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Kar-Draith watches Gears and the two magic users push through the snow. “Stay here unless called for.” He says to the warforged.

“But they said for us to….”

“I know but I need their help to get this book back to civilization and be sold. This place reeks of trouble.” Before Charger can continue the argument, the lizardfolk moves behind the store. He peers into the store window and sees plenty of supplies. The furs especially look good to him. He moves around the corner and comes to the backside of the tavern. He pulls out his bow and notches an arrow when he hears Diana talking to two men that seem rather disrespectful. Maybe they will kill the sorcerer. So long as she lives, he should be able to sell the book while the old man is liable to steal the book and GIVE it so some Silver Flame group. Bad idea old man.

Then he hears the old man grunt. They are being attacked!

He runs out from behind the tavern and sees two men in heavy furs beating on the sorcerer. He takes one down quickly with an arrow. Charger looks up from the ground and sees what is happening.

Inside the tavern, most of the claw were relaxing and do not have their weapons or shields on them. This puts Diana at an advantage as she is considered armed with her mechanical / artificial arm. As they rush at her she begins to pummel them. Gears also tears into members. A few of the townspeople attempt to escape the violence by exiting through the side door into the entertainment area of the tavern. Here there are many more Claw members. They are in various acts of seedy activity including the back corner where three female members are having their way with a farmer’s son.

Charger drops the dead body and charges into the town. Taylor rolls on the ground away from the entrance and drinks several healing potions to recover from his injuries. Diana is surrounded by Claw members whom take turns striking at her. Some hit, most don’t. Gears uses the tables as cover and attacks at member’s legs- sometimes tripping them and dragging them under the table to be finished off.

The battle seems to be going well for them until the members in the next room begin to get organized- all two dozen of them along with their leaders! They join members in the tavern while others pour out of the tavern onto the snow covered street and Taylor finds himself in direct melee. Kar-Draith does what he can to fire arrows just out of their reach. As Charger rams into the first group more claw members peer out from a building across the street.

The expedition leaders send their troops over including a cleric. Even as Taylor swings his staff wildly at the pressing soldiers there is a howl and a flash.

As Charger ran up, the stray dog sniffed at the body then saw what was happening. Several dozen Emerald Claw members including a cleric are here. The very people he was looking for. The dog begins to charge and morph. From four legs he goes to two and pulls out a large sword. The Hound Archon teleports into the melee. No one burns down his church and rapes and pillages his town. No one!

The soldier’s leaders are much harder to take down in the tavern. They have better skills and training and have their weapons on them. Diana and Gears continue to attack. Diana only now realizes Taylor is not behind her.

Taylor goes down in a bloody mess. Even once down, the soldiers continue to beat on the old man. They recognize a mage when they see one. Take him down now or he may fireball you later.

The snow turns red.

Kar-Draith wonders only for a few moments where the dog man came from. He has seen Gnolls before, this is no gnoll. He has a keen sense that he will not like him however.

Charger presses on along with the Holy warrior. The Archon wants to go after the cleric and the other leaders but cannot. If he does, he cannot save the old man or the others. Bearing his canine teeth, he keeps after the soldiers.

The leaders, including a familiar man, turn and run behind the buildings. Other soldiers coming out of the tavern see the Archon and also decide to flee. Several remain however and they delay the group from pursuit or seeing to the sorcerer.

Kar-Draith and the Archon work their way back to the sorcerer’s body. A grey skinned, thin haired humanoid wearing Taylor’s clothes lays in the bloody snow. A Changeling!

Taylor, a changeling, is dead.

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The leaders of the Emerald Claw have collected the last of the horses and fled Gallop. Their trail is easy to follow however. If they just followed it.

“I am sorry for the loss of your Changeling friend.” Offers the Archon while he cleans his blade on a fur worn by a downed Claw member.

“These poor people- everything they have gone through! They….. wait- a Changeling?!?” says the artificer in confusion.

“You did not know?”

“No.” she simmers.

The Archon looks to her then to the lizardfolk. His stare lingers on him for a moment as he looks to each person there. “My name is Terrus. I was sent here to seek answers to rumors of the Emerald Claw activities in the Reaches. I arrived too late for this town. I need to finish this and hunt down those men. Will you help me?”

“Time out. These people need our help and the damned Claw just killed our… ally. Give us a moment to think this through.” Hurries Diana as she tries to process the most recent events and revelations.

