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Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Perception is Reality

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[sblock=Map correction]

Sorry about that, I made a new map and somehow didn't link it properly. In this one, I recreated the monster moves, and I also gave Ethane the 20' move as described by JS45 but didn't make it to the map he linked. I hope this corrects both issues.[/sblock]


Barlo Hawkins, Human Bard


Barlo moved forward with a grim expression as yet more undead came pouring out of the woodwork as his companions spread themselves out and became surrounded and swarmed.

His spells were not the most effective against undead, but he quickly moved forward to get closer. He paused and unleashed a spell to turn the ground very slippery underneath the feet of a cluster of foes, including the leader.

“Keep grouped together and step to places to cover each other and prevent getting attacked from behind!” Barlo called advice to his aggressive friends.

[sblock=OOC]Moved UPDATED MAP
Cast Grease (DC16) underneath Xathan, G2, G3

Inspire Courage +3, 2r [/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Character Sheet
Initiative: +4 Perception: +14
AC: 22 (20 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 79 Current: 79
CMB: +11 CMD: 24(22ff) Fort: +6 Reflex: +11 Will: +9
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Current Weapon in Hand: Shortbow

Bardic Performances (lingering 2 rnds): 24/29 Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: [Message, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound]
1st Level 6/7 (DC16) [CLW, Feather Fall, Hideous Laughter, Timely Inspiration, Grease, Vanish, Charm Person, Silent Image]
2nd Level 4/5 (DC17) [Sound Burst, Heroism, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Invisibility, Calm Emotions, Silence, Mirror Image]
3rd Level 3/5 (DC18) [Haste, Slow, Phantom Steed, Confusion, Tiny Hut, Charm Monster]
4th Level 2/3 (DC19) [Dimension Door, Dominate Person, Freedom of Movement][/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure

Vincenzo attacks the easier menace first. he stabs at the ghoul to his left, happy that the demon has moved with in fighting distance in this conflict.

Attack the ghoul # 1 @ F,9:

+22/+17/+12 crit range: 15-20/x2 +2d6 bleed
Attack/Damage: 1D20+22 = [2]+22 = 24;1D6+10 = [6]+10 = 16;1D20+17 = [15]+17 = 32;1D6+10 = [3]+10 = 13;1D20+12 = [17]+12 = 29;1D6+10 = [6]+10 = 16;

crit threat on attacks 2&3
Crit conformation:
crit confim: 1D20+17 = [17]+17 = 34;1D6+10 = [3]+10 = 13;1D20+12 = [16]+12 = 28;1D6+10 = [6]+10 = 16

total non crit damage: 45 + crit damage: 29 = total: 74 hitpoints to the ghoul #1
map unchanged

*Haste attack against Nabasu
[note: if first and second normal attacks kill the ghoul, the 32 points of damage will be applied to the demon]
Attack/Damage: 1D20+22 = [15]+22 = 37;1D6+10 = [1]+10 = 11;
if crit is confirmed, then bleed damage
Crit Confirm: 1D20+22 = [6]+22 = 28;1D6+10 = [1]+10 = 11

11 damage + 7 bleeding
Bleeding crit damage: 2D6 = [6, 1] = 7

[sblock=stat block]
skills possibly needed at this moment:

Perception +13 Stealth +6 Bluff +17

AC: 27 (21 flat-footed, 21 touch)
with Combat expertise:
AC: 30 (24 flat-footed, 21 touch)
fighting defensively and combat expertise [+2/+3]
AC: 32, 23 FF,25 Touch
With haste:

*_Ac: haste and Lunge:
26/FF: 19/Touch: 20_*

HP: 132/132

+4 to confirm crit

rapier attack: +22/+17/+12 crit range: 15-20/x2 +2d6 bleed [stacks with self]
dam: 1d6+10
Not updated yet:
CMB: +14 CMD: 27
vs trip
CMB: +17 CMD: 29
vs disarm
CMB: +20 CMD: 32

Fort: +12 Reflex: +8 Will: +6

Perception: +13 Stealth +6
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: THE rapier

longbow +12/+7 damage 1d8+2; additional mods:[+2 att, dam insp corg][+1 att bless][ xtra att, +1 att, +1 dodge a/c and reflex; +30 to move haste]

Temporary/charged items in possession: healing potions, Healing wand

Items depleted: none[/sblock]

mwk silver mace, att +15/+10, dam 1d6+4, crit x2, type b
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OOC: Paging [MENTION=75065]jbear[/MENTION] [MENTION=95784]jackslate45[/MENTION]
Let's finish this last encounter with a bang. :)


First Post
Taniwha howled as she was speared by the demons foul summonings and the ghouls touch threatened to paralyse him where he stood. The great cat shrugged off the numbing effect and set about evening the odds by tearing into the foes that surrounded him.

