Level Up (A5E) (+) Project Chronicle: Class Conceits and Narrative Role


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Coldrage Barbarian, Berserker Subclass:

Coldrage Barbarian, Berserker Subclass​

Cold Rage​

Your rage is a quiet seething rather than an explosive anger. Anyone trying to ascertain whether you are in a rage must make an Insight Check with a DC of 10+Proficiency Bonus+Cha. On a failure they do not realize you are raging. In addition, while raging you gain a bonus to intimidation checks equal to the amount of temporary hit points you gain from your Rage each round.

Furious Strike​

At 3rd level you can pour all of your rage into a single attack. When you make a successful attack action while raging but do not deal a critical hit, you may choose to end your Rage immediately and instead treat the attack as if you rolled a natural 20 and critically hit your target.

Steely Demeanor​

At 6th level your control over your emotions expends to mental compulsion. You become immune to Fear effects and gain advantage to saving throws against Charm and Domination effects.

Controlled Fury​

At 10th level your control over the fire in your heart grows even more precise. You gain the ability to extend your rage. During a rage you can choose to suppress your rage as a bonus action. Doing so ends the effects of raging on you, but preserves the remainder of your rage. At any time after that, before taking a short or long rest, you may choose to unleash your rage as a reaction. You may use this reaction on your turn, or in response to a successful attack against you. Doing so restores the benefits of your rage for the remainder of the rage's duration.

You may only use this ability once per rage.

Dominance of Fury​

At 13th level your Controlled Fury and Furious Strike benefits change slightly. Instead of ending your Rage to gain the benefit of Furious Strike you may instead activate your Controlled Fury to gain the Furious Strike benefit.

Once you have done so, you cannot benefit from Furious Strike, again, during the same Rage.
Thoughts and Feelings?

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Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Coldrage Barbarian, Berserker Subclass:

Thoughts and Feelings?
Cold Rage: Great but maybe little too complex for a minor effect.

- Just give other creature Disadvantage to all check made to read the emotions of the Berserker (like a Cloak of Elvenkind for emotional perception).

- While you still have THP from your Rage feature, you have Advantage on all Intimidation and Persuasion check and your mind cant be read by divination spells or other features.

Furious Strike: Do the L-U Berserker has unlimited Rage per day at higher level? If so, you may want to add a maximum number of use per day, because at higher level the Berserker will be able to crit of every hit. Otherwise pretty good.

Steely Demeanor: I think Dominate isnt an effect in 5e, they just use Charmed with extra effect, so just being resistant to Charmed will prevent your Berserker being dominated anyway. Solid feature.

Controlled Fury: Need to reword it to make it more clear in intent, but it is pretty good.

The capstone feature feels kinda weak, it could just be an addendum to controlled fury at higher level.

maybe something with a little more punch? Maybe something like the Zealot capstone?


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Simple disadvantage could work on Cold Rage. And making it just grant advantage while raging (Temp HP or not) could be an effective option, too. Though I might make it Intimidation and Deception rather than Persuasion. Or perhaps "You may always use your Strength Bonus when you make an Intimidation or Deception check." sort of Challenging them to call you on your lies. Could be fun!

As to unlimited Rages: We do not currently know. But we could put an absolute limit of 6 times per day on it, since that's the highest number of rages a regular Barbarian gets.

The thought behind the Capstone was removing the full Rage Cost of Furious Strike. Instead it costs you time, a bonus action, and a reaction.

But I am absolutely open to suggestion.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!

Cold Rage​

Your rage is a quiet seething rather than an explosive anger. Any character using Insight against you rolls with disadvantage. In addition, you gain advantage to Deception and Intimidation checks while raging.

Steely Demeanor​

At 6th level your control over your emotions expends to mental compulsion. You become immune to Fear effects and gain advantage to saving throws against Charm effects.
as well as

Controlled Fury​

At 10th level your control over the fire in your heart grows even more precise. As a bonus action you may choose to suppress your rage. When you do so, mark down how many rounds of rage you have left before your current rage would normally end. At any time on your turn, or when you are struck by an attack, you may expend a reaction to resume your rage, gaining all normal benefits for the remainder of your rage's duration.

You may only use this ability once per rage.
Have been rewritten. That work a bit better, @vincegetorix?

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix

as well as

Have been rewritten. That work a bit better, @vincegetorix?
splendid work.

I just noticed: I'd have to go back to the playtest, but if the Berserker both gain unlimited rage at higher level and Persistent Rage, let's assume that at higher level, the Berserker will always be raging, making Controlled Fury useless at higher level.

I'd try to find another feature instead.

Maybe some kind of Enthrall feature while raging?

If you Rage for at least 1 minute, you to inspire wonder in your audience. After a minute, choose a number of humanoids within 60 feet of you who watched and listened to all of it, up to a number equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one). Each target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against a DC of 8+PB+STR or be charmed by you. While charmed in this way, the target idolizes you, it speaks glowingly of you to anyone who talks to it, and it hinders anyone who opposes you, although it avoids violence unless it was already inclined to fight on your behalf. This effect ends on a target after 1 hour, if it takes any damage, if you attack it, or if it witnesses you attacking or damaging any of its allies.

