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Mindflayer Themed Campaign (Recruiting Closed!)


Breaks Games
I've put something together... just used the PhB, DMG and XPH. Added some notes about some XPH stuff at the bottom of the statblock.

Had a few questions:

I know and could find nothing about Mind Flayer naming conventions, so just plucked one out of the air... is it about right?

Increased the Dampsuit from +1 to +5 enhancement bonus. Think I've costed it correctly, but you might want to check.

Mindflayers have no gender - do they refer to themselves as it, he or she? I figured it is most fitting...

Will happily change anything that doesn't fit! ;)

Kelderen is something of an eccentric in the mindflayer world.

To understand this properly, we need to look at the root cause: An odd obsession with physical form and capabilities... As opposed to a more 'healthy appetite' for brains and mental processes.

This interest began with the interogation of a prisoner. Kelderen had been selected for this duty partly due to its curiousity and partly because of its farily impressive psionic abilities. The human in question was called Daricus, an adherant of Hextor, who had led an ill fated incursion into Lagurno. Kelderen's initial curiousity was raised by the Tyranical teachings of Hextor. It felt these could be interesting to one of the elder brain's long term goals - of building an empire to stand the test of time. Over the course of the interogations, it stumbled across another part of Hextors portfolio - fitness. The teachings held that extreme levels of personal fitness could enhance mental fortitude and endow the student with superhuman abilities.

Kelderen threw itself into these ideas in the typical Mind Flayer way. It gathered as much knowledge as it could, rigorously mind probed thralls and then sliced a lot of sentient creatures into very small pieces.

From these researches, it designed itself a series of daily physical exercises. It converted a large portion of it's living area into a gym. It even took to walking whenever possible, instead of floating.

These efforts have bourne fruit. It has discovered ways of improving physical performance through psionics. Levitation has melded with walking - allowing it to surf several inches above ground. It has found ways of manipulating the flesh of others, including fusing it together into a horrible pile of goo - it favours this as a method of punishing disobediant thralls. Most recently, through an understanding of mind and body, Kelderen has found itself able to manipulate time and motion in novel ways - The Path of the Elocator.

Kelderen is a tall, athletic Mind Flayer. Standing just over 6' tall with a healthy looking head of above average sized tentacles. While in Lagurno, it tends to favor loose fitting clothes that don't impede movement. Outside it wears a modified dampsuit and a chameleon skin, so is usually not seen at all! Kelderen is rarely far from his twin blades - Veinsplitter and Second Death - a rapier and dagger, constructed of psionically attuned crystal and strongly enchanted.

In combat Kelderen shares the typical mindflayer aversion to physical danger. It prefers suprise. And working from behind a line of solidly build combat thralls. Like most others, it employs psionic attacks. Where it differs is mixing in physical enhancements and making devastating hit and run melee attacks. It tends to use a Schism'd slave mind to handle the enhancements, leaving the main mind free to focus on the battlefield.

Name: Kelderen
Race: Mind Flayer
Class: Psion 1: Elocator 2
Gender: None
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Alignment: LE

Str - 14 +2 (4 points + 2 racial)
Dex - 24 +7 (10 points + 2 advances + 4 racial + 2 gloves)
Con - 16 +3 (4 points + 2 racial + 2 ioun stone)
Int - 26 +8 (6 points + 8 racial + 4 circlet)
Wis - 14 +2 (0 points + 6 racial)
Chr - 16 +3 (2 points + 6 racial)
Note: +1 to all ability checks from stone of good luck.

