• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. gamecat

    Born of the Three Thunders + Spells w/ durations

    Born of the Three Thunders, as printed in Complete Arcane, gives a damaging [electricity] or [sonic] spell the ability to stun and trip those who fail additional saves, at the cost of dazing the caster for a round. With the iconic Lightning Bolt or Shout, it's fairly cut and dry - damage, ref...
  2. gamecat

    Multiclassing, gestalt, and you - a population sample

    I'm not sure what forum to put this in, software, rules, or general. Please move this thread if need be. I'm writing a piece of software here, to automatically generate 3e Gestalt characters (completely random - click a button, get a full-functioning, formatted HTML character sheet). So, In a...
  3. gamecat

    A pair of magic weapons

    Blazeblade Blazeblade is a longsword made of brightly polished steel, with elaborate flame-styled leafing of gold and copper. It grants the wielder fire resistance 2, and on the first round of combat of any encounter, at the wielder's option, the blade will automatically cast a burning hands...
  4. gamecat

    Hideous Blow and Cleave

    If a warlock with the cleave feat drops an opponent, does the extra eldritch blast damage apply to the cleave attack?
  5. gamecat

    Expertise, "Fighting Defensively", Tumble, AND YOU!

    Does using the Combat Expertise feat quantify "Fighting Defensively", thus granting the extra bonus to AC for having so many ranks in tumble? Or, can you "Fight defensively" while using expertise"? I've never been sure on this one.
  6. gamecat

    My illustration for your stat block

    You read it: One chibi-gaia-avatar (with obligatory insertion of google-image-searched items and whatnot) for your statistics block. Pleeez?
  7. gamecat

    Sewer monsters?

    Plotting for our game tonight, What would be a good encounter table for slogging through sewers? The party is at 2nd level.
  8. gamecat

    Eldritch Recovery

    Warlock x Nine Swords. The concept behind the feat here is that doing warlocky things recovers your maneuvers. Eldritch Recovery Whenever you tap your fell energies, you find reattachment to your mastery of the Sublime Way. Prerequisites: At least 2 martial maneuvers, Ability to use lesser...
  9. gamecat

    Find that Drow!

    Which FR book has Jarlaxle Benrae's stat block?
  10. gamecat

    Memory Tungsten

    Memory Tungsten The Memory Tungsten is a piece of a common hard drive, strung up with beads, and worn around the neck, taking up the amulet slot on a character. The residual "memory" of a hard drive still resides in the chunk of tungsten at the end of it, and it is so ensorceled with a...
  11. gamecat

    Lich Redemption?

    How could I possibly put a redeemption of a lich in as a plot point? How would the heros bring a lich back to his/her living form, and undo their moral corruption? Quest ideas, pleeeez.
  12. gamecat

    Opium Demon

    So... I say "Opium Demon". What springs to mind? I imagine a vicious creature with sallow skin and wicked, needle-like claws. I picture high damage reduction (15/-) as it simply doesn't feel pain, and is only capable of partial actions. Anybody it nails with a claw attack should have a...
  13. gamecat

    Spell descriptors and subschools

    Could you as a community name them all? off the top of my head Descriptors [Good] [Evil] [Law] [Chaos] [Fire] [Acid] [Cold] [Electricity] [Sonic] Subschools (Compulsion) (Summoning) (Phantasm) I'm sure thats not all of them...
  14. gamecat

    DICE SURVIVOR - Round 1

    You know the drill, kids. Vote for your favorite polyhedron.
  15. gamecat

    New Invocation - Eldritch Crusher

    The last time Nxwtypx faced the Phyrexians, he had to hack and slash his way through a legion of steamborgs, only to be snatched and assimilated, made a puppet in the hands of Yawgmoth, and forced to horribly watch from inside his own skull as his own hands did terrible things in the Machine...
  16. gamecat

    Explosive Undead Spells

    Taysa calmly watched her undead minions move to engage the brother and sister Einhänder. The siblings tore into them, Almera moving back and using her psychokinetic powers, Cefiro casting a ward before hefting his blade. Taysa proceeded to begin an invocation for a spell she crafted herself...
  17. gamecat

    Flanking Illusions?

    Suppose Ilene Illusionist casts a major image of Francine Fighter right next to a kobold that Ruth Rogue is in melee with. Supposing the kobold fails a disbelief save, does Ruth get her sneak attack dice?
  18. gamecat

    Magic Item Concept - Handspyder

    A handspyder would take up both a ring and a wrist slot, costing half as much as a typical magic item, for it takes two slots. Balanced? Obviously, chakra slot affinites should still be obeyed.
  19. gamecat

    D&D 2E Gestalt, the Half Elf, 2E, and You.

    Its a generally accepted concept: Half Elves suck. In 2E, 1/2 elves had the coolness of the triple multiclass. In the broken madness of gestalt dungeons and dragons, would allowing half elves and half elves alone triple gestalt classes (advancing as a fighter, wizard, and rogue in emulation of...
  20. gamecat

    Gestalt headache.

    I'm constructing a multiclass gestalt character, and I'm having difficulty calculating her BAB and Saving throws. She has: 5 levels of wizard (+2 BAB, +1 fort & ref, +4 will) 7 levels of warmage (+3 BAB, +2 fort & ref, +5 will) 5 levels of ultimate magus (cheap in gestalt, yeah I know, +2 BAB...