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Knightfall's World of Kulan: Tales of the Companions Story Hour (Final Update: Sep 20, 2014)

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World of Kulan DM
Ok, it took me a little longer to get to the next Interlude, but it is done now -- link.

There will be, at least, two more interludes, which will be posted on page 2, somewhere. One will be about Jeddar while the other will feature Dvalin and Rikin.


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World of Kulan DM
Interlude #6 posted! (Follow link.)

The next Interlude, featuring Jeddar, can be found here. I'm hoping to get the one for Dvalin and Rikin done before the end of the week. (No promises.)

I've also modified several other page two posts for two more interludes. Once all the interludes are done then I'll get back to writing the next update. (Or I might do both at once, who knows.)




World of Kulan DM
Breakfast at “The Creeping Vine”:
“Pass the sweet rolls will you, Bactra?” Mesik mumbled through his overflowing mouth. “I’ll say this for you Onans, Rilius, you sure know how to eat.”

“Thank you, friend Mesik.” Rilius was amazed at how much the hairfoot could eat. He tried not to show his revulsion at Mesik’s table manners, while, at the same time, filling up with pride at the small man’s compliment.

“You might want to slow down, Mesik,” laughed Bactra as he offered the sweet rolls first to Thessa and then to Mesik. “After all, we’re going to be here a while and you don’t want to deplete Master Rilius’ stock of food.”

“Indeed,” Thessa glared at Mesik. “And try chewing with your mouth closed. We are not out in the wilderness, Mesik!”

“Oh.” Mesik stopped chewing, closed his mouth and then chewed some more. He swallowed before opening his mouth again. “Sorry Thessa. Sorry to you to Rilius, its just all so good.”

“Yes, a grand repast, as always Master Rilius.” Bactra had adopted some of the local’s speech patterns and use of honorific titles. “I’m sorry my cousin isn’t here to witness such a fine feast and the honor it brings your household.”

“You bless me and household with your kind words, sir elf.” Rilius had come to respect Bactra, as well as fear him. “May Dionysus watch over your table.”

Rilius refilled all the plates and cups with his finest meats, cheese, and pastries, which wasn’t much considering his lowborn status. He clapped his hands and two servers brought more sweet rolls and biscuits.

“Thank you, Master Rilius.” Thessa smiled.

“It is my pleasure, Healer.” Rilius bowed and Thessa turned red.

“I see you are all eating well,” Garth stepped into the private side room that Rilous had set aside for the Companions. “Mind if I join you.”

“Of course, uncle.” Bactra pulled apart his sweet roll and dabbed it in the melted butter sitting next to his plate. “What news from the Senate?”

“I think I’m getting somewhere, finally.” Garth took a seat on the wooden bench next Bactra, across from Thessa. She was staring at him intently. “And yes Thessa, I asked Lord LaMarche about the idea of the citizens of the Outer District getting more representatives on the Senate.”

“And?” Thessa hoped Garth had some good news.

“I wouldn’t hold your breath.” Garth waited for Rilius to bring him a clean plate and cup before taking any food. “However, you won’t have to worry about the High Prelate issuing an order for your arrest.”

“Well, that’s good news,” Mesik looked at Thessa relieved.

“How’d you manage that?” Thessa didn’t think was going to like the answer.

“I paid the yearly fee that an outside church must pay in order to heal the sick and dying. Than was quite impressed with the 100 platinum that I gave him.” Garth smiled.

“100 platinum, that’s outrageous!” Thessa turned red as a beet. “I have a good mind to give this High Prelate a piece of my mind.”

“You will do no such thing,” Garth was tired of her interference. He slammed his hand down on the table, just as Rilius brought him his plate, which was already full. “You agreed to be part of this mission and you will abide how I am handling these negotiations!”

“And if I don’t,” Thessa refused to be intimidated.

“Then I will ask for my 100 platinum back and you will be forced to either leave the city or be thrown in jail.” Garth stared at each person sitting at the table. “And if anyone wants to help her continue to break the local law then I suggest you be prepared to join her. Understood?”

“I will abide by your wishes, uncle.” Bactra was not happy with his Garth’s hard line attitude. “But I don’t have to like it.”