HP: 72 (8 + 7D8 + D4 + 2D6 + 33)
BAB/Grapple: +7/+9
Veinslitter (+1 Deep Crystal Collision Rapier) - +15/+10 D6+8 (+extra effects) 18-20
Second Death (+1 Deep Crystal Undead Bane Dagger) - +15/+10 D4+3 19-20
Tentacle +14 D6+2 or 4 Tentacles +14 D6+2

Normal: 32 (10 + 3 natural + 6 Dex + 7 Armour + 4 Shield + 2 Deflection)
Touch: 18
Flat Footed: 26
Initiative: +7
Speed: 40 (30 base + 10 Enhancement)
Fort: +9 (2 Class + 3 Con + 3 Resistance + 1 Luck)
Ref : +16 (5 Class + 7 Dex + 3 Resistance + 1 Luck)
Will: +17 (11 Class + 2 Wis + 3 Resistance + 1 Luck)

Racial abilities:
Psionics - see below
Darkvision 60'
+3 Natural Armour
Natural Weapon: 4 Tentacles (D6)
SA: Improved Grab, Extract, Mind Blast DC: 18 (10 + 1/2HD + Chr).
SQ: PR/SR 28, Telepathy 100'.

Skills: (2)
+17 Spot
+8 Listen
+9 Sense Motvie

+15 Balance
+16 Bluff
+18 Concentration
+32 Hide
+17 Intimidate
+15 Knowledge: Religion
+15 Knowledge: Psionics
+15 Knowledge: Arcana
+22 Move Silent
+15 Tumble
+11 Jump
From Brainmate - both skills are focused on the area of underdark near Lagurno
+19 Knowledge: Nature
+19 Knowledge: Geography

Languages: Common, Undercommon, Dwarven (duregar), Elven (Drow), Infernal, Abyssal, Terran, Draconic.

Feats: (3) Dodge, Mobility, Spring attack, Weapon finesse, Psionic Weapon(p), Sidestep Charge(e)
(p) - Psion bonus feat, (e) - elocator bonus feat

Class abilities:
Psion Discipline: Telepath
Scorn Earth (4)
Opportunistic Strike +2 (5)

Manifester Level 11 (9 Mind Flayer + 1 Psion + 1 Elocator)
Power Points: 150 (106 base + 44 bonus)
Save DC 18 + Power Level + Augmentation
Powers known
Level 1 - 5 - Deceleration, Precognition - Defensive, Precognition - Offensive, Prescience - Offensive, Vigor
Level 2 - 4 - Psionic Suggestion, Concealing Amorpha, Share Pain, ID insinuation
Level 3 - 4 - False Sensory Input. Dispel Psionics, Body Adjustment, Time Hop
Level 4 - 5 - Psionic Dominate, Schism, Energy Adaption, Psionic Dimension Door, Psionic Freedom of Movement
Level 5 - 3 - Mind Probe, Psionic True seeing, Metaconcert
Level 6 - 1 - Fuse Flesh

19320 Veinsplitter - +1 Deep Crystal Collision Rapier
9302 Deep Crystal Dagger - +1 Undead Bane Dagger
30910 Modified Dampsuit (+1 > +5 AC bonus)
9165 Buckler +3
8000 Ring of Protection +2
9000 Cloak of Resistance +3
20000 Stone of good luck
9000 Necklace of Adaption
10000 Brainmate - Knowledge: Nature, Geography
10000 Skin of the Chameleon
2500 Type 1 bag of holding
16000 Headband of intellect +4
5500 Boots of springing and striding
4000 Gloves of Dexterity +2
8000 Pink Ioun Stone
25000 Ring of X-Ray vision

4303 in mundane gear/unspent favors.

Effects not included in statline:
Immunity to gas attacks, can breath anywhere - including vacuum/underwater. (Necklace of Adaptation)
X-Ray vision 10 mins/day, range 20'. (Ring of X-Ray vision)

[sblock=Details/Rules stuff]
(1) - Weapon Notes
Deep Crystal (XPH page 182) - Can charge a Deep crystal weapon as a free action. Costs 2 power points. Lasts 1 minute or until a hit occurs. Increases damage by +2D6.
Collision (XPH page 165) - Weapon mass increases at the end of each swing. +5 damage on a sucessful hit.
Undead Bane (Phb) - +2 Enhancement bonus and +2D6 damage vs the undead.

