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John play: Hero for hire


THERENDOR 9 -1485 Pre Galifar time

Play hears things but keeps still. He regained conscience only a few minutes ago. His captures knocked him out before taking him too far. He figures they want things to be quiet and where they are taking him to also remain a secret. Not hard to do. He knows much of Sharn but this is not HIS Sharn. This Sharn will be destroyed and later rebuilt with high towers.

Calli has been gagged. Like most gnomes, she is a know it all. Unlike most gnomes, she doesn’t listen when she should.

“The building is secured sir.”

“Good. Let’s see what this rebel has on him.”

A few footsteps come to Play. He doesn’t want his stuff taken (no knowing when he will see Cue next!) and from what he has gathered, these people will not like what his leather armor hides- an Aberrant dragonmark!

“We also need to understand the female’s intensions. She has a mark of Sivis on her. Why is she helping the Aberrant?”

Play opens his eyes, His magical artifact ( a Mask of detection and sight) is covering his eyes but has been hustled. He can only see a little bit through the eye slits.

Two guards are checking over his Club and Bow. Both are magical and given to him by the Dark Lanterns to sneak into the Mournlands to investigate the reports of a lone warforged massing an army there. Argh. There won’t be warforged here at this time. His club works on constructs and doors. A third person steps over. His bright blue robe with gold trim suggests he works for House Cannith. He wants to see each item individually. He is an artificer no doubt.

Time to leave.

The Cannith agent speaks. “This club is over sized and balanced in a strange way. The studs are adamantine I believe. Expensive and not overly common. Magic. Strong. It deals special damage. Bane spells are here. I think I will keep this.”

Keep talking thinks Play as he looks as best as he can at the room’s layout.

“Bow has magic and ….ugh…. compound. Set for great strength. Magic. Not as strong as the club but still worthy. I will keep this also.”

Play hears a muffle and some thrashing about. Calli is setting herself up for a thumping.

“SIR!” one of the guards calls out. Play feels the guard tug at his leg straps where he keeps his newest toys- the handled small clubs Cue called Tonfas.

“The choice weapon of Tenfur. Then you ARE with the Aberrants.” Accuses the Cannith agent.

Enough is enough figures Play. Play has been working on the rope on his arms for a while in secret. Clearly these guys could learn some lessons from the halfling crime group that will appear in Sharn in a little over 2000 years from now. “Getting frisky? I don’t go that way.” Play calls out as he punches straight up three quick times collapsing the man’s throat. The other guard begins to pull on his sword when the Dark Lantern uses the dying guard’s body as a shield. He pulls and holds him over his body then curls up his legs and kicks out throwing the body into the guard.

The Cannith agent reaches for his wand of holding but Calli was able to hum a simple song to loosen her binding and now calls out. The sonic attack easily takes out the Cannith agent.

“Nice job…” begins Play in frustration.

“I know.” Says Calli with a smile.

“You just alerted everyone nearby that we are trying to escape.”

“Oh….oh yeah. Sorry.” Says the Sivis Bard as she wiggles out of the ropes.

As Play checks the door she picks up the dropped wand of Holding. She uses it on the guard struggling to free himself from the dead guard.

“Time to go and find Glyder.” Declares Play as he yanks open the door.

She frowns. “I don’t like your tone or you John Play.” She sputters.

He slams the door shut. “Not that way!” As he hurries over to the table to get his club and bow, yelling and shouting can be heard in the hallway.

He moves to the wall to a covered window. He rips the curtain down and sees Sharn across the Dagger River. Given room to run, he might be able to clear the rocks below but doubts he can and certainly the Sivis girl can’t.

Across the room Play’s heightened senses draw his attention quickly. A black robed human leaps through the stone wall when phasing. He easily and gracefully tumbles into a defensive attack stance….holding Tonfas.



The door is kicked open and Play fires an arrow while whispering “Soft”. The arrows flies across the room, strikes the first man and sends him back into the others with painful and confused grunts.

“I cannot carry both of you through the wall.” States the mysterious monk.

No need says Play as he taps his club on the instep of his boot. He swings hard at the stone wall and it cracks. He swings again and a few stones break free. “One more lady and mystery man….” And with that he takes down a large section of wall.

“I do not understand.” States the monk as he eyes the recovering guards through the door.


“What?” she answers understanding she will not like whatever Play has to offer.

“Can you swim? Never mind.” He grabs her and cradles her as he runs full speed as the new exit overlooking the deep river.

The monk looks at the now empty hole. A faint smile creases his face and he runs and leaps out the door even as the first guards begin to enter the room.

Play opens his body to capture as much air resistance as he can. Near the water he pulls the cursing gnome to him and brings his knees up as he lands in the water. The monk lands within ten feet of him, making only a quiet splash in the water.

The three surface. Calli curses and swats at Play in anger. Pushing off of him she begins to swim to shore- Play grabs her leg and pulls her back. “This way.” He motions to the city away from the expected rain of arrows.