The Hound bears his teeth in frustration. He wants to chase down the evil but senses evil here. He senses evil still in the tavern…. Sleeping and inactive. But he senses evil there. The lizard creature. And something he carries….. Great Evil.

“It will be dark soon …. More snow is coming…. And these people need some help. We also need to attend to Taylor. If you want our help, first help here then we will go after the Claw in the morning.” The halfling demands.

Kar-Draith goes to loot the body of Taylor…. Or whomever he is. The Archon stops him. “He was a good soul. Do not dishonor him by thieving from him.”

“He is dead. What need does he have in Dolurrh of money and magic goods?” snarls the lizardfolk whom has taken an instant dislike to the Archon.

The hound looks him down then to the others in the group. The lizardfolk has a point but why he does it is wrong. “Very well BUT if you care for these people as you say, his coins go to them to help in rebuilding their town and lives.”

Diana is not sure what to say at first. But she suspects it is what the sorcerer would have wanted. “Very well. I agree.” She says.

Charger does little. He has no need for the material things the sorcerer has.

Kar-Draith snarls and circles the Archon. “We respect you and the aid you gave in the fight that doesn’t mean you can lead us or tell us what to do.”

“Is that you or the evil item you carry talking?”

Kar-Draith stops in mid stride. Diana looks up….. uh-oh. She keeps one eye on them while beginning to look into Taylor’s belongings.

“You carry something of great evil. It should be destroyed.”

“You too???” grumbles the lizardfolk. “Taylor said the same trash.”

“Your Taylor was a wise man then.”

“and a liar.”

Diana continues to collect the copper, silver, gold and even the platinum coins. It is a small fortune. She collects his Ring of protection and wands also.

“What do you carry that could radiate such evil?” Terrus demands.

“Something we were hired to find. It is none of your business.”

Diana then finds a very well hidden ring in his robes (Search DC 30). A ring. Basic metal with an image of a Dragonhawk. Engraved around the image reads- “Royal Eyes”. Diana almost drops the ring in surprise. She knows little about them except for they are the equivalent of Karrnath’s Ministry of Silence or Breland’s Dark Lanterns.

Though not settled, the fight ends as they locate the surviving mayor of the town of Gallop and give him the coins to rebuild. They bury the bodies of the Claw, villagers and Taylor as best as they can in the snow hardened ground.

Diana buys the proper winter furs and equipment, more food and most importantly, sleeps in a warm bed.

Tomorrow will be a long day she figures.



They leave late morning. The snow fall during the night makes following the Claw horses difficult but with the Archon’s sense of smell, they follow just the same. Sadly, they travel on foot as the Claw either took all the horses or released them to avoid being followed.

They continue to argue the fate of the evil book. Terrus is growing less patient with the discussion , especially with Kar-Draith.


The group has been on guard most of the day. It seems the Emerald Claw are headed along the same route they took to get here. They hope to reach Niern in a few days to look for leads and maybe more supplies including horses.

They notice many tracks that cross the trail. Wolves and big cats are common. A big cat is seen hunting and watching them. It is a strange animal as it has a spiked club on the end of its tail (Digmaul). Little comes of it but that night-

“ENOUGH!” barks the Archon Hound. “The book is a far worse evil than the band of Claw we follow. Give it to me to destroy.” He demands.

“No! It is mine to determine. Not yoursssssss.” Snarls the lizardfolk with menace.

“You have little say in this Angel. WE will determine what comes of it.” Says the halfling staring at the lizardfolk.

Looking to each of them in turn, the Archon decides it must do what it will- he charges for the pack with the book. Fist blows come as the lizardfolk and Archon fight over the pack. Charger gets involved and the Archon, not looking to seriously injury anyone, is driven back. He castes Light directly on Charger’s faceplate which blinds the warforged taking him out the fight. Terrus doesn’t want to hurt the completely innocent warrior by accident.

“This cannot be tolerated! The book is too evil and must be destroyed!”

Charger stands next to the others even though he cannot see well enough to fight and makes a stand. It is hopeless for the Archon.

“I have no ill intensions for you but you are making a grave mistake standing by this creature,” he points at the lizardfolk, “He has either been of bad intensions or is becoming possessed by the evil of the book. The book needs…. Must be destroyed before it is too late. You have been warned.” And the wounded Hound Archon slowly backs away into the darkness away from the campfire they had.

