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[OT - SW] Official Episode 2 Opening Week Boycott Thread

Ragnar Rocker

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I'm thinking AOTC will be great fun. I thought TPM was cool overall, just that the dialogue was weak. Jar Jar, well, whatever, he didn't make or break it for me.

Some of you geeks just need to chill, though most of you geeks are ok ;-)

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Not gonna boycott it

Not going to do it. I see no REASON to do it. I personally liked Ep1 and I think a large part of this backlash against it is because people feel like Star Wars is THEIR universe and George didn't do what they expected. Isn't it interesting how fans can turn so quickly on someone?


First Post
RiggsWolfe wrote:
I personally liked Ep1 and I think a large part of this backlash against it is because people feel like Star Wars is THEIR universe and George didn't do what they expected.

I agree that a lot of people do fall into this category. I have several friends that qualify for sure. But not everyone is like this. There are some, like myself, that just didn't like the movie all that much simply because it was poorly made.

In an earlier post I mentioned how I rated "SW:TPM" a 3.5 out of 10. I still stick by that.

But my gripes don't stem from where you think they might've come from. I liked what Lucas intended, just didn't like HOW he executed it. So really, I don't hate it because he chose to do things different from what I thought. I just hated it because what he did decide to do was done poorly.

--I thought it was fine that they started the story of Anakin at a really young age.

[ Just didn't like Jake Loyd. The 2nd kid in the audition, seen in the DVD, was much better. Dialogue lines like "Yippeee!" Don't help either. ]

--I was fine with the move to make the first chapter about a trade dispute. That actually kinda mirrors some real current world things.

[ Just thought Lucas dropped the ball on the portrayal of the Trade Federation. At no time did they feel like a worthy adversary. Padme talks about her people dying.......oh yeah? When did that happen? In the camps? From starvation? Executions? What?]

--I didn't mind the name "The Phantom Menace" really.

[ Because that is what was going on, a Phantom Menace manipulating things from behind the scenes. Its just that this movie has many aspects to spotlight, and the 'Phantom Menace' part was the least exposed of all of them. Strange, being that it is the title of the movie]

--I didn't mind the role of Jar Jar.

[ Really, I understand why Lucas put him in there. I don't think it was a bad idea at all. Just thought it was done poorly. Basically Jar Jar represents a theme that occurs in a lot of Lucas movies. Which is, even the guy that everyone think is annoying, a nerd, a wimp, a nobody, can be important and pivotal. Look at the "Willow" movie. That's basically the same thing. Annoying little Willow ends up being the savior....blah blah. But what does Jar Jar do?

He is first brought along for the purpose of helping Qui-Gon and Obi Wan navigate through the planet core, yet he doesn't provide any instructions. In fact, even if he did, Qui-Gon reveals to the audience that such info is not needed because, "the force will guide us". Lucas messed up there. If he is brought along to be a guide, show Jar Jar guiding. Sure, in his comedic clumsy way, but at least doing it.

Then later, his biggest contribution is suppose to be the fact that he is key in uniting both the Naboo and the Gungans. Key? All he does is basically say where he thinks they might be hanging out at. His character is not the one that actually convinces Boss Nass to join forces. Padme is. Jar Jar should've been the one that convinces Boss Nass, in his own way. Basically what I'm saying is Jar Jar had potential to be fulfill the need to show that 'even the nerdy outcasts can help' Lucas agenda. But poor directing lost that opportunity.]

Basically you say, its his universe, he can do what he wants. I agree. But whatever he does decide to do.....I just would like to see it done well. That's all. There's sooooo many directing mistakes its incredible. (which would take me forever to list, but I could one day if someone really wanted to hear me talk about them) The lack of directing skills is understandable......he hasn't directed for a long time. So I won't hate him for messing up on SW:TPM, I just won't pretend that it was a good movie.