“You have done this jump before?” asks the monk.

“You could say that.”

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THERENDOR 9 -1485 Pre Galifar time

Play, Calli and the Monk named Tenfur are waiting in a darkened room along with another five warriors and magic users.

Some of these guards seem unhappy with Calli. Guess they don’t like talkative and nosey gnomes either.

“Where are we? Where is Glyder? What is going on? Why are we being kept- again?” and on and on she rambles.

Play pulls off his mask and carefully puts it away in a pouch on his belt. “I see we use the same weapon. I just got mine. How long have you had your clubs?”

The monk looks at him. He is clearly gaging and judging him. Play is used to it and merely smiles to ease tension. “Long enough.”

“Would you like to show me a few moves? Why the handles? Is that to grip it to use as a buckler of sorts?”

There is a click at the door and a woman wielding a short sword steps in. She is wearing a bandana mask similar to Play’s but green and black. She steps in and to the side. Glyder appears and rushes forward to Calli. His motion is stopped as he finds himself lifted into the air. Play notes one of the guards has a red glowing dragonmark on his outstretched arm.

“Release the gnome Glarkahn. He means no harm and can go nowhere.” Says a deep voice of authority from the deeper shadows of the hallway. A tall man dressed in light armor wielding a staff steps in.

“I am Halas. Lord Halas Tarkanan.”

Play remembers his history. This guy leveled the city. Mental note: Don’t piss him off. Glyder lightly drops to the floor and rushes over to Calli. “This is Calli and that is John Play, the young man I spoke of.”

“I understand neither of you are from here. Maybe in time you will tell me. But in the meantime, I wish to overlook the obvious and thank each of you for intervening on the twin’s behalf. Thankyou.” And the man gives a courteous short bow of respect.

“Lord- the female….” Begins a guard.

“I am aware of her family. I do not fear her. As you should not.” He gives a look that cannot be ignored or discounted. It is a clear warning and message.

“I have also been told you are unique and well qualified. May we see it?”

“….see it?” wonders Play in honest confusion.

“Your mark.”

Play looks at Glyder. What has he told the madman he wonders. Play takes a moment to undo his leather tunic and belts before pulling them off. His aberrant mark covers much of his arm.

“Interesting. I have never seen that pattern before. What do you do with it?” Tarkanan asks as he steps up to look at it closer.

Looking at Glyder again with a stern frown. “I’m still learning. Sometimes I think it either makes me stronger or increases my reflexes.”

“Interesting. And you only learned of it recently yet were born with it?”

“Glyder…. After this we need to talk……” he turns back to Lord Tarkanan. “Yes. It was magically hidden from me and any detection from magic.”

With a pleased look of surprise on his face he merely replies “Interesting. How?”

“Does it really matter?” Play is becoming impatient with him and his questions.

“Yes. Your fellow traveler told us you would cooperate with us.”

“oh reeeeeeeeally….. so nice us you Glyder.”

“So cooperate or I will no longer overlook the presence of a Sivis dragonmark within my compound.”

“I’m sorry Glyder. I can’t have him harm or worse Calli.” Calli sees something in the time traveler’s eyes that she didn’t see before. Concern…. Desperation…. Love?

“Very well. An agent of Dolurrh can to me and killed me. He said what he needed to say and brought me back to life. This when I discovered this mark on me. At birth, to hide my true origins, a spell was caste onto me and when I died…. So did the spell.”

“Insanity!” the aberrant lord cries out. Either you are truly an incredible person or a liar. Which is it and think hard before you answer.”

Without any hesitation- “I am an incredible person and yes- I was trained to lie if need be. May I leave now?”

Redness flushes on the Lord’s face as his anger grows. He raises his outstretched arm towards the gnomes. “Very well… you believe you may trifle with me….”

“John! You brought this onto yourself!” and to everyone’s surprise and Play’s horror, a time ripple begins to open up and it engulfs the gnomes. “I will return for you… eventually.” And they are gone.

“Dip me in crap and feed me to an Otyugh…. I believe he just did that to me.”

Play looks up to Lord Halas Tarkanan and smiles innocently and nervously. “Wanna talk some more?”


THERENDOR 12 -1485 Pre Galifar time

“I never expected the gnome to do that” thinks Play within his cell. He was placed here after the two gnomes did a time jump. Here being a cell in some short tower. He says short since it is less than twenty levels up. The rebuilt Sharn obviously was built to be much taller than now.

His equipment was taken away and told to rethink my lies. I guess it is my being an aberrant is all that is keeping me alive. He looks at his arm and wonders- am I an Aberrant or am I freak result of magical experimentation done indirectly by my mother.

Does it matter?

Thinking about the history of Sharn, it appears the city is not completely within Tarkanan’s control. So it will be several years before the city’s destruction at his hands. Joy for me.

The door is stone and melded shut. Without his club of devastation he cannot escape. The room is 15 X 15 and with a ceiling that disappears into the darkness. With his mask he could have once seen the ceiling and looked for secret means out but not anymore.

