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[LPF] Distant Relations


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OOC: Sounds good to me. I know my connection has seemed spotty even when I have been able to get on, so hopefully that's all it is.

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When Quioan finds Elenka she is still on the docks perched on a large crate and scanning the passersby for a glimpse of their late companion. Drevezh'korol is nowhere around, presumably still aboard and below decks. She eagerly answers Quioan's question.

"Not long, really. A few months. But I've traveled quite a bit. North from Predgor'ja krai, my home, in the foothills of the Seithr Mountains. It's a beautiful place full of dark forests with the Seithr Mountains always standing like sentinels just beyond our borders."

She laughs.

But you weren't asking about my home. I've done a bit of this mercenary work, always with Drevezh'korol. Tracking lost cargoes, removing unwanted squatters, that sort of thing.

What about you? How long have you been in this mercenary business?"

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Elenka[/size] Human Summoner 3
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5

AC: 15 (12 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 23 Current: 23
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 Fort: +1 Ref: +3 Will: +5

In Hand:
1st level: 4/4 remaining.
Special: Summon Monster 2 6/6

[size=+1]Drevezh'Korol[/size] Eidolon
Initiative: +1 Perception: +0; Darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 15 (11 touch; 14 flat-footed)
HP: 29 Current: 29
CMB: +7 CMD: 18 Fort: +4 Ref: +2 Will: +3

In Hand:
Conditions: [/sblock]


First Post
Quioan laughs. "Hadn't really thought of myself as a 'mercenary', although when I consider it, it's hard to argue with the application of the term."

"Similar to yourself, really: I've done a lot of traveling over the last ten years - including passing through the northern Sethir Mountains, which, as you say, are beautiful indeed; haven't made it to the south, though, which I suspect is why I haven't yet heard of Predgor'ja krai - but I only really started doing this sort of thing since coming to Venza, which was fairly recently. I find it to be a mixed blessing - the chance to meet others with similar capabilities is welcome, as is the opportunity to apply and challenge my skills. You don't always find yourself in the best of company, however, and there is the ever-present threat of death." In his mind, Quioan pictures the body of Dane Ryall, his first employer, whom he found left for dead in a cart on the road. He decides to omit this detail from the conversation. Nodding towards the boat, presumably at the hypothetical presence of Elenka's eidolon, Quioan asks, "Not to once again ask the obvious question, but how did you come to be bonded to the wood spirit? Forgive my fixation with him, but as a creature of the outdoors myself, he holds a certain fascination for me."

OOC: Not trying to force you to expound the entirety of your characters backstory, GlassEye; just trying to keep things happening as we wait for tf to show.

Quioan Scorchsong
HP: 15/15
AC: 15 (Touch: 15, Flat-footed: 10)
CMD: 18
Fort: +3, Ref: +8, Will: +4
Perception: +8
- 0: Light, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
- 1: Mage Armor, Gravity Bow, Enlarge Person
Bonded Item: Unused[/sblock]


Elenka smiles, apparently used to answering questions about Drevezh'korol and enjoying the conversation.

"Ten years is a long time to be wandering. Well, perhaps not for your people, but it is a long time to me. In ten years I'll be thirty and if things were different I would be married with a handful of children and ruling my father's krai by then. My father's krai... ah, kingdom in the common tongue, is small and on the northern border between the Seithr Mountains and the Landadel Baronies so even if you passed within a few miles of it during your travels you might never have known it was there."

She turns to stare out over the water and thoughtfulness makes a crease between her brows.

But you asked about Drevezh'korol.

He's been with me as long as I remember. At my naming ceremony a Wise Woman, one of Erwahai's own, drew a rune upon my forehead. This one in fact..."

She points to the glowing blue-white rune upon her forehead.

"Though the story told to me said it was with her own spittle and didn't glow until Drevezh'korol first came to me. The Wise Woman said I would be protected by the wood spirit, one of our god's own spirit-sons, during my travels. And so I have been.

What about your home? Where are you from? Why did you leave?"