“Good riddance.” Snarls Kar-Draith in hyped up tension and anger. “We are better without him or his need to follow the Claw.”

Diana looks at the lizardfolk as if seeing him for the first time. She wonders……



They howl and call from late afternoon into the night. They cannot sleep well from the noise. The wolves follow them easily since the Light spell remains on Charger’s faceplate. It forces Kar-Draith and Diana to take turns on watch duty which cuts into their resting time.


The wolves continue to howl. Diana realizes what is happening as they attempt to settle for the night. It is Terrus, the Archon Hound. He is communicating with the wolves and keeping them near them Keeping them on edge- not sleeping. Perhaps merely to tire them so as to reattempt to steal the book from them. Between the crippled warforge and the wolves, it would seem like a working plan.

Just before mid night the wolves charge the camp. Kar-Draith and Diana each kill a wolf as they run past them. Then the wolves disappear but continue to howl. “It is the Archon doing this.” She tells the group.


Very tired from the hard walk through the snow and the discomfort of the baying and howling wolves, the group try to fall asleep once more. Charger stands close to the campfire. Diana was watching with him but has drifted off into slumber. He will wake them if he hears the Archon or any wolves.

They never said anything about this however.

“Charger. Charger do not fear. It is me- Terrus.”

If Charger reacted to the voice in his head, he did not show it. “What?”

“Don’t speak out loud. Merely whisper to me. I will hear you.”

“Okay.” Now he looks from side to side into the darkness listening for the Archon.

“I believe you to be a good soul. I know you want to do good. To do the right thing. The book is evil. You can sense it. The book is trying to control your friends. To harm them. I believe it has already influenced Kar-Draith. Maybe even possess him.”

Terrus hesitates to allow the warforged to think on that.

“You have been a good friend to them. I have seen that. Correct?”

He hesitates. “Yes” he whispers.

“Good. I knew it. You would do anything to protect them. Am I correct?”

He nods and whispers “Yes”

“I can free you of that bright light.”

“You can? But you are the threat to my group.”

“Do you believe me to be a threat?”


Before he can ponder further- “Together we can protect them. The book. It wishes to harm them. Together we can stop this. Together we can stop the book and it’s evil from harming your friends. Would you like to do this? Protect your friends? Get your sight back also?”

“Yes.” He says a little louder this time.

“Quietly. Though I can hear you, I hear you better through whispers. It is the way of my kind. To protect your friends and get your sight back, you need to rid them of the book. I can destroy it but only with YOUR help. Will you help me?”

“Yes.” He says.

“mmmmmmrrrgh….. what is it Charger?” mumbles the awakened halfling.

“Give me the book. Quietly. Your friends need their sleep.”

“Okay.” The warforged turns but stops as Diana is fully awake now and stares hard into his eyes.

“Who are to talking to? Is that Terrus? Is he in your head?”

“He worries for your safety. He also wants to give me my sight back.”

“Oh- I’m sure he is. Tell him to go away!” She yells. Gears looks up to see into the dark for the Archon. Kar-Draith awakens also.

“Tomorrow night….. We protect them by you giving me the book.” And the magical whisper ends.


They camp once more and wait. It is not long before the howls arrive.

“Charger….. Charger do we still have an agreement. You still wish to save your friends? Still wish to see the stars again? Your friends?”

The warforged feels torn but does as he was told….. by Diana. “Diana, he is near”

“Guessed that with the wolves calling. Comon Terrus, let us speak.” She calls out. She hoped to bring him into the camp but instead he attempts to link with her also.

“You know I do what I do with respect to you and fear of the book.”

“We retrieved the book. We will sell it. There is no evil in that.”

Kar-Draith is greatly annoyed. The Archon did not link to him.

The argument continues again while Gears tries to spot the hound. Instead he spots several wolves and a very large wolf. No Archon.

Frustrated, the Archon tries another method. “Where are you going?” he asks thinking he can teleport to the place with aid to take the book by force.

“Why should we…” Diana begins.

“I was speaking to Charger.”

“Sharn.” He says thinking they will go there eventually to report to Professor Zilshire.

“Until then….. good travels and beware of the Claw and other evils that will want the book. And Charger…. I am sorry I did what I felt I had to- I remove the spell and give you sight once more.” And the bright blinding light that was placed between the warforged eyes goes out slowly and silently.

