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BURNED CIRCLE - City/Character Creation Thread (DFRPG)


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I don't know the names of streets or districts...need to hit up Google Maps I guess! But I envision a kind of lower-middle class neighborhood, not quite the slums, but maybe just a block or two away. One bedroom apartment, maybe something over a store; one of those commercial/residential things they build. I'm seeing in my head an old brick building, brownstone; old wiring, gotta watch what you turn on at the same time... The kind of place that the real estate people call 'charming' and 'classic.' There should be a park somewhere near; possibly with a little lake if possible.

One of the things about Atlanta is that you can have million dollar condos across the street from run down old shacks. Thus the city aspect "Both Sides Of The Coin" in the game.

For what you're looking for, maybe a loft or studio apartment somewhere near Downtown, but not actually in Downtown itself.

Lots! I see Juno as making a conscious effort NOT to get overly 'sucked into' the supernatural world. She tries to keep it in the same box as her job, and not bring it home with her. If only life were cooperative in that regard.

Especially with Ghost Speaker making her see and hear all those pesky ghosts everywhere!

I have been looking at the map a bit. Judging from that, I would put the gateway into the area near the Carver Hills, north of Grove Park.

Keira has a small flat at the southern edge of Grove Park.

Sounds good. There's a lot in that area.

She doesn't have a lot of money, Resources [+1], but even that needs to come from somewhere, of course. Some kind of day job makes sense. So, I thought she is working as a waitress in a bar in Atlanta, maybe some kind of biker bar, if there is such a thing. That would also give her a good source for her Contacts [+2].

Very nice. Because its warm most of the year, biking is very popular in Atlanta and the surrounding area. I like that as a source of contacts.

Not sure, if Resources [+1] is enough to own a motorcycle, if so I might have to shift one point over to driving. That would fit well to working in a biker bar, too.

Feel free to shift some into driving, as I'm sure it would be helpful at some point, especially if you have a bike. I'll note that the book emphasizes that Resources is a good indicator of wealth, but it technically represents disposable income. So, somebody could own some expensive things (like a motorcycle) and have low resources representing the economic drain that those things take on the person (in this case monthly payments, insurance, gas, taxes).

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I'm now a good third into Summer Knight (Grave Peril is done :)).

[MENTION=54988]Dragonwriter[/MENTION]: Did you put together a physical description for Logan already? I've just read a chapter where an ogre appears. That guy was pretty huge. Would Logan look similar to that? Just being curious here.



First Post
Dragonwriter: Did you put together a physical description for Logan already? I've just read a chapter where an ogre appears. That guy was pretty huge. Would Logan look similar to that? Just being curious here.


I don't have a description written up quite yet. Logan will be a big, imposing, muscular guy, but he won't have the same towering height as a full-blooded ogre. Probably around 6' 6" or thereabouts. He also won't be as ugly. :p


First Post
I think you guys are over thinking the Phase 4 and 5. The important part is to pick a way your character would react to the situation at hand to help define your character (and the aspect associated with it). I'd like to get through this part by next Friday so that we can finalize the characters.


First Post
Hehe, okay, I think we need to pause and regroup here. These mutually interacting stories are kind of kicking my mental butt here. Lets just post beginnings here, and tag who comes next, and try to get them out bam bam bam so we can start the fun part. :)

My first story is Juno tracking down a cult led by a black magician who summons and enslaves ghosts.

Bluedevil, you're it. Lets just work out what you do here in very broad terms, then you and I can use that to add more detail to both your part and mine, once our third chimes in.


First Post
I'll organize these a bit to try and help out. I'll give some suggestions. You don't have to take my suggestions of course! Hopefully you'll get some ideas, though. I'll suggest some ways to have the stories go, and I'll also suggest a few aspects.

