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Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Perception is Reality

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Witch Hut Battle Round 2

Ethane stares the creature back, trying to decided what to do. "Someone much wiser than I said to me once, it is not words that move people, but actions. If you truly want to escape here without harm Xathan, then I offer this as my action."

Ethane drops his spear, and keeps his eyes locked on the creature. "Hold friends, and let us hear him out for now. Let us first try and understand him first. Given that we have already helped free him from the prision he was in already, we might be able to help him get out of this world now."

. . . . . . Xathan . . . . . .

The two sides come to a halt, no longer approaching, as words and thoughts are exchanged. Xathan casts a magic, although there is no obvious effect, and mentally adds, Your cattish friend certainly wants to make a battle of it. But, perhaps I can be dissuaded. I merely need a little more energy before I can leave this realm and head to mine. Oh, and I have no desire to come back, as this place pains me so. So, if you don't mind, perhaps we can avoid the ugliness. Look there, my minions return...

The demon gestures and, coming through the dead trees, a small troupe of ghouls start to become visible through the trees. They are obviously carrying and dragging human bodies with them as they amble towards the witch hut.

[sblock=combat stuff]
Demon casts a spell (Spell DC 18 +1/10' distance to identify), and uses more telepathy. Ghouls all ready actions.

Combat Actors:
Xathan: 0 damage (AC 29, Touch 17, CMD 31)
Ghoul1: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul2: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul3: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul4: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul5: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul6: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul7: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul8: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul9: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul10: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)

Maui: 0 damage (AC 28, Touch 15, CMD 24)
Taniwha: 0 damage (AC 28, Touch 19, CMD 31)
Vincenzo: 0 damage (AC 28, Touch 21, CMD 29)
Barlo: 0 damage (AC 23, Touch 14, CMD 28)
Ethane: 0 damage (AC 32, Touch 15, CMD 22)

Group Buffs:
Haste: +1 attack, +1 AC (dodge), +30 move, extra attack on full attack; 9 rounds
Inspire Courage: +3 attack (competence), +3 weapon damage (competence), +3 some saves (morale); 1 round

Individual Buffs:
Maui: Greater Magic Fang: natural atks gain +1 enhancement bonus to atk/dmg (magical); Longstrider +10 movement; Barkskin +5 natural armour; Stone Skin: DR10/Adamantium (120 dmg); Strong Jaw: Dmg dice increase (Bite 2d8; Claw 2d6); Mage Armour (+4 armor)
Ethane: Barkskin (+4 nat Armor), Prot. from Evil (+2 deflection AC - improvement of +1), Shield (+4 AC shield bonus)

Map: http://beta.ditzie.com/91541/57d2bd7dc4e97

Terrain: There are tree trunks which basically block movement. On Xathan's end of the map is the Witch's Hut, and just to the left of it a fire pit.

- I guess it's not exactly combat until someone attacks, but we are round by round. Short term buffs are ticking and new things are potentially cast.
- Although the prose was written for the purpose of narrative with the players, it is not meant to imply Xathan's knowledge of the spell cast by Barlo. Xathan might or might not be aware of exactly which spell was cast, as per spellcraft rules. But, what he definitely is aware of is the feeling of a hostile force/tingle, and Barlo is aware of the fact his spell failed. Xathan's vague response is open to interpretation.
- The ghouls to the right are still well off the map and laden with their human cargo, and it does not seem they will arrive very soon, at least in terms of combat rounds.
- I never saw any post past this one, so actions taken (particuarly, Maui, as dice were rolled) will have to regenerate those posts. If you can find the die rolls you can reuse them, otherwise feel free to reroll.
- I, unfortunately, have nothing to help the recovery effort. Apologies, I really placed myself in a bad way.
- See above for the bridge post getting us from the Wallace home to this point. I also took the liberty of ooc-ing a couple people's posts, so at least the story... reads.

Left to act: All[/sblock]
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OOC: Calling players now that game is stitched: [MENTION=75065]jbear[/MENTION] [MENTION=88649]perrinmiller[/MENTION] [MENTION=49929]Scott DeWar[/MENTION] [MENTION=95784]jackslate45[/MENTION]

You're all up. You can re-iterate the same action you took before, assuming you can remember it. If not, making up a new course of action is quite alright. Once we get past the stitch point things should flow smoother.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Attachment 78001 (http://www.enworld.org/forum/attachm...chmentid=78001)

Vincenzo stands and looks at Ethane incredulously as he sees the spear drop
"Look, Ethane, I will follow your lead, but i am not dropping my weapon"

[sblock=stat block]
skills possibly needed at this moment:

Perception +13 Stealth +6 Bluff +17

AC: 27 (21 flat-footed, 21 touch)
with Combat expertise:
AC: 30 (24 flat-footed, 21 touch)
fighting defensively and combat expertise [+2/+3]
AC: 32, 23 FF,25 Touch
With haste:

