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Recruitment Closed 3.5 D&D - Storms of Change


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The Kingdom of Shillen has been a shining beacon of law and good, where people of all races lived in safety and peace for centuries. But Shillen is under attack. For the past few decades, the militaristic kingdoms of Goruka to the north and Pachen to the east have been mounting invasions, slowly wearing down Shillen's defenses.

In the north of Shillen is the Duchy of Rogan. Between the Duchy of Rogan and the Kingdom of Goruka is a stretch of wild hills and forest, servering as a buffer zone between the two kingdoms. Armies of Goruka are massing on the borders. An invasion is imminent.

On the northern border of the Duchy of Rogan is the border keep of Carodan. Warden Ricsten, the commander of the garrison at Carodan, has been calling for mercenaries and adventurers of all sorts, sending them on various scouting and patrol missions. You've come to the Warden's offices, hoping to contribute to the defense of your duchy and kingdom, and drawn by the possibilities of adventure and rewards.

* * *

Restarting a pbp game that's lost players over time. You'll be joining Manzanita, who plays Manzanita Sparrow, a Level 2 Grey Elf Wizard.

Old players who have dropped out (you know who you are) are welcome to come back.

Character Creation Rules:
- 3.5 D&D.
- 32 point buy.
- WotC Core Books. Other stuff is probably ok, but ask first!
- Characters start at Level 2 with 1,100 experience points.
- Starting Gold: 900
- Max hp at first level, 75% hp each additional level.
- PHB deities
- Homebrew world

I'm taking three new characters, as well as any old character who may want to come back. We'll have a minimum of four players, possibly more.

This is not first come, first served. I'll look at the first six character concepts, and choose three. You don't have to stat out your character, just give me a rough idea of what kind of character you want to play. Characters will be chosen based on character concept and how well they fit with the party.
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Nac Mac Feegle

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Ooh, I finally check the boards at the right time to join a game.

I'd love in. Give me a day or so and I'll have a few character concepts for consideration.
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I never get in on time for these things. Sign me up please!

Character concept follows...

He's a prize fighter (or gladiator if you have such things). The character had a nasty boss who sent him into all sorts of fights, often betting against him because the boss didn't think his little runt would win. But my character won, and in time got up the courage to leave his loathsome boss. The problem, of course, is that his boss is a well known figure in the underworld and now had a vendetta against my character. So he has to maintain a low profile, and has few people he can trust. I figure he's probably in a big city, with nowhere to turn and no one to help him. Maybe he's originally from somewhere else - or even an escaped slave (if your world has slavery). He could even be from another kingdom, and came to Shillen to escape his situation.

In game terms, I would like to use the Monk class as a base, since that's the closest to what he would be in terms of skill sets and such, but he's probably not an actual monk per se, unless your world would have monks who would also be prize fighters/gladiators. He'd be Human, and would specialize in close combat moves.

(Some of this might not work in your homebrew, so let me know and I can adjust).
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silentspace said:
In the north of Shillen is the Duchy of Rogan. Between the Duchy of Rogan and the Kingdom of Goruka is a stretch of wild hills and forest, servering as a buffer zone between the two kingdoms...

Sounds like a ranger would fit in fairly well in this area.

Ok, lets see, Human Ranger...

First, what kinds of monster-type creatures are common in this area, so I can decide on a favored enemy.

Second, I'm thinking of a more martial version of the ranger than the standard core class, sort of like a military scout as opposed to a hunter-type. With that in mind, how would you feel about altering the core class slightly? Instead of the standard two-weapon or archery combat style progressions, I'd like to use an idea I stole from another post (I'll call it the martial combat style).

At 2nd level, he gets Power Attack (instead of Rapid Shot or Two-Weapon Fighting);
At 6th level he gets Cleave (instead of Manyshot or Improved TWF);
At 11th level Great Cleave (instead of Precise Shot or Greater TWF);

If that's no good, I'll just go the TWF route.

As far as background, he knows and lives the forests and hills between Rogan and Goruka, either retained or employed as needed by Warden Ricsten as a scout/spy against the vile Gorukans.

Of course, this is all provided I make the team...

Nac Mac Feegle

First Post
Okay, I've worked out a character concept. I'm thinking of sword and board fighter with improved shield bash, twf, phalanx fighting (from CW, will explain it if you don't have that book) and endurance. I'm seeing him as a sort of Roman Legion style fighter. Where would he be from in this world?

Isida Kep'Tukari

I have interest in playing a gnome cleric of Garl Glittergold. While a curious and jocular fellow, he's also seen enough of the consequences of life to have a good dose of caution. He considers himself to be the protector of tricksters (though he's not above doing some tricking himself), and is happy both to learn and teach new ways of befuddling people.

He would take the Protection and Trickery domains, and make use of his Disguise skill and disguise self spell to appear just a little bit different each day. His name will be Zook "Threetongues" Ningle.
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I would like to throw my hat in as well...

My concept is a novice member of a prestigious order of Eldritch Knights. (not the prestige class though). He would probably be a Paladin/Sorceror.

I will come up with a history/name etc..in a bit.


First Post
We have 5 candidates so far, with room for one more, before I make my selections.

* Insight - Shillen frowns on Gladiatorial blood games, but it does have lots of non-lethal athletic competitions. Making your character from Goruka would work though. They have death matches there, and trial-by-combat, and slavery. We can work something out.

* Sado - Ranger is good, and your alternate feat progression looks good too. The scout/spy working for Warden Ricsten works great.

* Nac Mac Feegle - Legionnaire concept is good. He can easily be from anywhere. Shillen is full of armies and troops. They've been invaded every 2-5 years for the past few decades, and soldiers of all kinds are everywhere.

* Isida Kep'Tukari - Sounds like a very fun character. While most gnomes in Shillen mix freely with other people, Rowyn, the gnome bard, comes from a relatively isolated gnomish settlement. There is also a wealthy, somewhat secretive gnomish enclave of inventors and alchemists in the south of Shillen called Sycamore Falls.

* hero4hire - Sounds good. Once you give me a little more info, I'll help you flesh out this order. We'll need to come up with a name other than Eldritch Knights though, just to avoid confusion :)


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Hey - glad to see this one still alive. Silentspace is an outstanding DM. His world is deep and rich - you'll need to take notes as we go. He also has great maps and plenty of nice touches to add humor and depth. (who can forget the instruction book for new minions of Hextor. I wish I'd marked the post; a complete crack-up!)

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