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Search results

  1. Selganor

    Level Up (A5E) Cantrip Spellcraft downtime

    What's the general consensus on Spellcraft downtime to modify cantrips? I recently found out (on two occasions) that my artificer (whose only constant source of damage is Produce Flame) was "support only" when faced with creatures immune to fire. Would Spellcraft to modify a cantrip be the...
  2. Selganor

    Elissar/To Save A Kingdom "Missing" Map collection for TSAK

    Recently there was some talk on the discord that TSAK didn't have all the "required" maps. Since the campaign has been out for a while now, how about we share what we got for our groups? If someone is looking for some specific map that hasn't been done yet, maybe we can help creating such...
  3. Selganor

    WotBS Fateholder of the Burning Sky?

    I'm probably starting an A5E campaign of A5E "soon" and since I know the people playing in the game will probably vary (maybe even from session to session) I was thinking about a way to add or remove characters at a moment's notice. Then I thought of the Fateholder from Gate Pass Gazette 1...
  4. Selganor

    Level Up (A5E) A5E versions of "adolenscent modified invisible chelonians"

    Inspired by the tangent at https://www.enworld.org/threads/januarys-gpg-articles.701712/ since there aren't any specific "turtle" heritages or "ninja" classes in A5E, how about listing things that could qualify as a substitute. For Heritages: Dragonborn with Draconic Armor Dreamborn with...
  5. Selganor

    Level Up (A5E) A5E healer (probably non-cleric) for Empire of the Ghouls

    Some time in 2024 (but why not start now?) we will start the "Empire of the Ghouls" campaign. If I continue the style of characters I played in the other campaigns with this group I'd be the "healer" again and I might continue the other trend of not being a cleric. So far I've been a Bard in...
  6. Selganor

    Fast improvised "Danger" room ideas?

    A note about the situation: We got a relatively new group of people together playing A5E with not that much knowledge of the particular system (some players have D&D experience but not all had much 5e experience if any) and we are also playing on Foundry which many of the players also don't have...
  7. Selganor

    Level Up (A5E) Observations on Elissar

    I am still pondering if there would be interest in some sort of "Atlas of Elissar" that gave links (maybe even on a map) to all the info already published about this world. There are quite a few adventures (besides the "To Save a Kingdom" trilogy) in En5ider and every now and then I think I've...
  8. Selganor

    Level Up (A5E) Various Artificer questions and thoughts

    As I continue playing a GPG Artificer there are a few things that I think could be relevant in the future, so why not ask them now: 1. Transfer Enchantment Granted, that's not a question specific to Artificers but if the Artificer doesn't have access to that, who has? The equipment section...
  9. Selganor

    Level Up (A5E) Mama Bear's Revenge: How did your players solve it (or not)?

    I've run Mama Bear's Revenge as an intro adventure in our rpg club 5 times now (the last three times were a friday to sunday "one run per day") and it seems like it never was the same. All groups consisted to a varying number of the "official" pregens with also varying knowledge of D&D (5e or...
  10. Selganor

    Level Up (A5E) Additional (maybe changeable) cantrips?

    After lots and lots of new material I am at a loss how to actually use all the new cantrips there. Multiclassing gets you only so far (and after 2 other classes your general use of magic probably declines) Spell Scrolls are costly (10 gp for a single use of a cantrip will add up fast) The only...
  11. Selganor

    Level Up (A5E) LevelUp the D&D Movie [Spoilers]

    I watched the movie yesterday and my little rules brain is still trying to figure things out (that probably contradicted the rules because of practical or financial reasons)... Needless to say... Spoilers abound and if you figured something out (or need hel doing so) feel free to join in...
  12. Selganor

    Level Up (A5E) Essential A5E for Quickstart?

    While trying to compile enough of the rules for a new player in a new campaign who doesn't understand English well enough to just read the rules I'm thinking about some sort of Quickstart that highlights A5E while still keeping slim enough to not overwhelm completely new players (who may not...
  13. Selganor

    Level Up (A5E) Which electronic version of character storage/sheet do you use for A5E characters?

    As I am now responsible for almost half of the character sheets in a new A5E campaign that I just play in I'm wondering what everyone else is using to keep track of your characters and their sheets? Or is anyone else here only in online games and the site stores the sheets anyway? Edit: What...
  14. Selganor

    Level Up (A5E) LevelUp in German/deutsch?

    Usually i don't need/want translations from English to German but our new group has a player who really struggles with the English language and could really need German character sheet/cheat sheet/spellcards/... Has anyone here translated anything here already or knows of some project to do so?
  15. Selganor

    Level Up (A5E) Troupe style play and downtime?

    Has anyone experimented with downtime and troupe style game? If every player has more than one character but only plays one at a time the character(s) not played may have time to do downtime activities even if the plot "requires" the group to continuously tackle the problems at hand. While one...
  16. Selganor

    Level Up (A5E) What is "missing" for A5E War of the Burning Sky?

    I intend to "sometime soon" start running WotBS again (I ran the first few adventures ages ago with 3.5 and we tried to "continue" in 4e but then the group disbanded) If I start it now (with a new group since all players don't play D&D anymore) I'll use A5E. Which WotBS parts are not already...
  17. Selganor

    Gate Pass Gazette Cipher Sword shenanigans

    I recently had some strange ideas regarding Cipher Swords (from GPG #3) 1. Can a 10th level Artificer make a Schematic of the (very rare) weapon and then create Infusions of them? 2. If so, does someone who was given one of those Infusion Cipher Swords (ICS) lose the gained mastery levels if...
  18. Selganor

    WotBS 5e East Wind monk cantrips

    Can an East Wind monk use his cantrips without Ki points or does he need 1/cantrip since they are "level 0" spells? The examples only list level 1+ spells so they don't really clarify this Thanks in advance.
  19. Selganor

    Drow of the Burning Sky

    Can someone clarify a bit about the setting for me? The hidden city of the Taranesti was originally a Drow city. But right now the drow aren't there anymore (except the two assassins). Am I right to assume that the Drow left the city some time ago (even before the Taranesti came) and are now...
  20. Selganor

    Katrina as a PC in adventure 7

    I am wondering if it would be possible to include Katrina as a PC in adventure 7. Our group recently changed and one of the new players would be a great fit for Katrina. So far none of her special background has become known to the group (I'm putting this vague on purpose, just in case one of...