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D&D 5E Most Humiliating Way To Go


Every now and then you die in D&D getting pasted by whatever.

Otherwise as the title says.

Worst one I ever saw was in 2E.

Wizard uses an out house. Another player has rigged it with a glyph.

Basically set to go of when you go to erm empty the intestines.

The spell used? Power word liquify. Over a pit full of sewage. Power word liquify turns you to water.

Crappy way to go but oh well.

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Lost in Dark Sun
Pathfinder, Wizard. I dumped a barrel of what I thought was salt onto a gargantuan slug-creature.

It wasn’t.

Much fun was had next campaign when our party learned my (deceased) wizard had accidentally created a new species of monstrosity: the huge Quickslug.

I don't remember the name of the spell but it caused an area to become covered in a substance...in this case...grease.

Caster casts said spell on the stairs the party were standing on cause some baddies were coming up after them. PCs and baddies begin to slide down stairs. Other caster then casts burning hands on stairs to get rid of grease to stop sliding.

Suffice to say the only two that made it were the high HP fighter types.


Worst way I saw was in a college 2E game. New player shows up for the first time, and spends about an hour building his character to be about our level. Once done, the DM setup his introduction as a typical "meet at the inn" scenario. Two of the players decided to haze the new guy (we were a rather contentious bunch), and ambushed him when he left the inn. They threw a bag over his head and started to pummel him, but the very first hit was a natural 20... and the DM just got a critical hit/miss chart from somewhere. After three dice rolls, the DM determined that his neck snapped, killing him instantly. Needless to say we never saw that guy again, and we came to HATE that chart over time (dismemberment was VERY common).

My own worst death was my very first character back in 1E. For those of you unfamiliar with that edition, the rule were not in the PHB, but in the DMG. Players had to learn the game as they went, knowing only about their characters along the way. My brother decided I was an annoyance and had his illusionist challenged my paladin to a PvP battle. The DM set the rules, and my brother opened the battle with Phantasmal Force. In 1E you had to actively disbelieve an illusion, of which I had no idea. His illusion was a mirror of myself, with him spending his action to have the illusion copy my movements, making it a coin toss between me and myself. His illusion "killed" me, droping me unconscious, where he then proceeded to stroll over and slit my throat. Bad enough to die in such a way, but having my brother lord it over me for months was worse.

Story 1:
I was climbing some ordinary stairs. DM asks for an Acrobatics check, which I fail. DM asks me to roll damage with my two hander.

Apparently I tripped and stabbed the wizard, killing him instantly with massive damage.

Story 2:
I welcome a new player to my group and help her make a character. She seems genuinely excited. I stage a little tutorial combat early in the story so she can learn the ropes.

I roll three Nat 20s in the first round, of the first combat, in her very first game of D&D ever. She died before she ever took a turn.

Her "identical" sister showed up to avenge the death, so everything turned out well, but it was a gloriously pointless death.


Dusty Dragon
I have to tell this story again.

First game of D&D (2nd ed). I'm the GM. We started at level 2, this is the second session ever. The players don't know the world yet, they are using their gut instead of game knowledge to evaluate danger. It's great. No death yet, we have a "dead at 0 hp" thing going.

We are in an adventure I wrote where they take on kobolds. The treasure room is guarded by a boar chained to the wall, and there is no easy way to just shoot it from a distance.

Fighter 1: "screw this, I'm going to just go attack it!"
Fighter 2: "I don't know man, boars are pretty tough"
Fighter 1, with contempt: "It's a pig"

Fighter 1 attacks the boar, and either misses or doesn't kill it. Boar attacks, hits, does max damage, 12. Fighter 1 is dead!

First death of the game. Player left and never came back.

Well, in 3e there was (I think) a pvp situation where one PC turned into a collosal creature with some high level shapechange effect. The other PC responded with Slime Wave, which covers an area with green slime. The first PC failed his save, so he was covered with patches of green slime based on how big the target was. Well, collosal creatures are as big as they get, so that meant 6 patches of green slime. Each patch dealt 1d6 Con damage. He rolled 6d6 pretty high, and instantly liquefied a PC with a Con in the upper 20s.

Voidrunner's Codex

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