Still, he is certain he is being watched and listened to. History books say Tarkanan was an impressive military leader whom disappeared for a week. When he came back he was much more powerful and focused on the survival of the Aberrants. There was also talk that even after his death, he would rise again to aid the Aberrants at a point of need. Citadel reports suggested there is an increase in Aberrant births.

Aberrant births. They were created from the mixing of parents with different dragonmarks. Are the families getting too cozy? The houses feared the aberrant also. Some say due to power, others control.

Control over what?

Not all of the houses were discovered yet. Don’t ask me which ones. Obviously Cannith was up and bout already. Mom- your ancestors suck. Play smirks at that. He may grumble and play the pity me trip but he is a doer…. Not a crier. He stands up and picks the one torch he has for light within the room.

The stones of the wall are well fitted. But they are old. Goblin in creation? It takes him a long time to walk around the edges while inspecting the wall for any weak spots including damaged mortar. He finds one. It appears someone else was held here and used a rock or the such to pound at the edges.

Then he hears movement near to where he sat before and wanders back there as he was only stretching his legs.

It is the woman that was with Tarkanan. Carla.

“Hello. Is it raining out? Is the sun shining? I miss the sun.” says Play to distract her from wondering what he was doing.


“Sooooooo…. What does your mark do?” Play asks with as much charm as he can muster without seeing her much. He directs the question through a 6 inch square hole that has two metal bars melded into the stonework.

“Nothing good.” She answers. She steps before the small window now. Play sees her green eyes fully now. “Is it true, you increase your strength and reflexes?”

“I guess.”

“You guess? You do not know?”

“Not really. Depending at how you figure it, I either learned of my mark last month or not for another 1600 years.” He shuts up realizing he didn’t want anyone to know he was a time traveler.

“You are a strange one.”

“One of a kind.” Play says as light hearted as he can. (DM NOTE: 32 on his Seduction roll, her a 16 on her Sense Motive counter roll)

“As an Aberrant… how long will I be kept here?” asks Play.

“Until Halas has decided what to do with you.”

“And what is he thinking?”

“You are a wildcard.”

“Hmmmm…. I’ve been told that before. What do YOU think?”

“That perhaps it was a mistake to come here. I should go Mr. Play. I have been here too long.”

“No! Wait I meant no…..harm. Dammit.” And John Play turns and slides down the wall in minor defeat. It’s been a while since he was kept successfully within a cell. But Karrnathi prisons are not the typical kind. One cell he was held in during the war had undead that slept within the walls and came out whenever the held prisoner did something to escape. Really annoying as a rookie Breland agent. I wasn’t even a true Lantern then.


THERENDOR 13 -1485 Pre Galifar time

Play awakens surrounded by floating dust and the crackles of small fires and shifting stone. “What….. where am I?”

It is nighttime and he has awoken within flaming and smoking ruins…. Of Sharn? He has all of his equipment as he begins to climb out of the crater he awoke within. At the top of the hole he sees the truth. Flames. Smoke. Ruin. Dust. Fumes. The ruins of Sharn during the War of the Mark.

“Damn you Tarkanan…. Damn you.”

After a moment to collect himself, the Dark Lantern begins to search for survivors. “Why Glyder- WHY? Why drop me off here at this time? I’m no time traveler. I just want to go home to MY Sharn. I want to look for my mother and ask her a half- of a million questions. Why?!?”

Something begins to bother him. He feels a presence but sees nothing. He hears a murmur and goes to it. It is Carla. She looks more dead than alive. A wall has collapsed onto her. He tries to free her but cannot. He removes a healing potion and gives it to her but she doesn’t recover. Another murmur and a groan. He finds the bodies of the twins. Dead. Next to them the monk. Several limbs are grossly bent and twisted behind him. Shattered bones. Another healing potion and another failure.

“Is this something akin to the Mournlands?” he asks out loud to anyone that will answer. He continues to look around and finds more bodies. Most people he has meant with Aberrant marks. Some people he has recently met that are “normal”.

Everywhere he looks it is ruins and destruction. Frustrated and angered by his inability to do anything he screams out his pain.

And awakens.

His breathing is rapid and harsh. The nightmare already beginning to disappear from his memory. It was about the oncoming destruction of the city of Sharn. And there was someone there….watching.

Something tells him that someone is still watching. He quickly sits up and stares at the small window. A chunky man quickly steps away from view. Gone.

“I am really getting to hate this.” He grumbles.

Later that day (night?) Play is visited again.

“Should I be honored?” He says without any respect or feeling beyond pure sarcasm.

“You interest me. The research done on you suggests there is much more to you than an immature man-child blessed with power. I would like to speak more of it with you- but not here.” Answers Lord Tarkanan. A simple dimensional door appears. Uncertain to go or not, Play hesitates. He looks around his cell and decides more and better opportunities to escape will present themselves outside of here. He stands up and walks to the magical portal like a cat looking for attention without admitting it.