*_Ac: haste and Lunge:
26/FF: 19/Touch: 20_*

HP: 132/132

+4 to confirm crit

rapier attack: +22/+17/+12 crit range: 15-20/x2 +2d6 bleed [stacks with self]
dam: 1d6+10
Not updated yet:
CMB: +14 CMD: 27
vs trip
CMB: +17 CMD: 29
vs disarm
CMB: +20 CMD: 32

Fort: +12 Reflex: +8 Will: +6

Perception: +13 Stealth +6
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: food skewer with a chunk of lamb and a chunk of potato

longbow +12/+7 damage 1d8+2; additional mods:[+2 att, dam insp corg][+1 att bless][ xtra att, +1 att, +1 dodge a/c and reflex; +30 to move haste]

Temporary/charged items in possession: healing potions, Healing wand

Items depleted: none[/sblock]
[sblock=PerrinMiller]thank for the recovery of the stat block. I wasn't sure how that was going to be done.[/sblock]
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Barlo Hawkins, Human Bard


Barlo moved forward to stand next to the big cat. "We better finish this quick before the spells start wearing off. Take heart and courage, my friends!"

[sblock=OOC]Moved - Updated Map
Renewed Inspire Courage +3, 3r [/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Character Sheet
Initiative: +4 Perception: +14
AC: 22 (20 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 79 Current: 79
CMB: +11 CMD: 24(22ff) Fort: +6 Reflex: +11 Will: +9
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Current Weapon in Hand: Shortbow

Bardic Performances (lingering 2 rnds): 24/29 Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: [Message, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound]
1st Level 6/7 (DC16) [CLW, Feather Fall, Hideous Laughter, Timely Inspiration, Grease, Vanish, Charm Person, Silent Image]
2nd Level 4/5 (DC17) [Sound Burst, Heroism, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Invisibility, Calm Emotions, Silence, Mirror Image]
3rd Level 3/5 (DC18) [Haste, Slow, Phantom Steed, Confusion, Tiny Hut, Charm Monster]
4th Level 2/3 (DC19) [Dimension Door, Dominate Person, Freedom of Movement][/sblock]


First Post
Maui saw the bodies being brought throught the woods. "Enough! Maui not deal with te demon. I send you back to te hell te fast way" Maui moved forward swiftly, the spell enhancing his speed and Taniwha strding at his side. Both felines ripped into the front line of ghouls with a vicious attack.

Updated Map

Maui moves up 70 ft (+30ft Haste) and bites Ghoul4 hitting AC18 for 4d6+19=29 magical dmg
Taniwha moves up 80ft (+30ft Haste) and bites Ghoul5 hitting AC18 for 1d6+13=18 magical dmg

I don't have the time or the heart to alter stat block to correct level up scores and buffs atm, sorry.
Bu Maui had used Barkskin, mage armour and greater magic fang on both himself and Taniwha plus longstrider, strongjaw and stone skin on himself[/sblock]

[sblock=Lvl 11 Stats ]
[http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Maui_(jbear1979) Maui]
Initiative: +4
AC: 23 (Touch 16 ; FFt 19)
HP: 123 Current: 123
CMB: +15 (+17 Grapple) CMD: 29 (30 escape grapple) Fort: +13 Reflex: +11 Will: +14

In Hand:
Cold Iron MW Scimitar: +15/+10; 1d6+7 (Crit 18-20:x2)
and Heavy Shield

Spells: Orisons: Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Detect Poison
1st: CLW; Longstrider, Entangle, Aspect of the Falcon:USED, Faerie Fire: USED
2nd: Bull's Strength, Bark Skin 2/2, Restoration Lesser, Resist Energy
3rd: Greater Magic Fang 2/2, Resinous Skin: USED, Delay Poison Communal, Empty Slot: USED to Summon Auroch
4th: Thorn Body 2/2, Airwalk, Strong Jaw
5th: Animal Growth:USED , Stone SKin
6th: Empty Slot
Wild Shape: 3/5 uses left per day

[sblock=Leopard Shape]
Medium animal; Senses: low-light vision, scent;
AC 18 , touch 18 , flat-footed 14
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee:Bite +15; 1d8+8; 2 Claws: +15; 1d4 +8 dmg
Special: Trip


[sblock=Lizard Bird Shape]
Medium animal; Senses: low-light vision, scent;
AC 18, touch 18 , flat-footed 14
Speed 60 ft.
Melee:Bite +15; 1d6+8; 2 Talons: +15; 1d8+8 dmg; Foreclaws: +9; 1d4+5
Special: Pounce


[sblock=Dire Tiger Shape III]
Dire Tiger
Large Animal; Senses: low-light vision, scent;
AC 19, touch 17, flat-footed 16
Speed 40 ft.
Melee:Bite +16; 2d6+9 (+Grab); 2 Claws: +16; 2d4+9 dmg (+Grab)
Special: Pounce, Rake

Wand of CLW Uses: 33/40
Wand of Magic Fang: 44/50
Wand of Speak with Animals: 45/50
Wand of Mage Armor: 46/50
Rod of Lesser Extend: 3/3
Flasks: Holy Water 2/2
Sling Bullets: 19/20

Initiative: +8
AC: 23
HP: 83 Current: 82
CMB: Trip/Disarm +11 CMD: 29 (33 vs Trip) Fort: +8 Reflex: +12 Will: +6 (+10 vs enchant)


Bite (silvered;magic): +13; 1d6+5 dmg; special: Trip
2x Claws (silvered;magic): +13 ; 1d3+5 dmg
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With Barlo, Maui and Taniwha moving up, battle is joined. Maui's attack quickly destroys the ghoul he is on, ripping it to shreds in an instant while Taniwha causes substantial damage to his target, not quite destroying it.