Beat the New Boss
When a Red Court servant starts pushing a drug (derived from the Red Court narcotic saliva) to the neighborhood kids and teens, Logan takes notice. And when his "little (pixie) sister" Bethany is approached, he resolves to shut down the scumbag and his whole operation. But will Logan even survive when the vamp behind the plan takes charge and brings in extra muscle to track down and get rid of the meddlesome ogre-kin?

Thanee can take it from here. So, we've got some Red Court drug runners hunting down Logan. Keira is pretty stealthy, so I could see her coming in and helping him escape from the thugs, adding an aspect that would be helpful in hiding or moving quietly, something like "In The Shadows." That could be used to help the character when sneaking, and it could be compelled as she's not usually in the spotlight.

Alternately, Keira could come in teeth and claws gnashing and take the fight to the thugs! In that case, something like "The Hunter Becomes The Hunted" could represent your character's refusal to run away, and it could be used to your benefit to track or take the fight to others, but also compelled to keep you from backing down in a given situation.

In both of those cases, the third part (Phase 5 with Shayuri) would consist of the thugs having been taken out and Juno showing up to finish up the adventure with the Reds. Maybe Juno helps destroy the drugs and get the Reds behind it back down. Maybe the Reds are killed. Maybe Juno gets the Reds to turn on each other, and you don't have to worry about them until a new leader emerges.

Of course, you could always have made the situation worse. You came in, mouthed off to the Reds without realizing they had brought in more goons, and ended up getting both of you caught (leading into the third part). Maybe an aspect like "Out Of The Frying Pan" to represent how Keira is always going from one bad situation to the next. It couldn't be used very effectively as a boon too often, but it would have some great compels. That's fine. Every aspect doesn't have to be helpful. You'd just have to make sure that others were beneficial to balance it out.

In this case, Juno would help you guys escape, maybe destroy the drugs, and now you've got some serious Red enemies who want you dead. Or maybe you kill them in their own lair. That's for Shayuri to decide, though.

So many possibilities. But, picking something that fits the character is the most important thing. Which of these is what Keira would do? Look at how you see the character and jump in based on that. Don't worry too much about how Dragonwriter wants the adventure to go (sorry Dragonwriter! It goes for everyone!). It's collaborative, and these adventures are everyone's. Just don't make Logan look too bad. ;) If it needs to be edited after the fact, that's fine, but at least we'll be making progress.

Despite her parents multiple warnings (or maybe because of them), Keira had to see what is on the other side, what this Nevernever they told her so much about is like. Venturing through the gateway, the young shapeshifter finds herself in a strange place, a winter wonderland, where she is chasing ghostly sounds and strange lights. But the faeries play a dangerous game with her, and soon she finds herself confronted by a more tangible threat.

This is fun, because there's just so much open.

Juno could be here chasing down a ghost of some sort, but have been affected by the mind haze of the area. Now they just want to be able to find their way out. Oh, but here come some fetches preying on their fear. Juno could help by helping calm the situation, helping both of them break through the haze the Nevernever is causing so that they can escape from the fetches. An aspect like "Eye of the Hurricane" would do well here, representing Juno's ability to try to live a normal life even surrounded by the supernatural. It could also be compelled, because there is always so much turmoil around her.

Alternately, maybe Juno is able to cut a deal with an inhabitant of the Winter Court, a pixie or other such non-powerful being, to lead them out. Even with the mind fog and the fetches coming down on them, Juno can think clearly about what needs to get done and do it like a professional. In this case an aspect like "What Needs To Be Done" would be good. It could be invoked for help in a lot of situations, but it could be used against you in a variety of ways.

Two good ways to leave this one off for the third participant (Bluedevil) would be to escape through the portal back to the mortal realm, but for something to have followed you through or about to follow you through. Now, you've dragged something back and you need to stop it. Could be a climactic conclusion. The second thing that springs to mind is that Malcom was drawn to the portal because of all the emotional energy coming through, wandered in, and now there's a showdown as the fetches all converge on all of you. But, either way is a fun and exciting end to the adventure giving Malcom lots of opportunities to shine in various ways.

