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Search results

  1. W

    Can you use the appraise skill on a whore?

    Honestly, it came up in this week's session.
  2. W

    Find sound clips for your game

    I know some people use sound effects played back on computers during the game. Does any one have a collection they'd like to share, or can point to a website? I'm not quite sure what exactly I'm looking for yet, but one I can think of is an (animal) horn being blown, like the Boromir's horn...
  3. W

    [Uod] The Plaguelands of the West

    The Plaguelands --------------- The plaguelands are west of the mountains that formed the offical border of the Chlendi Empire. Expiditions founded by those traditionalists who fought the reign of Voyiditl of the Lily Crown, battled their way through the terrors of the hills into the blasted...
  4. W

    Black Powder / Firearms Rules

    I'm looking for rules for Black powder firearms. Bonus points for OGL stuff.
  5. W

    Big Trouble in Little Menzoberranzan

    I probably won't get around to running this anytime soon, so I though I'd throw it out for someone else's campaign idea. "Shadowrun, Dalereckoning 1299 After the royal family was killed, the jewels stolen, and Evermeet leveled by the Drow, the Sun Elves are out for Blood. The Dwarven nations...
  6. W

    Did you play in Clark's Summit/Unknown Comics @90-92?

    I'm looking for some old players from the Scranton/Dalton/Clark's Summit area that I played with circa 1990-1992. I ran a couple brief campaigns, starting at the gaming space about Unknown Comics. Please contact me at widderslainte@comcast.net. -Shawn
  7. W

    d20 Steampunk Resources?

    Apologies, since I know this has been asked before. I'm looking to gather a list of (specifically) d20 steampunk books/sites. - Iron Kingdoms - FFG's Sorcery & Steam - Bastion Press' Airships I believe there's another Steam related book released recently. Anyone know it's name or of any...
  8. W

    Class Abilities as Feats

    Once upon a time (maybe a year ago), someone converted all the class abilites to feats. Can someone repost that or point me towards the thread? Thanks.
  9. W

    [Uod] The Mindat & Their Wizards

    The Mindat The Mindat ('min-DOT') are the dark skinned peoples of the south, whose empire is said to have been founded thousands of years ago, Their presence in the Rhiat is normally limited to academic and magickal gatherings, and a number of their philosophers serve on the courts of nobles...
  10. W

    [Uod] What the heck is Uod?

    Uod is my homebrew campaign world, that's been in stops and startsfor over a decade. Stacks of notebooks and stray thoughts are slowly being pieced together and place online. It's not hardcore western medieval. That's certainly there but I've tried to mix in some elements from Asian...
  11. W

    [Uod] The Shn

    The Shnkvarut The Shn ('Sheen', though there really insn't a vowel there) have always been here. They exist (albeit rarely) in the earliest Heteri stories. The Shn were here when the Maetah and Chlendi arrived, and they triggered the Mindat northward movement. They've been there as long as...
  12. W

    [Boston Area] Eyeless Cows *STILL* In Need of Victims!

    That's right, eyeless cows! I'm looking for victims... er, players in the Boston are for a homebrew campaign starting up ASAP. We're still looking for two or three more people. 3.5 rules, maybe a dash of Arcana Unearthed. Add a little grit & grim, a pinch of steampunk, strange cults and...
  13. W

    HomeBrew Game in Boston (North Shore) Area

    I'm looking to start running a game in the Boston area. I live on the North Shore (Saugus), and the game would likely be on Monday or Tuesday evenings. Email me at widderslainte@comcast.net if interested or for more info..
  14. W

    Starting Campaigns

    I'm starting up a new campaign, and it's been a while. It's a homebrew world, and we're still bouncing around character ideas. I've got some thoughts on how to get the party together and what to do once things get going. I'm looking for plot suggestions, campaign ideas, planning methods...
  15. W

    Alignment Alternatives

    Does anyone use alternative systems, or something completely different than, for alignment? I'm not intending this is a poll or pro/con debate, just trying to see what else people have found useful. I'm intrigued by the Priority system from Dragon #173, which seems to be reflected in d20...
  16. W

    ESD Schedule

    Anyone know where I can find the schedule of upcoming ESD's? I looked around svgames.com, but didn't find anything for the future. I'd almost pay cover price for ESD's of the Aria books.
  17. W

    DM looking for players in the Boston area

    I'm sure you've heard this story before. DM since mid 80's, strayed from D&D but brought back by 3E. I'm a bit rusty but dying to play. I live on the North Shore, but have transportation. Please email widderslainte@attbi.com
  18. W

    Ritual Magic Rules? Bueller? Bueller?

    I'm looking for Ritual Magic rules (other than the S&S stuff in Relics and Rituals), homebrew or published? Anyone?
  19. W

    Killing the Cleric, bit by bit.

    This is a hastily written draft. This feat is proposed as part of a larger house rule (forthcoming). I will slowly kill off the Cleric class. I seem to recall a parallel (sort of) Arcane magic feat, which I can't seem to find. If you know what I'm talking about, pointers are appreciated...
  20. W

    Take that Vance!

    I have vague memories of numerous cartoons or films where wizards fling about bursts of energy (fire, electricity, whatever) as part of combat, with the frequncy of an archer. That wasn't possible in D&D, unless you were of high level or had very few combat scenes. It's not quite my style of...