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FULL- Dark Comedy Game-Quest For The Lady

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Living EN World Judge
I created a Rogue's Gallery for the game.

Here's a bit of background.

You all hail from 'The Kingdom', which is equivalent to England Circa 1300 or so.
The Kingdom is infested with all sorts of unfriendly creatures, from Goblin tribes living in dark woods to Trolls under bridges and Ogres that steal and eat children. Witches inhabit Fens, and Werwolves plague Villages in the Wildlands surrounding your home 'Brokyn Castle'.
Faeries and other beings of all sorts exist, though an Elf or a Dwarf is hardly going to belly up to the bar and order a beer, as these Folk have learned long ago that Humans have a nasty habit of killing anything or anyone that shows the slightest bit of superiority at anything at all.
God forbid a Dwarf should know how to Mine, or an Elf be able to write a Sonnet that makes Wilhelm Shakenspear look daft.

And then there are Dragons, or Dragon, I should say.
Tales of this Beast have abounded for centuries, with every manner of story and description recounting the Deeds of said Dragon.
Unfortunately, most have fallen far short of the true Destruction that The Dragon causes whenever he awakens from his slumber (which, if Tales be told, is once every century or so, as he likes to have a Spot of Tea and a Maiden or twelve for Breakfast before raizing a town or two and catching some more shuteye...and there lies the crux of the Problem.
The Dragon demands a Maiden a month for an entire Year and it is 11 months into the schedule.
The last Maiden is the King's own daughter, Jehzabelle, a gorgeous creature of unparalleled Beauty...which is the problem.
Let us just say that Jehzabelle isn't exactly a Maiden, per se...
Well, truth be told, she is a bit of a Strumpet, bedding pretty much any lad who happens to make it to her Tower Chamber (she keeps a rope ladder handy to make sure that she has plenty of visitors. yep, The Princess has had just about every man in the Castle, her father a rare exception), as well as a few of the girls as well...
Right, back to the problem. See, the Dragon is a creature of Habit, and he ALWAYS demands the King's Daughter as his last Treat before retiring to slumber, it's just what he does, but they must be MAIDENS, which Jehazebelle is most certainly not...
So, the King has drafted, er, I mean Quested four Brave Heroes to go forth and slay the Dragon as he waits in his Cave on the other side of the Wildlands, across the expanse of The Kingdom, in hopes of catching him unawares (Good Luck).
Picked are Sir Morris the White, Knight Champion of The Realm, who has killed near a hundred Trolls.
Sir Beuregard the Red, undefeated Knight of near two hundred Battles, Argath the Wizard, Lord of all things Arcane, Master of Demons and Seer of All Things Unseen.
Delgar the Unseen, who was a pretty Stealthy Rogue until he met Argath<1>.
Right, the problem is that these Four Mighty Heroes are WAY MORE INTELLIGENT than the King, and they seemed to have been called away to SOMETHING REALLLY IMPORTANT <2> right as The Quest was to begin...
And so, into a Hornet's Nest of Woes walked four OTHER Heroes,not quite as Mighty (But hey, what do you expect from the second string, Ok, the third string, as the second string are smarter than the King as well, and they all suddenly took up life in a Monestary), but they will do.

<1>Argath,who has the really annoying Habit of proclaiming himself 'Master ' of poor Delgar right as he is about to do something really Dodgy.

<2>Anything that will keep them FAR from The Dragon.
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First Post
Also to let people know

real-life is catching up fast, so for the next week or so I won't be able to post as often as I normally do unless i can get a few things done first

I'll try to post at least once a day on every thread and definitely at least once a day on the threads I DM.

-- Uriel, I don't know if I have time to start this game. Life's just getting a bit crazy right about now. Can you delay me until I have time to devote to this game properly?


Living EN World Judge
Well, delaying the game is OK by me. I did post it in the playing thread, but let's say that we delay for a bit. As is, my comp is a Dinosaur, and it takes something like 2 hrs just to post in all of my games...I Am getting a new Comp (3,000 saved up :D ) in the next week or so, and I should be able to post more effectively.


UM, I thought BOB was finished, but the IC thread specifically asked for people, and My name wasn't on there... Am I still in or what? Is something not done on Squire Bob?


Living EN World Judge
I hade mistakenly put the wrong name on the Title, Jemal, apologies.
Well, we shall postpone then, until all can play, as I want this one to move fast.
No biggie.

Hmm...what to run instead, the Dispossessed Dwarfs trying to take back their Ancestral City or the 'Lackeys of an Evil Warlord' Savage Species game...Hmm, indeed.


hmm.. lackies of EVIL warlord you say.....
*smack* stop that Jemal, you not allowed to join any more games.
awww.... but but..
We'll see.
Hey I didn't say yes!
OH I know, just happpy.
Oh go sit on it, you little preppy pissant.

Anyways, sorry to bother you with my incessant self-arguments. I'm trying to restrain myself, but it's getting harder.

Voidrunner's Codex

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