(2) - Skill breakdown
88 (Illithid) + (8) Psion + (24) Elocator
+15 Balance (5 Ranks + 7 Dex + 2 Synergy + 1 luck)
+16 Bluff (12 Ranks + 3 Chr + 1 luck)
+18 Concentration (14 Ranks + 3 Con + 1 luck)
+32 Hide (14 Ranks + 7 Dex + 10 Enhancement + 1 luck)
+17 Intimidate (11 Ranks + 3 Chr + 2 Synergy + 1 luck)
+15 Knowledge: Religion (6 Ranks + 8 Int + 1 luck)
+15 Knowledge: Psionics (6 Ranks + 8 Int + 1 luck)
+15 Knowledge: Arcana (6 Ranks + 8 Int + 1 luck)
+8 Listen (5 Ranks + 2 Wis + 1 luck)
+22 Move Silent (14 ranks + 7 Dex + 1 luck)
+17 Spot (14 ranks + 2 Wis + 1 luck)
+9 Sense Motvie (6 ranks + 2 wis + 1 luck)
+15 Tumble (7 Ranks + 7 Dex + 1 luck)
+11 Jump (0 Ranks + 4 speed + 5 enhancement + 2 synergy)

(3) - Feats
Psionic Weapon (XPH page 50) - expend focus to increase weapon damage by +2D6.
Sidestep Charge (XPH page 51) - +4 dodge bonus to AC vs charge. If charging opponent misses a strike then get a free attack of opportunity.

(4) - Scorn Earth (XPH page 143) - floats 1 foot from ground/liquid surface with no penalties. Can move higher with penalties.

(5) - Opportunistic Strike +2 (XPH page 143) - +2 to hit or damage for first strike against an opponent that has been hit in melee since elocators last action.[/sblock]
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Breaks Games
Thramzorean said:
Definitely interested in this... like the idea of the Elocator build, one of my all time fav PrCs :D ... I'll have to see what I can come up with in a new vein...

Ach - it's one of those classes that I've always liked, but never had the chance to play... or even see in action! Figure it's got to be worth a stab. :)


First Post
I've updated the first post with the Rogues Gallery. Can you all please post your character submission there, as it will make it easier to review all the submissions at once.

Also I have also modified the character creations guidelines with XPH rules. i.e. Instead of having the standard array of spell-like abilities (from the MM), these are now replaced by having psionic powers equal to a 9th level Psion.


First Post
Inconsequenti-AL said:
Had a few questions:

I know and could find nothing about Mind Flayer naming conventions, so just plucked one out of the air... is it about right?

Increased the Dampsuit from +1 to +5 enhancement bonus. Think I've costed it correctly, but you might want to check.

Mindflayers have no gender - do they refer to themselves as it, he or she? I figured it is most fitting...

Will happily change anything that doesn't fit! ;)
1) The name is fine, like you I don't know of any naming conventions.
2) I won't bother checking the nitty-gritty detail until I've selected the 4 PC's.
3) Mind Flayer's are genderless, so you can either choose a gender-based personality (like the War Forged do) or you can be an it.

From my own way of thinking, I'd probably go genderless, as Mind Flayers probably view being genderless as yet another way in which they're superior to the lesser races. But the final choice is up to you. :D


First Post
When you post your characters please make sure that you include background information as well.

While I enjoy looking at the meat of the character as much as the next person (not!) :heh: I love to read the background information you supply even more, as it gives me a feel for your characters as well as how they can fit into my game.

Background is more of a decider that stats, as to whether or not you'll be picked for the final four. ;)


First Post
Lord_Raven88, if you don't mind I'm going to start some of the background here, which will help explain some requests, and then port over once I finalize the full sheet which will be quite long if all goes to your approval.


