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RPM Pré Beta Discussion...


Excuse the Newbie But...


Now I am new here... so please forgive me if I mention something that has already been dealt with, or whatever... If I should be sending to my comments to Luke directly, email and let me know, and I shall...

I shall also include a copy of these comments in a text file attached to this message. Now, on to the knitty-gritty. . .

I assume that the Classes field in the Add Creatures - List Grid window will sooner or later have a drop down menu or generator to make a list of 'legal' level and class. Such as '2Ftr4,Clr5' to generate 2 fighters of level four, and one cleric of level five? Or say '3', so it would randomly generate classes which were all level three? So, what happens when you put in no class... Does it determine the classes randomly as well, or give me an error? Oh...hmm...generates them, but now I've crashed the programme and can't get it running again, just hangs after it opens. Let's reboot to see if that fixes the problem...Nope.

Had a problem where the Current Str and Con of a Hobgoblin I created had a Str of 11 and a Con of 13, however, their current ratings were at 31 and 33. Attempts to remove their current value and save them...or set their value to their base value, and save the record still reset the current stat back to 31 and 33 respectively. After deleting all the characters and starting over again, I wasn't able to duplicate the error.

Looking at the Creatures in Detail, and looking at their inventory... It would be nice if double clicking on the Item would go into the Item Details/Selected Item. Also, it would be nice if it went to the item you had selected with the arrow, and not just the first item on the list.

Perhaps a Right Click with not only Item Details and Magic Effects, but also Add Item and Delete Item would be a nice feature in here as well. Also, being able to use the DEL key to delete the highlighted Item/Record would be a good idea too. Perhaps Insert can be used to add an Item/Record. Also, maybe even a 'Regenerate Items' so if your aren't happy with the items first listed, you can have it regenerated.

Now, I'm not certain if you randomly determine inventory, giving the generated creatures armour and weapons, but I was thinking...What would be a nice feature is when you are generation creatures/encounters, that you can specify that each member of the group has all a particular weapon, or a particular armour.

Also, I don't know how you generate the inventory, and the percentage chance of obtainment. But I was also thinking that you might also want to be able to build 'availability tables'. So you can specify that this group would have only a 5% chance of having long swords, or only a 10% chance of studded leather, and 50% of having hide. Then you can save these availability tables, listed by say...race and location. Elves in this geographical area would have this table, where Elves in this region would have this table.

I know it would be a lot of work for determining random chances of possession of armour and weapons. But I think it would be very useful for DMs who can make up availability tables for all their various regions and races, so they don't have to edit and change each encounter creature by hand. I know from just looking at the random generated Hobgoblins I made to test out to the system...I wouldn't have them have access to what I consider weapons and armour that would be only available to what I consider to be civilized races in my gaming world, such as long swords and studded leather armour.

I keep running in bugs and flaws, but I never am able to duplicate the exact problem twice. However, this was wasn't so lucky... I noticed that once you click on Add to Players, and Add to Opponents that is removes all the previous members in either Player Group or Opponent Group, depending on whichever button you press. Add to Players removes all the existing members from the Opponent Group...and vice versa. I hope this level of detail is something you don't mind...because if it is, just let me know...and I'll keep my opinions and comments down to just the aesthetics and the feel of the workings and not include bug comments or wishful thoughts on improvements, upgrades and new features.

Another thing I wouldn't mind seeing, are hot-keys for such things as arrow-keys for moving around the list of creatures, or using Shift/Ctrl in conjunction with the arrow-keys for selecting creatures in the list for deletions or whatever. I noticed that the arrow-keys work in the list of races in the filter for when your adding creatures for the generator. But perhaps it would be nice to be able to say hit E when your looking at the list of Races, and it takes you down to E's... Alphabetic Index Jumping Hotkeys. Though I do like the idea of the Filter though...

Now, looking at the Execute Action form/window I amwondering why in the Targets field I have listed: "(4) Hobgoblin (3), Hobgoblin (4), Hobgob" I assume it gets cut off for a reason? Also, I'm wondering, does (4) Hobgoblin (3) mean anything? But I do love the Expression Tab. Are we going to be able to alter/change the code for Expressions later if need be?

