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D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

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James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
It really feels to me that 5e is written with the idea that PC's are, in fact, special, or are intended to be. Which, yeah, works for some people and doesn't work as well for others. Characters are described as "heroic" by the PHB, and I think that's an indicator of what is expected.

But of course, nothing ever definitively states you have to treat them as such in the text, and there's nothing wrong with a game that is run that assumes they aren't special. But things like how the Backgrounds are worded seem to support this "special, heroic" status- which is exactly why they seem to rub some people the wrong way.

Ultimately, D&D is for everyone- that means that if you're going to have a rules element that implies PC's are special, unless you want to come out and say that Hickman-style games where the PC's are the stars of the show is the default, maybe Background Features should be an optional rule.

And if you do want to come out and say such things (which I can't imagine WotC doing), the DMG should have a section about "hey, Background Features might not be a good fit for your campaign- here's what you should do about it!".


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
It's a default assumption in D&D, change that and you're playing a very different game.
there are different kinds of special, there is special as in the way a celebrity or olympic athlete is 'special' or Special as a chosen one, the PCs can be special in the way of a celebrity and not have world bend over backwards for them the way it does a chosen one, a celebrity is still 'an ordinary person' in a way a chosen one isn't.


Characters are described as "heroic" by the PHB, and I think that's an indicator of what is expected.
someone being heroic does not mean they are special in a way that affects e.g. how reliable their ‘mail’ is. They can perform feats few others can, but they still are bound by how the world operates

They are not special in a ‘if I were to play the lottery, my ticket would win’ kind of way
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I don’t see it, they are no different from other people, and yes I assume my game is different from yours in that regard
I see it like I see many things - it is both true that they are special and not true. It's true that they are the protagonists of the story and the ones that are played by Players of the game, and therefore have special considerations that can manifest in the world as the players (and DM!) desire. However, they are not (to me) innately special in the world. They don't have the fates on their side, they don't have the gods watching them. (At least, not at first - their actions during the game might change that, but there's nothing innately special about being a classed PC.

OTOH, I feel that not everyone in the setting has the opportunity, skills, and training to be a classed PC. So they're a little "special" (in the sense that they're a rare-breed), but that more speaks to being "unusual", not "blessed".) The world does not change around them.

Except when it does, because in the course of the game, the DM gets ideas based on what the players suggest or desire and makes it happen.

After all considerations, I would say that a PC's specialness will come as a result of playing them, but it's not inherent in them before it happens, if that makes any sense.


I see it like I see many things - it is both true that they are special and not true. It's true that they are the protagonists of the story and the ones that are played by Players of the game, and therefore have special considerations that can manifest in the world as the players (and DM!) desire. However, they are not (to me) innately special in the world. They don't have the fates on their side, they don't have the gods watching them. (At least, not at first - their actions during the game might change that, but there's nothing innately special about being a classed PC.
After all considerations, I would say that a PC's specialness will come as a result of playing them, but it's not inherent in them before it happens, if that makes any sense.

that is how I see it, to me that makes them not special in the sense @Sorcerers Apprentice meant


That assumes that PCs are special, to be fair, a philosophy in which not everyone believes.
Even if they are, being or believing yourself "special" makes The Dark Powers that run Ravenloft even more likely to twist the screws.

To answer @Greg K 's question about the vistani though... CoS26-28 talks about them and the closest it gets is mentioning they can travel
During one of Strahd's military campaigns, years before
he became a vampire, a group ofVistani rescued him
after he was wounded in battle. These Vistani not only
nursed Strahd back to health but also delivered him
safely home. As a reward for their generosity, Strahd de
clared that all

Vistani had the right to come and go from
his land as they please, and this privilege extends to
the present day. Thus, Vistani can travel freely through
the fog that surrounds Barovia, without fear of harm or
Strahd honors his debt to the Vistani in part because
he envies the Vistani way of life-the freedom they have
to go where they please, their devotion to family, and
their festive spirit. The courtesy he shows them is not
simply a matter of honor but is also born from his admi
ration of them.
In the centuries since Strahd became a vampire,
many Vistani have allowed themselves to be corrupted
by Strahd, to the extent that they consider him their
king. Vistani who serve Strahd are less lively and
friendly than normal

Vistani, and their hearts are poi
soned with dark intentions. Strahd uses them to lure
adventurers into his domain
and keep him informed
about the events occurring in lands beyond his reach.
These Vistani will lie to protect the
vampire, and they fear the con
sequences of disobeying him.
When it comes to sharing
information about their
dark master, but the infor

mation they impart is
misleading at best and
often deceptive. They
readily tell adventur
ers that they have a
potion that protects
them from the deadly
fog that surrounds
Barovia. Although this
is a lie, they attempt to
sell their fake potion
for as much money as

they can get.
I think it's pretty clear on the subject of them relaying a message. VRGtR is slightly more favorable, but fairly explicitly in conflict with the criminal's background feature in multiple ways.
Known throughout the Land of the Mists, Vistani
(singular: Vistana) are a people with a unique under
standing of the Domains of Dread and the hidden
paths between them. Following itinerant traditions,
many Vistani travel between domains*, learning
much of hidden lands, the many faces of evil, and
the strange wonders of the Mists. A people unto
themselves, Vistani refuse to be captives of a single
domain, the Mists, or any terror.

Members of Vistani bands understand the disorient
ing, dangerous nature of the Mists better than any
one. Vistani caravans sometimes take pity on those
who ask them for help, especially strangers from
unfamiliar lands hopelessly searching for home, al
lowing such wayfarers to travel with them as far as
the next settlement. In rare cases, a clan might even
adopt a gracious, helpful traveler.
Characters who befriend or do right by members
of a Vistani band might
be allowed to take shelter
or travel with a caravan for a time. But Vistani
travelers quickly share tales of danger and of those
who've wronged them with other caravans, and
those who slight one Vistana often meet others who
share a grudge against them.
*Toril(FR) is obviously not in the mists. This started because of multiple posters claiming that the GM must/needs to allow the criminal contact background feature to be used as written if a PC gets sucked into ravenloft from FR rather than declaring it inapplicable & treating the character's background/backstory itself like many GMs have in past editions ... Obviously there has been no efforts in befriending or doing right by the Vistani band & that creates a second pretty significant conflict in
It seems like you're looking for reasons for the PC's feature to be useless, rather than looking for reasons for why it could work.
Why is the player even there at the table if the GM needs to play their character for them by figuring out how the player could play their PC? Beyond that there is an even more critical problem that is tied to the heart of Ravenloft itself. Because 1299 was quoted in 1420 literally asking why the GM should get to decide in 1420 & the answer in 1421 has received no support to the contrary I feel that this is a scenario where The Dark Powers would go above & beyond to intervene in this blinding inversion of player/gm roles. As such, it is unlikely that the player will ever find some group more capable of getting a message to & from FR while any efforts to send one are certain to result in said message being delivered express to the ears of whomever might create the most complications for the PC.


The real question is: why are you, the DM not telling your players when they make their characters that they're going to be traveling to a far-away place or another plane where you will ensure that background feature is going to be useless?


One of the weird simplifications that is made for FR is that there are things like global organizations like the Zhentarim. If you don't make those kind of assumptions, I think it's unrealistic to expect to be able to reliably pass a message reliably. Why would they? Any message would likely have to go through multiple rival groups. That, and just having a criminal background means ... what? That you were some no-name runner? Maybe some minor flunky? There's nothing to indicate that you were important to the organization you belonged to.
It's not weird for the Realms, where you can also reliably assume long-range communication is relatively common.--as should be expected in a place with that level of magic.

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