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First Post
Well, I don't play 40k...haven't had a chance yet...but I am building an army.

I seem to be the only person on the planet who likes painting minis.

And I don't really play D&D these days, so I can't answer that portion of your question. For me, D&D died the day Exalted came out...but then, it had been in death throes for a while thanks to Dancey and company...the whole "We are Borg" thing really killed my enthusiasm for the game. (Don't ask why I'm hanging out here...I don't know myself...)


First Post
Warhammer 40k and Fantasy (Dark elves in both) and Necromunda.

I still play Necromunda with some guys at uni.

I got into them before RPG's, but I wouldn't say there were what got me into RPG's, more the people who played them.


First Post
Zerovoid - what's that thing below your name that looks like a jawa crossed with a smurf called?

I've seen them around a lot, but I don't know what they are...


I've played Warhammer Fantasy Battle for... Oh, seven or eight years. Lately, I've been branching out to Warhammer 40.000. I've got some five hundred orcs lying around the house. Some are painted, some are not.
Currently, I'm saving jink to buy Chainmail and I'm currently playing a Mordheim campaign, with my trusty orcish warband. In their first match, they killed the witch hunters' leader stone cold dead in the third round.
Oh, yes... I came to Warhammer when I got the basic set with lizardmen and Bretonnians. This had very little to do with me starting D&D, which can be attributed to the computer game Baldur's Gate.
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First Post
I think its not surprising that there is a lot of overlap between fantasy or science-fiction themed games and their players. I've played D&D forever now, even if I didnt some other game would probably have brought me into game stores where I would have been exposed to Warhammer, Magic:The Gathering or what have you.

In fact though, D&D did indirectly start me on the path to WH40K. I bought a handful of Harlequin Orcs and a GW Ogre to paint for a D&D campaign. Some WH players at work saw the painted minis and convinced me that I'd enjoy WHFB and that I could feel free to use the non-GW Orcs (gasp!) in a game. Though I didnt ever get into WHFB, I keep picking up more and more WH40K Orcs. I love the figures, I really enjoy painting them and I even occassionally play the game.


First Post
I used to play WH40K pretty extensively, which was only really because the gaming store near my house had three EXCELLENT tables on which to play. I put about 200-300 bucks into an Eldar army, which sits, half-painted, in my attic to this day. I haven't picked them up in quite a few months, but every so often I get an itch to play again.

If anyone's looking for a good WH40K site with a great forum to boot, check out www.dakkadakka.com , which is full of some great stuff.



Warhammer 40.000 (Space Marines, Sisters of Battle), Warhammer Fantasy (Dark Elves) and Mordheim (almost anything).

In fact, I love Mordheim, and I'm in the developping groups of some alternate settings for Mordheim, as Khemri (that appears now at the official Mordheim magazine, Town Cryer).

Teflon Billy

I used to play 40k, but gave up when I realized that they would release new "Super-Stats" monthly in White Dwarf magazine to boost the sales of figures that weren't selling.

So the Super Figure would dominate the field for a month, then (next month) they would soup up the stats for something to counter it.

the millions of inconsistent (but egitiately official)rules brought to the table because of White Dwarf magazine made the game all but unplayable after awhile (I think there was one instance where I had to make something like 80 rolls to determine damage from a single weapon onone of my vehicles).

That said, I quite liked the setting and "tone" for the Warhammer Fantasy RPG.


First Post
I have a couple of problems with GW, one to do with what Teflon said about their sly marketing stratergies and another on a more personal level...
Back in the early/mid 80's they were just about my only source for any kind of gaming material, finding rpg materila over here inteh UK was as much of a quest as playing the game then. Then they took the decision to go with only there own products adn as such I lost my lifeline to RPG products..

Saying that they have had some great stuff out, the WarHammer RPG adn a host of Board Games (Blood Bowl, Fury of Dracula, Dungeon Quest etc..), but I never really got into Fantasy Battle, got all the books though, but like said before it was there constant chaning of rules and the need for certain miniatures to make sure you were up to the mark for the game....

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