“I know,” Garth sighed. “I hate all the useless hoops and ladders that is the Onan system of government, not to mention the taxes, but we are not here to change Onaway’s way of life.”

“I think an alliance with this city is a mistake,” Thessa’s sour face had become a grimace. “How can the Eastern Shores align themselves with a government that denies healing to it sick and poor. It’s horrible.”

“Well, then I guess you will have to set up your temple in the Outer District,” Garth smiled.

“Temple?” Thessa’s face went slack-jawed.

“Yes, as part of the fee you can set up a temple inside the city proper, although the fee doesn’t cover the costs of building it.”

“And how much is that going to cost?” Thessa sighed.

“I didn’t ask,” Garth shoved a piece of cheese into his mouth. He turned his attention completely to his plate and the conversation died down until Rilius spoke up.

“Healer Simmial, you don’t have to build a new structure. You can either buy a vacant building or align your temple with a current independent business.”

“Hmm, that’s interesting.” Bactra couldn’t help but smile at the thought coming into his mind. “Thessa, you could make your temple part of The Creeping Vine. It wouldn’t be much more than a shrine to start, but I’m sure Master Rilius has some extra space.”

“Yes, I rarely use the small shed attached to the stables. It is yours Healer, if you want it.”

“It’s a deal,” Thessa giggles.

“Now can we get back to the food?” Mesik noticed his plate was empty, again.

The companions all laughed. Garth couldn’t help but wonder where his son was, as well as the vonakyndra.

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World of Kulan DM
Okay, I haven't updated this in a while so I figured it was time. I've post two new Interludes (8 & 9) on page 2, and I have an new update below. - KF72

In the Tangles:
“Dabuk, its time.” Bren admired the young ranger’s dedication.

“Damn it, I was just starting to have fun.”

“You can’t put this off forever. And I’d like to spend some time with my son, this week.”

Dabuk sighed. He new he’d pushed Bren’s hospitality as far as he dared without losing the older man’s friendship.

“Why is it so hard for you?” Bren asked again. “You’ve told me about your life in Fruen and I would think you’d be happy for some city life, such as it is here.”

“My father,” Dabuk’s grim face spoke volumes.

“So you hate him?” Bren shook his head is disbelief.

“No, I could never truly hate him. Although there are days that I sometimes wonder if it would better that he simply forgot who I was. It’s more feelings of frustration and doubt.”

“This Kellin you told me about.” Bren had found it troubling that the Justiciar had a strong friendship with an ogre man. Ogres have been his people’s enemy for years and he had considered confronting the man about it. Yet, there have been half-orcs (and a handful of full-blooded orcs) living in Onaway for years and many had fought alongside him as fellow Onans during numerous conflicts. Garth had let his feelings be known though body language and mannerism, but he had restrained himself in the name of diplomacy. If he could see past the racial hated he had for orcs then Bren could consider that this Kellin person had a good soul.

“Yes,” Dabuk sighed. He spoke as he gathered his belongings. “But it’s more than that. He’s always been distant and we fight over ideology, faith, and how best to honor my mother. He is so steadfast in his beliefs that it’s nearly impossible to sway him on anything.”

“Traits to admire, and frustrate.” Bren couldn’t help but smile.

“So true.” Dabuk laughed. It was rare for him to show so much emotion to someone that was a complete stranger up until a week ago. Yet, he’d found a kindred spirit in Bren and had become fond of his family as well. “Time to go. I’m sure Megan will be glad to see you, and feed you.”

“I’m looking forward to much more than her cooking. I’ll stop by The Creeping Vine first and have Thessa cure me of this awful rash I picked up from that creeping fungus vine. I’m going to have to report it to the cultivators too. Tonight and tomorrow are going to be time consuming.” Bren looked over the tangle maze to make sure the coast was clear. There were still a few rogue ogres loose in the maze and caution was the watchword.

Dabuk shouldered his pack and waited for Bren to pick one of the rope bridges. He surmised the northern most bridge was the best way and was surprised when Bren chose the southern one. “Okay, was sure you were going o go north. Why this way?”

