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Knightfall's World of Kulan: Tales of the Companions Story Hour (Final Update: Sep 20, 2014)


World of Kulan DM
the Jester said:
Finally caught up! :D

I love the tangles- I'll have to steal the basic idea for city defense sometime. Sounds like it would work well in Var, actually...

If you love the tangles then you'll really love this new regional feat I just designed.

Tangle Walker [General, Regional]
You know the tangle maze of the city of Onaway like the back of your hand.
Prerequisites: 1st-level, native of the city of Onaway.
Benefit: You gain a -2 Survival DC modifier when tracking creature through the tangle maze. You also gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (tangle maze), which is always a class skill for you.
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World of Kulan DM
The upper-tangles:
“Watch yourselves,” Bren tested the catwalk like rope-bridge before stepping out onto it. “These walkways are treacherous.”

“How much weight can they hold?” Garth wasn’t confident about traversing the rope-bridge in his armor.

“A fair bit, but I can’t guarantee your safety with all that armor on. These bridges are meant for light to medium weight travel. I recommend you take it off and store it here. We can come back for it later and the garrison should have some lighter armor that will fit you.”

“I don’t know,” Garth was responsible for the armor, as well as the mission. It didn’t belong to him. It was an heirloom of his family. “If it is lost, my family would lose a precious, magical heirloom. Yet, if what you say is true then I won’t even make it across the first bridge.”

“Make up your mind, sir. We don’t have time to sit here and ponder it.”

“Very well, Garth relented. “Bactra, Dabuk, I’ll need you to help me take this armor off.” Garth started unfastening the few belts he could reach.

“Okay,” Bren looked out towards the firebreak. “You’ve got ten minutes then I’m leaving with or without you.”

“Understood,” Garth made a decision. “Don’t worry about the leg pieces. I’ll keep those on. Bren, where’s the best place to store the other parts?”

“Stick them on the top of the landing of the staircase. With the trapdoor shut, no one is likely to find it. We’ll cover the door with vines. Don’t worry, I’ll be able to guide you here again.”

“Of that I have no doubt.” Garth hoped they didn’t run into anything that would seriously threaten them.

* * *

The adventurers followed Bren across another rope-bridge, this one a little more stable than the four others they had already traversed.

Garth was glad he hadn’t tempted Fate.

The ropes would have surely broke with his plated bronze mail on. He had agreed to wear the heavier armor instead of his chain shirt at the request of his father. He looked more diplomatic in the armor and it gave its wearer a higher personal magnetism. He had been wearing it for so long that he’d forgotten his true stature. Not that he wasn’t a charismatic man just that the armor made him more so.

Bren had noticed the difference right away but hadn’t said anything. He knew the Senate of Onaway would be highly impressed by the justiciar in his fancy armor, but also knew the soldiers near the inner wall would respect Garth more as he was now. He was a battered, war hardened man. One could tell that right away from the many scars on his neck and arms.

“How much father?” Thessa wasn’t having any trouble traversing the rope-bridges, she was just interested in finding out where they were. Without Bren they’d be hopelessly lost, even crossing the upper-tangles.

“Not far, although I think we’ll have to cross the Vineyard Passage on the ground. I don’t trust the rope-bridges there. They haven’t been fixed in over a year.”

“I’m surprised you can find anyone who’d want the job.” Mesik noted. “This place just feels like one big trap waiting to happen.”

“You’d be correct, sir.” Bren hated cultivator work almost as much as ‘hole’ guard duty. “Only trappers and experience tangle warriors can find their way through all this. Those that find disfavor are often demoted to being cultivators, as well as guarding the holes in the wall.”

“Like you?” Dabuk was nothing if blunt.

Bren stopped just near the beginning of the next rope-bridge. He let out a long sigh.

“Damn it boy, can’t you ever think before you speak?” Garth was ready to cuff his son on the ear like the ignorant child he was behaving like.

“No, it’s alright. He’s correct in is assumption. I’ve been stuck doing guard duty for years now. I fell out of favor after one of the traps I set went off and killed a trapper and two cultivators. I’ve been trying to prove my worth ever since, but the Senate never forgets and its members never forgive. Especially when the trapper who died was the son of a senator.”

“Well, I’m sure you learned from your mistake and that’s what really matters. A little bit of disfavor never killed anyone.” Garth tried to ease the man’s troubled mind.

“Not so,” Bren tested the next rope-bridge as he continued. “My entire family shares in any dishonor I bring to myself. My father lost everything, as the Senate seized our lands, and my mother left him for another nobleman. My two sisters won’t even speak to me.”

“By Hade’s Underrealm, that doesn’t sound fair at all.” Mesik was livid.

Bren motioned for them to follow him across the bridge. Once on the other side he continued his story.

“Life is rarely fair in Onaway these days. Because of the threat from without, many in the community have a tendency to turn on each other for petty differences. It’s a hard life in this ruined city.”

“What became of your father?” Bactra asked the question this time.

Bren watched as the last of them came across the bridge. “He killed himself.”

“I see what you meant earlier.” Garth sighed. “I am sorry if my comments offended you.”

“No apology is required, sir. It is my way of life. All I can hope to do is reclaim my family’s birthright before I die so that my son and his children after him do not share in the shame.”

“I agree with Mesik that is not fair at all” Thessa was beside herself. “Perhaps we can put in a good word for you.”

“That would be very kind of you, but I doubt the Senate would even hear from you on the matter. The opinion of outsiders isn’t given much weight here.”

