Help Me Build a Dwarf Psychic Warrior


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(I've posted an updated version in post #16. Thanks everybody.)

I'm building a second level dwarven psychic warrior as a replacement character after my third-level character died. Since he is going into a place where 3rd level characters die, I need some help. The party is a little healing light, so I've focused on defense instead of offense.

Here is my first shot:

2nd level, 28-point buy, PHB, ExPsiHB, starting 1st-level equipment only

Str 16
Dex 14
Con 16
Int 8
Wis 14
Cha 6
Feats: Psicrystal Affinity (Resolve), Psionic Weapon, Psionic Body
Powers: Thicken Skin, Defensive Precognition
Major Equipment: Chainmail, Dwarven Waraxe, Heavy Wood Shield
PP 3
AC 19
HP 25
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +7
Concentration (5 ranks) +8

Any advice appreciated. TIA
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Staff member
IME, Expansion is one of the better low-level Psy-War powers, especially since you can scale it up an additional level. Reach + increased weapon damage, thus dealing lots of damage at range, is a nice way to avoid damage from opponents who get in close.

I'm assuming you're only allowed to use non-magical equipment. Load up on stuff you can use to help control the battlespace- tanglefoot bags, oil for firebombs, etc.

If you can use magic equipment, consider the Quiver of Ehlonna. Its one of the cheapest magic items out there, and can hold a LOT of ammo. Your PC's 14 Dex, while not outstanding, will let him get in a few ranged attacks with crossbow bolts, javelins and spears.

While it is archetypal for a Dwarf to be tough (and Con does help other things as well), I've found that low-level PC longevity is more influenced by AC than by HP, and by Dex more than Con in general. Switching out your Dex and Con scores while switching to Scale Mail will save you 100gp, keep your AC the same, and boost your initiative bonus by +1.


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Dannyalcatraz said:
While it is archetypal for a Dwarf to be tough (and Con does help other things as well), I've found that low-level PC longevity is more influenced by AC than by HP, and by Dex more than Con in general. Switching out your Dex and Con scores while switching to Scale Mail will save you 100gp, keep your AC the same, and boost your initiative bonus by +1.

Unfortunately, switching Dex and Con does nothing because the dwarf gets +2 Con. The starting dex and con are the same.


Staff member
Its point-buy- you can get your stats into any arrangement you want.

You spend 4 points less on Con, and switch them to other stats, then add in your racial Con bonus- you'll have that 14 Con and 16 Dex before you know it...if that's what you want.

Also, I agree with Biofeedback as a good power for a low level PsyWar, especially in this situation.


First Post
Rolflyn said:
I'm building a second level dwarven psychic warrior as a replacement character after my third-level character died. Since he is going into a place where 3rd level characters die, I need some help. The party is a little healing light, so I've focused on defense instead of offense.

Here is my first shot:

2nd level, 28-point buy, PHB, ExPsiHB, starting 1st-level equipment only

Str 16
Dex 14
Con 16
Int 8
Wis 14
Cha 6
Feats: Psicrystal Affinity (Resolve), Psionic Weapon, Psionic Body
Powers: Thicken Skin, Defensive Precognition
Major Equipment: Chainmail, Dwarven Waraxe, Heavy Wood Shield
PP 3
AC 19
HP 25
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +7
Concentration (5 ranks) +8

Any advice appreciated. TIA

If you use the psionic dueargar (only +1 LA) you get the Psi-like abilities: expansion and invisibility 1/ day.

Take the Magic in the Blood Feat (Regional Feat from FR) you can use those 3/ day each. There is also the Duergar Expansion Feat and Duergar Invisibility feats out of Comp Psionics as well.


First Post
Dannyalcatraz said:
Its point-buy- you can get your stats into any arrangement you want.

You spend 4 points less on Con, and switch them to other stats, then add in your racial Con bonus- you'll have that 14 Con and 16 Dex before you know it...if that's what you want.

