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IC: Dichotomy's Age of Worms Redux, Part IV


Once Bazrim learns where the enemy is, Nethezar and Kushnak both cast spells to prepare for the assault.

Bazrim lets his trusted spell fly. While the effects cannot be seen, they can be heard in the screams of your foes.

As Nethezar waits for one of the others to take action, the ferocious animal tears around the trees. It's loud snarling is audible even from the distance.
[sblock=OOC]Bazrim can hit all three, and I think it is easy enough to do so, even if he can't see them, based upon simple directions which I'll assume Erdolliel gives him.

I'll call this a surprise round. If o3 or Ti have some standard action they want to take, feel free to tack it onto your post for the first real round.

Nethezar: bless
Kushnak: shield of faith
Bazrim: fireball, saves 1-6+ fail, 2-13+ success, 3-6+ fail, 18/9 damage

First real round
Nethezar: delays
3: rages; double moves 60 feet closer

We'll pick up with K.

Status & Init
Nethezar (23)
3 (22): 18 damage
Kushnak (19): shield of faith 60 rounds remain
1 (14): 18 damage
Erdolliel (10)
2 (9): 9 damage
Eskard (5)
Bazrim (4)

Party is blessed, 60 rounds remain[/sblock]

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Erdolliel moves while drawing her bow. She then fires a shot at the charging beast.[sblock=oc]Move 30 feet towards them for surprise round. Move 30 more feet while drawing the bow and fire at the wolverine (even if I don't know it) +8 1d8+2. I believe that she will end up being ~300 feet from the wolverine, depending on how it moved. so +2 1d8+2 I guess.[/sblock]


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Eskard draws his sword while moving toward the snarling beast.

[sblock=oc] Draw/move 120' E toward wolverine. In total anyway. [/sblock]


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Bazrim moves with the others toward the beast. His short legs move fast enough that dirt actually kicks up from his feet.
[sblock=ooc]run 80' E should be 200' away[/sblock]


Kushnak moves closer, while shouting, and casts his spell.

Nethezar jogs with him, keeping up, thanks to Erdolliel's boots. As he jogs, he readies his crossbow. As he reaches Kushnak, Nethezar looks at the half-orc questioningly. "To whom in the Abyss were you speaking? You're the one closing with them. Simpleton!"

While everyone else simply closes for battle, Erdolliel manages to get off a shot with her bow. Her elven eyes find their mark almost 300 feet away, but the beasts simply roars and continues forward.
[sblock=OOC]Kushnak: moves 30'; casts bull strength
Nethezar: stops delaying; moves 30' while drawing x-bow; loads x-bow
1: double moves 60' closer
Erdolliel: moves 60' total while drawing bow; shoots 3, 15+ hit, 4 damage
2: double moves 60' closer
Eskard: moves 120' total (gosh you're fast) while drawing
Bazrim: runs 80'
3: runs 120' closer

If we put you all on a rough line, with your starting position roughly 0 and there's as roughly 400, I have:
30: N & K; 60: R; 80: B; 120: S; 220: 3; 340: 1 & 2
Dunno how worthley came up with his 200 figure, but it's not what I have.

Status & Init (put 3 on the bottom)
Kushnak: shield of faith 59 rounds remain; bull's strength 60 rounds remain
1: 18 damage
2: 9 damage
3: 22 damage

Party is blessed, 59 rounds remain[/sblock]


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"Simpleton? I can hardly get a decent shot off at that distance." The elf comments as she shoots her foe again.[sblock=oc]Move 30' closer and shoot #3 again. +4 1d8+2[/sblock]


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"It only takes a simpleton to know what that one is going to do."

With no breath for more words, the plated orc lumbers further on.

[sblock=ooc]Run 90. Fly is dumb.[/sblock]


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Only slightly confused, Eskard lurches to a halt, quivering with anticipation.

[sblock=oc]Ready to attack whichever gets in range. Partial charge(PA4): +10 / 2d6+15 (w/bless&charge) Dodge on whichever is closes and still standing after my attack.[/sblock]

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