“You lesson isn’t completely over until we clear the tangles, so I decided to choose the more challenging path. Follow my lead and try to keep up.”

Bren sprinted across the bridge like a housecat on a windowsill. Dabuk almost tripped halfway across, but soon found his bearings as the two moved over the ruined rooftops of the upper-tangles.

* * *

Hougwarth Medinton had stayed up all night, drinking with the tavern owner of The Burning Fowl. He had drunk the tavern owner to a standstill and the giant man helped the sloshed Lucius close up and to his home on the edge of the Outer District. The sun was low, shining through the mist into the vonakyndra’s eyes during the winding walk.

Halfway there, Hugh realized that he and Lucius were doing the swaying, not the streets. He tried in vain to gain help from the locals. Many of them still feared him, while the other “tut tut” at him and Lucius for drinking so much. Soon Hugh was carrying the bartender, as the man had passed out. He reached Lucius’ home soon after his head stopped pounding.

He tapped as lightly on the small cottage’s door as he could, which shook it, the frame, and the surrounding walls. Laughter issued from within and soon the door flew open and Lucius’ four young ones crowded into the doorframe.

“Mother, father’s home!” The oldest giggled. “Hug’s brought him home again. They both look terrible.”

“Ooh, not so loud, Aniai.” Hougwarth had come to know Lucius’ family in the short time he’d been in the city. They often let him sleep in their back garden when his regular room was unavailable at the barracks down the lane. “You’ll wake your father, and I’m sure he’d suffer for it.”

“Mother will be cross at him, and I wouldn’t count on being able to sleep in the back garden today. We have guests today.” The four children stepped out of the way as there mother came to see to her husband.

“Hugh, I see you two have been testing each other again.” She sighed.

“Yes, Camilia.” Hugh tried not to sway, as he handed Lucius to her and their oldest boy, Clade. “He almost won this time. I here you have guests, so I will take my leave. A long sobering walk would do me some good.”

“A long one, Hugh.” She shook her head. “And stay away from the docks, or you might end up soaked again.”

“Aye,” Hugh dumped a large bag of silver in the youngest boy’s hands. “Here Anthius, make sure you share this with your siblings, and no sweets, mind me.”

“Thanks Hug,” the small boy beamed at the vonakyndra. It made the giant man’s heart fill with warmth. The children couldn’t seem to ever get his name right, but it didn’t matter.

“You’re welcome, small one.” Hugh waited for the children to leave, carrying their father as best they could, before handing over a bag of gold to Camilia. “And here is half of last night’s profits. It should help to feed your family and keep the debtors away.”

“You might be a giant and a bit of a lush, Hougwarth. But you’re still the nicest person I’ve ever met. This and what you gave me two nights ago is more than enough to cover our expenses for the next two months.”

“Think nothing of it, dear miss.” Hugh bowed as best he could in front of the doorway. “I consider it an honor to know you and your fine family. I will call again tomorrow and bring my friend Thessa to look at your ailing chickens, if that’s to your liking?”

“Thank you, Hugh. We would be glade to meet this Thessa you speak so highly of.”

“And with her, you won’t have to worry about eating outside, while I entertain the small ones. Plus, there is this rather large boar that I’ve had my eye at the butchery in the Market Square. I shall bring it along, freshly cooked, so that you do not have to worry about cooking for Lucius and me.”

“An excellent idea, but now I must attend to my guest. I will see you and Thessa tomorrow at sundown.”

“Ah yes, your guests. I almost forgot. Excuse me, dead lady.” Hugh shuffled off down the lane, away from the docks. Soon he was walking more briskly, as his stomach growled. He knew Master Rilius would have the morning meal out by now at The Creeping Vine. His appetite and nose made him drift in the direction of his friends’ morning repast.

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World of Kulan DM
Two more interludes...

Interlude #8 and #9 can be found here. I'm done adding interludes for a while. Some might appear on the third (this) page eventually, but not until I after I write more.

I haven't started the next update, but I plan to start writing it either today or tomorrow.




