So, I've been thinking about how I post technical stuff (like rolls and the like) and how long it takes me cut-n-pasting, moving between screens, etc. I'm going to try to streamline my workload. It'll be a work in progress, but two things are likely to occur: 1) My "style" will be less consistent; 2) I might not post my rolls, and you'll just have to trust me on it when I say how much damage you take or if my monster made its save. I figure after all this time, we've built enough trust for that. It's not like I expect any of you are "auditing" my work very often.
Any objections? I need to speed myself up. I rolled the round in two of my games yesterday and spent something like 3 hours on my laptop (I may have been involved in a few discussions too, so it probably wasn't ALL running the game!) But either way... I gotta find a way to speed things up. One way may be to roll real dice. We shall see.