With a powerful swat of his claw Taniwha sent the ghoul he had bitten to the ground in a crumpled heap of foul broken flesh. Infused with unnatural haste, Taniwha's following attacks were a blur of terrifying destruction. Maui was to do no less beneath the powerful Haste spell and inspired by Barlo's magical words. Stepping over the corpses left behind by his regal companion, Maui shatters the living dead as if they were scarecrows with each snap of his mighty jaws and each swipe of his deadly claws. Lunging forward impossibly fast Maui even manages to tear out a chunk of flesh from the demon. He spat the putrid flesh out immediately and growled "Mock while you can demon! Piece by te pieces, Maui sends you home!"

[sblock=Actions]Taniwha FORT save DC15 vs Paralysation 1d20+10=27 succeeds!

Taniwha Full Attacks: Left Claw with PAtk v Ghoul 5 1d20+16=10 hits AC18 for 1d3+13=15 magical dmg (Assuming ghouls all have same HPs and that Maui killed a ghoul with less than 30 dmg this should kill Ghoul5)
NB: forgot to include +1 haste bonus to atk roll: should be +17
Bite and Right CLaw with PAtk vs Ghoul 8 1d20+17=32 hits AC18 for 1d6+13=17 magical dmg and 1d20+17=19 hits for 1d3+13=15 magical dmg Total: 17+15=32 dmg should destroy Ghoul 8
Haste Bite Attack vs Ghoul 6: 1d20+17=32 hits AC18 for 1d6+13=14 magical dmg
Taniwha 5ft steps to I5

Maui 5ft steps (over corpse og G5) to HI6-7
Maui Full Attacks: Bite vs Ghoul 10 1d20+20=35 vs AC18 hits for 4d6+19=37 magical dmg -> should be destroyed
L Claw vs Ghoul 3 1d20+20=26 hits AC18 for 2d8+19=26 magical dmg -> possibly destroyed?
If still up atk again with RClaw otherwise Rclaw is directed at Ghoul 2 with lunge:
RClaw Lunge vs ghoul 2 (or 3 if still alive): 1d20+20=26 hits AC18 for 2d8+19=33 magical dmg -> destroyed
Haste Bite Lunge Attack vs Demon Xathan: 1d20+20=39 hits AC29 for 4d6+19=29 magical dmg [/sblock]

Updated MAP

[sblock=OOC]Ok, I have updated Maui/Taiwha's stat block back to level 12 numbers in line with character sheet.
NOt sure if it changes anything against the last round of attacks but with the correct stats for lvl 12 Taniwha's AC is currently 27+4 mage armour +1 Haste = AC 32

I also have Maui's AC at 19+4 mage armour +1 Haste +5 barkskin=AC29; maybe changed at level up also [/sblock]

[sblock=Lvl 12 Stats ]
[http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Maui_(jbear1979) Maui]
Initiative: +4
AC: 23 (Touch 16 ; FFt 19)
HP: 134 Current: 134
CMB: +16 (+18 Grapple) CMD: 30 (31 escape grapple) Fort: +14 Reflex: +12 (13) Will: +15

Buffs: Mage Armour, Strong Jaw (2d6->4d6; 2d4->2d8); GMF +1atk/dmg; IC +3 atk/dmg (morale saves); Stone Skin DR10 Adamantium (120/120); Haste +1AC,REF,30ft,+1 Atk, extra atk; Barkskin +5 natural armour
In Hand: Dire Tiger shape: nothing
Cold Iron MW Scimitar: +17/+12; 1d6+7 (Crit 18-20:x2)
and Heavy Shield

Spells: Orisons: Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Detect Poison
1st: CLW; Longstrider:used, Entangle, Aspect of the Falcon:USED, Faerie Fire: USED
2nd: Bull's Strength:used???, Bark Skin 1/2, Restoration Lesser, Resist Energy
3rd: Greater Magic Fang 0/2, Resinous Skin: USED, Delay Poison Communal, Empty Slot: USED to Summon Auroch
4th: Thorn Body 2/2, Airwalk, Strong Jaw: used
5th: Animal Growth:USED , Stone SKin: used, Empty slot
6th: Empty Slot=used; Empty Slot
Wild Shape: 3/6 uses left per day

[sblock=Dire Tiger Shape III]
Dire Tiger
Large Animal; Senses: low-light vision, scent;
AC 19 (29), touch 17, flat-footed 16 (23)
Speed 40 (70) ft.
Melee:Bite +18 (23); 2d6+9 (13)(+Grab); 2 Claws: +18 (23); 2d4+9 (13) dmg (+Grab)
Special: Pounce, Rake

Wand of CLW Uses: 33/40
Wand of Magic Fang: 44/50
Wand of Speak with Animals: 45/50
Wand of Mage Armor: 46/50
Rod of Lesser Extend: 3/3
Flasks: Holy Water 2/2
Sling Bullets: 19/20

Initiative: +8
AC: 27 (32)
HP: 92 Current: 44
CMB: Trip/Disarm +11 CMD: 29 (33 vs Trip) Fort: +10 Reflex: +14 (15) Will: +6 (+10 vs enchant)

Status: GMF +1 atk/dmg; IC +3 Atk/Dmg; Haste +1 AC,REF, 30ft, Xtra atk

Bite (silvered;magic): +14 (18) ; 1d6+5 (9) dmg; special: Trip
2x Claws (silvered;magic): +14 (18) ; 1d3+5 (9) dmg
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Witch Hut Battle Round 4

Barlo’s grease falls from the sky, coating the ground around Xathan and two of his ghouls. Almost immediately, one loses footing and falls to the ground, slipping on ground previously thought safe.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Vincenzo quickly finishes off one of the ghouls and turns to Xathan. With a flourish of his blade, he stings the demon twice, making it grunt in pain. If looks could kill, Vincenzo would be no more, but the horrid creature seems to lack any sort of magic to back his dirty looks on the Venzan fencer.