World of Kulan DM
Before the Senate:
Garth stood in the center of the Senatorial Alcazar speaking emphatically to the gathered senators and the large crowd of onlookers in the gallery. The man known as the Justiciar spoke quickly, simply, and from the heart. He refused to speak with the flowery tone and mannerisms that were so common to the Onan people. He’d rather “the people” heard him how he was even though it would lose him supporters in the senate.

For while this speech was costing Garth dearly in platinum and a bit of his self-respect, it would be worth it if he could sway the people to his point of view. He had learned that the power of the senate wasn’t absolute in matters of security and prosperity. His speech focused on these matters and the need to help rebuild the city of Onaway using hard work and clerical magic. While wizardry would have worked better for such a task, he knew the Onans would not accept the aid of arcanists, regardless of whether or not they were benign.

Garth’s speech lasted over two hours, as he highlighted the strengths of the Eastern Shores and downplayed the regions troubled past. He did not gloss over it, however, instead the human ranger simply compared the Eastern Shores past hardships to what the Onans were going through now. He spoke of alliances and friendship amongst the royal peers of the region, fired in the heart of conflict during the Second Ogre War.

It was a great speech. He knew it because he even had his own companions, who watched from the gallery, enthralled. Only the vonakyndra was absent from the Alcazar, as he was too large to fit in the gallery and the Onans had refused to let him stand with Garth as the man spoke. Hugh was spending this time catching up on some much-needed sleep and keeping a low profile. As least, that’s what the giant man had promised the Companions.

“In conclusion, I promise that all of the lands of the Eastern Shores will uphold any trade agreement that is finalized here today. In time even a military alliance could be formed, but only after years of good will and patience. I understand that our very different people are separated by more than just distance, but by society and law, as well. I thank you for letting me speak today and I hope it is the first step towards a lasting friendship.”

Garth bowed stoically then stood at attention. Murmuring rose from the gallery and some of the senators. However, most wore a look of placid nonchalance on their faces, while a few looked at the Justiciar with disdain. The murmuring rose to a din that encompassed the entire senate. Several shouts arose from the gallery for the strangers to be cast out of the city, while others jeered and mocked the Easterners’ way of life.

Garth wondered if he had misjudged the Onans needs in some fashion. His speech hadn’t been controversial or in any way implied that the Eastern Shores wanted to subjugate Onaway. Yet, that is how the crowd was reacting. He could only think of one option. Someone had stacked the gallery against him, perhaps even Lord LaMarche himself.

The Lord of Onaway sat impassively at the center of the members of the Onan Senate who were ringed around him in a rising spiral, with only benches to sit upon. A senator’s placement in the spiral denoted his or her longevity in the senate. Those closest to Lord LaMarche had served nearly as long, while those located at the end were still young and untested.

Than LaMarche stood and the gallery went silent. He watched and waited until he was sure that he had everyone attention then turned towards Garth.

“I have come to know this man to be a good and decent, although I do not entirely trust that the words that he speaks are entirely those of the common people of the Eastern Shores. There is more hope than substance in your words Garth Tigerstorm.” The Lord of Onaway did not take his eyes from Garth’s.

That brought more murmuring from the gallery, but a raised hand from LaMarche quelled any outbursts.

“What do you say to that, Justiciar? Do you really speak for “the people” of the Eastern Shores? Or do you simply speak for the “royal peers” you so simply spoke of as heroes and soldiers?”

“I speak for me, my companions, and the people I serve as Justiciar? And while it is true that not all are equal in the Eastern Shores, it is not the same here in Onaway? You have a senate that speaks for “the people” yet many are not given an equal voice. You judge my culture as backwards and unjust, yet you deny that Onan civilization has its own inconsistencies.”

Garth’s bluntness shocked several of the Onan senators, by the worry that now lined their faces. Several took a look towards the gallery, but the citizens didn’t seem too know how they were suppose to respond. That or they found the Justiciar’s words meaningful. One senator, a dwarf that Garth had met only once before, seemed very disappointed by the crowd’s silence. Not even his well-trimmed flowing beard could hide his annoyance.

“Your words bite deep, Justiciar.” Lord LaMarche couldn’t help but admire the other man’s tenacity. “Onan senators are not use to be orally attacked in such a manner.”

