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I was wondering, how many of you play any games-workshop games (WHFB, WH40K or one of the many offshoot games) as well as D&D and whether it was playing these that got you interested in D&D (like me) or playing D&D got you interested in playing games-workshop.
I look forward to your answers.

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First Post
I play The Fellowship game but that comes from my love of Tolkein, not D&D. I would like to get involved in a miniature game but I think that the GW WH and WH40K look too cartoonish for me. I am not found of their orks in particular. I love their LoTR game however, I hope they continue to support it.

Wild Karrde

First Post
I was a D&D player that just got sucked into games in general. Went from D&D to other RPGs. Then I discovered tabletop gaming with a little game called Necromunda, which was put out by Games Workshop. It looked like fun to play and you didn't need a boatload of minis. From there it became a terrible habit until I wqs selling myself on the street to support my GW habits.


First Post

I use to play Warhammer 40,000. (Or Wh40k for short) God I loved that game, I collected Tyranids and Imperial Guard. Stangely enough, as soon as the new army book came out for tyranids, I lost interest in the game. Allwell.

The game didn't get me interested in DnD, THE INFINITY ENGINE DID!!! :rolleyes: I got interested in Icewind Dale by playing the Might And Magic games. After that I picked up baldurs gate 2, and then searched the internet for DnD, and found Eric Noah's old site. :)


First Post
I was already into D&D and working at the local hobby store when we started to get in some of the GW games. I started with Man O'War, and progressed through just about all of the games. Thank goodness for the employee discount, as I ended up taking home a ver small paycheck and a lot of mini's.

I've been out for almost 2 years, but my local gaming group looks like it is going to start playing 40K, and I'm trying to get a Warmaster army assembled. I sure hope I don't have to get a second job to support my gaming habit. :D



First Post
I've never played the Games Workshop games but I love "White Dwarf" magazine.

The level of detail that goes into painting and converting those minis fascinates me. I used to build alot of models when I was in my teens so I guess that's where my interest comes from.

I really enjoy the battle reports also.


First Post
I've played Warhammer Fantasy and 40k, and even Warhammer Quest. I love the concepts of each, but I think the system is the most god-awful I've ever experienced. My local gaming club even had homemade skirmish rules for Warhammer Fantasy, and the game still took forever to play and it just wasn't that fun either.

I don't like the miniatures very well (too cartoonish as other people have said).

Really, I just like the concepts (Dark Fantasy, Forces of Good besieged from all sides, hack'n'slash fest, etc) and nothing else.



Holy Bovine

First Post
Purple said:
I was already into D&D and working at the local hobby store when we started to get in some of the GW games. I started with Man O'War, and progressed through just about all of the games. Thank goodness for the employee discount, as I ended up taking home a ver small paycheck and a lot of mini's.

I've been out for almost 2 years, but my local gaming group looks like it is going to start playing 40K, and I'm trying to get a Warmaster army assembled. I sure hope I don't have to get a second job to support my gaming habit. :D


Purple if you still have those Man O' War miniatures and don't want them anymore consider selling them on eBay. I sold 3 packs of imperial ironfists (little tiny metal mortar boats) for about $45 each (yup $135 US for an investment of $10 CAN bought 'em half price). those things were as good as gold last year (and I'd assume they would still get top dollar now)


First Post
In the past I've played WHFB, 40k, Necromunda, and Mordheim. Very expensive, and I still have a huge pile of unpaited pewter miniatures. Mordheim is the only game I would ever play again, because you only need about 15 guys, so its not too expensive, and I'll actually be able to finish painting them.

I think many RPGer's have played these games, or are at least aware of them, just like with CCG's. Thank you 3rd edition for freeing me from GW. Compared to that blight on my wallet, DnD is very cheap, and I actually get to spend time playing the game, instead of just buying and painting and planning armies.


First Post
I played 40K for a while, but got tired of:

  • Arguements. No GM = arguements for us.
  • Painting. It got to be like a job.
  • Cost. It's rediculous to have to spend $40 on one unit.
  • Time. It took us longer to play one game than to have a DnD session.

Up until a few months ago I still had the 8' by 4' green ply-wood table that we played on acting as an entertainment center in my living room.

Ah, good times.....

--McNeal Spikey

Voidrunner's Codex

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