“Does that mean we came all this way for nothing?” Dabuk was ready to start banging his head on the nearest wall.

“I cannot say, but if this alliance your proposing is ‘very’ beneficial to the citizens and, more importantly, to the Senate then they will likely give it some real thought.”

A noise from the street below startled them all into readiness. Bren was the first to the side of the building. Looking down he saw what Dabuk smelled on the shifting wind.

“Ogres.” They said it once right after the other, Dabuk and then Bren.

* * *

“You’ve fought ogres before, haven’t you?” Bren already knew the half-elf’s answer.

“More than you see down there.” Dabuk liked to exaggerate. He was already standing next to Bren.

“No stupid heroics, son.” Garth caught Dabuk’s arm to keep his son from jumping to his death.

“Not this time,” Dabuk crouched next to Bren surveying the landscape. “There are too many of them.”

The others came to the edge of the building. All those over 5 feet in height crouched down to hide themselves. Mesik and Thessa didn’t need to crouch.

What they saw gave them all pause. The ogres were cutting through the foliage with large scythe-like blades. There were nearly a dozen of them in view of the surrounding torches set into the makeshift sconces set along the catwalks on the tops of the building on both sides. Several laid traps went off as the ogres proceeded down the street towards the T-junction that led to the vineyard Passage and eventually the inner wall. Two ogres in the lead were carrying huge tower shields, which deflected the blows of two large spears fired by a spring-like trap.

The ogres directly behind them weren’t as luck as one of them stepped on a stone pressure plate that started a collapse of one of the buildings on the other side of the street. The beasts howled as they died, but their ogre companions left them for dead, continuing on. All were wearing fine-looking hide armor.

“Those weapons and armor look like they could be masterwork items.” Garth couldn’t believe his eyes. “This is not just a simple ogre horde. This is a deadly invasion force.”

“You are correct, sir. We have to lead them away from the inner wall. The forces there won’t be able to handle this.” Bren began stringing his bow.

“I suggest caution.” Garth moved to stop the guard from giving away their position. “You won’t even make a hole in their armor from this range.”

“True, but that’s not the point. This force is the most well equipped group of ogres I’ve ever seen. There are several deadly traps on Wayward Avenue to the south of us. If we can lure them there then we might be able to take a few more of them out.”

“It’s worth a shot, father.” Dabuk began to string his bow as well. “If we can get them to chase us, even a few of them, then we can dwindle their numbers.”

“I agree, we must do something.” Thessa wasn’t usually the first to speak up. “There are families to consider here, Garth.”

“Very well, if the group decided on recklessness then who am I to stop you. I will stay with you and guard your backs but I will not get into an archery match with them.” Garth pointed to several ogre archers in the rear of the column coming down the street.

“Damn, this is not good.” Mesik knew his sling would do nothing to these creatures but annoy them like a fly would a horse.

* * *
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World of Kulan DM
The Battle of the Streets and Avenues:
“Here’s the plan, follow the catwalks in this direction.” Bren pointed away from where the ogres were marching. “I’ll be on the avenue below you. I’ll lead them along the avenue while you shoot at them from above. Move as quickly as you can and stay ahead of me if you can. If you can’t then hide.”

“Someone should go with you.” Dabuk wanted to go.

“No, I need you up here guiding them. You’ve been watching how I work, I noticed. You pick things up fast and they’ll get lost without you. Besides, I’ll be moving too fast for anyone to keep up without setting off the hidden traps. I won’t risk that.”

“But-“ Garth didn’t like the man’s chances down on the street alone.

“No buts, I know what I’m doing. You have to trust my judgement on this.” Bren moved to the edge of the building. He grabbed on of the sturdier looking vines.

“Just make sure you wait until I’ve lead them down the avenue before you begin firing at them. Now get moving!” Bren went over the wall and the others did as he said heading across the nearest catwalk in the direction he had pointed.

* * *

“This is nuts!” Mesik watched as Bren continued firing his bow at the irate ogres coming towards him. The Onan ranger wasn’t hurting them but, so far, his plan was working. Several of the less disciplined ogres had broken off from the column intent on squashing this easy prey.

Bren ducked behind some rubble as an ogre-sized arrow skittered across the ground where he’d just been standing. He nimbly ran along a narrow path and jumped over a fallen column of stone just as another arrow slammed into the rubble behind him.

“He’s really quick on his feet. I’ve never seen anyone move like that through such terrain. If he lives, I want lessons.” Dabuk had his bow ready eager to fire upon the advancing ogres. His gut told him to throw caution to the wind, but his head knew better. He’d gained a lot of good sense on the journey to Onaway and wouldn’t just throw away his life for vengeance.

Bactra stood next to cousin, amazed by the restraint he was showing. Perhaps having Kellin around had pushed him to be more reckless. He seemed calmer now, almost serene in his inner anger. Bactra wasn’t sure if he liked this anymore than when his cousin constantly snapped when ogres appeared. Bactra went through the arcane formulas in his mind over and over. He didn’t have many powerful spells and knew he’d have to make his magic count.

“I think we all could benefit from the teaches of these people.” Garth was amazed that Bren instinctively knew where to step, jump, and climb as not to set off the hidden traps of the avenue. The ogres weren’t so lucky. The blundered into several stone deadfalls and spear traps but kept coming, their rage driving them on. Several others from the column began howling in pain, as they failed to find a huge pit trap heading down the other direction of the T-intersection of the street and avenue. Three ogres fell in, only one came out alive.

