over that nick, just to prevent infection, I'm sure one as heedless as yourself has suffered much worse though...

[sblock=yes]Kamotz gently dabs mystic salve over the scratch, helping to fend off infection. This offers him a split-second human touch. It is a rare and cherished moment for him. He stays near Mikara.[/sblock]
[sblock=no]Kamotz snorts loudly, Don't expect me to remove whatever foul disease rots your hand off, I shall simply tourniquet and amputate. Kamotz slinks back near Magnus mumbling.[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]You can choose whichever H.M. I will do my best to keep Mikara alive, and healthy, regardless.[/sblock]


First Post
Kamotz listens to the dialogue of Morvannon and Reggie, looking for further information. Morvannon's insightful words spark a memory for Kamotz. He glances at the ring on Reggie's hand and then the ring on The Lady's Hand. Doing a double take!
The ring catches Kamotz's eye, distracting him from his writing. He leans in to inspect it closer... seeing some type of heraldric crest on the ruby, he recognizes it as some form of signet ring. When he looks at the ring in the picture, it looks more like a large, light-colored gemstone (a diamond, perhaps) surrounded by many smaller, similar stones...

Kamotz sizes Reggie up, wondering as to his religious bend, and stares at the picture of the woman to glean the same about her.
There doesn't seem to be anything about either of them that would suggest a particular religon.


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Have we gotten her name, or her family name, or where her family is located yet Edit:just went searching, we don't.[/sblock]
Reggie, I notice you have yet to utter the lovely ladies name, may I inquire? Also where does her family, whom she was going to visit, reside?

[Sblock=roll] Diplomancy 14 Roll Lookup[/sblock]
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First Post
“Her name is… was… is… I called her Gwendolyn… F. Gwendolyn Winthrop is her name… family out of ‘The Isles’, I believe she said."

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