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Cyric grunts in irritation as he gently places down the shifter outside next to another of his new companions, then goes back for the warforged as well. He takes out his woollen blanket and places it down in front of the warfirged, then doubles it over as an improvised stretcher of sorts. He lifts up one half of the warforged enough to slide all of the blanket under it, allowing ripples to fold underneath.

He then lifts it at the waist just enough to spread the blanket further, finishing by lifting its legs and allowing the rest of the makeshift stretcher to smooth out flat. Satisfied, Cyric folds the arms of the warforged over its chest, grabs the tops edges of the blanket and begins to drag it outside.

"I hope it's still functional. It jumped in front of the half dragons breath weapon to save everyone else. The half dragon seemed nice too... Friendly, talkative, compassionate... Lets not forget our friend by the fireplace. These bugs seem dangerous. I truly do hope they do not spread..."

OOC: I suggest we go to a healer? The warforged i'm not so sure about. I'm happy to carry the warforged if others can carry the shifter and the now half naked guy?
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[section]Diarken helps gather up the warforged, and ushers out wih the group. Once outside he says in a hushed tone "Let us return to the room we've reserved at the Lily Pad, get some rest " further suggesting,"Where Vorik can attend to the injured."

As the head down the docks toward the Lily Pad,"We better prepare ourselves for a trip out beyond the barrier to learn more of this mess."

We paid for a room at the Lily Pad, before heading out to gather information

Dairken Stats
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Cyric gives Dairken a meaningful look. "That's assuming Vorik's there and I sure as hell hope he is... How do we heal a warforged anyway? I haven'tthe faintest idea... I assume they heal a little differently to us? I agree with you about setting out. I'd rather bring the fight to whatever it is out there than sit around here and let it stir up trouble. I think the less we hang about town, the better! I almost would agree with the man who brought the bugs in the first place about leaving town and leaving all the issues here to more experienced adventurers, except I think our party may just be the experienced ones here..."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
human ranger 173x291.jpg

"The warforged are actually healed with arcane magic." States the still un-named human as he assists in what ever he can. He is not a bad man, He just heard they have been beyond the barrier, same as he, a common purpose if you will.

He shuffles through his mind to recall what he has in in his repertoire of spells to aid the fallen mechanical being.

"I don't have it memorized, but I believe'Mason's Magnificent Mechanical Man repair, Minor' is what would be needed. I know it works on constructs and I was told by my teacher that it works on warforged as well. I admit, I have never tried it to find out to tell you the truth, but I DO have it in my book, I just need to rest my mind and then read and memorize it."

ooc: In the original draconic: 'Cicero' s magnifica automati reparatione, Minor'
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. Breyten d'Denieth

Breyten waits until the adventurers retrieve the Warforged and leave the tavern. His instructions were to investigate the strange goings on here and, if needed, ensure House Tharask was not profiting from it. Of course that meant ensuring that if he was caught, his affiliation with his house was to be kept secret. Barring that, his house would disavow any knowledge of his mission and declare his actions rogue. He often wished for the simpler days of providing protection for high end merchants and minor nobles.

"I will keep an eye on these adventurers. If they commit more unlawful acts or start trouble I will promptly report them."

Without waiting for a reply, he exits the tavern and follows the group keeping several paces behind as to not arouse too much attention.

The dirty half-orcs snort at any attempts to make them feel guilty or immoral. While in the tavern, the leader gets a drink.

The heavy warforged is hard to bring along. The darkwood chassis that the armor rests on is severely burnt out through the neck, chest and stomach. The metal plates are much more intact but also damaged from the extreme heat.

The bard, Glamor, quietly follows you out of the tavern....."What do you plan to do with them?"

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Slade had spent the past few hours taking in the sites of the new city and getting his bearings. The others had disembarked from the boat and set off in groups. He had wondered if his belonging to House Orien would either hurt or help him in this endeavor, but there was only one way to find out. He had seen others scatter, and decided to head over to the Lily Pad, as another group had also seemed to have the same idea.

By the time he had arrived, the group had decided to explore, of which he was already done. Either way, Slade procures a room for the night, takes a seat at a table with his back to the wall and able to spot anyone coming into the inn, and waits for the others to arrive. He hopes they will have room for one more...


Cyric huffs in slight irritation at having to answer questions whilst dragging the heavy warforged along. After finishing one dragging attempt, he pauses to take a breath and looks at the bard, raising an eyebrow at Glamor. "You are a friend to these men right? We will hopefully get the Half-Dragon cured and the warforged repaired, perhaps you could assist us with our lifting? There are four unconscious bodies after all."

He points to the man who brought the plague. "This stranger who brought the infestation... I don't want too much more to do with him if i can help it. Hopefully a... Remove curse or cure disease spell may fix him, followed by, in my opinion, a swift ticket home, then maybe a modify memory spell or something..."

Cyric continues dragging as he continues to speak. "The shifter might need a small healing spell or something, and a few days rest. As for Diarken and I...." Cyric shakes his head. "This was our first afternoon here. What a disaster, then you can't help the bartender out by stopping a barfight, because the greedy bastard then turns around and accuses you of causing trouble, well... Maybe the bugs will get him".

He turns to his companion. "What do you think Diarken? Perhaps we can set out tomorrow morning?"

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
human ranger 173x291.jpg

Seeing the warforged is causing the man dragging it to be laboring heavily, the human who held the door reaches for one corner of the makeshift stretcher, "Let me help. Please."
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Voidrunner's Codex

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