“Nasty!” Mesik was impressed.

“I’m glad we decided to walk the upper-tangles. Now I see how dangerous it is down there.” Bactra wouldn’t go back down there unless he had to.

“Ok, he’s almost below us. Get ready.” Garth notched an arrow to the emergency shortbow he normally kept slung to Hindle.

“Wait for it,” Mesik began twirling his sling.

“Now!” Dabuk fired the first shot. It streaked out just as the first ogre came into range. The arrow shattered uselessly on the ogre’s tough hide armor. “Damn it!”

Garth shot his bow at the same ogre. It struck the beast in the arm and it howled at the projectile that had stung it. Mesik let loose with his sling but wasn’t surprised when it fell long before reaching the brutes.

The ogres with shields raised them, while the others scanned the upper edges of the buildings for these new enemies. One barked out a command to the archers behind him to start scanning the rooftops. The archers couldn’t find them at first but zoned in on them after Dabuk and Garth fired two more shots each at the same ogre as before. The beast didn’t see the arrows until they impacted his arm and shoulder. The ogre archers began firing at the half-hidden heroes.

“Time to move on,” Garth pulled Mesik back just as one of the large arrows streaked by. “Bren is on the move down that side street. I guess that means we cross over there.”

Garth pointed to a strong-looking rope-bridge, entangled with thick vines.

“One more shot,” Dabuk wanted to hurt one badly before retreating. He fired again, catching one of the other ogres in the nose with his arrow. “Bullseye!”

“Dabuk, get down.” Mesik and Thessa pulled Dabuk down out of the way of a large arrow heading for his chest. The projectile clipped him as he stumbled back, doing only minor damage. Still, blood seeped from Dabuk’s shoulder.

“That was too close.” Dabuk knew his small friends had saved his neck. “Thanks, I lost it for a moment there. Let’s get going.”

Dabuk lead the way over a series of connected catwalks towards the larger one spanning the avenue to the other side of the side street where Bren was hold up firing his bow at the ogres. They took the bridge two at a time, as the ogres charged towards Bren’s position.

Several of the ogre archers’ arrows flew just above the rope-bridge then a third clipped the bridge, snapping one of the rope supports. Dabuk, Thessa, and Garth were already across. Mesik and Bactra were still on the other side of the bridge, as it began to sway, as the ropes began to fray and unravel.

“Move it you two, it’s coming apart.” Dabuk watched helplessly as the ropes on the far end began to snap.

“Bactra, move your butt! I don’t want to die out here swinging over some ugly ogre’s nose.” Mesik watched as one of the ogres charging towards Bren, stopped, then started walking towards them his large sword ready to slice the bridge and them to ribbons.

“There’s no time. It’ll get to us before we make it. Give me some room.”

“You’re crazy to try that out here.”

“Shut up, you’ll break my concentration.” Bactra began the incantations for his Melf’s acid arrow spell. It would definitely hurt the ogre and might slow him down a little. He finished the spell just as the ogre raised its sword to strike.

Mesik closed his eyes as the acid arrow streaked out to slam into the ogre’s neck. The acid burnt the creature and it howled, dropping its sword, and grabbing at its neck. That was a mistake. It howled again as the acid burnt its fingers.

“Okay, can we go now.” Mesik was ready to start pushing the elven wizard, but knew the bridge was precarious at best. They continued on watching as the ogre tried to scrape the acid off with a dirty undershirt.

They were near the middle when another large arrow impacted the bridge near their position. The bridge rocked back and forth, as the rope began to unravel even faster. Then they heard several snaps as rope bent the wooded boards of the bridge.

“Uh, oh.” Mesik knew it was bad.

“I take it that’s not a good sound.” Bactra began to run even before Mesik told him to.

* * *
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World of Kulan DM
Hanging by a thick, vine-like thread:
“We’re not going to make it!” Bactra felt the bridge fall out from under him. They had barely gone 4 feet before the bridge came apart directly behind them.

“No!” It was Dabuk’s voice.

“Grab hold of anything you can!” Mesik wrapped his arm in a solid looking rope, hoping it wouldn’t dislocate his shoulder or elbow as gravity met resistance.

Bactra was not so lucky. He flailed in the air before tumbling down past Mesik into the mess of tangled ropes, vines and broken boards. His leg got caught up in the mess, which saved his life but also trapped him there.

The bridge then began to meet that resistance as the sturdy, wooden poles that had holding up the bridge began to pull at the ropes and vines strung out across its length. The poles groaned in agony as the mass of debris began to swing towards the side of the building. It carried the heroes along with it, crashing into the wall with a tremendous impact that shook Mesik’s teeth.

His vision blurred and he lost his air. He couldn’t even begin to worry about Bactra as his worst fear came to life. He felt his shoulder pop out and he barely stifled a scream. When his vision had cleared, he was surprised to see Dabuk climbing down towards him.

“Dabuk?” Mesik wasn’t sure where he was. It felt like he’d hit his head and his arm hurt. “What the-“

“Quiet, they might hear you.” Dabuk was whispering. “How are you, can you see Bactra?”

“B-Bactra,” Mesik tried to remember he shook his head looking down at what was a mass of tangled ropes and vines. “Tangle? Wait, the tangle maze, Onaway.”

“Damn it,” Mesik tried to find Bactra in the mess below him but couldn’t see the elven wizard. “I hit my head really hard, Dabuk. I was somewhere else there for a moment. No, I can’t see Bactra.”