I guess there isn't any method to remove Game Log entries/records right there and then, using say the Delete key, or a Right-Click delete eh? I think it would be useful, in case you've made a mistake, or there is something you don't want to save into the log permanently. Oh, a suggestion, on the Game Log, when you display Succeeded or Failed, you might want to make them into Bold, or perhaps even Green or Red text/font. Just so they stand out a little more for quick viewing. The same for damage, red for normal hitpoint damage, pink for subdual damage. Or underlined...whatever you think looks best. Also, I think I should mention here when you look back in the Game Log of the combat that you dind't include what type of attack it was be it slashing, piercing, blunt, whatever. Nor do you mention if the attack was critical or not. The only indication is the fact that you list two suffers damage amounts. I think, for people who are going to run thorugh the combat quickly, then describe the combat to the players they are probably going to use the Game Log for this. So, it would be good to mention what type of attack it was, and if the attack was critical or not. Perhaps a 'verbose' mode might be good for this. So you can configure the game log to list things like Criticals, Subdual/Normal Damage, and Highlighting of things like Success/Failure of attacks if wanted.

Now, when selecting the weapon, on the first round attack after targetting one of the opponents, I get a programme error: "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window. To protect the integrity of the database, It's recommended to quit not!" This seems to only happen when I have the Execute Action window docked to the main form/window.

As for your comment about considering an "Auto" combat/action button. I think that would be an interesting thing to see, and useful, and most likely wanted by users.

I noticed when a character/creature misses on his attack you have to hit the Current Creature Done button twice.

Like people mentioned before, a 'snap to' feature wouldn't be a bad idea. Something you can turn off and on though. Also, perhaps a way to 'lock' it so that the grid lines always remain on a 5 foot increment, so they don't auto-adjust themselves. I found when I wanted to zoom in, and look at the combat between two creatures, it would adjust so that my X-axis was 5-foot, but the Y-axis went to a 2-foot. I found it a little hard to read.


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Re: Excuse the Newbie But...

Imagicka said:
If I should be sending to my comments to Luke directly, email and let me know, and I shall...
E-mail is easier for me to track, but you've included a text file, so fine.
I guess the question/response for items like this do mean a LOT of detail where people normally like to flick through messages. I've had a few people tell me they enjoy reading through these. Probably gives some people an idea on what goes on with a typical user/developer interaction.

Adding Creatures via List Grid:
- You'll see that there is an empty drop-down. I have this as a lower priority in case you forget class abbreviations.

- The level without class (to be randomly selected) is an interesting idea (not without issues).
- If no class(es) are specified, you simply get the race levels as per Monster manual. Your crash is surprising. I'll see if I can replicate it.
- HobGoblin ratings of 31 &33: Do you mean these are the Str & Con modifiers. A couple of testers mentioned this, and I couldn't reproduce. Assumed it was on a previous release. Will try some more. There is always the "ReCalculate (full)" option to fix anything like this.
- Individual equipment for group: I'll have my eye on this post release 1. The idea of adding by "List Grid" is to get you encounter groups *very* quickly. At some point of individual tweaking you're talking more the "Text/Jamis" form of entry, where you can list a whole bunch of creatures out with their full set of choices for skills, feats and classes.
What I could do is *copy* your List Grid info into the Text/Jamis import window, and let you hand-edit the results, before actually creating the creatures.
I can see that ultimately the Text/Jamis window itself would grow to have nice lists on a per creature basis. Then again, you reach a point where you select feats based on what you don't already have from your race and class features, so you may as well left it simple -> generate the simple list, then go hand-tune!
Different people will have different expectations on how much hand-tinkering is enough before doing the actual "create creatures".

Creature Details
- Double click for item "Details": There is a handy "Details" button, but I take your point that you do save some mouse movement between clicks ;) Like-wise for current item.
- Use of "DEL" key to delete records: Feel a bit uneasy about this one. Do it in one place, and I have to do it everywhere...
- Item Regeneration: This would wait on the "Generators" capability (see my website news). I don't know if you realize it, but automatically assigned equipment is as designated by the race and class. It's not about random generation.

Generating Encounters
- Adding to the Player or Opponent Group removed others: I think you'll find that the "others" were old data that had since being deleted, or that you were in fact (more likely) moving creatures between the two groups (ie. swapping sides).