“Well done Charger. You sent him on a wild goose chase. Sharn- hah!” laughs the halfling.

Confused, the warforged merely stands there wondering why going to Sharn is such an important thing.



They reach Niern and restock supplies. They try to read the book some now since the annoyance of the Archon and his preaching is not there.

They get horses and leave. There is a small mid-winter thaw so travel is easier. It is also easier as they now travel on Orien roads.

Their only hazard they encounter is several weeks from Niern.


They make short work of a Displacer Beast.

ORALUNE 11, 1001

They encounter a Forest Drake. Rather than deal with the creature, they take cover in the forest and wait it out. It flies off after an hour passes by.


They arrive in Passage. They are very watchful for both the Emerald Claw and agents of the Silver Flame. One can never be too careful.

They set up in a tavern to recover. Diana tells everyone not to disturb her for a few days. Kar-Draith considers leaving with the book but waits as she has hinted she knows whom to go to sell the book at top dollar.

ORALUNE 25, 1001

She goes out to get supplies and rents a larger room. She makes this room into a small workshop. Diana tries to set up contacts to see the mages at Arcanix. She has mixed success as she is a stranger in the city in Passage. After a few more inquiries are made, she finds a decent place to sell some of her finds. She sells Taylor’s Eyes of the Eagle lenses, his Ring of Protection+1 and her dagger +1 of Frost. However, when she attempts to sell the same dealer the Xoriat Gems she is forcibly kicked out of the store.

Three gem stores later, she sells the gems to a strange twitchy man (?). She also sells some of the other gems she collected at the Howler’s nest and Fiendish draconic spider’s hoard. With the money, she buys supplies and disappears once more into her make-shift lab.

Kar-Draith also tries to sell some goods. He spends much of the first morning trying to locate a weapon smith willing to buy his goods. He does sell the Warhammer +1 and armor. No one will buy the helmet. Some of the shopkeepers seem intimidated by it which makes the lizardfolk suspicious (it is cursed- reverse alignment).

He tries on gem store that Diana had gone too. Having little luck there, he moves on to the next gem store. Again limited luck. He comes across a weapons shop run by a disfigured half-orc. This dealer is willing to buy Emerald Claw equipment. He also buys replacement arrows but notes they are not of the best quality afterwards.
ORALUNE 26, 1001

Kar-Draith spends the this day buying potions of healing.

The tavern keep is quick to come to Diana’s room after hearing a wail of pain. He pounds on the door and in a few moments she answers it. “What?!?” she yells at him. He is horrified by the sight before him. She has removed one of her own eyes! “I think you may need to leave.” He weakly answers then leaves.

ORALUNE 27, 1001

Needing more supplies, Diana sets out to sell her remaining gems. From here she goes to the Dragonmarked House of Cannith. She works on gathering information on seeing the mages at Arcanix. Cannith doesn’t appreciate this line of questioning. Go figure. She then begins to work out an agreement to use their lab as she is still unable to do what she wants at the tavern (tavern owner doesn’t like the smell and noise to begin with…. Among other things Again…. Go figure) It is a hard (and expensive) agreement to have them make something for her and to use their workshop.


The group once more meets up and they discuss the book once more. They will take it to the south to the magic University. They would have the resources and will to buy the book without going to Sharn where Zilshire will learn of their gamble.

Gears is polished and redesigned some. He is tougher and has a stronger shocking quality to his bite. Her warforged arm has several gems built into the forearm which gives her a shocking quality also. One of her eyes now glow a faint blue hue and appears not to be her own. She has purchased some gloves from the House that increases her strength.

They arrive in Arcanix using the Orien roads and spot several of the floating towers that make up the Arcane Congress. Dozens of linked towers and floating land masses make up the University. This is one of, if not THE place of arcane knowledge on the continent of Khorvaire.



Terrus, the Archon Hound, teleports into a bridge-way between towers in Sharn. The Archon doesn’t like the cities, especially Sharn. The corruption stinks here. But if this is where the book is going then so be it. He tries to blend in as much as he can. He has been to Sharn but twice before. Once from curiosity and again because of that curiosity.

He had traveled to the city when there was reports of powerful and very destructive anti-magic being released here (see the Heirs of Ash novel series by Rich Wulf). He later returned because he learned of Emerald Claw activity that endangered the people.