“Let me see,” Dabuk was hanging from his knees while looking at Mesik’s head. Well, there’s no bleeding that I can see but we’ll have to get you to Thessa as soon as possible. Can you climb with that arm?”

“Ow! I don’t think so.” Mesik couldn’t feel anything but pain, as he tried to move it.

“Okay, then I’m going to have to carry you up. But first I have to cut you free. This might hurt a little.”

“Forget it,” Mesik pushed Dabuk’s dagger away. “I’ll use Sheao to cut myself free. You need to find Bactra. Just help tie me off to that other rope there.” Mesik pointed with his good arm to a free hanging rope next to them.

“You sure you can manage?” Dabuk wore concern.

“Yes, now help me.” Mesik reached for the rope, as Dabuk grabbed it. They quickly cut it and tied Mesik to the end. “Now, go find that crazy mage.”

“I’ll be right back, up.” Dabuk scampered down towards the tangled mass below, while Mesik tried to free himself.

* * *
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World of Kulan DM
The ties that bind:
Dabuk continued down the ropes, trying desperately to not get entangled. The mass of ropes, vines, and splinted wood impeded his movement. He stopped to look for any signs of Bactra, as well as to check and see where the ogres were. He was amazed at the restraint he was showing. Normally he would have rushed down the wall and into the beasts, without concern for anything, meting out death to the smelly giants.

However, Bactra was family and Mesik was like his older brother. The two had been through more than Dabuk could even remember, as he continued to climb down the ruined structure of the rope-bridge. He pushed aside a mass of vines and there was Bactra, hanging upside down, waiting.

“Well, what took you so long?” Bactra knew better than to raise his voice, as he to was looking out for ogres. “Any sign of the brutes.”

“No, now hold still and be quiet.” Dabuk began to work on freeing his cousins bound leg. “And make sure you hang on to something.”

Bactra nodded his head as his cousin began to pull at the vines and ropes entwined around the wizard’s leg. The limb was a mess, as dozens of thorns had embedded themselves in the elf’s leg and his ankle was caught and twisted between two cracking boards.

“Damn, this is going to take a while. I’m going to have to cut all of this away and drag you all the way back up before freeing your leg. And I’m going to need help.” Dabuk swung his head up just in time to see Mesik cut himself free. The halfling rogue deftly hung onto the rope tied around his waist. He glanced out into the wild street of Onaway just in time to see two ogre archers come to check on the ogre Bactra had hit with his acid arrow spell.

They hadn’t noticed the heroes hanging there, yet.

“Damn it, not now.” Dabuk grit his teeth and began cutting vines and ropes around them to hopefully conceal the hanging duo.

“I know that tone.” “Bactra kept perfectly still as Dabuk worked. “How many?”

“Two archers,” Dabuk rigged up a temporary blind spot. He looked up to check on Mesik. The rogue wasn’t anywhere to be seen. “I’m going to have to learn how to do that.”

“What?” Bactra whispered.

“Never mind,” Dabuk hid himself as best her could in the mass of wreckage. “Don’t talk, don’t move, and don’t breathe.”

The ogres helped their fallen comrade up. The beast growled in anger and then turned his attention back towards the ruined rope-bridge. The beast retrieved his sword and snapped at the two archers to cover him. The ogre moved towards the bridge, his sword ready to cut down anything that moved.

* * *

“We have to do something,” Thessa was beside herself with worry as two other ogres joined the one that had threatened the bridge.

“If we give ourselves away, they’ll make short work of us. We cannot risk it.”

Bren had found his way back up onto the upper tangles without incident. He had lead several ogres into a cul-de-sac that was filled with large vermin-like ants. The ant creatures hadn’t notice Bren after the man had smeared their smell on his clothing. However, the ants had attacked the ogres, viciously, protecting their territory.

“We will not just leave them to die, Bren.” Garth was trying to come up with a way to distract the ogres without alerting them. “That is my family down there.”

“I understand, but I can’t risk it. The garrison at the inner wall needs my report. And soon.”

“Then go and give it.” Garth mentally went through the divine spells he had prepared. Nothing would help the situation. He knew Thessa was a skilled healer, but he wasn’t sure about her martial prowess.

“I just can’t leave you two here alone. There are more hidden dangers in the tangles than just traps and monstrous ants. There are some things that are incredibly deadly. Man-eating plants, vicious winged beasts, you name it.”

“I’ve lived this long without your help. Fought in the Second Ogre War and lived to tell about it. I have lived to learn of my loved ones’ deaths. I will not lose my son too.” Garth turned to Thessa. “What combat spells do you know?”

“That’s not what I do. I can increase your stamina and cast a protection from horrible evil on myself, but other than that, my current selection of spells are designed for healing or are utilitarian.” Thessa replied.

“You’re seriously going to take on three well-armed and well-armored ogres, just the two of you?” Bren didn’t know whether to be impressed or mortified.

“Yes,” Thessa looked at Garth without any hint of regret. She quickly cast her bear’s endurance spell on Garth. “They are like my family too. Besides, you shouldn’t count the others out this fight.”

“Very well,” Bren shook his head. “You do what you must and I will do what I must.” Bren scanned up and down the streets looking for more opposition. “Take care of yourselves.”

“You as well, friend.” Garth nodded to Bren and the other man returned the gesture. Then he began to run along the side of the building, leaping to the next adjacent one, several feet away. Soon he was out of sight.