The demon narrows his eyes as he regards you. So be it, he broadcasts into your minds. There is an undeniable chilling quality to his thoughts.

[sblock=Left to Act]Vincenzo (who merely spoke but still has a full action), Ethane[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Attachment 78001 (http://www.enworld.org/forum/attachm...chmentid=78001)

"Maui! Aw, rat on a stick." Vincenzo watches the blur of movement and he moves to catch up

Action: Double move to catch up.

Updated map

[sblock=stat block]
skills possibly needed at this moment:

Perception +13 Stealth +6 Bluff +17

AC: 27 (21 flat-footed, 21 touch)
with Combat expertise:
AC: 30 (24 flat-footed, 21 touch)
fighting defensively and combat expertise [+2/+3]
AC: 32, 23 FF,25 Touch
With haste:

*_Ac: haste and Lunge:
26/FF: 19/Touch: 20_*

HP: 132/132

+4 to confirm crit

rapier attack: +22/+17/+12 crit range: 15-20/x2 +2d6 bleed [stacks with self]
dam: 1d6+10
Not updated yet:
CMB: +14 CMD: 27
vs trip
CMB: +17 CMD: 29
vs disarm
CMB: +20 CMD: 32

Fort: +12 Reflex: +8 Will: +6

Perception: +13 Stealth +6
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: food skewer with a chunk of lamb and a chunk of potato

longbow +12/+7 damage 1d8+2; additional mods:[+2 att, dam insp corg][+1 att bless][ xtra att, +1 att, +1 dodge a/c and reflex; +30 to move haste]

Temporary/charged items in possession: healing potions, Healing wand

Items depleted: none[/sblock]
[sblock=PerrinMiller]thank for the recovery of the stat block. I wasn't sure how that was going to be done.[/sblock][/QUOTE]
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Witch Hut Battle Round 3

. . . . . . Xathan . . . . . .

With hostilities having officially began, the demon merely smirked. His ghouls moved this way and that, trying to claw up the heroes as best they could. That didn't stop the demon from going out on another of his monologues, though. Force can be a lovely thing... when you have the superior force, that is. Let me introduce you to a couple associates of mine I took the liberty of summoning up before you arrived....

With that, two emaciated, nearly skeletal, red figures came running out of the witch's hut, grasping long spears as they descended onto the fight, bearing down on Taniwha in particular.

[sblock=combat stuff]
Xathan claws at Vincenzo, one hit for 16.
The ghouls scratch up our heroes. One hits Taniwha for 9 damage.
Taniwha is hit once by ghouls surrounding him for 9, DC 15 fort save of be paralyzed 2 rounds.
The two Babau spear Taniwha, doing 39 points of combined damage. total is 48 this round.

Combat Actors:
Xathan: 0 damage (AC 29, Touch 17, CMD 31)
Ghoul1: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul2: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul3: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul4: destroyed
Ghoul5: 18 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul6: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul7: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul8: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul9: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul10: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)

Maui: 0 damage (AC 28, Touch 15, CMD 24)
Taniwha: 48 damage (AC 28, Touch 19, CMD 31)
Vincenzo: 16 damage (AC 28, Touch 21, CMD 29)
Barlo: 0 damage (AC 23, Touch 14, CMD 28)
Ethane: 0 damage (AC 32, Touch 15, CMD 22)

Group Buffs:
Haste: +1 attack, +1 AC (dodge), +30 move, extra attack on full attack; 8 rounds
Inspire Courage: +3 attack (competence), +3 weapon damage (competence), +3 some saves (morale); 3 rounds

Individual Buffs:
Maui: Greater Magic Fang: natural atks gain +1 enhancement bonus to atk/dmg (magical); Longstrider +10 movement; Barkskin +5 natural armour; Stone Skin: DR10/Adamantium (120 dmg); Strong Jaw: Dmg dice increase (Bite 2d8; Claw 2d6); Mage Armour (+4 armor)
Ethane: Barkskin (+4 nat Armor), Prot. from Evil (+2 deflection AC - improvement of +1), Shield (+4 AC shield bonus)

Map: http://beta.ditzie.com/91541/5804cb119dc97

Terrain: There are tree trunks which basically block movement. On Xathan's end of the map is the Witch's Hut, and just to the left of it a fire pit.

- The ghouls to the right are still well off the map and laden with their human cargo, and it does not seem they will arrive very soon, at least in terms of combat rounds.
- Map corrected from original.

Left to act: All[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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