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Children of the Gods: The Princess and the Dragon


Sunday is the day I've set aside to post campaign setting updates for Children of the Gods. With that in mind, I'd like to find out what you guys would like to know about the setting. Any requests?

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For myself I am interested to see if you are going to have something akin to the underdark and how you would incorporate that into your setting.


With apologies...

I am taking an extended break from DMing PbPs for the time being. If anyone wants to sit in the DM's chair for this campaign, you may do so with my blessing. Some plot notes appear below.

[Sblock=Children of the Gods Plot Notes]Upon arriving on the dragon's island, the PCs would discover a host of half-dragon enemies of various sorts to overcome. At the heart of the island, they would discover the surviving Princesses of previous years, living in luxury and mostly content, having been provided for by the dragon in exchange for allowing him to produce offspring with them.

The PCs learn that the dragon is slowly building an army and that he's not the only one. Dragons across the world are building armies, preparing for war with the gods themselves.

Future adventures would have built on that theme, with the PCs eventually forced to choose a side - the dragons who are fighting for the freedom of mortal races to choose their own fates (albeit with dubious methods from some of them, especially the chromatics) or the gods (including the PCs' parents) who seek to preserve their power by binding all mortal souls to the gods, removing the ability of mortals to choose their own paths in life.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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