He is not blind folded or chained. He is actually offered his armor again but none of his equipment or weapons. They travel several floors up before coming to a man with several marked people within it. One person is the one that was watching him while he dreamed.

“Baron ir’Gastspur tells me you believe yourself to be a time traveler. Is this true? Are you from another time?” Lord Tarkanan asks pointblank.

“Mind reader or dream walker?” asks Play.

“My power is to discover and untangle secrets. It worked well in government and as well as war time.”

“So it is war time?” questions Play looking around. Carla, Tenfur, Halas and two others are here with the Baron.

“You seem to expect as much. Will there be a war of great destruction?” asks Tarkanan.

Play eyes each person. Obviously, these people are organized and good at this. Why fight it. “I am from the future. There is a period of great destruction within Sharn but I couldn’t tell you when exactly. That is Glyder’s power. HE is the time traveler. I was just a passenger…. An unimportant one it appears.” Play tries to gage everyone’s expressions. Most are stone cold and hard to read.

“To the gnomes you may be unimportant I see skills within you. Training. Training we could use. What do you say John Play?”


EYRE 17 -1484 Pre Galifar time

It has been many months since Glyder abandoned John Play in the distant past. At first Play was angry with Glyder and the situation. Then he began to accept it. Then he decided to learn more about Tarkanan. Maybe he could learn how to stop the events that will happen within a short time.

One good thing has happened in this time- he is getting training using the clubs. No- not clubs- Tonfas. Fancy name for clubs but that’s okay.

Several new “family” members have joined them. They have brought bad news. Breggor’s forces from Wroat are digging in for the long battle for the city.

John Play has come to be friends with Mason, a dwarf with the power of Flesh to Stone by touch and also speaks often with Carla. If Halas has issues with this, he has not implied it….. yet.

Now we join Play as he surveys the city from a high point, a mere few hundred feet up.

“Home sick Traveler?”

“Perhaps. How does it go Mason? Stone any rats today?”

“Yeah. The two legged kind.” Says the dark skinned tattooed dwarf. “They tried to enter through tunnels in the NE this time.” The dwarf smirks in personal amusement waiting for a comment. None follows. He frowns and looks down at the ground. “Heavy thoughts?”

“You know this will not end poorly.”


Mason waits patiently for Play to continue. “Details are sparse. Halas is defeated but the city is destroyed. According to Glyder…. It has already happened. I cannot stop it. But I want to.”

“You have a good heart boy. You have a sarcastic tongue but a good heart and a smart head. You’ll figure it out.”

Mason leaves after a few minutes of friendly conversation leaving Play to watch over his city. Play is staring at where is home as a child was. His gaze then follows a bat and he stops and looks at where the Citadel will be. He knows what should be done…… but it is complicated.

As if reading that thought, Carla eases up from the buildings below and stands quietly next to the Dark Lantern. “Halas has gone below again. Mason is away……”

Play turns and smiles while looking deep into her eyes. “Alone again then….” And they embrace and kiss.


NYMM 27 -1484 Pre Galifar time

Play remains quiet in the shadows. He is not sure who is hunting whom. Breggor’s assassin is well skilled and has already killed several of Halas’ people. Waiting….. waiting….. comon.

The assassin then comes into the darkened hallway. He is dragging a leg and bleeding. Vallos, an aberrant marked halfling with powers over magically created blades died but got in a few good shots first.

Play leaps out with his two Tonfas before him. He wants to pin the assassin down and ask questions first. The assassin was playing him however. The illusion breaks up as Play passes through it and off balance, strikes the wall- hard. Then he feels a blade at his throat. Role reversal.

“Ah….. Now that you have come out to meet me lets talk…..” Suggests Play hoping to throw the assassin’s concentration.

“Cute. Heard you had a mouth.” The assassin says a quick word of magical nature and Play feels his limbs stiffen up. Hold Spell.

Similar words are spoken nearby and the spell is countered by Carla. Play drops out of the grasp of the assassin and rolls free. The assassin turns to strike the cleric of healing and the sun (whom has a mark involving disease) but finds she is not alone. Mason reaches out and as he touches the assassin he activates his aberrant power. The assassin turns into stone. Mason pulls a large maul free from his pack and destroys the statue.

“That’s the third assassin this month. Breggor’s tactics are changing. He is hoping to attack us from within using stealth and magic instead of infantry and siege tactics.”

“Yes. Halas feared he might.” Adds Carla with a cold voice.

As Mason searches for more assassins, Carla moves next to Play. “Are you okay?”


Looking to the dwarf she looks into Play’s eyes. “Halas wants to meet with you this afternoon.”

“Okay.” Play says with a smile.

“I fear he suspects…. You and I.” She says with some concern.

“We’ll cross that bridge IF we reach it.” He gives her an affectionate tap on her cheek with his gloved hand and a wink.