“I hope he makes it in time,” Thessa watches Bren leave then casts protection from evil and a minor cantrip on herself. “Let’s go.”

Garth and Thessa moved towards the side of the building, intent on climbing down to hopefully surprise, or at least distract the ogres. They climbed over the edge just in time to see the ogre’s sword poke at the ruined bridge, as the beast begins its search for survivors of the collapse.

* * *
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World of Kulan DM
Melee in the Tangles:
“Hurry, they don’t have much time.” Garth deftly jumped the last 5 feet to the uneven avenue of cobblestones below. He drew his blade a moment later and then charged across the avenue towards the ogres. Thessa hit the ground hard, as she fell more than she jumped, but managed to tumble away some of the pain. She reached for her mace hanging at her belt, once her head stopped swimming.

She felt like she was going to be sick, as the smell of the large ogres hit her nostrils. These ones smelled even worse than the last ones they’d faced. Anger took her to a place she rarely went and she charged over the broken cobblestones, over a dozen feet between her and Garth.

The Justiciar of the Eastern Shores bellowed a warcry just before jumping over a fallen pillar. The two ogre archers turned to fire their enlarged bows as this new threat jumped through the air towards them. Garth swung his sword just as the first ogre fired his bow. The large arrow impacted the pillar, digging in and cracking the stone.

Garth’s sword struck home a moment later on the giant’s hand where it held the bow. The creature screamed in pain and dropped its weapon as Garth’s strike severed three fingers. The second ogre archer took aim and fired towards Thessa but misjudged the distance and the shot went wide into an adjacent building. The stone crumbled as the arrow ripped through it and Thessa thanked Baervan silently that that hadn’t been her chest.

The third ogre, poking the hanging bridge with its sword, quickly swung around to face the ranger and priestess, swinging its enlarged blade in a vicious downward strike. The blade clipped Garth’s armor near the shoulder, which sent him spinning to the ground. Thessa arrived a moment later to hit the ogre in the ankle with her mace. The man beast’s heavy boots took most of the damage but it did flinch before trying to skewer the Justiciar into the ground.

Garth moved just in time, diving behind several large rocks just before the ogre’s blade scraped the ground where he’d been lying seconds before.

“That was too close.” Garth held his shoulder and closed his eyes. The wound knit together as the ranger healed himself. “Can’t let them recover.”

Garth steeled his resolve, unstrapped his spare light shield from his back, moved out from behind the rocks, and charged towards the giant archers. The one closest took aim and fired, while the other held its ruined hand in the other. The enlarged arrow flew true, slamming into the Justiciar throwing him back into the rocks he’d just been hiding behind.

“Garth! No!” Thessa dodged to one side as the ogre she’d hurt tried to kick her like a child’s ball. “Damn brutes!”

She swung her mace again and this time she found bone. The beast howled as the blow sent a wave of numbing pain up its leg. The beast hopped on one foot, backing away from the gnome priestess. It struck out with its sword but only managed to slice stone and mortar, as Thessa danced away.

Garth’s head swam and he was sure he saw two more ogres standing next to the archers. His head cleared in time to realize he was seeing double and that the ogre archer was taking aim once more. The other ogre moved to flank Thessa, after wrapping its ruined hand and then drawing a large flail in the other. The Justiciar looked at the huge arrow that had ripped through his shield and punctured his armor near the shoulder he’d just healed.

“Well, that’s not good at all.” Garth tried to stand but his legs failed him. He heard a loud warcry just as he passed out.

* * *

Dabuk watched as his father charged the ogres a second time with both pride and fear. Then the giant’s arrow had slammed into the Justiciar and the half-elf’s calm exterior shattered.

“Damn them to Hades’ Underrealm!” He looked at Bactra with anger and sadness in his eyes.

“I’ll be fine,” Bactra waved him away. Go get them, cousin!”

Dabuk’s anger turned to a wicked grin and he began climbing up towards the edge of the building. Moments later he took a running jump off the building towards the ogre archer lining up his father for the killing shot. A cry of anger and sorrow escaped his lips as he drew his dagger in mid flight and threw it at the brute’s throat. The dagger struck armor only nicking the beast’s think hide. However, the dagger ruined the beast’s aim and the arrow slammed into the rocks behind Garth’s unconscious form.

Dabuk slammed into the beast’s elbow with his boots. A large crack issued from the ogre’s arm and it howled in pain. Dabuk laughed wickedly as he fell to the ground. A jut of stone penetrated his shoulder and his laughter turned into a scream. The ogre man growled and raised its foot to step on Dabuk’s prone form.

Thessa tried to move towards Garth’s lifeless form but the flail-wielding ogre blocked her path. She gritted her teeth as the beast swung in a downward stroke that nearly crushed her. She teetered back and forth and didn’t see the other ogre strike at her with the flat of his blade. Her head snapped back and she fell unconscious.

“Oh crap,” Bactra watched helplessly as his family and friends fell one after another. Mesik, we have to do something!

Bactra scanned the upper reaches of the broken, hanging bridge for the halfling rogue. “Mesik, where in the Nine Hells are you?”

Bactra’s answer came in the form of the blade-wielding ogre turning back towards the ruined bridge and swinging his sword at the bridge’s remaining creaking supports.

“Uh oh!” Bactra tried desperately to cut away the vines holding his tattered leg, as the giant’s sword shattered the wooden supports.

