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(IC) A Hard Time in Harrowdale


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Harrowdale Town is a large town in the Dalelands of mid-northern Faerûn, lying along an arm of the Sea of Fallen Stars. While the Sea flanks Harrowdale Town to the east, a small plain flanks it to the west, the supposedly-haunted Cold Fields lie to its southwest, and the somewhat monster-infested Velarswood lies just north of town. Harrowdarrans make a steady but careful profit from Velarswood lumber, but stay clear of its deeper woods to avoid the aggressive beasts and giantkin that roam it.

Harrowdale Town is one of the oldest communities in the Dalelands, with some of its buildings dating back quite a ways, yet the port has grown in recent years, as Scardale's problems have turned nearby Harrowdale Town into a much more active and prosperous port-of-call on the Sea of Stars. Harrowdarrans have shed some of their rural country-folk image and mannerisms, as young men and women see the town grow into a busy port and welcome outsiders to do business. Harrowdarrans are generally cautious and like to plan ahead, using slow and steady methods instead of taking greater risks, and they do not much trust or appreciate workers of the Art.

This leaves the House of Mystra, a small and relatively new temple, with little business and few visitors among the locals, instead receiving more, but still infrequent, visits from travelers and adventurers. There is also a Temple of Oghma that is frequented by many locals, and the Temple of Tymora which has grown more popular with the expanding trade in Harrowdale Town's port. At the edge of town is the burnt-out ruin of Halvan's Keep, a castle built by the town's former tyrant, which is shunned by the townsfolk. Harrowdale Town is lead by the Council of Seven Burghers, the wealthiest Harrowdarrans.

All of this is common knowledge to you by the time you arrive in Harrowdale Town, traveling across the Dalelands for your own reasons. Some of you arrive with a recent caravan delivering spices, construction tools, and metal ore for local smithies. Others are here looking for opportunity in the growing port town. It is just past noon on the 27th of Eleasis, Highsun, late summer in 1372 DR, the Year of Wild Magic.

Western Gate Plaza

Evanar Brewerson, a human lad, and Storn Horn, a doughty dwarf, stride into town alongside the caravan of Evanar's uncle Niles, bringing in trade goods to feed Harrowdale Town's need for tools and raw materials to build up the port. Evanar is huffing and puffing, welcome for the rest after Uncle Niles felt eager to rush the caravan the rest of the way to Harrowdale Town, as soon as they got within sight of it. Storn is enjoying the hearty exercise of the double-time march, feeling invigorated after days of slow and fairly dull marching. Not even a single bandit or goblin crossed the caravan's path on this trip, making for a bored yet peaceful journey.

Niles' caravan stops briefly in the wide plaza past the western gate, just in front of the western market, and he calls out "Alright men, you can take a break now and enjoy your pay! The boys and I'll take care of business here."

Just as a few mercenaries are walking off towards the taverns, William Fayne approaches the western gate plaza from the south. Fayne had been wandering town for a day or two now, looking for something to do now that he's this far from home and can't go back. He needed some way to get food and shelter, though he had coin enough for awhile.

Ship fare was expensive, though. Unless Fayne spent most of his remaining coin for another trip, he'd be staying in Harrowdale Town or hoofing it overland to someplace else. He could survive for months on what he had left, probably, but he'd need to find a job or a decent score by then, and something to pass the time. He wasn't familiar with the local constabulary, though; just how tight-fisted these foreigners might be with their gold or how tough their laws, he wasn't entirely sure. For that matter, he wasn't even sure who the local criminal elements were. So what to do....?

Northern Gate Plaza

Abde'Ragman Zaliman, the young Calishite, is taking a breather near the northern gate of Harrowdale Town, as merchants haggle with customers a few yards away in the northern market. His traveling companions, his mother, were dead; he knew it. His caravan was lost, probably already emptied by the bandits and left to burn near the edge of the Velarswood.

He was just finally beginning to calm down and muster the will to stop grieving, at least for now. Surely he couldn't sit there forever. A few Harrowdarrans cast piteous glances at the weeping Calishite. The small toad resting on his shoulder tried to console him with upbeat ribbits, but usually just felt the grief emanating from Abde'Ragman and burped out long, sorrowful croaks.