That afternoon, Play goes to the leader of the Aberrant Dragonmarks- Halas Tarkanan. He knocks and waits for acknowledgement to enter.

He enters the room and sees the man with a drink in one hand and an open book in the other. “Welcome John. Wine?”

“More of an ale kinda guy. But Thank you.” Play quickly scans the leader and the area around him. He told Carla not to worry but as a trained Dark lantern agent and being from the future, he knows what Halas is capable of.

“I am sure you wonder why I have asked you to come here…. Alone.” He places his wine glass down and places a leather book marker into the tome before setting it down. He looks at Play with thought then smirks. “Fear not, I am not unhappy with you. Quite the opposite in truth. Please if no wine will you at least sit? I have something to show you. Two somethings in truth.”

Play sits and wonders.

“You may have heard, Gilla, has returned from his mission to the far east. His mission was a success. But before I enlighten you about it, is there anything else to speak of about the future?”

There it is. Play knew he would not let it go. He wants to know what Play knows.

“Nothing I have not told you before.” He lies.

“Have you ever heard of the Rod of Ju’ kaar?”


“It was rumored to enhance dragonmark powers.”

“So a magical rod. Okay.” Replies Play with some fear. He knows what Halas will do but found it hard to believe. His powers over the earth are nowhere powerful enough level a city as legends have suggested.

“Gilla found it and has brought it me. Would you like to see it?”

Play sits upright. This is it. How he levels the city in one night! “Sure. You have my curiosity.”

Halas reaches behind a chair and produces an oiled cloth wrapped item. Carefully, like a ritual, he unwraps the Rod. Play can’t help but be amazed. It is a single piece of a Siberys Dragon Shard with collars of platinum and gold wrapped onto it. It and Halas’ mark gently glow as he touches it. Play can feel its power. It makes his own mark tingle. Not good.

“Truly magnificent isn’t it?” Halas says with awe and wonder in his hushed voice.

Play doesn’t want to ask or know but must- “What will you do with it?”

The aberrant Dragonmarked leader stops and stares at Play for a moment. “Defend us of course. Is there something else I could do? Should do?” He waits for an answer but only gets a shrug of the shoulders from the time displaced Lantern.

“I wish to show you one more thing. Something I discovered months ago below us. Perhaps you know what it is.”

It takes 30 plus minutes to work down to the area. Halas holds the Rod. The gentle light from it and his mark gives almost enough light to see their way down. He pauses at a corner- “Please enlighten me if you can….. Do you know what this is?” He motions for Play to step around the corner.

Play does so and shortly enters a huge… colossal space. Illuminated by burning oils Halas has set up, Play sees a floating piece of rock about fifty feet around. It defies gravity. He is dumbfounded by what it is then a thought crosses his mind.

This city…. Isn’t Sharn. It doesn’t have the high towers or amazing traits of Sharn. It lacks…. The Manifest Zone to Syrania.

“oh crap.”


BARRAKAS 20 -1484 Pre Galifar time

“Really John. THIS again?” grumbles Carla d’Vadalis.

“YES. This again. Halas is a danger- a danger to all of us. He is a walking meteor swarm waiting to happen. That I have seen that damned artifact AND the manifest zone I am afraid the fuse has been lit. It’s just a matter of time.” John Play grumbles in a mix of frustration and true fear.

“Fuse?” asks Mason, an aberrant marked dwarf that can turn flesh to stone at a mere touch.

“A fast burning string that connects to Non-magical burst of destructive energy. I think it was discovered in Sarlona. You are attempting to change the subject Mason.”

The three would be heroes, all aberrant dragon marked with John Play also being a time traveler (against his will) are scouting an area with reports of activity. The true dragonmark families of Eberron have declared war on the Tarkanan family, the aberrant dragonmarks. Aberrant dragonmarks appear sometimes for no reason but generally from mixed blood. True dragonmarks are set by race and family that give a specific magical ability. Examples include healing, protection, stealth and even the ability to better locate missing things. Aberrant marks never have a power found within the 12 (13) families. In the case of these three there is Mason’s power of flesh to stone; Carla that summon incredible amounts of vermin and Play whom can augment his reflexes or strength. Halas Tarkanan, the being of incredible power seems to control the magma and earth of the earth itself.

For the past few years, the aberrant and true dragonmarks have been warring against each other. Halas has taken over the city of Shaarat (Sharn) and finds himself surrounded by the military forces of Breggor and his descendants and the twelve Dragonmarked houses that wish to destroy the aberrant forces once and for all.

“Sarlona?” asks the dwarf with a playful smile.

“Now I understand why Viorr hates me sometimes…… As I was saying. He WILL bring great ruin to this city. With the things he has shown me in the few months I have little doubt he can do it now.”

The three of them enter the abandoned remains of a very large tavern. Mason immediately locates the bar and looks for a favorite drink he has not had in weeks. The siege is making it difficult to get fresh supplies of mead.