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World of Kulan DM
Melee in the Tangles (cont.):
Mesik heard Bactra’s plea and he knew he had to do something. However, his arm was in no shape for combat and he didn’t have access to Thessa’s healing. He also didn’t have a healing potion, so his options were limited. Mesik knew that Garth would have such a potion on him, maybe even 2 or 3, if they hadn’t been smashed when the oversized arrow had sent the Justiciar flying.

Then he saw the ogre turn towards the hanging bridge, attached by Bactra’s plea, and watched helplessly as the beast’s huge sword shattered the supports holding up what was left of the ruined bridge.

“Oh damn,” Mesik threw himself towards the ground with only a vine to support him. He had chosen the vine for the fact that it appeared to be anchored to the building separately from the bridge. He held on tight with his one good arm, as the vine went taut. He used his momentum to swing around the building towards Garth’s prone form. His arm and shoulder held together, but the vine began to come apart from the building. Mesik let go of the vine just before he would have smashed into the ground.

He tumbled and rolled as best he could, his ruined arm tied against his body with some rope he had scavenged from the bridge. He hit one piece of rubble hard, which knocked him prone several feet away from Garth.

A moment later he heard the bridge come crashing down. He didn’t have the luxury to worry about Bactra, as he needed to get a healing potion into Garth and himself, if possible. The hairfoot rogue’s vision waved back and forth as he got to his feet and grabbed Garth and heaved him down closer to the ground. Just then, an oversized arrow streaked just above them where the Justiciar’s head just been.

Mesik was thankful that Garth hadn’t had his armor on, or Mesik would never been able to move him. He opened Garth’s backpack, which was torn in several places. The inside was a mess, as several vials had broken.

“Damn it!” Mesik dug through the backpack praying that he’d find an unbroken potion or vial of healing elixir. “Brandobaris, where are you when I need you?” Mesik wasn’t very devoted to the Master of Stealth, as he preferred Hades solemn sermons, but he did pay homage to the Halfling Deity of Luck from time to time. “If you don’ help me save my family now then no more sugar cakes as sacrifices!”

Mesik dug deeper into the backpack, cutting his hands on some glass from a broken vial, but he found what he needed, as his hand closed around a large potion bottle. It was clearly labeled healing elixir. Mesik felt the shadow looming over him and Garth and knew he only had moments to decide.

He chose Garth. He opened the bottle poured it down the ranger’s throat and prayed that Brandobaris was indeed with him. The draught came into effect just as an ogre grabbed Mesik from behind. Crushing him with its huge hands.

“Arg!” Mesik struggled in vain as the ogre squeezed the air out of the small hairfoot. He saw Garth get to his feet and grab his weapon just before everything went dark.

* * *


World of Kulan DM
Melee in the Tangles (cont.):
Bactra tried desperately to cut his leg loose in the seconds before the bridge came down around him. Gravity began to pull rope, vines, shattered wood, and his body down toward the rubble below. He cut through the last part of the vine trapping his leg, while his mind raced at what to do next, in order to save his life.

Then it came to him, in a flash of luck, as a spider crawled out of his hair and onto his forehead. Bactra relaxed his mind, grabbed the spider, reached for his spell component pouch, incanted his spell, ate the component & spider, and then strained his body to reach out for the wall, as he fell.

The magic of his spider climb spell took effect a moment later, allowing him to grab a hold of the wall. He pressed his body against the wall, as the bridge crash down to the ground behind him, throwing up dust and chips of stone.

Bactra didn’t wait to be spotted, climbing down out of sight, using the dust to obscure his location. He hit the ground with a thump, as his ruined leg gave out from under him.

“Wow, I don’t believe that worked.” Bactra spoke softly trying to catch his breath. Bactra had lost his backpack in the collapse and didn’t have any way to heal himself. All he could do was try to bind his wounds and hope he didn’t bleed to death.

* * *

Garth woke from unconsciousness, as the heal potion coursed through his body. His first vision was that of Mesik being squeezed to unconsciousness by an ogre attacker. Garth grabbed his sword, got to his feet, and rushed the ogre as it dropped Mesik to the ground.

The beast was unprepared for his attack, as Garth trust his sword deep into the ogre’s belly. Its eyes bulged out in surprise, as Garth twisted his blade slicing skin and bone. The ogre groaned in agony as it looked down to see its own entrails pour out of its belly.

Garth pulled his sword out, tossed it to the side, picked up Mesik, and dived out of the path of the falling ogre. The Justiciar laid down the hairfoot rogue carefully and looked to find where he had hoped his sword would be. It wasn’t there.

“Crap!” Garth turned looking for his sword. It was no where in sight and the ogre archer was now battling Dabuk unarmed. “Well, I’m just going to have to do this the hard way.” Garth drew his dagger and charged towards the flail-wielding ogre, as it raised its weapon to crush Thessa.

* * *
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World of Kulan DM
Melee in the Tangles (cont.):
Dabuk pulled himself off the sharp rock that ripped through the back of his shoulder., ripping more flesh and bone in the process. He rolled out of the way of the ogre’s foot coming down toward him. The ogre archer impaled its foot on the jutting stone for all its trouble, and dropped its bow.

The beast hopped away from Dabuk, trying to draw a large dagger from its belt. Dabuk pushed the pain away and attacked the beast man, aiming for its hand. His blade dug into the ogre’s belt instead, and he tried to grab the creature’s dagger from its sheath.