Selua Lythari, a wood elven maiden, seems a little down herself as she walks out of the northern market into the plaza, idly eating the last of her lunch but not really enjoying it. It had been a few days since she was lead into Harrowdale Town, and she was still feeling a bit numb. Her mule stands by indifferently, tied to a nearby post and watching the passing and fretting humans with simple-minded apathy.

At the same time, the young sun elfess Abrielle Elaéyadar is eating lunch at the edge of the northern market square, in view of the northern gate's plaza. She sips at her tea and watches the townsfolk, as she sits at a table outside a small diner. It didn't even qualify as a tavern. She's been in Harrowdale Town for about a week now, playing tunes in the market squares and taverns to earn her room and board thus far.

Abrielle is fairly certain that she's played in half the taverns of Harrowdale Town already, but then, it is just a large town, after all, not one of the great cities of Evermeet. No, this was a far more modest and humble town, with simple and functional architecture, only a few buildings of limited beauty making this place anything more than quaint. And those few buildings were of elven design, anyhow. At least there was a lot going on here, yet it was well far enough from Evermeet that nobody'd look for her here.

(OOC: If you have anything to say out of character, put it in the OOC thread that was once the recruiting thread, or post it here in spoiler blocks. Ask in the other thread if you don't know how to put text into spoiler blocks.)
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Selua has the look of a wolf about her, with silvery blond hair that falls about her shoulders and down her back wildly, yet untangled and deep green eyes. Her skin is a bronzed copper from spending most of her time in the sun.

Travel worn studded leather armor is worn over simple brown and green traveling clothes. A longsword is sheathed at her hip and a composite longbow, with a quiver of arrows, is slung across her shoulder. A silver holy symbol of Sehanine Moonbow is worn prominently on a necklace around her neck. The rest of her gear is quite obviously carried by the mule.

Her intense, wolf-like eyes scan the plaza, noting the presence of another elf. She chooses to remain near her mule, calming the creature and grooming it, her eyes returning to the other elf every so often, judging character, tracking movements, watching, waiting.

She whispers quietly to the mule in elven, "I sense a change in the wind. The leaves show their under colors, I think. Sehanine's will moves through this day. Let us see where it guides us."
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Myth and Legend

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Abrielle felt the discerning eyes of someone around her, judging her appearance and manners. "It is not like the greasy stares of drunk men, drooling over my backside. This is... different." The elf continued enjoying her mild tea and paid no apparent heed to the situation, instated taking pleasure in the lazy, warm Eleasis afternoon and the apparent calmness of this small town.

Abrielle was a radiant girl of a tiny frame, with delicate features and a beguiling smile. Her hair flowed in waves down to her shoulders, the colour of molten copper, and her eyes shone with the bright green of spring leaves. Her teeth - white and straight, were hidden behind delicate red lips, that now displayed a faint smile. Abrielle's skin was of a light brown tint, common for a sun elf, and her body was slender and delicate, with a thin waist and round breasts. Today, the girl was dressed in a dark green dress with ornate embroiders of leaves woven in to it with orange string, and wore small round earings made of polished copper.

Abrielle was feeling good about her choice to escape a boring life as a spellcaster in Evermeet. She was no longer defendant on anyone but herself, and contrary to her parents predictions, her talent for music and dance had given her a means of meeting ends meet. "And in a very pleasant way at that, - the girl thought, as she slowly looked around the diner and nearby square. - I have the free spirited blood of my seven times great grandmother. She was a traveling minstrel just like me! And her life was no poorer than that of my serious father or pious mother."

Abrielle was glad she had managed to escape her father's hired men, and she had even taken a liking to Harrowdale and it's simple ways. She had very little contact with humans on Evermeet - in fact, she had seen more sentient horses out in the wilds, than humans in the taverns.

The human race fascinated the young elven girl - their lives were so short, that everything around them seemed to move at an unnatural pace. Abrielle had been in this town for only a few short days, and already she had been approached by dozens of lads and men alike, some offering dinner and wine, others - a ride out to a nearby meadow. Some were even shameless enough to invite her to their rooms!

