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Besieged by Bones


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Diego answers. "Well, I've already suggested focusing the men on our weaker points, such as our gates, and hauling up loads of stones to drop down on the invaders. Cael was wise enough to suggest setting them into piles and arming your swordsmen with clubs. That should help against skeletons. I would also start reinforcing our gates with barricades. What do you think about trying to light the woods around us aflame? It may help against the rotted undead and clear away some of their cover. Also, has anyone heard any word on the villagers? I fear for the loss of life, but I'm also afraid that if they are slain, they'll add to the numbers of our enemies."

At Deigo's comment about lighting the woods on fire, the previously reserved Weiss' face turns a crimson as he marches up to the other Warden. "Have you gone mad? Light the forests? The fires would spread uncontrolled, perhaps engulfing many of the small farming communities around here at worst, and at best, leave them starving once winter sets in for lack of game. Before we try such extreme tactics, perhaps we should at least wait and see what these creatures mean. So far they have not attempted to attack the keep, at night would be their best time as we cannot see well in the darkness. I cannot imagine what awoke so many undead, nor where they even would come from. Some foul magic is at work here. I would make sure we check on the health of the men as well. If some foul dark magic awoke these creatures, then the same person could try to weaken us first before attacking." the man states, easing up as he anger subsides.

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Deuce Traveler

Diego responds coldly, "The question was in regards to how we might survive this night and I have given some options for discussion. I fear I have little hope for the living in nearby communities if the undead have spread across the local area. If they are not dead now, they will be soon. If only we could venture forth a sortie to protect the nearby people, but I am afraid we would only be throwing away the lives of good soldiers and weakening our position here."


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The cleric's shoulders visibly slump at Diego's words a deep sigh escapes the man. "I suppose you are right about the farmers. I guess it is our good fortune we find ourselves behind these walls of stone." Weiss states.

Then he turns to the group and draws them in, "One thing that this undead army can do is just wait us out. They have no need for food, but we do. Plus they will not have any problem standing around waiting, whilst the men in here will probably find their confidence eroding if this goes on. We should discuss in private later, with the leaders of the keep, how we can help prevent this, and how much food, supplies, etc we have available." he whispers.


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"Our chances in the darkness against these creatures is low. We need to hold out until daybreak. No one will starve before then. Come morning if they remain we can mount sorties to clear them away from the walls as well as scout the surrounding communities to see how they fare. These are strong folk, they can hold out this dark night. If it is as dire as we fear in the morning we can help evacuate them to the Keep."

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Cáel nods. "I concur. We're in no actual danger at the moment. I'm more concerned about those outside these walls. If we're to try to get to the village, night is our ally. Otherwise, we wait until dawn. I see no other options."


ooc: ENworld's back!

For the moment, the skeletons make no move towards the keep.

The archer says "I don't know much about undead, but I know a bit about sieges. If they have no magic or siege engines, and if they can't climb the walls, we can hold out for weeks, I think. Until we run out of food."

ooc: You guys need to decide what to do at this point, e.g. wait for morning or send out a force to try to reach town.


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Rollen nods at the soldier. "we have a solid tactical advantage up here. Down there their numbers could overwhelm us and the darkness will be our greatest vulnerability. I say we hold out until morning's light and see what we're dealing with."


ooc: I will assume the rest of you concur with Rollen as no objections have been raised.

The skeletons continue to hold their distance, so most people at the keep try to catch some sleep, though ready to be woken if needed.

In the morning, the line of skeletons is clearly visible, encircling the keep, and keeping out of easy bowshot. There are, you estimate, something like 300 to 400 of them, though it's hard to say how many are in the woods. Some of them carry bows themselves, though they don't seem to wear armor or carry other weapons.

In the dining room where the wardens' dinner was held last night, an emergency council is convened. In addition to the wardens, the three knights - Sir Sam Ram, Sir Donald Rand, and Dame Ann Winter - are present, along with Steward Wingate, and Sergeant John Lowe of the infantry (who ate dinner with the wardens last night).

You don't see Mark Hatfield, the archer who ate with you last night; in his place is the archer you spoke to on the watchtower; he introduces himself as Sergeant Hunter Kelly.

The young acolyte Herman Rand is there as well.

Sir Donald Rand declares "We need to find out what's going on elsewhere. I say we open the gate long enough to send out the cavalry. I intend to be among them. Horses are fast, and the enemies' bows are scattered around their line. We will form a tight knot, and break through, suffering minimal losses as we cut down or overrun those in our path. Then we head to Specton. If it's done for, we will make our way either north or south to beg aid from one of the other Barons.

Unless the dead are returning all over the land - but if they are, I guess it's the end of the world. In that case, we toss our swords aside, or fall on them, and pray."

Steward Wingate says "I see no better option. Let's not lose hope yet though. How do we even know these skeletons are any more than illusions meant to scare us in submission? Surely such magic is easier done than such massive necromancy. So far, we have had no physical evidence of contact, nor have any fallen to our bowshots. I feel that the real enemy has not yet shown himself.

In any case, wardens, I suggest we eat breakfast first. If we are to die, we might as well enjoy life a little first. It is your decision about whether to use the magic of the heroes' feast today, or to save it for a later day. I remind you that it only functions once a week."


First Post
Agreeing whole heartedly with the sentiment, Rollen digs into breakfast with gusto. After chasing the bacon and eggs down with a cup of tea he speaks up. "That sounds like a good plan. We will need to discover if the undead are focused on the keep or are they roaming the countryside. I can sit on a horse and would consider it my duty to ride out with the men. We will need some men ready here to help break up their lines when we return. I am all for setting out at once." He looks around at the other wardens to see who else will join them.

Deuce Traveler

Diego answers, "Aye. I too have the urge to ride forth. But how will we maintain communication with the keep in order to update them on our situation and how the land fairs?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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