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In Defence of Chickens - DCC RPG (OOC)

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Game Designer
Please share with us names and alignments for those who don't have them yet, and we're about set!
I'm not sure what the others are going to go for, but I feel it'll be more interesting to be something else than neutral (as I often play in D&D). Thus, Margrit, Wenzel, Edelgard and Markus are all going to be of lawful alignment!


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Lawful feels good. Here’s the names for my characters:

Billy Happy, halfling riverboat sailor (Lawful)
Granny Grain (Esmee Grayn), corn farmer (Lawful)
Jack the Gongfarmer (Lawful)
Calvin Littlebrook, the halfling haberdasher (Lawful)


It'll be this afternoon before I can get names up.
No worries.

While we're waiting on that, a quick bit of housekeeping.

For dice rolls, please use CoyoteCode per Justincase's suggestion. It's free, no registration required. Please use a consistent name for each character's rolls so I can set my mind at rest when you roll seven natural 20s in a row.

OOC comments and dice rolls in the IC thread should be hidden behind spoilers.

In the interests of saving time, I will sometimes roll on your behalf (initiative rolls, for example). When I'm playing at a table, I'm very strict on 'don't roll until I tell you to' rules; but for this format go ahead and roll preemptively when the roll seems obvious. You can generally take it for granted that 'I hit him with my axe' will require an melee attack roll, for example.

I'm going to assume at the beginning that you're all in a huddled mob. Please be explicit if you want your characters to adopt a specific place in the huddle (front, back, middle etc); or if you want to do something else. Otherwise I'll just randomly decide who the fireball trap hits your positioning.


As we're only a few names short of a posse, I went ahead and kicked things off over in the Play by Post forum.

If you need a reminder what your motley band of peasants are up to, reread this post. Then head over to the IC thread, and let me know what you want to do!

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