The elven girl was enjoying all the attention she received here, and had decided to stay as long as the weather permitted, before going south to escape the harsh winters of the Dale.

Now, Abrielle had lost herself in thoughts of men, adventures and even stories about the region she had heard around in the taverns Bardic Knowledge: 7+4=11 .

Abrielle's thoughts were drifting from one topic to the other, even taking her so far as to wander if she could become a Harper some day. As naturally distracted as the girl was, she still noticed a curious looking elven woman standing next a mule in the plaza. She was not a sun elf, that much was apparent, and her silver hair and somewhat wild eyes made her interesting for the young bard. Abrielle met the intimidating stare of the other woman and smiled, full of charm as usual, and then waved to the strange looking elf to come over and sit with her. "Oh this is truly wonderful, meeting new people and making new friends. My parents were wrong about the outside world! It's not all monsters and villains."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Whew! I sure could use one of Auntie's apple pies right now..." he glances to Storn, " make that 2 of those pies. Hey Uncle Niles, mind if we grab a drink of ale 'afore we finish?"

Evanar looks to his uncle respectfully. Since the loss of his parents, his aunt and uncle have taken care of him as their own son.


First Post
Selua whispers to the mule in elven, "Stay."

She then moves to join the other elf, her voice quiet, yet intense, "I will warn you now, the company of others is not something I often seek. I am not one for small talk."

Myth and Legend

First Post
Abrielle blinked with amazement - this girl was somewhat hostile, yet she chose to share the bard's table. "To each his own, i suppose." "Well met! My name is Abrielle Elaéyadar. There are few elves in Harrowdale, and i thought that we could share my tea and biscuits, even if we do not know each other."

Abrielle extended her hand towards the other girl, in the hopes of making a good first impression.

Voda Vosa

First Post
The wounded Calishite finally stood up. He had an arrow stuck in his forearm, and it was bleeding, but the physical pain he was feeling was nothing compared with what he had lost a few hours before. He shouted a silent pain scream as he stood up, holding himself with the staff in his right hand. His left arm hangs motionless from his shoulder, dripping little blood, since most of it is absorbed by his wide and heavy blue tunic. Jasmar, his toad familiar, made some tumbles a top of his master's shoulder to avoid falling.
Abde'Ragman was a big guy, towering up to 1,8 meters; at least very tall for his people. His tanned skin has the scent of the sand deserts, and his once shiny green eyes are now wet and full of dirt. The wizard has a long beard, that's now stained and glued with his and his enemies' blood, that almost reaches his underbelly. His boots, bracer and staff are highly decorated, but the fight ad the run made them look dirty and worn out.
His head is decorated with a turban with a gem and a feather in front of it.
Abde'Ragman's spellbook hangs with a chain at his right side. The toad on his shoulder is of a light brown colour, rough in aspect. It keeps croaking, as if cheering his master up, to keep walking, since it seems the man finds it quite difficult.
Stomping heavily, helping himself with his staff, the wizard advances through the markets, searching some kind of officer, or someone who looks capable of helping him. Each step, he closes his eyes painfully.
"Please... I need help... please..." he man says as loud as he can, as he wonders the dusty streets. The toad keeps filling his throat with air and emitting soundly croaks.


First Post
Uncle Niles replies "Sure, lad, have yourself a drink! Next time, maybe you'll earn it!" he jibes good-naturedly, laughing a bit.

Niles and a few teenage boys, who wanted to get out of Shadowdale and see other places, but got pressed into work as laborers to pay for their trip, start unloading wagons. One boy tries to sneak off, but doesn't escape Niles' notice, and before the boy knows he's been caught, Niles has run over and cut off his escape. The boy gets pushed back to work.

(OOC: Rhun's PC, Fayne, has been added to the first post. He's just entering the western gate plaza as the mercenaries disperse.)

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Evanar watches the ever vigilant Uncle Niles Keep tabs on the boys. 'I guess I trained him with my alway trying to sneak off '

"one drink only Uncle Niles. For me that is"

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