Again, think about what kind of person Juno is. She's in a mind altering fog lost with a werepanther in the Faerie realm. Does she deal or does she hunt for a way out herself? Does she turn and fight the fetches even though they may never stop coming? Does she stay calm and collected, or would she turn that fear into anger or some other emotion? That's what you need to think about when writing up a response.

Altar Egos
When Juno discovers ritual necromancy implements on a routine bust, she burns the midnight oil to find the culprit. And when a ghost-enslaving cult finds out, it goes on the warpath. But can Juno survive when the spirit shackles are broken, and the pale horde's hunger is unleashed?

You guys have talked about it, but Malcom would really be interested in taking down these necromancers. Beyond being a Warden, necromancy, especially on human spirits, is an offensive use of magic. You guys could even take down the cult in Phase 4, but leave some unintended side effect like the ghosts they were enslaving are now rampaging and have to be put down or maybe you defeat the ghost horde, but still have to clean up the vampires.

Instead of a charm, you could use some kind of thaumaturgy protection from spirits. Then you could have an aspect like "A Ward For Every Occasion" and have your guy specialize in wards, giving bonuses to wards and compels to non-wards. Or, if you want to keep with the divination specialization, maybe you used divination to find them, and make something like "A Haruspex For Every Occasion" for a similar effect. Or maybe something a bit less gross...

This would leave the Phase 5 open for Dragonwriter to jump in and help take down the bad guys, probably with a bit of the ol' head bashing.

Alternately, if you go in spells blazing to either take down the necromancers or the spirits running loose, you could have some kind of aspect you could evoke for combat. "Push Comes to Shove" could be tied to your penchant for hitting people with Force magic, and it could also be used in a variety of manners, and compelled easily in social situations (which might soon be more physical conflicts in nature!).

So many options here! How would Malcom react? That's the question. Is he subtle, and uses divinations to try and find the best solution, a careful planner? Or would he rather go in and kill the warlocks before they can cause more mischief? And then Phase 5 can be either finishing off the necromancers, the spirits, or both, with the help of Logan.

Blackest Knight
A group of Black Court vampires set themselves up in a local apartment complex, slowly killing all of its patrons before a warden challenges them in close quarter combat. Black Court are strong and fast, so this warden needs to be smart about his approach.

I like the idea that Logan found out that Malcom was trapping pixies for help and didn't like it, but then they joined up. This plays into a bunch of his other aspects, so its very fitting with the character. I especially like the favor idea, because it ties in so well to how faeries and changelings operate, with deals being an actual real thing to them. Aspects centered around this have already been suggested, and "Favors, Oaths, and Debts" as an aspect seems great, because I can compel all kinds of ways on that. Especially if you don't mind past debts popping up as we play (remember you can always pay off the compel for it not to have happened if you so choose). I'm sure we can work out some kind of history of favors, oaths, and debts your character has been a part of so we have quick references to go off of that can pop up any time during an adventure.

If you could go ahead and write up a formal Phase 4 for that, it would be great. Then we can move on to Phase 5 of that adventure with Keira jumping in.

With Logan and Malcom headed to take out the Black Court vamps, Keira's help would be invaluable. They've got the intel, now they just need some help. Either they come to you because Logan knows you from Beat the New Boss, or you run into them while out watching the street. But, Keira comes in and helps get the job done.

There are a lot of ways to approach this as well. Keira's got some Burglary skill, I think. So, she might be able to bypass any mundane alarms while Malcom finds the magical wards. Alternately, you might want to lay the smackdown on some Black Court vampires. Or mabye you helped protect them from an unseen attacker. Or maybe you killed the lead vampire before she could let out her death curse. Lots of ways to help in a fight against Black Court vampires here, just again follow whatever you think fits the character.


Okay, so I hope that helps get things rolling. Remember, these are just some ideas! Hopefully they'll get the creative juices flowing.

Voidrunner's Codex

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