He travels up to the temple district and marches onward to the Silver Flame located here. He knows they will consider him weak for not taking the book through bloodshed. But he knows there is another way. Perhaps by having increased numbers, they will not sell the book or give it to the professor they spoke of.


Cay ir’Free never likes being summoned by the cell leaders. It can only mean one thing- a mission has gone wrong.

Cay is something like a problem solver. She always was good at resolving problems. She had to be when growing up as a war orphan on the streets of Korth. Her parents both died when Cyrian forces attacked the borders during the war. Her uncle took her in. It was he that introduced her to the religion of Vol. It was also he whom took her virginity in the night. He was found the next week with his throat slit. Problem solved.

She lived on the streets for several months until she made connections with the Church of Vol. She was given shelter and food and in turn, she ran errands and helped out. Warlord ir’Grainger met her here. He saw her potential and took her in. As her skills increased, she was taught more about the Vol religion. She learned of the connection of the religion and the Emerald Claw and soon joined the knighthood.

Now she uses her skills to help Vol and her knights and religion.

She stops before the underground hidden door in a crypt. She takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. As she reaches up to knock politely on the door, she hears a voice within calling for her to enter. She does.

“Warlord ir’Grainger sire, You summoned me and I have come.”

The big man stands with his back to her. Even here, he wears his military armor. He turns and the glint of red is clear in his dark eyes. “Yes. You have. We have a problem. What can you tell me of Eldeen Reaches?”


Agent Dawn Star of the Royal Eyes checks that no one is following her. Her cover story is simple and thus far is very effective.

The Royal Eyes of Aundair had been keeping tabs on a sorcerer named Saas for a year now. He was dabbling in possible illegal arcane research that dealt with the fiends of the Demon Wastes. Anyone close to him suffered “accidents” when they tried to contact them. So the espionage group decided to try another means. The name of Professor Rellis Zilshire appeared several times in observed communications. Researching the Sharn civilian, they learned he was a professor at the notorious Morgrave University. He studied the history of Fiends and Dragons.


Agent Dawn Star was given the mission to learn more about Zilshire and what he was doing with Ank Lace Saas, the Warlord of Acid Tears. She paid the existing secretary to the professor a “leaving” fee and convinced her it was a good idea to leave Sharn immediately. Then, as Anita Dawnstar, she offered her services as a secretary. Not a good one, but, Like, good enough to do the job.

She has been funneling information to the Royal Eyes about his activities ever since. She opens his mail and questions his contacts regularly. Her warm and often ditzy manner encourages people to let down their guard and speak more than they frankly should.

Recently, due to financial concerns, Zilshire has increased his contacts with Saas. She felt something big was about to happen so she contacted another agent. Agent Sable took on the disguise of Taylor Welder. He followed the group from Passage south. There has been no communication from him in several months. None from the group Zilshire sent there either.

She goes to House Sivis to send more of his read messages and to let her leader know there has been no communication from the group or Agent Sable.

“Like, I hope they are okay.” She whispers to herself.


ORALUNE 2, 1001



Choking Fumes.

It is a good day thinks Cancergen. The fiendish half-blood Dolgaunt basks in the evening’s weather. It goes back to it’s studies. The fiend has been looking for a means to destroy the dragons for ages now. Through research and magic it has been searching for specific Fiendish Artifacts. None are too small or unworthy for it to collect. The war has gone on long enough.

It smiles as it looks at a jar on it’s table. Within it is a simple harmless looking beetle. A Dragon Beetle as it’s father had called it. A magical enhanced beetle that seeks out dragons and their kin. Their bite has a harmless venom in it except to dragons. The venom attacks the nervous system and eventually the brains of the creatures. Soon the dragon is no longer able to think clearly. It becomes an instrument of death and destruction.

Cancergen taps the jar to be sure the beetle yet lives. It was collected last year in the very southern part of the Shadow Marches. It has been reported to be seen as far east as Aundair and Breland. Soon, agents will arrange a trade ship infested with the creatures to the Seren Islands. Soon, all of the world will face the dragons and attempt to destroy them. It doesn’t matter whom wins, if there is a survivor, the fiends will easily conquer them in their weakened state.

