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Banned from playing a specific archtype?


I was banned from ever playing a thief by my fellow players. See, back in HS I was playing a thief, and the others were always like "while the thief opens the chest, we all stand on the other side of the room." I started to get rather irritated with this, so between sessions I told the DM I wanted to start filching small things from the chests before the other players came over to see the treasure. He thought this was cool, and even put in extra stuff for me to steal.

I forget exactly how the other players found out what was up, but boy we're they pissed! So after that whenever we gamed, they refused to let me play a thief.

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Aaron L

I played a Malkavian once, creeped people out. Damn was that fun.

I have this friend who will only play Chaotic Neutral dwarven fighters or barbarians, or Chaotic Neutral wild mages. While some people may like wild mages(I once did), this person has made me hate them with every fiber of my being. Thank God they aren't in 3E core.


Rotten DM
NO. But me and another Dm have banned one of our players son from playing spellcasters. Can you say first edition fireball casted at ground zero?


First Post
I got banned from spellcasters - GM got tired of me looking up spells in the middle of game. My fault, definitely :).

And it had nothing to do with wind wall against archers, followed by telekinetically dropping our munchkin halfling barbarian into their midst. Or the readied wall of force when enemy wizards were tossing fireballs ;)


One note on Malkavians - it strikes me that the Vampire Drusila on Buffy the Vampire Slayer would be a good example of a Malkavian-type. Occasionally makes odd remarks that are funny in a very black-humor way, but is extremely distrubing when performing her acts of cruelty. Everybody on the show referred to her as not playing with a full deck, but no one EVER took her for granted.


I've never been banned, nor have I banned, anyone from playing a certain archetype. We did have one player who 9 times out of 10 played an "all flags flying" loonie, but he played one of those whether he played a wizard/ monk/ fighter/ barbarian/ gunslinger/ cleric/ etc.

When he played seriously, he was a good player.


First Post
Wippit Guud said:
Has a GM ever banned you specifically from playing a certian type of character?"

I've only been gaming for about a year, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that I've never seen this happen first-hand. The nearest thing that I can think of was when our DM refused to let a player (who was playing a CN wizard) choose his own familiar. Then again, the player wanted a Smurf... what he got instead was a lawful good hawk.

Ah... good times.

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