OOC: NP, Qik. I'd rather chat & write than sit idle.
[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Elenka[/size] Human Summoner 3
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5

AC: 15 (12 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 23 Current: 23
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 Fort: +1 Ref: +3 Will: +5

In Hand:
1st level: 4/4 remaining.
Special: Summon Monster 2 6/6

[size=+1]Drevezh'Korol[/size] Eidolon
Initiative: +1 Perception: +0; Darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 15 (11 touch; 14 flat-footed)
HP: 29 Current: 29
CMB: +7 CMD: 18 Fort: +4 Ref: +2 Will: +3

In Hand:
Conditions: [/sblock]


First Post
Quioan chuckles, enjoying the breeze blowing in from the water as well as the conversation. "You mean to say you're twenty? I'm a hundred and twenty. And I'm not that far removed from when I came of age." He once again finds himself contemplating the scale of the short-lived races. "I don't know how you humans do it sometimes..." he says, then quickly adds, "No offense meant, of course. It's just hard to contemplate such a fundamentally different time-frame."

"I come from Ilumistae, an isolated forest village deep within the Baronies. It's a remarkable place, really - all high elven culture and courts and magical research and ritualized duels..." He trails off, then laughs. "It's enough to make you sick. But having been gone for as long as I have, I've come to respect it for what it is. Which, when you come down to it, is home, for better or worse. I hope to return some time soon."

"As for why I left..." the elf shifts, somewhat uncomfortable. "Truth be told, I'm still trying to figure that out. In short, it was a dream - a powerful dream, on the eve of my traditional coming-of-age celebration. I don't really remember the specifics, but what I do remember was the intensity of the message: 'Go. Help.'" He sighs. "As in, help those in need." Turning to look Elenka in the eye: "I had a very privileged life, in the way that only isolation can bring, and this dream brought with it such an awareness of the suffering of others, of the horrors that exist in our world..." He shakes his head, turning to look back out over the water. "I was called to help, to make some small contribution, and that is why I left." He laughs. "Plus, if I had to participate in one more ritual parade celebrating my third cousins graduation into a new rank of swordsmanship, I would have climbed the highest tree in the wood and flung myself off the top of it."

"So your people - it sounds like they have a special relationship to the wood."

Quioan Scorchsong
HP: 15/15
AC: 15 (Touch: 15, Flat-footed: 10)
CMD: 18
Fort: +3, Ref: +8, Will: +4
Perception: +8
- 0: Light, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
- 1: Mage Armor, Gravity Bow, Enlarge Person
Bonded Item: Unused[/sblock]


Emerging from the crowd on the docks, Anna comes stumbling toward the ship. She looks disheveled by anyones standards, and doubly so by her own. Out of breath she manages to cross the docks to where the rest of the party stands, leaning heavily against the mast.

"My apologies" she stammers out, gasping heavily between breaths. "While on my way I was spotted by someone from my past who I had hoped never to see again. His retinue pursued me through the city and i had to run to make a break for it..."

She begins to catch her breath, looking at her self in dismay. A wave of her hand and a few muttered words and the dirt disappears from her clothes, as well as the errant wrinkles.

"I think I evaded them however. Have I missed much?"

OOC: Sorry guys, the last week or two has been a total whirlwind for me. Between 16 credits of classes, a 14 hour clinical rotation, and my radio show I have hardly had time to breath.


Elenka examines Quioan with a forwardness that is a little surprising.

"Hmm. I know what you mean. I can hardly imagine one hundred and twenty. You certainly don't look it. I mean..."

She shakes her head and trails off into silence born of a length of time incomprehensible to her.

"Ilumistae sounds lovely. I'm sure you'll go back once you've fulfilled the geas of your dream-sending. That's powerful magic that cannot be ignored. Despite our differences in...

Is that Anna?"

Elenka breaks off from her conversation with Quioan to rush over to help the disheveled and somewhat out of sorts Anna. She follows Anna onto the barge and listens as she explains the circumstances of her arrival.

"That's terrible! But you are here now and safe and we'll be leaving all that behind soon enough."

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Elenka[/size] Human Summoner 3
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5

AC: 15 (12 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 23 Current: 23
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 Fort: +1 Ref: +3 Will: +5

In Hand:
1st level: 4/4 remaining.
Special: Summon Monster 2 6/6

[size=+1]Drevezh'Korol[/size] Eidolon
Initiative: +1 Perception: +0; Darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 15 (11 touch; 14 flat-footed)
HP: 29 Current: 29
CMB: +7 CMD: 18 Fort: +4 Ref: +2 Will: +3

In Hand:
Conditions: [/sblock]


Anna nods her thanks to Elenka.