With happy thoughts of the impending war, it begins to meditate. It’s mind reaching out. It tries to sense and feel for artifacts and beings of great evil. Suddenly its attention is grasped by something not ever felt. But what is it? So much potential……..



Diana riding Gears, Kar-Draith and Charger arrive in the village of Arcanix looking to sell their prized possession- the book of Vile Darkness written by Fiends thousands of years ago. Looking like tourists, they gawk at the four large floating towers above them. Glarehold, Amberwall, Nocturnas and Skyreach make up the magics school of The Arcane Congress. Many of the best and most powerful mages teach here within these magical towers.

The town of Arcanix has many magical themed stores and attractions. Kar-Draith spots one with a gem on the window. It is an animated illusion that depicts a slowly turning blue-green gem. “Arc’s Gems and Crystals” is listed as the store name. Patting his pouch with gems, Kar-Draith decides the book sale can wait and goes to the store. Diana waits a moment then decides to follow him. With nothing to do, the warforged follows also. Crusher does whatever the group wants.

A gnome is running the store. As the lizardfolk steps in, a bell jingles…. But there is no bell set by the door. He scans the shop. The gems and jewels here are all in glass cases. A gnome with bright green hair and blue eye makeup comes out with a big smile… which is dropped at the sight of the lizardfolk.

“Ah…. Can I help you?” she asks warily.

“Do you buy gems?” He asks.

“What do you have?”

The halfling with Gears and Charger come in. Looking around and about, Diana spots the tell-tale signs of a complex magical security system and suspects there are mechanical traps here also. She sees the lizardfolk place many of his gems on the top of a case and the gnome looks them over. They discuss payment and costs. Shortly, money is given and some of the gems are sold. He walks over to them. “She wouldn’t buy them all.” He says it with annoyance in his voice.

They window shop more until they come to a shrine to Aureon. The lizardfolk has little time for it as the priest here seems caught up in offers to his god. Diana drops some coin in his basket which she notes is also magically warded and made to be hard to get at as the money falls through a hole into a secret space elsewhere below.

Shortly after leaving the priest, they spot several students in a hurry. Students use magic to levitate or floor up to the lowest landing platform on the towers. Caught up in the moment, Diana and Gears follow and levitate after a student “forgetting” the others cannot follow. “Come backs here!” snarls the lizardfolk in chase. He fears she is planning to sell the book and leave without paying him. Frustration building, he turns on a student. Meaning to ask for aid he snarls at the student whom turns and yells for help.

Oblivious to this, Diana and Gears reach the platform and begin to climb the stairs leading to the closest tower. The student has already disappeared into a tower. She hurries after him and finds herself caught up a special impossible circular hallway. It winds around to a large room that has a portal in the center. No one to ask for help with. “Drat!”

Below, Charger stops and watches the student race past him followed by a raging lizardfolk. Several uniformed guards wielding wands come next giving warning to stop. Kar-Draith either doesn’t hear them or doesn’t care as he continues after the fleeing student. They use the wand in an attempt to stop him. Worked up in a fury, he feels the attempt and turns his frustration onto the guards. Charger is uncertain at what to do so he goes to intervene….. aka help his teammate.

Meanwhile, above, a teacher walks by Diana and stops to help the “student”. She knows of a teacher that may have interest in an old tome and also will speak to the head master’s aid on the subject and leaves- stepping into the portal. Frustrated herself, Diana gives chase into the portal. After a few trial and errors (including popping into a class and being asked a question which she answers correctly and humbles the teacher) she finds herself back in the first room. After waiting a short time someone steps out of the portal and calls her by the name she gave.

Below, Kar-Draith finds himself held magically and Charger is “forced” to defend his friend. The end result- both are arrested and placed in jail. Oops.



Walking about, still unaware of what has happened below, Diana encounters something she has never seen before- a Celestial being. A Trumpet Archon gently lands on the ramp. Though the introductions are sincere and pleasant, the winged being never takes her eyes off Diana’s bundled book. When revealed (in part) what she has, the Archon makes a point of talking to the arch-mages about the book and possible sale.

She returns to the ground and learns what has happened. She and Gears immediately goes to the barracks of the town. She is not allowed to see them or free them. The judge will decide their fate the following morning. Unhappy but understanding there is little she can do she returns to the towers hoping for answers. There is interest but nothing settled. Everyone wants it and warns about the power held within.

