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Pathfinder 1E [IC] Pathfinder: Jade Regent


First Post
Wireth sent Nairo in a high circle to make sure there was no trouble the bird could spot from above, then slinked forward (inasmuch as the large half-orc could slink) with the eidolon to get a closer look.

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Meanwhile, the young blacksmith had fiercely snubbed Sachiko during the trip over, wisps of steam coming off of him: she HAD instantly forgotten, hadn't she? A tiny - TINY - rat-thing and a not-even-that-magical dagger... REALLY?

Fastus stomped after Wireth and Jakira, grumbling to himself and paying even less attention to his surroundings than usual.

OOC: If Climbing is required to get onboard, Fastus will wordlessly offer a boost (Help Another), or go first if the others don't want to: Up we go: 1D20+8-2 = [15]+8-2 = 21. If light is required (going in through a hole in the hull or something), he'll blow fire out of his mouth to light the way (cast Light Cantrip).


First Post
"You have to charm her first," says a voice in Fastus' ear as he seethes in the shadow of the wrecked ship.

He looks around to see Sachiko there with her canary-that-ate-the-cat grin splitting her cherubic face.

"If you just start trying to impress her straight off, it'll go like before. You'll just scare her off. She'll think you're desperate and creepy."

"Woo her. Write some poetry or something. Get her to want you to show how devoted you are. Then show off."

The punchline delivered, Sachiko looked up at the ship. "It's pretty big, huh? Wonder if we could throw a rope around one of those beams or something, and use that to climb up."


Guest 11456

You see the moss-covered ribs of a wrecked ship. The ruined ship lies on its side, split down the middle and mostly sunken into the mud and murky water. Little remains of this once-large ship today, but it is of a similar style to the burned out wrecked ship you found earlier.


Guest 11456

Nairo sees nothing out of the ordinary. So the group heads toward the ship. Jakira, Wireth and Suldrel are up front. Sachiko and Fastus follow close behind. Jariah and Elsbeth are bringing up the rear. Nairo is flying high in the sky. As you get closer somethings rise up out of the mud in front of you. Five somethings to be exact. As the skeletons rise from the mud, they draw rusty odd looking short swords from their rib cages with a rattle.

Everyone roll initiative. If you beat the skeleton's 25 (Dex 14 for ties) you may go ahead of them.

Skeletons 25


Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The punchline delivered, Sachiko looked up at the ship. "It's pretty big, huh? Wonder if we could throw a rope around one of those beams or something, and use that to climb up."
"I guess," he admitted, gaze automatically following hers upward. That spot over there could- Fastus shook his maned head, remembering: "Hey, I'm still mad at you, you know?"

He WAS the one asking for favors - sure. SURE - but STILL... It hadn't been EASY asking for THAT KIND of help, right? And... "And it's not enough," he forcefully concluded before looking away. "I mean - it's good, but..." The muscled youth leaned-in for some extra privacy, embarrassed... "I want to understand her too. Right?"

Could she do that?

Could HE do that?

OOC: Skeletons? What skeletons?: 1D20+6 = [7]+6 = 13


Jariah Taliaferro, Human Female


At least they had not been surprised by the walking bones rising from the mud. But neither summoner nor eidolon were fast enough to do anything about it.

[sblock=Actions]Jakira: Initiative: 1D20+2 = 17
Jariah: Initiative: 1D20+5 = 11
[/sblock][sblock=Mini-stats]Jariah Taliaferro
Init: +5, Senses: Perception +7
AC: 17, Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 14 (chain shirt)
HP: 16 Current: 16
Fort: +1, Ref: +3, Will: +4
Summon Monster: 7/7 Remaining
1st Level Spells: 3/3 Remaining (Mage Armor, Lesser Rejuv, Unfetter)
Conditions: None

Weapon in Hand: Acid Flask

Init: +2, Senses: Perception +5, Darkvision
AC: 20/22 (Mage Armor), Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 18/20
HP: 22 Current: 22
Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +0
Condition: Darkvision, Power Attack, Pounce, Evasion
Weapons in Hand: Claws & Bite[/sblock]



Elsbeth was daydreaming as they walked. She had noticed Sachiko and Fastus talking in private earlier and idly wondered what the topic of conversation had been. She secretly hoped it was her but Fastus had seemed pretty intent on convincing Ameiko to go with them earlier so who knows what was on the blacksmith's mind.

Her first thought when the skeletons showed up was 'not again'. Her weapons were mostly useless against them and her magic wasn't very powerful yet.



Guest 11456

Combat - Surprise Round - Wrap Up

The five skeletons advance on Jakira, Wireth and Suldrel. Two of the abominations swing their wicked looking swords at the eidolon but Jakira is too quick for them and the blades do not even come close to hitting. Two more swing at the half-orc falconer but one of them almost looses its grip on its weapon and the other swings wide. The final one stabs at the arctic elf but Suldrel is able to easily avoid the thrust.

Note: Since the skeletons got first initiative I am just calling their actions a surprise round. For the rest of the "rounds" they will act at the end of the round.

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