Mind Flayer: Psion 1: Illithid Slayer 2

In the accounted years of struggle against the oppression of the Mind Flayers the source of the lore of the Illithid Slayers has long been lost. Little is it know that the very origin of these abilities came from the Flayers themselves. For the Elder Brain and the mind flayer community the greatest threat and ever present danger has always been treachery from within: where a supra-genius being turns to it owns ways in defiance the society that bred it. Inquistor teams are as busy resolving internal issues as dealing with external threats and no such team would be complete without it's illithid hunting specialist. (excuse my presumption :heh: :eek: ) Of course these very skills are immediately applicable against a wide range of threats, as many psionic using races know.

Czystakllae is a product of special selection and training by the Elder Brain. In every illithid community there are always specimens that are that much more ruthless, that much more focused in their dedicated directed evil, that the Elder Brain will maneuver them into this specialist path, sure through eons of knowledge of the race of their final loyalty. Praised and lorded over in public, secretly feared and hated by every other member of their wicked world, the illithid Illithid Slayers hold a unique place in that impossibly complex unfathomable society. Police, champions, assassins all in one. Every illithid's ultimate loyalty is due to the Elder Brain, the Slayers ensure fealty is honoured, and retribution swift.


@Lord_Raven88: I'd like to be able to take the Leadership feat and get a special cohort if that's okay. A special advanced runehound Pg 149 MMIII. Tracking/hunting compatibility there is what I'm looking for of course. But I like the background as also being able to tie in the couple of symbiots I'll add in the equipment which Czystakllae has access to through its standing.


First Post
Thramzorean said:
Lord_Raven88, if you don't mind I'm going to start some of the background here, which will help explain some requests, and then port over once I finalize the full sheet which will be quite long if all goes to your approval.


Mind Flayer: Psion 1: Illithid Slayer 2

In the accounted years of struggle against the oppression of the Mind Flayers the source of the lore of the Illithid Slayers has long been lost. Little is it know that the very origin of these abilities came from the Flayers themselves. For the Elder Brain and the mind flayer community the greatest threat and ever present danger has always been treachery from within: where a supra-genius being turns to it owns ways in defiance the society that bred it. Inquistor teams are as busy resolving internal issues as dealing with external threats and no such team would be complete without it's illithid hunting specialist. (excuse my presumption :heh: :eek: ) Of course these very skills are immediately applicable against a wide range of threats, as many psionic using races know.

Czystakllae is a product of special selection and training by the Elder Brain. In every illithid community there are always specimens that are that much more ruthless, that much more focused in their dedicated directed evil, that the Elder Brain will maneuver them into this specialist path, sure through eons of knowledge of the race of their final loyalty. Praised and lorded over in public, secretly feared and hated by every other member of their wicked world, the illithid Illithid Slayers hold a unique place in that impossibly complex unfathomable society. Police, champions, assassins all in one. Every illithid's ultimate loyalty is due to the Elder Brain, the Slayers ensure fealty is honoured, and retribution swift.


@Lord_Raven88: I'd like to be able to take the Leadership feat and get a special cohort if that's okay. A special advanced runehound Pg 149 MMIII. Tracking/hunting compatibility there is what I'm looking for of course. But I like the background as also being able to tie in the couple of symbiots I'll add in the equipment which Czystakllae has access to through its standing.
Your concept is fine in principle, so go ahead and make your character. Also the runehound is fine, use the stats as listed. If you get picked then I'll look at whether or not it needs to be adjusted to match your starting level.


LR I was wondering if the d6 damage on the Tentacles was purpouseful or a typo?
In the MM it listed them as 1d4.

Just wondering so I can post the right dmg type on my sheet.


First Post
hero4hire said:
LR I was wondering if the d6 damage on the Tentacles was purpouseful or a typo?
In the MM it listed them as 1d4.

Just wondering so I can post the right dmg type on my sheet.
Thanks for that H4H it was my mistake, I've corrected it accordingly. :D

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