They enter a small courtyard and sit down to further discuss the possible ways that Sharn (Shaarat) will be destroyed. As they begin to talk the three of them stop in mid conversation. Play motions to be quiet and that he heard it also. Something is breaking into the tavern from the street.

Even as more sounds of destructive entry occur Play prepares for the oncoming attack by arming himself with his Tonfas and checking the area for possible exits, defensive areas. Carla focuses and says there are three sources of entrance. Mason holds up a finger to suggest one more moment as he begins to drain the large mug. Play and Vadalis look at each other than the dwarf and share a whimsical smile as they look back to the entrances of the courtyard. BAAAAARRRRRP! “Okay…. Game on.” And the dwarf wipes his mouth and beard free of foam and spilt mead.

The sounds of entrance and knocking over of tables and chairs can be heard. “I hope they don’t damage the bar itself.” Says the dwarf. Play looks carefully through a window and spots the cause- “Cannith Automations!” He smirks as he replaces his Tonfas with his Demolition Club. Carla calls onto a spell to quicken her reflexes and speed. Mason takes a few practice swings with his short swords and flexes his shoulders and legs.

Suddenly the automations knock down two doors. “Hammerers!” calls out Carla. “Bottleneck them!” calls out Play as he moves to a doorway. He gets in one minor swing as the automation clears the door. These Cannith built automations could be considered a predecessor to the modern warforged. They stand about five feet tall. One arm has a powerful pincer used to hold or cut items and the other arm wields a solid metal drum that can kill a normal man in one swing. It appears Cannith has sent in a very large search and destroy party made of the creations. Carla places a few arrows into softer joints that barely slows one. Mason charges but does little as he just reaches the closest automation.

The Hammerers push forward and a stray strike through the wall catches Play. Mason is also struck and the walls themselves are shaking as the trapped automations begin to make their own doorways into the courtyard. A few automations go down but not enough.

Play avoids one attack just to turn directly into another (crit- confirmed- 20X2) and Mason takes another serious strike. Carla drops another Hammerer but sees where this is going. “I’ll provide cover- move back!” Mason destroys one more then nods in agreement.

Even as they try to move away the automations press their attacks. Both Play and Mason take more hits as they are moving away. Carla drops another Hammerer but fears what comes next. Once in the hallway she will lose her line of sight and advantage of attacking at range. Mason’s shorter legs give him less room to move and he is overwhelmed in the middle of the courtyard.

He dodges several attacks using a statue for cover. Play rushes from the safety of the exiting doorway to save the dwarf. He is stopped as a rush of warforged cut him off from Mason. Mason is overwhelmed and taken down in a bloody assault. “Mason!” calls out Carla whom drops another automation even as it moves in for the kill. Play pushes his way to the fallen dwarf.

The Hammerers swing at Play whom dodges all of the attacks. Then Play tries to move Mason and is struck. Carla drops one and damages another. During the brutal chaos none of them notice a lone cloaked figure enter through an opening made by an automation.

The Hammerers strike at the new target also. Play continues to try to protect Mason by becoming a human shield. Carla drops another automation as she dares to take a moment to look at the body of Mason whom lies motionless a mere ten feet away.

Finally the last of the Cannith creations are destroyed. Play spots the new comer and hopes it was not the commander of this squad. Carla tends to Mason whom is near death (-8).

“Thankyou sir- but who are you?”

“Daine. You may know my uncle- Halas Tarkanan.”


BARRAKAS 20 -1484 Pre Galifar time

Daine and Halas give each other a solid arm shake and pat on the back. Daine was in Metrol looking for support from the aberrant forces there. House Cannith destroyed most of them with aid from Tharashk and Ghallanda.

Daine is a fighter from House Deneith. It is not clear how his bloodline became mixed but he has an aberrant dragonmark that places a person into a Temporal Stasis.

Baron ir’Gastspur has joined the five of them. He looks gravely at Play and Mason whom show obvious signs of combat. Even with Carla’s healing potions they are a purple skinned bruise leaking blood. It’s not pretty.

“Have you made contact?” asks Halas of the dream observer.

“Yes Lord Tarkanan. Based on what I saw- they are building up a final attack within the week. Cannith, Tharashk, Ghallanda, and Jorasco have representation.”

Halas waits a moment. “And? You hold back something.”

“The dreamer I made contact with was an aid for the Cannith artificer leading the forces. The Cannith man is an artificer of great power and repetition. It is Hextor d’Cannith.”

Carla sucks in her breath with gritted death. Mason looks to the floor and out bloodied saliva.

“Daine?” asks Halas.

“He is a sick man… I use the word man loosely. He is a fiend that enjoys pain of others. He was rumored to be experimenting on a new type of war golem. If he had any success many will die.”

Play wanders if this is how he will die….. in the destruction / rebirth of a city he has come to love. “Damned gnome.”


BARRAKAS 21 -1484 Pre Galifar time

“Are you sure there are hunters here?” quietly asks Play as he creeps down the dark alley. Mason, Carla and he have been sent out to the now un-used dock area by Halas. Daine has been spying on House activities and there are reports of Cannith and Deneith setting up outposts at the edge of the thick forest to the north.