She goes back to the ground and to the closest inn for the night. Ally’s Rest is located on the second floor over the temple and several stores. A halfling with the approval of House Ghallanda gives her a room.

Diana takes in a hot scented bath and a good meal with drink before settling down for the night. Gears settles down at the foot of her bed. She is briefly tempted to look at the book but decides to call it a night instead…. Never once thinking about Kar-Draith or Charger.

Hours pass when Gears stirs. He is uncertain what he has heard but suspects it is not good. Just as he is about to growl the door bursts in. Twin red pin-lights stare in from the dark hall. “Give me the Book!” it snarls.

Gears immediately attacks the creature as Diana tumbles out of the bed. The mechanical companion attacks the undead creature keeping it at bay busy enough to not be able to dominate the halfling artificer. Each bite releases electrical energy that the vampire ignores. “Give me the book and I will let you live.”

Instead she releases energy to burn the creature. Pained and angry, the undead slams the metal homunculus. Metal bends and pieces break free. “Gears!” Seeing the damage to Gears hurts her, the undead smiles and slams it again. And again. And again. Gears stops fighting back or attacking in any way.

Suddenly there is a yell from the entrance of the inn. The cleric of Aureon has come to investigate the noise and battle above his temple room. He drives the creature away from the destroyed Gears and the threatened artificer. Having no where to go, the vampire hisses and backs away deeper into the inn. It has no exit nor windows to escape through.

Furious, Diana attacks the retreating but trapped undead. She releases magical energy blasts one after the other. The entire inn catches on fire. The cleric calls for her to stop but in her anger and grief she instead increases her attacks. Even as the undead creature turns into burning ash she continues until she has no energy left.

Gears is dead. Destroyed.



Diana spends the night in the temple of Aureon. She never sleeps. She looks over the remains of Gears and cries silently. Gears was more than a mere magical creation to her. Using thin cables, she threads several gears and bolts to create a necklace which she then wears. She holds onto a few parts that she may integrate into her arm. Then she releases the damaged head and places it into her pack.
The cleric watches quietly and respectfully at a distance.

At daybreak she finds herself in a daze and shakes it off. With one final sniffle she grunts and gets up from the floor where she was sitting up against a series of chairs. As she leaves, the cleric watches her with a sad look. Seems he is not such a greedy bad guy after all.

She marches directly to the barracks and spots the two companions leaving. “Strange,” begins Kar-Draith, “they just released us…. No judgment or anything….”

Charger looks at her. “Where is Gears?”

“Gone.” She sniffles back a tear. “While you were held here we were attacked by a vampire looking to take the book from me.”

The lizardfolk snarls.

“Yes…. I think you were held here to make it easier to take the book.” She says with a redding face of anger.

“How….” Charger is not sure how to ask questions that make her so obviously distraught.

“Survive? The cleric downstairs came to my aid. Then my magic and (holds up mechanical arm) the clerics repulsion destroyed it. I do not know who sent it.”

“But you still have the book.” Asks the lizardfolk with some concern.

“Yes. And a buyer though I doubt we will get what we hoped for.”

In silence they leave to get breakfast. A baker has fresh muffins. Kar-Draith passes and Charger wonders what taste is. They agree it is time to be rid of the book. As they sit and wait for the noon time bell a gnome hurries up to them. “I have a message for you.”

Suspecting treachery, she searches for magic on the seal. It does have a true House Sivis seal on it that is warded magically. The gnome waits hoping for a tip and is given one if only to get him to leave. Another messenger comes shortly thereafter. A student from the college. He gives Diana the message and leaves quickly as he is late for classes.

Charger stays behind as she has the ability to only travel Kar-Draith and herself up. They leave and the gnome happens by again shortly afterwards. Charger waves him over. He asks the gnome to send a message to Professor Zilshire in Sharn, Breland about their progress. He even includes how Diana and Kar-Draith are speaking to professors about the book and its value. The gnome turns then stops. Slowly he turns on the ball of his right foot. “So the book is still in your possession? It has not been sold?”

“No” answers the trusting warforged.

“My Master has interest in the book. A great deal of interest.”

Charger looks up as he sees the two begin to become airborne.

“Oh…. They have it.” Mumbles the gnome. “Mr. Bellowchek will be most unhappy.”

The two reach the tower and enter it quickly. Right on time.