“Well, then maybe Onan senators need to listen more and debate less.” Garth stood resolute.

This brought about a few guffaws from the gallery.

“Who are you to question our ways, Easterner?” The dwarven senator shouted the words to be heard above all and in harsh tone. He stepped down from his bench, which sat near the lowest part of the spiral, his blue silk garment draped over his torso, waist, and arms.

“Senator Hammervein, while overly boisterous, does have a good point.” Lord LaMarche moved to one side of Garth, as the dwarven senator took an opposite position on the other side. “You have only been in Onaway for a short time, Justiciar, and yet you insist you understand out people’s needs more than we do.”

“I made no such claim, Lord LaMarche.”

“Liar!” Senator Hammervein crossed his arms in defiance. “We all heard you question our ability to govern our own people. I say enough of this interloper’s faithless tongue. It has long been known that Easterners are godless jezebels. They do not respect the Gods the way Onans do.”

“Never question my faith, sir!” Now it was Garth’s turn to raise his voice.

“I question everything about you and your people, sir.” The dwarf stepped forward glaring at Garth with malice.

“Enough!” Lord LaMarche’s voice resounded throughout the Alcazar. “Senator Hammervein, I expected better behavior from one such as you. For while your passion for the Onan way of life is always welcome in the senate, your personal biases are not.”

“As you wish, Lord LaMarche.” Garth watched with disgust as the dwarf bowed in resigned indignity and returned to his bench. “However, I still say this so-called alliance would be a mistake. The other city-states throughout the Wild Plains and Savage Hills would look upon any such alliance as a military one. It would cause a greater rift between us and our neighbors.”

“And why is that a bad thing, my dear Eagleon.” A young male half-elven senator near the back of the spiral stood. Do we really want better relations with the likes of the city-states of Metan, Nikel, and Halandra or the citizens of the Jovian Alliance? They are not the best of neighbors.”

“Yes, what you say is true, my dear Dalman, but what about the more southerly city-states of Ambian and Gillian? They are more amiable towards us, but could become indifferent or even hostile if we align ourselves with the Eastern Shores. Do we wish to make enemies on all sides, while our only supposed allies are on the other side of the continent? Nay, I say.”

“It is worth considering, at least,” another senator near the back of the spiral spoke without standing. “The Justiciar might dislike our tendency to debate, but it is way we do things. I put forward an official motion that the Onan Senate debate this issue and determine all its merits and drawback.”

“So noted,” Lord LaMarche’s response was steady and without bias. “I assume you second the motion Senator Shallowater?”

“I do.” The half-elf near the back waved his hand nonchalantly as he sat down.

“Do we have a third?” Lord LaMarche waited for a response. He didn’t get one. “Very well, then I will act as the third to motion for the debate.”

“Than, you have got to be kidding?” The dwarf named Eagleon Hammervein slammed his feet down on the marble floor. “How can you, of all people, believe any of this?”

“I didn’t say I believed everything Garth Tigerstorm has spoken. I do, however, believe this alliance is worth considering. Again, I say I thrice the motion.”

“Very well, but I will be filing an official objection in the morning.” The dwarven senator’s words softened slightly, although his face remained hard.

“So noted,” Lord LaMarche turned towards Garth with what appeared to be a genuine smile. “I hope my tough questions will not keep you and your companions from being my guests for dinner tonight?”

“Of course not,” Garth didn’t smile back, but he did nod his head in acknowledgement. “Your questions were thoughtful, and your people will be glad to know you asked them. My companions and I will happy to attend tonight’s revelry.”

In the gallery, if you listened very carefully you could hear a moan of indignity at the thought of attending a state function. Garth hoped no one else realized it had been Dabuk.

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World of Kulan DM
A Festive Night begins:
Garth had instantly knew he’d have to convince Dabuk to go. He went to The Creeping Vine after the senate let out and waited for his son. It didn’t take long to realize Dabuk was going to avoid him at all costs. He and Mesik tracked his half-elven son down near the entrance into the tangles. Five minutes into the argument and Garth was already losing the fight.

“I will not,” Dabuk knew he should have stayed in the tangles. “And you cannot force me to attend. I am not your slave or your dog.”

