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(IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1


"We think they tooker t'the Steading, with all the rest o'their loot." Cromby answered Bible. He looked side-to-side to see if anyone was listening, then added, "They took a lotta stuff there. A lotta stuff. A sailor could buy a ship, if she gotter hands on just some of it."

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As if on cue at the quiet mention of treasure, Jack slipped out of the shadows near the entrance and looked around the dim chamber. The newcomer smelled as if he hadn't bathed in weeks. His leathers beaten and road-weary, it looked like he could collapse at any moment.

“Quite the crew you’ve assembled here my lord,” graveled the lanky thief. Almost as an afterthought, he bowed low to Lord Falldur and the others, giving the giant-kin a long, appraising look. "Jack Blake at your service. Word is you know where these giants are. Me and my knife are keen on payin' them a little visit."


The old knight eyed Jack dubiously, but if he were not sure if he wanted help of 'that sort', he quickly put those thoughts aside, and said, "You and your knife are welcome here, Jack."

OOC: Jack does not need to be handed a quest. He has one. Jack's Quest: Find Azbar. (See Jack's backstory if you're reading along and want to know what that means.)


5ever, or until 2024
Numbers of giants not seen in decades. He looks across those gathered here. Do they have any idea what they will face? Apparently what we, will face.

He replies with brevity to the first newcomers: "Indeed" to the sailor. An elvish "greeting" to his distant and oversized cousin.

He takes in the obvious warrior and rogue. We will need them, but are they enough?

He turns back to the lord:

"Such a terrible turn of events. Have you or your wise advisors any thoughts on why the giants are now massing and marauding on such devastating scale"?


The old Knight shook his head, "I'm afraid we have no idea. This is what we need you to find out, and to survive trying. Make no mistake, I understand what I'm asking of you. There may be no chance of stopping them. There certainly won't be any chance without more information. I am not asking you to engage them directly - you must do whatever you can to survive, and to bring us as much as you can on their plans, alliances, and motives."

At the end of that speech, he laughed and added, "Obviously, if you can kill a few of them while you are at it..."


Jack smirks at this, and mutters "Shouldn't be a problem."

More loudly he nods his head towards the entrance and says "I take it you know where this "steading" is? Could one of your scouts point the way? I could use a bite and 40 winks, but the sooner I get mine own eyes on this thing, the better."


Hearing talk about betting on her odds at wrestling a giant brought Valda back to her days in the fighting pits. She had earned some decent coin in the betting, however, this was about something deeper. Beating a giant in physical might would prove it had all been worth it. That she had become stronger since last time. Since the village.

"I'll take that wager." She remarked to the bookie, handling any coin exchange necessary before taking stock of the others. She had mingled with adventurers before, but it was rare to see an elf, and whatever that big un was. Other than them, there was one calling herself Fistblood, another warrior it seemed, and one who was obviously a thief, she knew the look all too well.

"Giants and marauding ain't exactly strangers." She commented, although she frowned. The whole thing did feel a bit off, not like what she knew of giants.


"The steading is about an hour away on foot," Lord Falldur answered Jack. "I do not recommend horses. There are many ruts and ditches for them to turn their ankles. I have scouts keeping an eye on the steading in four-hour shifts. One is due back soon and we can ask them for the latest. Perhaps while we wait, more help will arrive."

In the back, the bookie had made five-to-one odds against Valda successfully wrestling a giant. She could earn decent coin by betting on herself. She would have to take these men's money, who likely could scarcely afford it, but they had nothing else to spend it on here, and betting brought them joy. Of course, she would also have to win, and she would have to survive the attempt.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
"They've, erm, 'rebuffed' any offers to parley I assume? My brutish cousins of the hills are even more enamored with the righteousness of might than the young races", he pauses then looks momentarily stricken, "No insult intended, of course."

He shrugs his broad shoulders, a considering look on his face as he scans the others who have answered the call.

"If they see you as weak, they will seek to dominate you. No one questions the valor of your guardians, Falldor Lord, but if you attack and lose more it will just embolden them. Let us attempt to shift the path of their brook."

Quinn circles the cairn several times, he notes the others as they arrive. With his keen eyes he looks for any danger before picking a suitable clearing to use for landing. Those watching from the cairn would see the giant eagle land and hop awkwardly once before shifting down to a humanoid man. He was tall with long reddish hair tied back with a simple leather cord. Those who first saw him change might have caught the a glimpse of his strangely pointed ears and what looked like a silvery black crown. Between steps as the newcomer walks they vanish leaving any who noticed to doubt their eyes.

The man walks to the entrance and stops.

"Good day, the stars have guided me here. The omens point to trouble. I have come to assist, the name is Quinn."
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Voidrunner's Codex

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