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But I don't wanna be raised!

Wippit Guud

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Cor Azer said:
Wierd like you? No :)
OK... weird in the same general style of me, but not in the specific off-the-wall craziness one would expect from me.

Course, the chances of you actually killing my character are slim, I do all the work in the party :)

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orchid blossom

When it comes to raises, it all depends on the character. Usually when I play a cleric I prefer them to not be raised. Unless their god has a task for them which is left incomplete, why would they want to leave?

Also, a character that only makes it a few game sessions I'll usually leave dead.

My current character would absolutely want to be raised. She's still young, fascinated by life, and has a strong sense of responsibility to the party. Refusing to be raised would seem like abandoning them.


Good way to make your player think twice about having his PC Resurrected:

Describe the paradise. Tell the player in vivid detail about the scenery (the war-hall filled with manly men and clanging flagons, the beautiful virgin forest, the harem with 77 virgins, the airy clouds and beaming sunlight and endless contentment. Tell them they have just gained a level, that they can add to their character. Give them a powerful magic item that their character has always quested for.

Then Strip It All Away if they volunteer to be pulled back.

Describe the physical torment of being ripped as if by a million fishhooks from the fabric of reality. Describe being drug screaming past loved ones, esteemed elders, and guardians of their paradise. Describe the fiery mists that replace their vision, the color pools of screams and light and movement as they are drug back to the Prime Plane...

And then describe the slight ache to their back, or the twinge in their wrist or ankle, when they return to life on a cold slate or altar, surrounded by priests and friends.

It might change their perception of resurrection slightly.

I had one player silently cursing because his character, surrounded by dozens of nubile and willing Britney Spears Elf-Clones, was dragged back after volunteering to return because the group needed his character. :)


Henry said:
Good way to make your player think twice about having his PC Resurrected:

Describe the paradise. Tell them they have just gained a level, that they can add to their character. Give them a powerful magic item that their character has always quested for.

Cool! I don't wanna be Raised... I wanna be Gated!



First Post
Henry said:
surrounded by dozens of nubile and willing Britney Spears Elf-Clones

This must've been 2e, right?

Because in 3rd edition, no elf looks like Britney Spears.

They would look more like KD Lang...


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KenM said:
My Dwarf fighter should be about 12th level by now. Due to a couple of level drains and XP penalty from being raises, i'm only 9th. I did not want to be raised because of the XP penalty. I did not mind loosing the XP one time, but it gets old really fast. The WHOLE POINT of the game is to get XP to get higher levels. Whats the point of going out and getting XP when you just going to loose them getting raised?

Stop dying :) JK. I do know the feeling. At lower levels I just create a new character. If i like my more powerful character that is where I do get raised. depends.


We just use Speak with Dead spell....

"Hey, we can't afford to resurrect you, but we got a drunk druid who can bring you back..."

"Dang, so I could be a racoon?"

"Yep, a racoon who casts fireballs...."

"Lets do it, I got some unfinished buisness with that beholder."

bada bing bada boom!

Ao the Overkitty

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I'm weird like you. For the most part.

My thoughts on ressurection is usually, "Not my character." Messes with the mind of some of the people I've played with.

Usually, my characters have the mentality of, "I'm dead. I'm done. I can rest."

For our current campaign, I decided to create something different (at least, for me). He started out as a bard undertaker and a follower of the god of death. He saw death as just another journey (and one you could come back from). He had already died once in his backstory and isn't afraid to come back again if he dies (until his work is done).

I've only had one other character I would have liked to have brought back, but the group made sure that one would never come back. It entailed cutting up her corpse, destroying her left hand and personal effects (especially her spellbook), and using a quall's feather token (tree) on her grave to make sure she couldn't be dug up. You'd think they had a problem with a wild mage.... ;)


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The game I'm in doesn't use standard XP rewards anyhow. We get 1000 XP per session, even when there's no action.

New players have generally come in at half a level below the rest of the party. Of course, we'll never be able to catch up. Considering the XP loss to be resurected, if my Monk were to buy it, I would likely refuse and make a new character, as the penalty won't be as painful.

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