The only light is from a few partial moons and the ring of Siberys. The docks are abandoned. This neglect is beginning to show as some of the ships that remain are listing as they have taken on some water. Currently, the three of them are midway up the cliffs overlooking these ships. The polies and rope lines remain that once carried tons of equipment and supplies daily. It is quiet except for an occasional animal, bird or insect.

“We’re near Garland’s Tavern.” Hints the dwarf. This tavern once carried a wide variety of alcohols, including from the Mror Holds.

“Let us finish this section first.” Suggests Carla d’Vadias. Play smiles and nods approval.

Finding themselves at the doorway to an old dock masters building they look around. The building is in near ruins. It was abandoned long before Halas Tarkanan decided to make his last stand here. Play sweeps his Tonfas slowly to remove the thick webs that are here. Dozens of small non-threatening spiders scurry away. With the wens moved, he looks through a broken window to survey the docks once more.

He is concerned about the news of the Dragonmarked houses taking a stand. Especially Cannith. The tinkering and fabricating guild also are the masters of magical applications. He can’t help but first to think of Zinter and his warforged experimentations. Then his mother. How could she be a House member and not know about it. But then again, how did he not know about his Aberrant mark? She magically hid it from his father and the world. Does Voirr know about it? That would explain his irrational dislike to him.

Carla suddenly stiffens up and motions for everyone to be still and quiet. She points out another window. There is a soft light coming their way.

Play notes a thick moving fog rising towards his window. In a hushed call he points as it flows into the room. “Brace yourselves- they are blocking our view to outside.” Whispers Mason harshly. They turn to the door and prepare for an attack. That is why they miss the fact the fog was a Cannith assassin in gaseous form. He solidifies and releases a prepared spell. Play turns but it is already too late. Suddenly everything is extremely funny. He coughs out the first laugh then finds himself unable to do much but laugh.

Carla spins around and releases two arrows into the mage. The force of the arrows drive him through the broken window. He falls dozens of feet before landing on a water drainage pipe. He doesn’t move. With his death, Play reduces to a few giggles then a broken up- “I hate that spell”

Mason can still see the lights about thirty feet away and prepares for the mages arrival. Suddenly the door shatters into the room.

“Oh for the love of Ollandra WHAT is that?!?” exclaims Play as the intruder charges in. It is a construct with a skeletal face and swinging morning stars for hands. It has an hunchback and the entire creation is bloodstained. It attempts to slam into Mason whom ducks and tumbles to the side. Rotted boards splinter and shatter as it hits the wall. The entire structure shakes from the impact.

Recovered from the laughing spell, Play steps up and attacks the construct. His attacks are many as he uses his magical Tonkas on it. Most of the hits skid off the bloodied armor. One hits causing a deep dent to occur on its chest plate. Blood splatters onto the three of them from the impact.

“Whoever built this is a SICK bastard!” screams out Play. Carla steps back and fires at the construct. Two arrows plant themselves into the hunchback of the golem. A hidden mage releases an acid attack on Carla through a window. He misses her. Mason attacks with his short sword. He little damage to the necromantic golem.

Unseen by the three Tarkanans, an artificer carefully weaves magic around a staff that has a clawed skeletal hand on the top. Missiles of raw magical energy fire from the staff and strike Mason easily even though the Golem in in the way. Play dodges the first swing of the golem but walks directly into the second swing. (crit and confirmed).

Play rattles the golem with several blows low and Carla places more arrows into its upper body. Blood is streaming from everywhere. The magical assassins are waiting for orders as they can not enter the building. Hextor d’Cannith smiles an evil grin and waits. The golem strikes mason twice rattling him.

Unseen by any of them, a second Blood golem is moving up to enter the battle.

Play goes into a flurry of blows with his Tonfas but can not keep a good hit. Carla has a similar effect. Blood does gush from many of its punctures and deeper dents though. It seems to strengthen and move quicker again. “Did this damned thing just regenerate?!? On Blood no less?!?” shouts Play in fear and amazement.

“We need to get out of here- NOW!” shouts Carla.

Mason tries to hit it for the others to move away but fails. Suddenly the golem pauses then there is a whirring sound from its mid-section. The three of them look at each other and wonder what is about to happen now. Suddenly the upper half of the golem begins to spin around. The flails built into its arms strike the walls and a support beam. Mason barely dodges the whirlwind attack. Play and Carla move back wondering how to get close enough to do any harm to the regenerating construct. That’s when Play feels the quiver in the floor.

“uh-oh…… Hang on!” He calls out.

Play drives hard into the golem. Audible cracking can be heard and new gushes of blood appear. Carla fires away and strikes a feeding tube. The construct wavers and Mason gets in good hit as it stops then collapses. Loud creaks leads to cracks. “Hang on! The building can’t take this kind of damage.” Calls out Play.