"Indeed. It appears I was naive about leaving behind the ghosts of my past. It seems no one truly escapes once the spies of Irthos know your face. Tessel help me, I shall need to be more careful in the future.

Looking around to the rest of the the group she apologizes.

"I'm quite sorry to make a scene. I hope you didn't spend too long waiting for me."

She finds a suitable place to sit down, eager to be on her way and away from the city.


First Post
Yoshiki Akita (Human Monk 3)

Hearing Anna's arrival, Yoshiki says a quick prayer to himself and stands up from his meditation. He moves to join the group.

"Ah, she makes it! Welcome aboard."

[sblock=Ministats]Initiative: +4
AC: 17 Touch 17 Flatfooted 12
HP: 22/22
CMB: +7 CMD: 19 Fort: +3 Reflex: +7 Will: +5 (+2 vs. Enchantment)
Defensive Abilities: Evasion, Deflect Arrows
Speed: 40 ft

Conditions in Effect: None
Elemental Fist: 3/3 remaining
Ki Pool: 0/0 remaining


First Post
GM: Party complete. :) I'm going to push things forward a bit, assuming you guys don't mind. We can always slot in some stuff 'back in time' if I steamroller you, but don't want to lose momentum, especially with the weekend coming, which already slows me down a bit.

Nevil has finished loading the cargo hold before Anna's eventual arrival, and the party has had some time to relax, and a bit to worry, before the harried sorceress arrives. Captain Renlow listens with an increasingly-furrowed brow as the young woman recounts her pursuers.

"Parsons didn't say anything about spies," he says with obvious concern, his gaze looking out over the docks. He shakes his head and holds up his hand before anyone can comment. "Doesn't matter. We're loaded and ready to go, and we'll be on the river in a blink. Unless your spies are merfolk, they'll be out of luck."

The gangly dwarf barks out orders, and he and Nevil loose the moorings on The Downpour, pushing it out away from the dock. Sails unfurled, the ship quickly catches wind, and the city of glass shrinks quickly shrinks behind them.

Once Venza is out of sight, Renlow appears to relax behind the wheel. He orders the sails trimmed, and the barge falls back to a more leisurely pace. Nevil produces a makeshift fishing pole from belowdecks, and leans along a segment of raling near the front of the ship to await a bite.

The party settles in, selecting their bunks and unpacking as they see fit for a lengthy barge trip. Renlow's told them they'll be making a few stops to re-supply, but by and large The Downpour looks to be their camp for all but very short bumps in the journey.

The sun has just passed its peak when Nevil finally snags something, but as he pulls it in, there's an odd buzzing. The western half-elf stiffens, yanking the pole with a spasming jerk of his muscles. The buzzing stops with a wet thud on the deck and Nevil's scream.

"Is devil from the water!" He cries out. "Devil is burning Nevilantura!"

Nevil rushes across deck for the stairs below, holding his hands as if they have, indeed, been wounded, though his fleet retreat makes it impossible to assess the damage.

Besides, the source of the wet thud lets out a vicious hiss to catch the group's attention. They see a water serpent of some kind. That Nevil was even able to heft it out of the water seems nearly impossible, as it's easily as long as the half-elf was tall. It rears up, its powerful jaws snapping shut with an audible clack as the buzzing everyone heard before returns, seeming to emenate from the creature itself.

[sblock=Quioan & Elenka]You both recognize the creature as an electric eel, and amphibious animal capable of shocking and/or stunning its prey with a touch of its electrified tail.[/sblock]

GM: We have combat!

Okay, no one objected, so we'll go with this average initiative thing, and you guys can let me know if you hate the heck out of it when we finish this. :)

PC initiative (average result) (1d20+2=11, 1d20+1=5, 1d20+5=18, 1d20+4=10, 1d20+1=2)

PC init avg: 9

Enemy init (1d20+6=17)

Enemy intiative: 17

Quioan can act before the critter in the first round. Then it's the critter, then all PC's. Nevil's made it belowdecks. Renlow is at the wheel. The round object is the mast of the ship.

ETA: Changed the action order above after some corrections from GlassEye. Sorry 'bout that folks. :)


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