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Dwimmermount OOC


Now, if you want to play the MU/Thief go for it. If you have the Labyrinth Lord Advanced Edition Compendium you can use the multiclassing rules there, otherwise just use the AD&D PHB. If you don't feel like going that route, then give me a day or so to work up a "Elf Thief" class.

At first blush if you wanted to avoid the multiclass rules I'd say something along these lines.

1d6 HD
Prime Requisite DEX and INT.
I'd need to do a custom XP table between Magic User and Elf since you're less 'powerful' than an elf but more 'powerful' than a MU but it would probably be in the neighborhood of 3000 XP for 2nd level.
Thief attack tables
Thief armour/weapons
Normal spell progression
Normal thief skills.
Elf Saving Throws
Level cap of 10 (though I doubt that'll be relevant, we'll be in our dottage by the time an OSR PbP hits that level)
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What I have is called the Labyrinth Lord Advanced Editiion "Companion" not "Compendium". Is that what you're talking about, or is it a different book?

Thanks for the elf info. That sounds good to me. If I had bothered to read that entry at the start, I might have played an elf in the first place.


What I have is called the Labyrinth Lord Advanced Editiion "Companion" not "Compendium". Is that what you're talking about, or is it a different book?

Thanks for the elf info. That sounds good to me. If I had bothered to read that entry at the start, I might have played an elf in the first place.

yep that's the right book


According to that 'right' book, elves may not multi-class at all. They are ftr/m-us without exception. See, LL p. 24. So, being through the looking glass and all, we can either make up an elf magic-user/thief, substituting thief abilities, strictures, and requirements for the current fighter ones, OR I could just play a regular elf and have done with it. It really doesn't seem like making the m-u/t would be much work, but it also doesn't seem like it would have a great degree of survivability (I tend to play thieves as cocky, bad-ass gang types who are quick to jump into melee), so we could find ourselves right back in this same spot in a few weeks. I'll just make the obvious observation that the party does have a small need for a thief/rogue, and extra spell mojo never hurt anyone. (Except the targets of the spell, that is.)

Along those lines, may I suggest that the theoretical m-u/t be long on miscellaneous-type groovy, weird spells, and almost embarrassingly short on offensive/defensive spells, with the notable exception of magic missile of course, and perhaps shield or protection from evil. And I'm not necesarily talking about starting spells, I'm talking about any spells that he would ever have.

But, you know, the more I think about it, the more I think I like the standard elf character. After all, what good's an elf who can't wear chainmail? I forget, do we roll 3d6 six times for ability scores?
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According to that 'right' book, elves may not multi-class at all.

It specifically says that the Elf when used as a racial class from the basic book cannot multiclass. However an Elf from the AEC (p.7) can multiclass as a MU/Thief just like they would in AD&D so that is an option. It would be on the 'squishy' side though, especially at low levels. Once they get a few thousand XP under their belt MU/Thief multiclasses are pretty effing badass, but at first level they are a rough ride.

I'll work on fleshing the outline of the Elven Thief racial class I started upthread a bit. It sounds like that might come closest to ticking the boxes you would like. D6 HD, ability to wear chainmail, thief skills, and MU spells. Regarding spell selection, I'm not going to limit the list that you can choose from. You are more than welcome to put limitations on your choices for RP reasons though. Standard 1st level spell selection applies. Read Magic, Detect Magic, two first level and one second level of your choice.

And yes. Stats are 3d6, arrange to taste.


Ok, for nostalgia's sake, I'll play an elf magic-user/thief. And also for nostalgia's sake, his name shall be Yrel.


hp thief: [roll6]
hp m-u: [roll7]
Add these and divide by two, retaining fractions.


S 10
D 12+1=13 (mod +1)
C 11-1 =10 (75% res srv, 70% trans shock)
I 14 (+1 language, 70%, 5/9) (language=Dwarvish)
W 9
C 12 (0, 4 retainers, 7 morale)

HP: 5+3=8/2 = 4
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
:) Good to have you with us, Leif.

Re Paladins, Imperialus, my thoughts were that Vindar was actually a standard Typhonian soldier before his capture (or whatever his role was in the Typhon's Fist?), but that his horrifying experience in the dungeon at the hands of the kobolds, combined with the constant influx of holy energies from Pieter's healing, made him what he is today? i.e. he wasn't a paladin before, but he is one now, in spirit and powers -- even though he's had no contact with the organization as such, I would think? Would that work?

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
How do we want to split the loot, guys?

- Straight split between the survivors?

- Full shares for Gargrim and Climent, half shares (or no share at all?) for everybody else?

- Give the dead a half-share as well? Jimmy, Klyman, Midgrim? (to be used for funerals, drinking in their honor and/or for their remaining family?)

Re gear, Vindar would of course like to have the sword if nobody else wants to claim it (?). In any event, Vindar would be in favor of re-investing pretty much everything into gear and retainers for ourselves if we're going back in. Speaking of:

1. Can we buy healing potions in Muntburg, Imperialus? Or anything else of a magical nature?

2. I'm guessing nobody here can use that one flask of Azoth we have remaining to enchant something?

3. Does Vindar recognize the coat of arms on the silverware from the kobold Kitchen when he sees it?

EDIT = Vindar is presently waiting to see if lady Emelisse can do anything for him.


I just want to speak up to suggest no share for the deceased. Maybe a stipend of 5 - 10 gp to put them in the ground, but the fallen Dwarf doesn't even need that, he goes to work immediately as an umbrella stand / hat rack.

Voidrunner's Codex

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