Inside the one armed mage awaits them. “Greeting once more Diana. And you are?” looking at the lizardfolk and gripping her magical rod tighter.


“Well met Kar-Draith. You have the tome?”

“Yes but I see no payment.” Kar-Draith snarls as politely as he can.

“Indeed.” She reach back and with a few twitches of a finger and some spoken words a portal begins to open. She asks calls up another spell to create a special floating disk to carry the goods through. Bags of gold and platinum coins sit high up on the floating disk. Gems and other magical goods. 75,000 gold worth. “It is all I could gather for you. Will it suffice?”

Eyes wide, the lizardfolk assassin nods. Diana looks it over and also agrees.

“How will we…. Uh carry it?” asks Kar-Draith.

“Within the bags is a large magical bag to carry it. I thought you would wish to see it before it was placed within.”

Thirty minutes later, the two of them leave with their goods. As they walk outside they are greeted by a muscular mage with a blue sweeping cloak and robe. His black beard is salted grey . He looks at their hands. His pleasant smile becomes menacing and grim. “I had hoped to see you before you sold it….”

Even as Diana begins to ask who and what he meant he reaches out magically heaves them off the platform in pure vile spite.



Bellowchek watches as they fall then whirls around and stomps into the tower.

Diana is quick to use a token she had bought looooong ago in Sharn. Her fall begins to slow down as she uprights herself and looks up. Their attacker has already left the ramp.

Kar-Draith, with his bag of treasure is falling incredibly quickly. He doubts his chainmail of tumbling will help him much from this height and holding the bag also. He lets go of the bag and attempts to flatten out his body to create as much drag as possible. He sees students look up and point knowing he will go splat in mere moments.

As he closes his eyes before the impact he spots a fast moving shadow over take him. Sharp talons grip at his chest and leg and attempt to catch him but cannot. Instead it scoops his momentum and sends him tumbling horizontally and he hits the ground rolling….. hard.

The bag, caught with the talons tears and the treasure dumps out. Diana nearly releases the spell from the token seeing a few non-magical bags hit and burst on the ground. Kundarak bank notes burst and free fly in the wind like leaves in the autumn season.

Charger hurries over to see to Kar-Draith whom has yet to move. Dozens of students also rush but not to give aid but to collect the 100’s of gold pieces and papers on the grassy field.

Kar-Draith opens his eyes slowly drawing in a deep and long breath. Even through his pain, he sees and recognizes the money and papers around him. “NO!” he hisses and despite his damage taken, he rolls over and begins to gather whatever he can.

“Kar-Draith. Are you okay?” asks the warforged warrior as he stomps over .

“Get the treasure!”

Diana lands and also begins to get coins and shoe away students.

Shortly, they gather up what they can and pack the treasure into whatever they can and leave town.



With her share of the treasure she plans to rebuild Gears. She considers returning home to the forests in Karrnath. She has long heard of aberrations that survive there and wants to investigate this.

With his share of the money, he buys better equipment and also returns home to Q’Barra. He is immediately challenged by the chieftain of his tribe and finds himself in a battle of honor. He kills the leader and finds himself the new leader. Now about those bullying Black Scale lizardfolk the next valley over……

True to his nature, he returns to Sharn and visits Professor Zilshire as per his agreement. He gives complete details of what he has done but knows not where the two went or where the book went.

This man runs the Hippogriff flight service for visitors to the Arcane Congress. He was paid well for saving Kar-Draith from his certain doom.

Takes the book and has it locked up within the Arcane Congress vaults hoping it never sees the light of day again.

An agent and mole for the Emerald Claw, he seeks the location of the book. He has narrowed it down to only three people. Jenna is one of these three.

Needless to say, he was incredibly angry to learn Charger accidently misled him to Sharn. Hoping they will return one day he waits there. With the arrival of Charger but no one else he fears evil has the book.

An agent of the Royal Eyes for Aundair, she continues to watch over the troublesome professor and his ally- and possible threat to Aundair- Ank Saas. And yes, her valley girl act is just that…. An act.

This sorrow filled necromancer continues to search for means to bring his family back to death. Even if it requires opening up the gates of evil.

With the book being discovered and the extremely powerful wards broken, its evil can be sensed by like creatures. Whether the Vaults of the Arcane Congress can hide the book or for how long is not certain.

Voidrunner's Codex

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