No. Currently, the dwarf's Con is 16, which is 14 + 2 racial. 14 costs 6 points. If I spend 4 less, that would buy a 10 (12 after racial). I've also bought a 14 dex, and spent 6 point. If I spend the four saved points to dex, then I have a 16 dex (10 points). So I end up with 12 Con and 16 Dex. I think taking -4 to con in order to get +2 dex is not a very good deal. If losing four hit points and +2 fort save is worth +1 AC, init, and reflex saves, I should be looking at swapping out psionic body for dodge.

And part of the point of playing a dwarf is to get a higher con than you could normally afford.

Also, I agree with Biofeedback as a good power for a low level PsyWar, especially in this situation.

Thanks, I'll look into it. My last character had was third level and had vigor up when he died. 15 temp hit points is better than DR 2/-, so I don't know if this power would have saved me. Perhaps it would have, I just don't know. But I'm willing to be convinced otherwise.


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Shellman said:
If you use the psionic dueargar (only +1 LA) you get the Psi-like abilities: expansion and invisibility 1/ day.

Take the Magic in the Blood Feat (Regional Feat from FR) you can use those 3/ day each. There is also the Duergar Expansion Feat and Duergar Invisibility feats out of Comp Psionics as well.

Sorry, I looked at the duergar. But taking a first-level character into a situation where third-level characters died is suicidal. If we were starting at a higher level, I would consider it. But at 2nd level, +1 LA is right out.

Also, light sensitivity would be annoying, as would having the undying hatred of everyone outside of my adventuring party.


Staff member
Perhaps we're talking about slightly different point-buy systems.

What I'm saying is buy a 12 Con and then factor in the +2 Con bonus to get a resultant Con of 14, then buy a 16 Dex, thus keeping your AC the same, dropping 1 HP, and boosting your Ranged rolls, initiative rolls etc. by +1.

If you do that, you could even use a Breastplate and boost your AC +1...
And part of the point of playing a dwarf is to get a higher con than you could normally afford.

True, but the main reasons to play a dwarf is you want to play a dwarf or it fits your PC concept. If you really want to get that high Con bonus, commit to it- drop your dex a little more (to a 10-12) and really pump your Con and Str, while upgrading your armor to Splint or Banded mail. As a dwarf, you'll be getting an even better AC and you won't experience the same maneuverability problems other PCs in heavy armor would.

At any rate, the good news is your PsyWar will have a d10 HD, and with a decent AC and DR2/-, he should be pretty tough.

Something else to consider: a Tower Shield. You either get to use it as total cover or a +4 AC. You'll take penalties to your to hit rolls, but either way, it should still increase survivability.


First Post
Dannyalcatraz said:
Perhaps we're talking about slightly different point-buy systems.

I think we are. I'm talking about the standard DMG point buy system where 12s cost 4, 14s cost 6, and 16s cost 10. Thus con 14 + dex 14 (before racial) costs 6+6=12, while con 12 + dex 16 costs 4+10=14. Thus for a dwarf, after racial adjustments, con 16 + dex 14 costs less than con 14 + dex 16.

True, but the main reasons to play a dwarf is you want to play a dwarf or it fits your PC concept. If you really want to get that high Con bonus, commit to it- drop your dex a little more (to a 10-12)

I would have to drop my dex by 4 to get the con up to 18 (after racial), and that doesn't seem worth it. My concept is "tough psychic warrior". Dwarf fits that concept fine, as does a high con. And since I'm going up against terrible odds, a little min-maxing isn't a bad thing.

and really pump your Con and Str, while upgrading your armor to Splint or Banded mail. As a dwarf, you'll be getting an even better AC and you won't experience the same maneuverability problems other PCs in heavy armor would.

If only I could afford such things on my starting PC salary, I'd love to have heavier armor.

At any rate, the good news is your PsyWar will have a d10 HD, and with a decent AC and DR2/-, he should be pretty tough.

Perhaps we are playing things differently, because Psychic Warriors from the Expanded Psionics Handbook have only a d8 hit points.

Something else to consider: a Tower Shield. You either get to use it as total cover or a +4 AC. You'll take penalties to your to hit rolls, but either way, it should still increase survivability.

And unfortunately, psychic warriors are not proficient in Tower Shield. Maybe if I take a fighter level later.

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