If a target succeeds on its saving throw, the target has no hint that you tried to charm it and is immune to further attempts for 24 hours.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest. ''
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A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
splendid work.

I just noticed: I'd have to go back to the playtest, but if the Berserker both gain unlimited rage at higher level and Persistent Rage, let's assume that at higher level, the Berserker will always be raging, making Controlled Fury useless at higher level.

I'd try to find another feature instead.

Maybe some kind of Enthrall feature while raging?

If you Rage for at least 1 minute, you to inspire wonder in your audience. After a minute, choose a number of humanoids within 60 feet of you who watched and listened to all of it, up to a number equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one). Each target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against a DC of 8+PB+STR or be charmed by you. While charmed in this way, the target idolizes you, it speaks glowingly of you to anyone who talks to it, and it hinders anyone who opposes you, although it avoids violence unless it was already inclined to fight on your behalf. This effect ends on a target after 1 hour, if it takes any damage, if you attack it, or if it witnesses you attacking or damaging any of its allies.

If a target succeeds on its saving throw, the target has no hint that you tried to charm it and is immune to further attempts for 24 hours.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest. ''
5e's Persistent Rage will not be in LevelUp, and also does not work like that.

In 5e, Rage ends if you don't do something violent on your turn. Persistent Rage at 15 removes that stipulation. So it lasts the full duration unless you end it or someone else does.

LevelUp/A5e Rage only ends when you choose to end it or 1 minute, or someone else ends it for you.

So Persistent Rage won't be a class feature. And I don't see them doing an "Endless Rage" Feature to replace it.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
OH. OH. I just thought of an AMAZING Ribbon for Chronicler Bards and Wizards:
Consummate Explorer
As a Chronicler you gain proficiency in the Survival Skill. In addition, you may gain the full benefit from a Long Rest while camped outside of a haven.
In LevelUp/A5e you can only gain the benefits of a Long Rest while in an inn or other location where you don't have to keep watch. Certain spells and class features (Like Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion or some Ranger ability that allows them to watch over their allies who can then get in a long rest). But this would give Chroniclers that uncanny ability so many soldiers and travelers envy: The ability to sleep anywhere at any time.

Meaning they'll be able to get rid of Strife and Fatigue while on the road!

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
5e's Persistent Rage will not be in LevelUp, and also does not work like that.

In 5e, Rage ends if you don't do something violent on your turn. Persistent Rage at 15 removes that stipulation. So it lasts the full duration unless you end it or someone else does.

LevelUp/A5e Rage only ends when you choose to end it or 1 minute, or someone else ends it for you.

So Persistent Rage won't be a class feature. And I don't see them doing an "Endless Rage" Feature to replace it.
Then maybe add a clause to allow maintaining Rage for a longer time without the need of physical violence at a lower level? If the idea is to have the Berserker rage outside of combat for improved social skills, having it end after one round because you did not attack is sad.

In my mind, I can see a courtier making an passionate speech to convince lazy nobles to raise an army to meet a threat to the common folk, using their cold rage to fuel is fiery speech. It would be kinda sad that the passionate speech ends after 1 round if the courtier did not punch a random dude in the crowd. :p

(This make's me think that the Advantage of Cold Fury should be extended to Perform and Persuasion also)

What if Steely Demeanor extend the duration of Rage to X in exchange of the THP and other non-social bonuses(?). Like you could downgrade your rage to only keep the effect of Cold Fury, but for a longer time.

If not, I think it would be better if you could just pause your rage until your next short rest, and have it back as a reaction at X conditions, but without the need to calculate the number and remember of rounds remaining (which I think is too much book keeping).

Or maybe, just activate Rage as a Reaction and gain a reroll when you are damaged, gain Strife or Fatigue, or you failed an ability check. Simple and Useful.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Then maybe add a clause to allow maintaining Rage for a longer time without the need of physical violence at a lower level? If the idea is to have the Berserker rage outside of combat for improved social skills, having it end after one round because you did not attack is sad.

In my mind, I can see a courtier making an passionate speech to convince lazy nobles to raise an army to meet a threat to the common folk, using their cold rage to fuel is fiery speech. It would be kinda sad that the passionate speech ends after 1 round if the courtier did not punch a random dude in the crowd. :p

(This make's me think that the Advantage of Cold Fury should be extended to Perform and Persuasion also)

What if Steely Demeanor extend the duration of Rage to X in exchange of the THP and other non-social bonuses(?). Like you could downgrade your rage to only keep the effect of Cold Fury, but for a longer time.

If not, I think it would be better if you could just pause your rage until your next short rest, and have it back as a reaction at X conditions, but without the need to calculate the number and remember of rounds remaining (which I think is too much book keeping).

