(IRR) The Rokugan Industrial Revolution (Thread II)


Your not updating the lists is maybe causing a first war. Kalanyr is claiming prime Mantis territories lol. They are all marked as unclaimed....... or are double listed. So I'd guess you change it or else I'm gonna have my capital's contested and that kinda sucks.

My claims were:

The five Tides:
Mika (Unknown Uknown?/Unknown?) PL 3
Illadin (Unknown Uknown?/Unknown?) PL 2
Nyovne (Unknown Uknown?/Unknown?) PL 2
Jola (Unknown Uknown?/Unknown?) PL 2
Eknien (Unknown Uknown?/Unknown?) PL 2

Mantis Clan Champion: Yoritomo Kitao (Female Ftr 6/Rog 8) PL 1
Centipede Clan Leader: Moshi Juiko (Female Shugenja 17) PL 2
Wasp Clan Champion and Leader: Tsuruchi Ichiro (Male Fighter 11/ Wasp Bounty Hunter 8) PL 2

Hunterseekers (Led by Tsuruchi Ichiro):
Tsuruchi Xemoni (Male Fighter 8/ Wasp Bounty Hunter 5) PL 1
Tsuruchi Kamiru (Male Fighter 7/ Wasp Bounty Hunter 9) PL 2

The Storm legion (Fighter/Storm Legion) PL 19
Wasp Raiders (Fighter/Rogue/Wasp Bounty Hunter) PL 4
Skystrikers (Shugenja) PL 9

Yoritomo (Fighter/Storm Legion/Honor 2) Daimyo: Yoritomo Kitao (Female Ftr 6/Rog 8) PL 4 : IR 5
Moshi (Shugenja/Honor 3) Daimyo: Moshi Juiko (Female Shu 17) PL 6 : IR 13
Tsuruchi (Fighter/Wasp Bountyhunter/Honor 2) Daimyo: Tsuruchi Ichiro (Male Ftr 6/Wasp BH 5) PL 1 : IR 1

Samato Province PL 5 : IR 1
Buhan Province PL 5 : IR 1
Nikado Province PL 5 : IR 1
Sameisa Province PL 5 : IR 1
Isaru Province PL 5 : IR 1
Yoka Province PL 5 : IR 1

Territories in the (Far) Southeast of Rokugan
M8*Tani Senshio (Valley of the Centipede) PL 2 : IR 2
M3*Kaimentsu-uo Seido (Shrine) PL 6 : IR 2
M5*Maigosera Seido (Lighthouse) PL 1 : IR 0
M4*Tokigogachu (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
A26*Koutetsukan (City) PL 3 : IR 4
M1*Kyuden Gotei (Palace Mantis) PL 6 : IR 4
M6*Kyuden Ashinagabachi (Palace Wasp) PL 7 : IR 5
M2*Toshi no Inazuma (City of Lightning) PL 4 : IR 5
A15*Koeru (Village) PL 1 : IR 1
A19*Daidoji Yukan-se (Tower) PL 5 : IR 3
M7*Shaiga (Village) PL 3 : IR 1
Wan no Asaguroi Mizu (Bay of Dark Water) PL 3 : IR 0

New Claim:
Umi Yakamo (Sea of the Sun God) PL 10 : IR 0 (Contested)


Creamsteak I think you made a mistake in the lists since these two islands you listed (afterwards) are the Yoka and the Samato Province in Mantis territory so they are effectively double in the lists, they even have the same PL.
* Shima No Kinu (Island of Silk) PL 5 : IR 0
* Shima No Koshinryo (Island of Spice) PL 5 : IR 0

So it seems to me that the islands as territories can go off the lists or you keep them and have the PL double listed (and so gained) and have it contested between me and Kalanyr :confused:

Couple of contested things now:
Umi Yakamo (Sea of the Sun God) PL 10 : IR 0 (Contested)
Wan no Asaguroi Mizu (Bay of Dark Water) PL 3 : IR 0
M1*Kyuden Gotei (Palace Mantis) PL 6 : IR 4

And posissibly these:
* Shima No Kinu (Island of Silk) PL 5 : IR 0
* Shima No Koshinryo (Island of Spice) PL 5 : IR 0

(Now look at who has claimed the contested things and where his own territory is=])
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First Post
I'll take the Masters Of The Two Weapon style, then, as it fits both the Clan and my PC. As a side note, the reason I made it defensive was because the Dragon Clans feats for TWF are mostly defensive. The Mantis Clan are the offensive dual wielders.

Still, I really like the idea, so I'll definitely go with the negative to attacks so I can attack more than once for every PL. Thanks. :)


First Post
Re: Creamy

The Forsaken One said:


Creamsteak I think you made a mistake in the lists since these two islands you listed (afterwards) are the Yoka and the Samato Province in Mantis territory so they are effectively double in the lists, they even have the same PL.
* Shima No Kinu (Island of Silk) PL 5 : IR 0
* Shima No Koshinryo (Island of Spice) PL 5 : IR 0

So it seems to me that the islands as territories can go off the lists or you keep them and have the PL double listed (and so gained) and have it contested between me and Kalanyr :confused:

No. Creamsteak explained earlier in the thread different people can own the territories within the provinces. Basically, the province is the overall government, but if someone else owns the territory, the people in that territory are secretly loyal to that player, and not the player who runs the government of that territory.


Now I'm Confused!:confused:

If the case is that one of you controls the physical island, and the other controls the province...

Province = Law (police, judicial)
Island = Local power (guilds, ports, people)
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Yah, I'll drop them, if they are double listed and go look for some other stuff to pick up. Can you just let me know how much PL this costs ?


If Kal drops claim of the actual islands, all is simple.

However, if Kal controls the islands, and you control the province... well... everything is fine if your kind to each other. However, if it starts fighting your going to see rebels and martial law.

Kal if you drop everything contested with me (that is 2 islands, 1 bay without solid ground in the middle of all my islands and a sea on which you have no territory bordering and my contested palace).

That is 29 PL

(Note: Lol Kal has 2002 posts=])
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