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If you have played 3.5e regularly within the past 5 years, what are you playing now?

Played 3.5e regularly within the past 5 years: What are you mainly playing now?

  • 4e

    Votes: 54 28.3%
  • 3.5e

    Votes: 43 22.5%
  • Pathfinder

    Votes: 54 28.3%
  • Other (Variants, Older Versions, etc.)

    Votes: 40 20.9%

  • Poll closed .


Rule Lawyer Groupie
Hello all, long time no post. Time to shake the dust off my posting hat.

We're having a debate within my (crusty decades-old) group: to continue playing 4e or going back to 3.5e or Pathfinder. Sound familiar? :D

Anyway, I don't want to start a flamewar, I'm just curious about what the community was doing. Perhaps it would help us in our deliberations.

Note that I'm restricting the poll options in order to more precisely gauge this current situation.

I appreciate your feedback in advance! :)


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Wrapping up a 3.5e game (probably take another 3 months or so) and the group has started talking about what to do next. The options in order of descending likelihood are 3.5e, Pathfinder, Conspiracy-X, and AD&D 1e.


4e Gamma World at the moment, but I would go back to 3.5 for fantasy. We play Savage Worlds for other genres but have discussed doing fantasy with it. I have too many D&D minis to make it time effective to convert away from d20.


Between campaigns at the moment.

We've just wrapped up a 4e campaign (I was a player), and will be kicking off a 3.5e campaign next month (I'll be DM). We've also played a bunch of one-shots in various systems.

We probably play more 4e than anything else, but that's not really a preference - just the way things have worked out.

It's likely that this next 3.5e campaign will be our last - it's not clear whether we'll shift to Pathfinder, 5e, a custom system, or something else entirely, but it's becoming increasingly hard to get enough copies of the PHB (in particular) for the table to feel comfortable.

I'm running 4e, and am playing in a FATE campaign, ASoIaF and upcoming Pathfinder campaigns. That's what happens when you have a group with four rotating DMs in it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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