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IC: Dichotomy's Age of Worms Redux, Part IV


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Erdolliel points at Nethezar. "He didn't stab you. There are a variety of reasons why he didn't, the foremost being that if he did want you dead he would have used a spell or wand and not a knife.

"Coincidentally, this 'merchant' appeared right after you got stabbed and just happens to have four more knives,"
Erdolliel picks up one of the merchant's knives from the table, "that are identical to the knife that was in you. Luckily we were able to get to you before it was too late, no thanks to any of these oafs you've been serving all night. I suppose I can't really hold their stupidity against them, the merchant there was very persuasive to their drunken minds.

"Now I suspect that this human,"
She nudges the unconscious merchant with her toe, "Is being disguised somehow, we just have to find out how." Erdolliel turns to the magic users, "It would be probably nice if we could do so before the city guard arrives as well. So if any of you have doubts about someone else's abilities maybe everyone should be trying." She finishes pointedly before seeing if she can detect any disguise herself.[sblock=oc]take 20 on a spot check if I have the time... Spot +12[/sblock]

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Nethezar gives Erdolliel a quizzical look. "I was waiting for the dwarf to report something. No matter." Nethezar casts a spell at the merchant, but nothing seems to happen. "I can do nothing more. If there is some magic changing his form, I cannot remove it."

While Bazrim examines the potions, Erdolliel stares at the merchant, looking for make up, fake hair, anything that would suggest a disguise. But the elf finds nothing.

"Magical disguise?" Tarquin asks with horror. "Sorcery-wielding assassins want me dead?" The last words barely escape the gnomes lips, as his voice grows weak.
[sblock=OOC]Spot check turns up nothing
Potions: both have faint auras; one is conjuration, the other is illusion
Dispel magic doesn't appear to do anything[/sblock]


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Eskard continues to gather the parties things.

Kushnak frowns slightly and says "Where is that fool."

[sblock=oc]Detect Magic pointed such that it'll get the merchant and all his things.[/sblock]


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Bazrim grabs the illusion potion and holds it up. "This seems to be how he could be hiding his identity. The potion holds magical powers of illusions. I would need to study more as to what exactly it does, but changing his appearance sure seems to be a good use."


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"If it's any consolation, they might want us dead, but would rather the city guard did the dirty work." Erdolliel responds to the gnome.


Bazrim begins examining the potion, opening and smelling its contents.

"I have not seen potions made of the most likely disguising spells before, but that does not mean it could not be done," Nethezar muses. "But it would take either some way to dispel the illusion, or very precise timing on the merchant's part. He would have to know precisely when the spell would end, so that he could make his attack, run away, and come back looking like we see now."
[sblock=OOC]Spellcraft on the potion takes 1 minute. Anything else you want to do while Eskard and Baz finish?

Kushnak sees the same magic Baz saw: 2 potions; studded leather; short sword all radiate as magical; nothing else does, including the guy himself.[/sblock]


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[sblock=oc]erdolliel is fine waiting for results and keeping an eye on the unconscious merchant to make sure he doesn't wake up somehow. Doesn't focusing generally mean seeing if he can learn any additional info about the magical items, like what auras and how strong? I suppose he'd have to wait until next round to get any further info.[/sblock]


[sblock=OOC]I'm not sure who you are talking about "focusing." If Kushnak continues using detect magic, he'll see that the potions radiate just as I noted for Baz earlier, and the studded leather and short sword radiate whatever the hell magic weapons and armor normally radiate.

In the sake of moving this along, I'm going to assume that, if Kushnak does anything, it is just detecting. o3, if you wanted Kushnak to do something else, let me know.[/sblock]
Eskard finally comes down with the various gear of the party for distribution.

Bazrim finally wets a finger with a small bit of the potion and tastes it. The dwarf is confident that it is a potion of invisibility.

[size=-2]OOC: I'm going to keep going, but, if you want, Baz can have told the others what it is before the next part happens.[/size]

The dwarf begins examination of the second potion, but doesn't get far when a group that clearly looks like part of the watch storms in.

"Hold, all of you!" The leader of the four-man group holds a sword in one hand, and what looks like a small whistle in the other. "Is that the dying barkeep?" he asks, pointing at the felled merchant.

"I... I think I was the dying barkeep," Tarquin sputters.

"I want answers. Now!" the watchman orders.


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Kushnak turns to face the watchman, and begins calmly "Answers? No, this man is the one responsible for the damage to the barkeep. I'm unsure who summoned you, or how much you wish to know. I am quite sure we have committed no crimes here. But i can tell you that the wounded man behind the bar is alive because we were hear and unwilling to listen to the unconscious one."

[sblock=oc]Just so we're clear, my laptop hates me, and will not let me post.... or rather, refuses to believe that by clicking 'submit reply' that i ACTUALLY want to post.[/sblock]

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