Maui and Taniwha slash and bite their way through the ghouls, felling 5 between the two of them. Maui also takes a moment to add to the pain Xathan was suffering, puncturing the demon’s tough skin with his fangs.

Finally, Ethane makes a strong move forward, covering more of the field than most men could in such heavy armor. He arrives upon the battle, spear ready.

Seeing the battle turn quickly against him, and wounded already, Xathan cracks an unsettling, demonic smile. Spreading his wings, he launching himself off the ground with alarming speed. As he climbs, his voice carries into your heads once again, Your raging animal is strong, so I must abandon my escape from your disgusting realm… for now. Instead, I must follow the food, perhaps in more, how shall I put it… target-rich environment. Yes, I think so.

On the ground, his minor demons and ghouls continue to do battle. One manages to stab Maui with his spear, but otherwise their efforts seem for naught.

[sblock=Combat Stuff]
Xathan and Ghoul 3 save vs Grease. Ghoul 2 misses the save and falls.
Vincenzo kills Ghoul 1 with his first two attacks. He then turns on Xathan with his third attack and haste attack, striking both times for critical hits. After the crits are counted in, and the DR taken out, he scores a mean 32 on a partial attack action.
Taniwha hits and finishes off Ghoul 5, claws and bites Ghoul 8 (destroying it), and damages Ghoul 6 for 14 points of damage.
Maui slashes and bites, destroying Ghouls 2, 3 and 10. His additional attack hits Xathan for 19 after DR.
Ethane double moves to a supporting position with Maui and Vincenzo.
Xathan ‘speaks’, and flies (double move) 60’ vertical. He fast heals 5, cutting off any bleed damage caused by Vincenzo.
Remaining Ghouls attack Maui, Taniwha and Vincenzo, and all miss.
Babau A attacks Maui twice, hits with first attack for 20 -10 DR = 10 damage.
Babau B attacks Taniwha twice and misses both times.

Combat Actors:
Xathan: 46 damage (AC 29, Touch 17, CMD 31), 60’ altitude
Ghoul1: destroyed
Ghoul2: destroyed
Ghoul3: destroyed
Ghoul4: destroyed
Ghoul5: destroyed
Ghoul6: 14 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul7: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul8: destroyed
Ghoul9: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul10: destroyed
Babau A: 0 damage (AC 19, Touch 11, CMD 23)
Babau B: 0 damage (AC 19, Touch 11, CMD 23)

Maui: 10 damage (AC 29, Touch 15, CMD 24)
Taniwha: 48 damage (AC 32, Touch 19, CMD 31)
Vincenzo: 16 damage (AC 28, Touch 21, CMD 29)
Barlo: 0 damage (AC 23, Touch 14, CMD 28)
Ethane: 0 damage (AC 32, Touch 15, CMD 22)

Group Buffs:
Haste: +1 attack, +1 AC (dodge), +30 move, extra attack on full attack; 7 rounds
Inspire Courage: +3 attack (competence), +3 weapon damage (competence), +3 some saves (morale); 2 rounds

Individual Buffs:
Maui: Greater Magic Fang: natural atks gain +1 enhancement bonus to atk/dmg (magical); Longstrider +10 movement; Barkskin +5 natural armor; Stone Skin: DR10/Adamantium (120 dmg); Strong Jaw: Dmg dice increase (Bite 2d8; Claw 2d6); Mage Armour (+4 armor)
Ethane: Barkskin (+4 nat Armor), Prot. from Evil (+2 deflection AC - improvement of +1), Shield (+4 AC shield bonus)

Map: http://beta.ditzie.com/91541/5816b832beb66

Terrain: There are tree trunks which basically block movement. On Xathan's end of the map is the Witch's Hut, and just to the left of it a fire pit.

- I’m not sure how much subdivision you can go into your natural attacks, particularly splitting right claw and left claw like that. However, in the name of moving the story forward, I’m not too worried about this, but I’m going to be checking it out.
- Maui and Taniwha’s AC updated. Basically, the mechanics have become a maze and I must have missed something.
- I checked and Ethane has a 30’ move, so I credited him with 10’ of move from last round and double moved him into a good support position so hopefully js45 can pick up next round with his actions.
- Vincenzo missed both crit checks on Xathan, but has an ability that improves his crit checks. With that added in, he confirmed both, which is really important against an enemy with DR.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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