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Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Perception is Reality

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I am from Los Angles. I know about those shakes and shivers! I remember hearing how bad the shaker was in Christchurch. That was a sad one as I heard about artwork as mosaics were lost.

I was almost 8 when this happened.


I lived In Santa Monica. The water heater was slammed against the house and cut a huge gash in it. There was also a gas leak, but we shut off the valve and that fixed it. I slept in the top bunk and woke to watch the floor reach up and greet me - concrete hurts.

you news reel:


I remember smaller ones that shook dishes and hanging lights, but nothing like that.

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[sblock=Ghouls and Map]Yes, jbear's map is basically the case. One ghoul and two demons on the ground. The demons have reach weapons, but used attacks of opportunity against Maui already. Feel free to cut down what you can, Vincenzo! :)[/sblock]
[sblock=Earthquake]I've never had a real earthquake experience. Both times I've been in one I didn't notice, but other people did. Best wishes to those that had to go through this latest one.[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Missouri had a small one about 7 years ago. I woke up, felt it, and went back to sleep.

present map

Attack vs ghoul 7

Attack/Damage: 1D20+22 = [2]+22 = 24;1D6+10 = [6]+10 = 16
+4 attack, Damage:19
With a ghoul right next him, he stabs at it and prepares to move off if it is dead.

Actions: attack ghoul 7, and if kills it, he will move 15 feet to J,7

buffs in effect for group:

Haste: +1 attack, +1 AC (dodge), +30 move, extra attack on full attack; 9 rounds
Inspire Courage: +3 attack (competence), +3 weapon damage (competence), +3 some saves (morale); 1 round
Last edited:


Witch Hut Battle conclusion

. . . . . . . . Xathan . . . . . . . .

With the raging storm before him, the demon begins working a magic of his own. Meanwhile, his mind does not stop broadcasting to you, A shame. I'm sure we could have reached an agreement of one sort or another, such as how to minimize human suffering, proper recovery of those that foolishly opposed me, potentially lost acquaintances... and the like. But no. Another time, another stage... farewell.

At that moment, Xathan's magic completes and he fades away. The two lesser demons see this and take opportunity to magically withdraw as well, leaving the battlefield almost quiet. As Vincenzo draws his rapier out of the stricken ghoul, the troupe of ghoulish servitors continues to approach, carrying with them several unconscious, but not seemingly dead, Tritower citizens...

[sblock=Victory]The win is yours, and even with his growth points and minions Xathan was not much of a threat. You may dispatch the ghoul troupe roleplay style, they're not any sort of challenge. There are about a dozen ghouls and three citizens (all paralyzed/unconscious). You can also look over the area, the witch's hut, etc, and we can move to epilogue and awards.[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Vincenzo smiles, "Well, how convenient.They are come to us to give back the tritower folk!"

When one reaches 10 feet away he stabs at it, and any other within his reach. His rapier's enchantments, paired with his skill at arms, pierce through to vital organs causing the loss of Icor for those who still stand after his marshal assault.


First Post
Maui howls like a raging storm as the cowardly demon flees moments before he can trap the the evil creature. He turns his rage and frustration upon the remaining undead, turning his body into a whirling vortex and flying down to snatch up the gormless ghouls. Inside the vortex they are bounced and bashed about, squeeling and whining futiley as their limbs are snapped and smashed like twigs while the futiely attempt to bite the elemental monster that has them trapped. Maui soars up into the sky as Taniwha sits on his haunches and begins to lick his wounds, and there, high above the battle field the warrior druid spits the battered ghouls out of the raging vortex, leaving them to fall to their deaths far below.

Maui lands back down again and the raging tornado subsides, the jungle warrior taking his wild tattoed human form once more. "Coward!" he spits. "Liar!" he adds and then spits again. "Maui not make te agree man with te demon. Not today. Not te never!" WIth the battlefield quiet at last, Maui begins to explore the area with the others, enetering the witch's hut to see what is to be discovered inside and whether or not it wil explain exactly what had happened here and why.


Barlo Hawkins, Human Bard


Barlo kept firing arrows at ghouls, finding that he has some skill with a bow once the musical courage flowed through his heart. He kept inspiring his comrades with his words and deeds until the last of the undead had fallen.

“Unfortunate that, the demon getting away to cause more havoc again later.”

Barlo cast a cantrip to see magical auras as they looked over the battlefield and area.

[sblock=OOC]Arrows and Inspire Courage for the win
Detect Magic Cantrip[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Character Sheet
Initiative: +4 Perception: +14
AC: 22 (20 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 79 Current: 79
CMB: +11 CMD: 24(22ff) Fort: +6 Reflex: +11 Will: +9
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Current Weapon in Hand: Shortbow

Bardic Performances (lingering 2 rnds): 24/29 Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: [Message, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound]
1st Level 6/7 (DC16) [CLW, Feather Fall, Hideous Laughter, Timely Inspiration, Grease, Vanish, Charm Person, Silent Image]
2nd Level 4/5 (DC17) [Sound Burst, Heroism, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Invisibility, Calm Emotions, Silence, Mirror Image]
3rd Level 3/5 (DC18) [Haste, Slow, Phantom Steed, Confusion, Tiny Hut, Charm Monster]
4th Level 2/3 (DC19) [Dimension Door, Dominate Person, Freedom of Movement][/sblock]


The group tears through the remaining ghouls with ease--they are even weaker than the relatively trivial undead the demon kept close to him. They have a few Tritower citizens with them, currently paralyzed, but Ethane determines they will make a full recovery.