The ogre brought his other hand around, balling his fist, and hitting Dabuk with a severe uppercut. The half-elf ranger’s head snapped back and he flew through the air taking the ogre’s dagger with him, but leaving his sword embedded in the ogre’s belt. Dabuk’s body slams into an uneven stone wall on the other side of the avenue, which gave way with the impact.

“Weak elf man’s weapons cannot hurt Snall,” the ogre pulls Dabuk’s sword out of his belt and throws it away in disgust. “I will crush you to paste, spread your blood on my armor, and eat your bones in victory.”

It was the first time any of the ogres had spoken other than to grunt or growl at the companions. The ogre was surprisingly articulate for one of its kind, but Dabuk was too busy pulling himself out of the rubble and spitting out dust to notice. The half-elven ranger tightens his grip of the ogre’s dagger.

“You are going to die horribly for that,” Dabuk growled.

“Bah, I was killing your kind when you were a still in your father’s bitch’s womb.” The ogre balled its fists and charged.

Dabuk held his rage and waited for his moment to strike. All he could think of was the ogre man’s words pounding in his ears. He grip tightened around the large dagger so hard that it began to bruise. The ogre came in swinging, but Dabuk deftly dodge the ogre’s blows, as they slammed into crumbling stone wall behind. Dabuk rolled easily through the beast man’s legs standing up just behind the ogre’s left leg.

“Pathetic,” Dabuk thrust the oversized dagger through the back of the ogre’s knee – so hard that the blade ripped all the way through the kneecap. “You’re nothing to me, just another ogre for the slaughter.”

Dabuk twisted the blade back and forth violently, severing the beast man’s tendons, muscles and arteries. Black ichor sprays out of the gapping wound, soaking Dabuk’s sword and arms. The ogre roars, in pain, as it tries to hold its form upright. Dabuk tears his sword out of the oozing wound and hits the side of ogre’s other knee with the pommel of the weapon. The ogre tries to swat the half-elf away, but fails miserably. Dabuk uses the blade’s pommel again, moving to one side to get a better hit, this time on the kneecap.

The ogre howls again falling backwards onto the ground. It swings wildly with its fists hitting Dabuk both times, as the ranger moves in for the kill. The ranger falls backward losing his grip on the oversized dagger and it skitters away under a pile of rubble.

“Damn, not good.” Dabuk shakes his head at his stupidity. “I should have gone for the knees again.”

* * *


World of Kulan DM
So who's reading?

Just doing a quick and dirty poll. Who's reading this story hour? What do you think? Who's your favorite character?

Anyway, here's the conclusion to Melee in the Tangles, part one and two. There will be Aftermath post, after these two posts but not likely for a day or so. - KF72

Melee in the Tangles (Conclusion – Part 1):
Garth charged not only to bring down his foe, but too save the life of a companion he had come to admire. Thessa lay unconscious, helpless on the ground and Garth knew he only had one option, as his dagger didn’t have the stopping power he would need to end the ogre’s life, even with its magical enhancements. No, his only hope in saving Thessa was throwing himself at the ogre’s arm, and hoping he had the skill to send its downward strike askew.

“Here beast,” Garth shouted as he slammed into the ogre. “Fight me and perish monster!”

Garth jumped up and struck out with his dagger scraping away skin and bone near the beast man’s elbow. The ogre brute checked its swing down and instead brought its flail down and up into the Justiciar. The weapon’s large spiked ball swung on its chain clumsily and only did a glancing blow to the human ranger. The spikes hadn’t penetrated Garth’s skin, although he felt his shoulder bone shift from the impact.

Garth gritted his teeth trying to steady himself, as the momentum of his jump and the impact from the oversized flail combined to tilt his body. He came down awkwardly but stayed on his feet. He used his momentum to duck and roll away just as the ogre’s flail rushed through the space where his head had been.

Garth knew he was outmatched but refused to just leave Thessa, and Mesik, to the Fate of Mirella, in order to help his son. Garth didn’t have time to check on Dabuk, as the ogre brute moved towards him, Thessa forgotten for the moment. Garth used his years of training to fend off the ogre’s deadly swings. Garth’s dagger flashed out again and again, but rarely penetrated the ogre’s armor or thick hide.

The beast man laughed as it fought, and Garth knew it was toying with him. He checked his grip and his resolve. He’d fought alone against larger ogres, under worse conditions, during the Second Ogre War. He would not lose to such a lowly grunt.

Garth surprised the ogre by rushing it. The beast man swung out and missed, as Garth tucked and rolled between the beast man’s legs. It wasn’t Garth’s best maneuver but under the circumstances it was his best option. He misjudged the distance and came up roughly 10 feet away from the ogre brute, directly behind it.

“Well, a least I gained a little distance.” Garth continued to back away from the beast man as it turned around and came towards him.

* * *

Mesik’s breathing was slow and steady, as the hairfoot slipped in and out of unconsciousness. He could hear the sounds of battle, but it sounded very distant like it flowed to his ears on the placid surface of a watery lake. The rogue turned his head to one side, which caused his head to swim. He felt like he was going to black out again but pushed such thoughts to the back of his mind.

Mesik needed healing. His eyes cleared and he scanned the ground for any hope. He knew Garth’s backpack would still be nearby, if the Justiciar didn’t have it on him. He couldn’t find it through the haze of his blurred vision and the dust kicked up from the debris of the fallen bridge.

“B-Bactra, w-where are y-you.” Mesik’s throat whispered the words through dry, cracked lips.