“You will attend,” Garth kept his tone calm. “Or would you prefer that Lord LaMarche be insulted by your absence?”

“Let him be insulted, I really don’t care what he thinks of me. And right now, I care even less about what you think.”

“Dabuk, you’re being unreasonable. It won’t be that bad, and I’m sure there will be good food.” Mesik wanted to make sure Dabuk stayed out of trouble.

“Please, don’t let me stop you from eating your fill, Mesik.” Dabuk had his own mission to accomplish while in Onaway, and he’d yet to find any time to do so. His grandfather had insisted on he and Mesik going along so that they could make a detailed report of the Onans’ city streets and clandestine organizations. Not for the lords and ladies of the Eastern Shores, but for the Tiger Guild of Fruen. Of course, Garth knew none of this, and the last thing Dabuk would do is explain to his father that Carl had sent him to act as a spy and information gatherer, not as a diplomat.

“It’s more than that, and you know it.” Mesik, of course, knew of their obligations to the Tiger Guild, but thought the idea of skulking around in the night looking for signs of thieves’ guilds or worse, just a little too risky at this point. “Going to this function will aid more than just your father’s diplomatic mission. We’ll get a chance to learn more about Onan culture and what makes it tick. That way we’ll be less likely to make some political error while we’re here.”

Dabuk immediately understood, but he knew he would just get in the hairfoot’s way. He was like a sword blade scraping against a rock when it came to such ‘parties’. He looked at Mesik, shaking his head. “And you really want me there to mess it up?”

“Can’t you behave civil for one night?” Garth was beside himself. It was true he didn’t know why Dabuk and Mesik were really with him on this mission, but he knew he wouldn’t have liked the answer. He also knew that if Dabuk wasn’t by his side tonight then he’d have to explain why to Than LaMarche. He wasn’t looking forward to lying to the leader of the Onan people.

“No,” Dabuk grinned. “You should know that about me by now. And don’t worry about me getting into trouble. I’m going into the tangles, for the night, with Bren and some of his friends. They’re having a ‘festive’ event of their own. All right?”

It was a good cover. Bren was assigned to guard duty in the tangles, and wouldn’t be around to contradict Dabuk’s story. Plus, Dabuk had asked Bren to cover for him. He had told the tangle walker that he’d met a voluptuous human girl and would be spending the night carousing. To anyone who really knew him, it would have been an obvious lie, but Dabuk had refused to let Bren know him that well. He like the man, but that didn’t mean he was going to trust him completely.

“Well, I guess that’s all right,” Garth felt some suspicion, but his mind let family ties win out. “However, I expect everyone else to attend. Understood, Mesik?”

“Even Hugh?” Mesik wondered how the vonakyndra would handle the situation.

“Yes, Lord LaMarche specifically asked for Hougwarth to attend. He’s a bit taken with Hugh’s stories, as are a lot of the Onan people.”

“Okay, but he’s really going to stick out.” Mesik laughed.

“Not as much as you would think. Everyone is to attend in traditional Onan attire. No exceptions!” Garth held up his hand, as Mesik was about to object.

“Nuts.” Mesik looked sourly at Dabuk. “I hate wearing those bed sheets.”

Dabuk grinned back at Mesik like the fox that had just escaped the hound.

* * *

Being fitted in the Latest Styles:
Thessa watched on with some amusement, as six tailors tried in vain to find cloth large enough to fit Hougwarth. The vonakyndra stood just over 10 feet tall and seemed to be enjoying the attention. Lord LaMarche had sent the tailors to The Creeping vine too create garments for all the easterners, in the latest styles, using the best cloth available in the city-state.

Thessa, Mesik, and Bactra had been easy to fit compared to the trouble the tailors were having at the moment. Garth had insisted on being fitted last, and with the warrior’s cut he’d seen many Onan soldiers in. At hearing this, Hugh had insisted on the same cut, which was making the tailors’ job even more difficult. Garth realized that his son would never have stood still long enough for one of these fittings, and was strangely glad that his son had talked him out of making the ranger go.

Still, he wondered if he should send one of the local runners to check up on the boy part way through the evening.

