• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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James Jacobs

kenmarable said:
If it is primarily a layout/art direction, I think people would be pretty happy with just saving the Word doc with the basic content into a PDF and there ya go (you guys are Mac based if I recall, so I know for a fact that any PC there can dump the text into a PDF). :) I don't want to speak for everyone, but personally I think plain black text on a white page without graphics and such is better than not having them at all. As much as I love Paizo's art direction, it's the content that I really need.

Just throwing that out there...

The web enhancements have very little text, though; it's mostly art and maps, and that requires InDesign to build. That's not a program I or any of the other editors really know how to use, nor is it a program we have on our computers (we have a pared-down version called InCopy that we use to fix the words in a document; but this doesn't let us manipulate images). The part of the process that involves us editors is the captions, the artist/cartographer credits, the labels, and the list of what images go where. That's the part that's done for these last few art/map supplements, and that's the part that requires an art director to handle.

ANYway... that said, I did have a talk with some Key Paizo Folk here to see if we can't get these taken care of once and for all... even if that DOES mean finally cutting them loose since our license to produce the magazines is long gone.

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Voidrunner's Codex

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