Generic User Interface
Implement key-search in list grids: I am planning on this. Whilst Filter is great for doing detailed querying, a quick name search is often the most needed.

In-Game Actions
- Target list looks funny: Yes, there is a chopping of of space problem. The first number is the number of targets in the list. I should probably use square brackets to help distinguish it from other bracketed numbers. It's not really an issue, and you can alwayd flick to the "Targets" tab to see (or change) the targets.

-Is the Expression tag changeable? : Definitely!! You can change the way any skill, action, feat, item, spell etc etc works (not there though!). This is key to RPM being an open and extendable OGL/D20/D&D system. You can change the core rules if you want.

- Game Log features: It's fairly simplistic at the moment. I have plans to take that game log and optionally throw it into the Calendar/Planner in the long term. It'll give you the chance to browse your diary and pull out the exact details of anything you like. I've always thought that there should be a computer aid capable of keeping the full player history. Level of detail (such as amount of critical damage) is a future finesse.

- Narrating to players from Game Log: Like this idea! Also, using the type of damage (slashing etc) would help narration. I was going to say that you get that in the popup damage box anyway, but I plan on a "Full Auto" mode where you can whiz through combat (your choice - I wouldn't personally) without bothering about manual dice rolls, or reviewing windows. In such cases, the GameLog would just fill out with the detail. *Very* quick gaming.

- "Cannot focus" error: I'm beginning to wonder if your using an old release update, but I'll double-check it.

- Have to hit button twice when attack missed: Will look into it.

- "Snap-To" feature: Well, the computer gives you the automatic distance calculations that mean you don't need to restrict yourself to the artificial 5' square, but an option wouldn't hurt. I'll see how well the 5' grid can be locked down on the BattleMap component.

Handy Feedback! At least most of these should make it into the beta/realease1.



RPM Feedback


Since you mentioned that people like to read these things... I'll include both a copy here and to your email, since I started writing it to you in email...

Well, your welcome... I'm more than happy to send you info and feedback on your programme.
If you hadn't coded this thing... I know I would have. I was starting to look into programming a VisualBasic programme for d20/OGL. I was talking with a friend who is a gamer and programmer as well, who uses the d20 system of SpyCraft. We were starting to snowball ideas on how we would design a system that we use primarily for D&D 3rd Ed. but then later use it to build plug-in modules so we would have something we can use for any of our d20 game systems. But you've definately beat me to it.

Oh, I thought of something reading your reply. Narrating to players from the Game Log. Here's an idea... You might even want to have a 'Verbose' mode that would randomly generate messages from an expandable pool of descriptions. The roll/game text would still be black on white...and if you've considered it, your 'Success' or 'Failure' message is green or red, with the damage being in bold.

But based on the severity of success or failure in a combat situation. You generate a sort narative in blue:
[Name] swings|slices|thrusts his [weapon] at [target], nearly|barely/successfully/decisively hitting|connecting|damaging him/her/it... etc...
So, you might have something like:
Hobgoblin (3) swings his longsword at Elf (3), just barely successfully hitting him. Elf (3) receives a glancing blow from the slicing weapon.

A friend of mine just for a lark once wrote a pool of adverbs, nouns, verbs and adjectives and used them in a combat simulator, which would just randomly generate messages. It was surprisingly successful and diverse, and entertaining. So, you would need a collection of Verbs for Slashing/Piercing/Blunt weapons, perhaps for even entangling... a list of adjectives for amount of success or failure of attack.

It might be something cute to add in there at a later date for lazy DMs who can't think of colourful narrative of action in combat. It might also be good for generating messages for fumbles and criticals...


First Post
I produced a similar feature for a GURPS GM Helper, you need suprisingly few adjectives to make the system work. However you gain a lot if you can alter the order of the sentance as well!

(Attacker) aims a (type of hit) with (pronoun)(Weapon)which (decisiveness)(Victim)

Fred aims a slashing blow with his longsword which slices into George

(Victim) receives (Decisiveness) as (Attacker) (Possesive)(Weapon)(Type of hit) into (pronoun)

George receives a powerful blow as Fred's Longsword slashes into him

I had the added fun of critical hit location, (slicing into his left arm crippling it)

If you add enough variation to this, you can add it into the campaign diary with very little editing.


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