D&D 2E 2e Iron Golem, gas errata

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Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
Pretty sure the effect is just save or die, since that's the default expectation for what poison does in AD&D in the absence of contrary details in a particular monsters's entry.

I enjoy monster variants, though, so the other options sound pretty good too.


Special attacks of the iron golem aside, its main thing when used is that a huge iron statue is attacking the heroes with it iron fists, smashing the building perhaps and just pulverizing everything. With its physical attacks and mass alone its a very impressive monster. Going through walls and just breaking stuff.


Special attacks of the iron golem aside, its main thing when used is that a huge iron statue is attacking the heroes with it iron fists, smashing the building perhaps and just pulverizing everything. With its physical attacks and mass alone its a very impressive monster. Going through walls and just breaking stuff.
As a DM I found the area of effect cloud of poison a huge disincentive to use them in that kind of role as the save or die aspect would be the immediate big impact at the table of PCs going up to stop them, only then followed by huge damage attacks for a number of rounds. I was much more likely to consider the other golems for rampaging wall smasher physical bruiser scenes in an ongoing campaign, particularly flesh golems with their berserk stuff.


Flesh is meat, Iron is metal.
For statues I liked B/X's living statues and the 1e Fiend Folio Caryatid Column (weapon breakage!) as options, for the giant statue concept I was more likely to consider going with the Stone Golem over Iron due to the impacts of slow versus poison powers on a campaign.

In 3e I liked the Iron Golem variant the blade golem which gave up the poison breath weapon for special wounding blade hands.


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