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D&D 5E How Murder Hobo is Your Party


So on a scale of 1 to 10 1 being pacifists 10 being unhinged psychotic serial killers where do your pcs or party fit.

Mine are a solid 10 violence is there first and only resort. Standard scenarios include Torturing for information, arguing over who gets to kill the surrendered npc etc.

I am trying to mend there ways but its hard XD. So how bad are you guys and gals at suppressing that urge.

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My group often finds themselves attempting a non-violent solution right up until the 2nd or 3rd round of combat (because when hostiles leap out of hiding and attack, that's the only opportunity to try and talk-it-out).

As for trying to change the ways of a group... I can only advocate doing so if the group wants to change, as otherwise you are just forcing your preference onto them and that doesn't end well in basically any case. With a group that does want to change to not be so immediately and constantly violent, I find the best way to reinforce the change is to make non-violent solutions 1) the "easy" option when compared to violence, and 2) actually work reliably so that the players don't end up feeling like they tried it the non-violent way and all they got for their effort was a big fat failure.


My group often finds themselves attempting a non-violent solution right up until the 2nd or 3rd round of combat (because when hostiles leap out of hiding and attack, that's the only opportunity to try and talk-it-out).

As for trying to change the ways of a group... I can only advocate doing so if the group wants to change, as otherwise you are just forcing your preference onto them and that doesn't end well in basically any case. With a group that does want to change to not be so immediately and constantly violent, I find the best way to reinforce the change is to make non-violent solutions 1) the "easy" option when compared to violence, and 2) actually work reliably so that the players don't end up feeling like they tried it the non-violent way and all they got for their effort was a big fat failure.

Well i think they want to change as they are wanting to play some vampire the masquerade but i keep warning them that system will not tolerate murder hoboing( wow i made a new word) i mean they would end up hunted within 10mins as is.


First Post
Well, my party is probably about a 7.5 on the murderhobo scale. Since we're in the Underdark and most things are trying to kill us, we often turn to violence, interrogation, etc. And while we don't murder the common people of the towns, we do accept their missions to murder stuff for them first and foremost. Plus at least two of our five members, (myself as one of them), have the insanity that makes your character want to beat people to death if they disagree with you. While the other forms of madness our party has aren't explicitly murder-blood-kill, they certainly don't help with the "we're-totally-not-psychopathic-killers-vibe."

But our party is generally good aligned, so we mostly murderhobo evil things, so that's good I guess.


Magic Wordsmith
Most groups I DM for are about a 5, which is my way of saying they tend to do a pretty even mix of combat, exploration, and social interaction to overcome challenges. That has a lot to do with how I set up challenges though and how I reward XP. Engaging with exploration and social interaction will tend to provide advantages in combat (or in other exploration/social interaction scenes) plus it's worth experience points.


I have two groups. The MOTHER MURDERER's and The Pixie Princess Pirates a all girl group.

The MM's are just simply horrible people who I think play rpg's simply to see just how far there sick depraved minds can go before becoming unhinged. I Rate them 11 out of 10 and if you sat in on one of our games so would you.

The PPP's alternate between 7 1/2 on the scale and a solid 10. While they might role play and develop deep emotional attachments to npc's I have also seen them once angered do things that the MM's wouldn't even do. Things that made me stop the game and say" What? no! Come on! This is a game for christs sake!"


So on a scale of 1 to 10 1 being pacifists 10 being unhinged psychotic serial killers where do your pcs or party fit.

Mine are a solid 10 violence is there first and only resort. Standard scenarios include Torturing for information, arguing over who gets to kill the surrendered npc etc.

I am trying to mend there ways but its hard XD. So how bad are you guys and gals at suppressing that urge.

I would say about a 3. They try to avoid violence whenever possible.

The best way to discourage it is to allow them to encounter creatures that can wipe them out.

One or two TPKs will change that behaviour.


As long as there is no PvP in the mix you don't have a real problem.

But you can add law enforcement encounters if they kill the wrong people.

IF they kill orc and criminals most law enforcers will turn the blind eye.



Probably a 7/10. Violence tends to be their first answer to everything that isn't clearly godly more powerful than them. It's a good thing they can't always tell if it is or isn't.

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