Till, then......I'm staying away from seeing Ep2 till I'm convinced that it worth seeing. I hope George Lucas has finally warmed up a bit and is getting back to his old self.....the self we saw direct Ep4.
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First Post

...ok. I'm gonna try a little Troglodyte logic here. I figure it's simple enough to sink into everyone's head:

Me want see movie -> Me go see movie
Me no want see movie -> Me no go see movie

Now, let's bump that intelligence level up just a tad:

Me want see movie, but afraid might suck -> Me grow backbone and go or no go

Then there's my simple logic:

$4.75? What the hell. Why not? Won't break my bank.

See? Either go or don't go, but quit cryin' about it peeps. Now tell me. What part of this is so confusing?
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Interesting review of Episode II by Ebert here.

Interesting commentary by Ebert on the effects of movie's digital filming here.

I'm starting to swing in the direction of NOT going to see the film. Although I'm sure it will be action packed, from all reports it is rather soulless and poorly acted. The acting in Episode I is really what drove me up the wall, so I'm sure this will be a sticking point for me concerning Episode II. If, as Ebert suggests, the movie actually has a muddy appearance due to its digital filming and then transferral to regular flim, then that's even more reason for me to avoid it. My eyes are bad enough as it is.

In any case, on the 16th I will be starting a thread (unless someone else beats me to it) asking all of my ENWorld buddies for their opinions of the film. I'll take all of your comments and the comments of other reviewers into consideration before I make my decision. :)


But there are some who say the film is crisper and clearer than anything else they've ever seen. So maybe the projector in Ebert's theater just wasn't quite focused? :) (That actually happened to me for Harry Potter -- *just* out of focus for the whole movie. Ick!)

In any case I always think it's a good idea to read several reviews before deciding to see a movie you're not sure about. Be picky -- a bad movie is 2 hours of your life you'll never get back.


Or it could have just been his eyes--Ebert's not a spring chicken anymore. ;)

In any case, I really look forward to hearing everything that you guys have to say about the movie. And I promise I'll share my opinions of it if I actually do end up seeing it--not that you'd have to twist my arm to get me to give my opinion about anything. ;)


First Post
This boycott was much more successful than I ever imagined. Lucas has drastically cut the amount of theaters the movie is playing in once he heard about this boycot.

I know he said it was to ensure a top quality audio and visual experience, but we know the truth.

Good job guys!

Holy Bovine

First Post
EricNoah said:
But there are some who say the film is crisper and clearer than anything else they've ever seen. So maybe the projector in Ebert's theater just wasn't quite focused? :) (That actually happened to me for Harry Potter -- *just* out of focus for the whole movie. Ick!)

I think it depends on whether you see it in a digital-equipped theater or not.

I saw Ebert & Roeper on Sunday and Ebert said there are only 19 of 3000+ screens that will be showing Ep2 in digital format. This makes a huge difference as digital video will look poor when transferred to film (think of the difference of DVD vs. VHS).

I'm a little leary of this movie now as I too had to watch Harry Potter (and one viewing of LotR) just slightly out of focus for the whole movie - it was very frustrating and one of the main reasons I refuse to visit full price (read:gouge) theaters any more. There is a very nice 'second run' theater now in the old downtown galleria mall - very good sound system and 4 of the 6 screens are as big as the 2 major theaters' 'big rooms'. All that for 4.00 CAN$ or 2.50 on Tuesday and matinees! That's more like it! They got LotR about 6 weeks after it opened so hopefully AotC will arrive in a like time.

And I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is a blockbuster of a good movie (if it is good I'd love to see it take out Titanic as the biggest money maker of all time)

In any case, on the 16th I will be starting a thread (unless someone else beats me to it) asking all of my ENWorld buddies for their opinions of the film. I'll take all of your comments and the comments of other reviewers into consideration before I make my decision.

Good heavens, Wolfspider, it's not like we're talking about the decision on who to marry or anything like that! Just go see it! If you don't like it, you haven't lost much.

I liked Episode I. Sure, it had problems. I saw the movie at least three times before they started bothering me. I have tickets for two showings on Thursday, and I'm expecting it to be the best movie day for me since I saw Spider-man! OK, that's not that big a deal, since I just saw that a few weeks ago, but the point is, if you liked Episode I at all you really can't go wrong with Episode II. And if you didn't like Episode I at all you really oughtta seek out some kind of counselling regarding your expectations! ;)

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