“Hugh, you have to hold still,” Thessa giggled. The gnome priestess was decked out in blue and purple silk.

“I am trying my little friend, but this is not as easy as it looked when they were fitting you and the others."

“Well, if you hadn’t insisted on the warrior’s cut then it would have been over by now.” Bactra – admiring his new white cotton Onan-style garment, with black highlights, in a nearby mirror – was looking forward to rubbing shoulders with Onan nobility. He hoped he didn’t make any serious gaffs tonight. Onan Festive Nights were known for strong drink and revelry so he wasn’t too worried. After a few hours, no one would care how he acted, at least that was what he’d heard.

“Aye, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.” Hugh knew it was too late to change his mind, as the tailors finally making progress. Plus, they had considered designing such a cut for a large being as a great challenge. They would likely be insulted if he asked them to stop now.

“It will be a fine design,” one of the tailors remarked. “You will be the hit of Festive Night.”

“I look forward to wearing it with honor, Master Tailor.” Hugh tried not to puff up with pride. He didn’t want to knock any of the tailors over. Three were balancing on step stools and another on a small ladder behind him, draping over one of the final pieces of cloth.

The entire process was almost comical.

Thessa giggled again.

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World of Kulan DM
Intense Revelry:
The streets of the city-street of Onaway transformed from a place of hardship and tedious work into a full-blown night of feasting, singing, dancing, and heady oratories. Wine and mead flowed from secret caches kept for this one night, and all were free to partake in the best that Onan society has to offer.

Garth Tigerstorm quickly learned that Festive Night was “Bacchanalian” in every sense of the word. Love flowed as freely as wine in many parts of the city-state and guards were only on hand to keep the peace, not to arrest those partaking in a little too much love and wine. Young Onan nobles used this night to sample the wares of the Outer District. Such practices were frowned upon by the older generation, but tolerated.

Besides, they could not very well admonish their sons and daughters for partaking in the same revel that they once did in their youth.

The streets of the Outer District were filled with people from sundown to sunup, while the streets of the Central District were a little less congested. Garth noticed that while all were free to partake in Festive Night, not all were allowed to do so within the confines of the Central District. The division of class may have allowed for slumming, but only rarely for the opposite. A few young men and women of the Outer District, who cleaned up well and were attractive, who caught the eye of an Onan noble were given the honor of spending Festive Night in the Central District.

Garth found the entire evening, and the populaces’ debauchery, distasteful. A festival was one thing, but practicing such hedonism was another. He bore the night grimly, smiling when he had to and trying not to retch at other points in the evening. He did not partake in the more lurid and insisted that the others behave themselves accordingly. He had little too worry about, as his companions were also shocked at the behavior of the Onans. At least, most of his companions were.

Early on, Thessa had retired to her room in The Creeping Vine. Garth had learned, the next day, that she’d spent a lot of the night casting silence on her room. Mesik had been shocked, but not overly surprised, as humans tended to be quite different from region to region. He spent the night roaming from banquet to banquet eating a great amount of food and trying not to get drunk.

Hougwarth took much of the evening’s revel in stride, as he was still unaccustomed to the behavior of human society. He was worried that he might have to participate and was relieved when Garth told them not to get involved in the baser proceedings. The real test, for Garth, had been keeping Bactra out of trouble. The young elf had always been intrigued by different human cultures and he’d often got into trouble in the city of Fruen.

Garth tried not to laugh as he remembered one incident where Bactra found himself entangled in a love triangle with a young noblewoman and her maid. Garth and Dabuk had barely saved the wizard from the noblewoman’s three rather large brothers. That event had been near scandalous throughout Fruen. Garth knew Bactra rarely restrained himself, as elves tended to not worry about the moment too much.

Garth looked for the elven wizard, in the surrounding crowd, as he tried not to look bored as an elderly Onan noblewoman tried to seduce him. He couldn’t see Bactra anywhere.

“Damn, where did he disappear to now,” the noblewoman didn’t even hear him, continuing to prattle on in drunken stupor. She didn’t even notice when Garth stepped away.

* * *

Voidrunner's Codex

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