Maui steps up to the witch's cottage, and immediately it is apparent something went wrong here well before the appearance of the demon. There seems to have been a fight of some kind, due to the general disarray of objects through the small home. However, three things stand out most. First, there is a chair in the center of the room, and loose rope draped around it. The chair, the rope, and the floor have all be bled upon, heavily. However, the occupant of the chair is no longer present. Second, on a nearby table, a book lies open, and the facing page has an insult, written in blood, overwriting the original text. Finally, there is a notable library on a variety of arcane subjects, including herbalism, magic, religion and extra-planar entities.

A quick examination of the open book reveals it to be the dairy or journal of Ginni Raker, the local witch, midwife, and daughter of the mayor. The entry that was defaced describes how Ginni had come to believe Mindy Wallace was dangerous and was considering taking action to notify the girl's parents of Ginni's various suspicions. However, the journal ends within a day or two of that entry. Paging back, Maui can see a story unfold of how Ginni Raker had befriended Mindy Wallace, due to their common interest in herbalism. At first, she seems happy about having someone she can chat with from time to time, but over time, she starts sensing the child's dark side, beginning with Mindy's undue interest in poisonous plants and herbs. The dairy's words show increasing concern and suspicion that various disturbing events in town were, in fact, Mindy's doing. Eventually, Maui returns to the open page, where Ginni makes the decision she cannot help Mindy herself and needs to inform others of her suspicions.

The library contains a book which shows promise, and Maui is able to use it to help make a potential identification of Xathan. The characteristics of the demon neatly match with a Nabasu, a sort of demon that spawns when someone particularly twisted and evil dies. It devours life force until it is able to finally make the dimensional trip back to the abyss it calls its true home. Notably, it grows more powerful as it drains the life from its victims, and leaves its victims as ghouls.

Outside, Ethane has busied himself with tending to the dead, of which there are many. It is a morbid task, and he does his best to perform rites, casting several spells along the way. He seems to be actively seeking something, or someone, until he finally finds it--several of the dead are clearly followers of Ruvalra, lost in the attempted attack upon the demon's position.

Barlo searches the battlefield and the witch's hut for any sorts of magic. Outside of a couple minor spells inside the building, mostly with the purpose of making life a bit easier, he finds nothing of note or value. However, as he conducts his search, he spies a boy walk into the cottage, pale as if he'd seen a ghost. (They boy seems familiar, and eventually Barlo identifies the child as one of the boys the group met outside the survivor camp.) Seeing Barlo, the boy immediately steps forward, holding out a small bag, virtually begging the bard to take it. Inside is a ring, a strange green prism, a collection of valuable gemstones, and a note. Unfolding the note, it simply says, "Repayment for services rendered. -x"

Because Barlo is currently detecting magic, he can immediately tell the ring and prism are magical, and the gemstones are simply valuable. The boy seems ready to flee the hut, particularly with the disturbing bloody chair scene.

[sblock=Loot]Ring of Protection +3
Pale Green Ioun Stone - +1 attack, saves, ability/skill checks[/sblock]
[sblock=Endscene]If that is everything you're looking for, we can cut to the end with the Tritower Mayor and Cortesian people[/sblock]


Barlo Hawkins, Human Bard


Barlo examined the two items in the pouch and whistled. He wondered at the note, “Hmmm, maybe it is better to not look this gift horse in the mouth. Thank you, lad. Run along now.”

With his find, he joined to others to see what they had learned.

[sblock=OOC]Time to wrap it up, I think.

it is very hard for me to be motivated to post here. Nothing against you, Aura. You are great. :)
I just really want to end my involvement with this site. My dislike unfortunately colors my creativity in posting here.[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Character Sheet
Initiative: +4 Perception: +14
AC: 22 (20 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 79 Current: 79
CMB: +11 CMD: 24(22ff) Fort: +6 Reflex: +11 Will: +9
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Current Weapon in Hand: Shortbow

Bardic Performances (lingering 2 rnds): 24/29 Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: [Message, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound]
1st Level 6/7 (DC16) [CLW, Feather Fall, Hideous Laughter, Timely Inspiration, Grease, Vanish, Charm Person, Silent Image]
2nd Level 4/5 (DC17) [Sound Burst, Heroism, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Invisibility, Calm Emotions, Silence, Mirror Image]
3rd Level 3/5 (DC18) [Haste, Slow, Phantom Steed, Confusion, Tiny Hut, Charm Monster]
4th Level 2/3 (DC19) [Dimension Door, Dominate Person, Freedom of Movement][/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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