Or maybe, just activate Rage as a Reaction and gain a reroll when you are damaged, gain Strife or Fatigue, or you failed an ability check. Simple and Useful.
Vince, that's -part- of LevelUp/A5e's Rage. Like... Baseline.
In battle, you give yourself over to the fury within. Starting at 1st level, on your turn you can use a bonus action to enter a rage. While raging, you gain the following benefits:

• You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
• Every round that you remain in rage, at the start of your turn you gain a number of temporary hit points that increases as you gain levels as a berserker, as shown in the Rage Hit Points column of the Berserker table. Unlike normal temporary hit points, these temporary hit points stack each round until your rage ends.
• You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
• If you are able to cast spells, you can’t cast them or concentrate on them while raging.

Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious. You can also end your rage on your turn as a bonus action. Once you have raged the number of times shown for your berserker level in the Rages column of the Berserker table, you must finish a long rest before you can rage again.
There's no need to make Continuing to Rage without violence something specific to the Coldrage Barbarian.

Hmmm... Maybe instead of having Advantage to Social Skills while raging we could give them the ability to -always- use their Strength Score when using Deception/Intimidation/Persuasion?

As to "Too much bookkeeping" I just can't figure out a way to give them the ability to Pause their rage without either:

1) Bookkeeping
2) Giving them extra rages per day

The former seems preferable to the latter.

Anywho, here's the Bard and Wizard Chroniclers!

Chronicler, Bard Subclass​

Consummate Explorer​

As a Chronicler you gain Proficiency in the Survival Skill. In addition, you may gain the full benefit from a Long Rest while camped outside of a Haven. This feature allows a Chronicler to remove Fatigue and Strife while taking a long rest anywhere.


In your study of occult lore, you have unearthed invocations, fragments of forbidden knowledge that imbue you with an abiding magical ability. You may choose any invocation from the Warlock Class list that you would otherwise qualify for.

For example, unless you have the Eldritch Blast class feature from another source you cannot take the Agonizing Blast invocation.

You gain an additional invocation of your choice at 10th and 14th levels.

Chronicle of Combat​

At 6th level you may choose between two Combat Chronicles.

1) Chronicle of the Warrior: You may attack Twice instead of Once when you take the attack action on your turn, and may select future Invocations as if you have the Pact of the Blade class feature. 2) Chronicle of the Mage: You gain the ability to apply Eldritch Invocations to your Cantrips, and count as having an Eldritch Blast of your choice for the purpose of gaining Invocations. You gain one such Eldritch Invocation immediately.

Flexible Knowledge​

At 10th level you expand your occult knowledge, which grants you an additional invocation of your choice alongside your Invocations feature. This additional Invocation may not have a Level Requirement above 5th level.

Final Invocation.​

At 14th level you expand your occult knowledge, which grants you an additional invocation of your choice alongside your Invocations feature. This additional Invocation may not have a Level Requirement above 7th level.

Chronicler, Wizard Subclass​

Consummate Explorer​

As a Chronicler you gain Proficiency in the Survival Skill. In addition, you may gain the full benefit from a Long Rest while camped outside of a Haven. This feature allows a Chronicler to remove Fatigue and Strife while taking a long rest anywhere.


In your study of occult lore, you have unearthed invocations, fragments of forbidden knowledge that imbue you with an abiding magical ability. You may choose any invocation from the Warlock Class list that you would otherwise qualify for.

For example, unless you have the Eldritch Blast class feature from another source you cannot take the Agonizing Blast invocation.

You gain an additional invocation of your choice at 6th, 10th, and 14th levels.

Adventuring Chronicler​

At 6th level you become quite adept at using minor magical effects to make your way around the world, such as magically opening a door or propelling yourself through the air mid-jump. You may always choose to use your Intelligence Modifier for Athletics and Acrobatics checks.

Flexible Knowledge​

At 10th level you expand your occult knowledge, which grants you an additional invocation of your choice alongside your Invocations feature. This additional Invocation may not have a Level Requirement above 7th level.

Final Invocation.​

At 14th level you expand your occult knowledge, which grants you an additional invocation of your choice alongside your Invocations feature. This additional Invocation may not have a Level Requirement above 9th level.
The Bard gets a stronger level 6 ability than the more Flexible Wizard, while the Wizard gets stronger invocations at 10 and 14.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Vince, that's -part- of LevelUp/A5e's Rage. Like... Baseline.
ooohhhhhh. Ok then.

Hmmm... Maybe instead of having Advantage to Social Skills while raging we could give them the ability to -always- use their Strength Score when using Deception/Intimidation/Persuasion?
Yep. Simple and useful. That's great. While raging, or like baseline, no need to be raging?
In my version of the Barbarian for 5e, I give them a social features that allows them to replace CHA rolls with their STR score, if the rolls is lower. That could also be an option, but yours sounds more ''Level-up-y''.

As to "Too much bookkeeping" I just can't figure out a way to give them the ability to Pause their rage without either:

1) Bookkeeping
2) Giving them extra rages per day

Maybe spending Exertion to regain uses of Rage, and vice versa? You could have a Berserker that rages less but use more calculated maneuvers, or screws maneuvers and tactics and rages A LOT.

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