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Path of Enlightenment: Chapter 2

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I aim to misbehave
Kaoru, 'Monk' (Sorceror 3)

Kaoru knew that the course was set, so the young monk simply waited for the answers.

Voda Vosa

First Post
As the ship approached the island, the sailors took their places for the docking manoeuvres. It was dark now, and only the dim light of the moon, and the green flashes from the water creatures that were disturbed by the sailing ship lighten the scene. Soon, however, several torches were lit.
At the dancing lights of the torches, the ship docked on Tiger's rest port.
Our heroes spent the night at the local tavern, eating and drinking, and resting their souls from the sea.
At the table for dinner were the monk, the alchemist, the soldier, the gifted brother, the lucky brother, the calculatory brother, the master and the captain.
"We'll split in two groups." said Master Jien, drawing on a piece of scroll. "You'll go one way, the captain, the sailors and I will travel to this other mountain. The creature inhabits both mountains, somehow transporting from one place to another in no time. We must be synchronized if we wish to defeat our foe. If one of the groups manage to put the fiend on the run, the other group will meet it when it escapes, and most likely kill it of once and for all." Jien looks at each of you "What do you think?"

OOC: Changing speak colour for Jien, since Koryo already has orange.


First Post
Leng quickly answers, Sounds like a good plan master. But I wander how we will attack at the same time? It's not like those fancy sandwatches are usefull at something other than looking at the stars. I know, maybe we can travel in the night an attack at dawn, or it can be the other way around. What do you all think? He finishes the question very excited, like a child with a lollipop.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"A fine idea my student. There will be no better time to strike a fiend like that than the raise of the sun, victorious over darkness." said the master, encouraging his son.
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I aim to misbehave
Kaoru, 'Monk' (Sorceror 3)

Kaoru was happy to abide by whatever decisions the more tactical of his brothers and companions would decide. Regardless, he was simply happy to have solid ground under his feet and days of just travel rather than training from sun-up to sundown.


Shen looked at his master and brothers, "I do not like splitting the group Master. Should we not be a full strength to fight a demon?" Shen pauses for a moment, "I do admit, I do not know another way to be in two places at once."

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Yes my son, what you mention has concerned my mind greatly in the passed days, as we sailed to Tiger's rest. I have been unable to conceive another plan that allows us to be in two places at the same time. I think the splitting will be most suitable: First your group is more powerful, consisting on all of you, heroes of Singing Spring. You'll penetrate the main dwelling of the beast, and attack it where he is stronger, hence your group is necessarily more powerful than the other group, consisting of I, and both captains, along with the sailors. We'll battle the fiend in his hideout, and it'll probably be wounded and weakened when it retreats to our position." Says Jien "That is what I have thought. Perhaps one of you could give us more insight in this matter."


Ban Lu

"I suppose we could have quested for some potent magic to allow us follow the demon in its retreat, but barring that I see no way to be be in more than one place. We can but do our best to weaken the demon so badly that it will present little challenge to the second group. A dawn strike feels like the best strategy to me. We have learned much during our voyage and should do well."

Voidrunner's Codex

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