Then the second Blood Golem enters the building and there is a very loud snap as a strut under the ruined building snaps. Suddenly a third of the building breaks apart and they know there is no where to go but down.

As it gives, Play can hear Hextor’s laughter. Then he slides to the back as the building begins to collapse and fall down the Cliffside to the docks below.


BARRAKAS 21 -1484 Pre Galifar time

The heavy broken and very bloody golem crashes first as it strikes the cliff wall just above the drain where the mage assassin was still lying dead. Play turns and spins landing on his feet and tries to slow himself down. Mason falls and slams into the dead body below and bounces off the drain. Carla tumbles and falls with loud grunts and calls of pain.

The golem strikes below as it crashes onto a roof of a shanty below. Carla tumbles out of view to the docks. Mason finally catches hold of something and stops his fall. Play has stopped and climbed onto the sewer drain pipe. He can not see Carla but sees that Mason is only a short ten feet below the pipe. Pieces of the abandoned building are scattered on the steep bank and below into the darkness of the docks below.

Mason slowly crawls up to the pipe. “Where is Carla?” Play curses in fear and frustration. Mason can only grunt and breath heavily as he climbs into the mouth of the pipe. There is drawn above as they can hear the mages above. He doesn’t hear everything clearly but appear they are sending in Deneith for them and everyone else into the city- Now.

Though he hopes she is alive, Play raises his voice at Mason but it is meant for the mages above. “Dead?!? How can she be dead? We need to get away now- The sewers?!? Really? Very well!” mason gives him a strange and confused look until he realizes that this is keep the mages from going after Carla and to concentrate on them as they hide within the mazes of the sewer.

They go deeper into the sewer and it begins to branch out. They stop for a moment. Play places his hand on his belt of holding- “Potion?”


Above on the outer edge of the besieged city- Zorlock d’Deneith has been drilling his men, The Blood Hunters. These men and women have been trained in the tracking down and killing of aberrant marked people. They are good at it and enjoy it. Zorlock especially whom has a deep hatred of the “mutations”
An owl flies over head and circles. He looks up and snorts. The owl comes down to land. It is a large and strong bird. No doubt bred and trained by House Vadalis. Zorlock takes a small tube from it’s leg and reads a magical command word printed on it. The House Sivis created magical scroll enlarges and unfolds before him. He reads it and gives an evil and sadistic smile.

It is time.


One hour later- Tarkanan sentries see large groups of movement. They are attacking!


Play and Mason are moving through the sewer slowly. “We need to go back for her.” Hisses Mason. He is frustrated and angry by the situation he finds himself in.

“Have some faith in her abilities.” Replies John Play. Mentally he hopes she is alright also. Play raises his hand. “Someone is here with us” whispers Play. The two of them sink back into the shadows. They have no lights, Play’s mask magically gives him the same dark vision Mason has naturally. They place a large open area between themselves and the pipe they used to enter the sewers. If using lights, the source will be easy to spot this way. And as such, they see a white and soft grey illumination entering the sewer.

“Deneith” mumbles Mason.

“Yup. Follow my lead.” Whispers Play.

The soldiers silently creep forward. They use hand signals to communicate. They barely make a sound as they move deeper into the drainage pipe. In the beginning, Play and Mason made no attempts at concealment. Their trail is easy to follow. The foot prints of dirty water and sledge show they went deeper- two persons. Large human and a very wide dwarven print. The female did not come in the sewers. They pass on word through simple hand motions. In the very back a large armored and cloaked figure also dressed in the customary Deneith red colors stands at the edge. Using the magical connection between a Cannith mage and this leader, the mages now know to search the docks for a body of the woman.

They move in slowly. The men are spaced out to avoid the worse of many area effect spells and to cover exits if need be. They are not making things easy for the two renegade aberrants. But Play tends to make chaos out of order. Mason, with no torch but purposely making some sound walks around the next corner hugging the wall. Everyone, though they cannot see him, tenses and focuses on him. At this point, Play, having used his spider climb potion, drops onto the leader with a surprise attack and clubs him hard.

Game on.

Play, concentrating on the strike slips on sewer sludge as he lands. Even strike unaware, the Deneith leader is quick to react and begins to strike Play. Mason, against his wants, uses his bow and strikes the lead soldier with two arrows. Play unleashes his recent training with the Tonfas and pummels the leader until he is down in a flurry of blows. The soldiers quickly split into two groups. Four rush into the sewer to reach and engage the dwarf and four turn and attack Play whom uses the defeated body of their leader to ward off the earliest of blows. Then he drops the body and introduces his magical Tonfas to the trained men. He drops two of them before they understand what they are dealing with. Mason fires off three more arrows. Only one doesn’t skid off into the sludge. He drops what he considers a stupid weapon and switches to his swords knowing the men will soon be onto them. The men are slow however as the one man with a torch has several arrows in his leg.

Both Mason and Play have dark vision and the soldiers do not. The battle is short from here.

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