* * *

Bactra tied more rope and torn cloth from his breeches around his ruined leg. It hurt like the Nine Hells but, at least, the leg had stopped bleeding. He knew that without healing he didn’t stand a chance and cursed his dumb luck. He’d lost most of his gear during the fall, barely hanging on to his dagger and spell component pouch. He’d also been lucky to find his quarterstaff after spider climbing down the wall. It would make a good crutch until he could be healed.

Bactra heard stone breaking under the weight of impact and hoped the others weren’t already dead. He gingerly got to his feet using the wall and staff as support. He tried to pick out shapes in the dust-filled air of the avenue.

“Nothing,” Bactra whispered to himself. “Well, I’m not doing any good standing here.”

The elven wizard slowly picked his way through the debris of the bridge. He looked down from time to time to check his footing and scan for his lost backpack. He could only find broken wooden slats, tangled rope, and prickly vines.

“B-Bactra, w-where are y-you.” The words floated to his ears through the dust, as if through a sending spell. The voice was hoarse and strained, but it was clearly Mesik’s.

“Mesik!” Bactra wasn’t sure where the hairfoot’s voice had come from. “Where are you?”

“Bactra?” Mesik was sure he was hearing things.

“Mesik, I’m over here.” Bactra risked raising his voice.

“Y-you have to c-come to m-me. I c-can’t move.” Mesik strained his voice and his head began to swim again.

Bactra prodded the ground in front of him. The dust wasn’t as thick the further he moved from the debris. He small a small form lying on the ground. It was Thessa.

“Mesik, I found Thessa. She’s unconscious.” Bactra wasn’t sure what to do. He wasn’t a healer. He listened for Mesik’s advice but all he got in response was silence.

“Mesik? Mesik!” Bactra raised his voice higher.

“Bactra? Bactra, get out of here!”

The elven wizard swung his head in the direction of the voice that had said his name. He saw Garth backing up a good 10 feet away, near the center of the avenue. Then he saw the ogre brute pacing Garth. The beast man’s eyes searched the avenue for any signs of additional enemies. He didn’t spot Bactra.

“A nice bluff, human. But all of you companions are dead or soon will be.” The beast man laughed.

Garth continued to back away from the ogre, which Bactra found confusing. Then he noticed that Garth didn’t have his sword only holding a dagger in one hand. The ogre would make short work of him without a larger weapon.

Bactra tested his quarterstaff to make sure it was sound enough for combat. He knew he wouldn’t stand a chance against the ogre but if he could get the weapon to Garth then the ranger would stand a better chance than with his dagger.

“Garth, my quarterstaff.” Bactra hobbled forward on one leg and tossed the staff towards the Justiciar. “Catch.”

“Thanks nephew,” Garth adjusted his footing, sheathed his dagger, and caught the staff one handed. “Now, help Thessa and watch your back.”

Bactra quickly moved away from Garth and the ogre brute, back towards Thessa. He checked the small gnome priestess for wounds and anything that would help heal her. A huge welt had formed on her forehead and her arm and chest bore several puncture wounds. Bactra tore strips of cloth off of the arms of his shirt to use as makeshift bandages. The thick fabric strips were soon sodden in the gnome priestess’s blood.

“Hang on, Thessa.” Bactra looked for any sign of the gnome priestess’s backpack. “Please Rillifane, let it be here somewhere. Thessa and Mesik’s lives depend on it.”

* * *

“Come on, come on!” Dabuk tried in vain to reach the oversized dagger, which laid just out the reach of his fingertips between several large chucks of fallen stone. “Damn it to Hades’ Underrealm.”

Dabuk turned to see the ogre struggling to get to its feet. Both of its wounded knees gushed blood and the beast man fell over again. The ogre howled, more in frustration than in rage. It reached for several small-sized skulls hanging from its belt, pulling two off and crushing one of them over each knee. Dabuk watched in frustration as the ogre’s knees began to knit together and the beast man stood up laughing.

“Piss on my poor luck,” Dabuk discarded the idea of trying to get at the ogre’s dagger, as he drew his own dagger.

He knew his sword was out there somewhere and he had to find it, fast. He climbed over the rubble away from the ogre just as it brought its fists down where he had been standing. The ogre pushed away the rubble and retrieved its dagger, tossing it in one motion at Dabuk’s back. The weapon easily penetrated the half-elf’s armor, skin, and ribs.

Dabuk screamed lurching forward onto his hands and knees, dropping his dagger. He tried to breathe in and coughed up phlegm and blood instead. All he could think was that this was how he was meant to die. Fighting those that killed his mother and destroyed his family. But he would take the beast’s family line with him. He could hear the ogre charging him, its footfalls pounding the ground. Dabuk reached around and pulled the ogre’s dagger from his body.

More blood poured from the wound, as well as trickled out of his mouth. Adrenaline pushed the ranger to his feet and allowed him to turn and meet the ogre’s charge. He brought the weapon up, ducked down as the beast man swung its fists, and then jumped up and thrust the weapon into the creature’s groin. The ogre howled in surprise and pain, as it slammed into Dabuk at full charge.

“T-try healing t-this!” Dabuk twisted the blade, severing the ogre’s member. “Y-you will n-never add to y-your kind!”

The ogre howled again, clutching at its ruined groin. Dabuk tried to roll out of the way but the beast man’s legs knocked him prone, as it trampled over him falling towards the ground in agony. Dabuk pulled his body away just before the ogre fell on him.

* * *
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