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D&D 5E One Shot #3: Lady of the Mist


OOC: INIT Order:
Lee 23 -gone
Ryder 14 -gone
Mr.B [roll0] -is up [MENTION=6776182]JustinCase[/MENTION]
Blight#1 9
Ivar 9
Blight#2 9
Bilkar 4

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OOC: Mr. B attack - eldritch blast, #1 [roll0], [roll1]

Seeing a clear shot the half-orc warlock takes aim, and a blast of arcane force shatters the creature into kindling.

OOC: Ivar is up. #2 only creature left.


Isle of Mists
Round 1

Ivar grinned as one of the creatures went down to the blows of his companions. He swung his war pick at the remaining twig monster.

Action: Attack Twiggy #2
War pick: 1D20+5 = [10]+5 = 15
1D8+3 = [3]+3 = 6

Bonus Action:.
Reaction: Opportunity Attack
War pick: 1D20+5 = [6]+5 = 11
1D8+3 = [5]+3 = 8


AC: 14
HP: 9/15 HD: 0/1 1d12+3
Rage: 2/2/LR



And as quickly as the creatures emerged to try and ambush the party, they fell to the might of their combined battle prowess.

OOC: Ouch! They never knew what hit them, especially Lee.
Combat Over.


Isle of Mists
Round 0

“E’en the bluidy bushes move up ‘ere,” Ivar muttered as he kicked the wooden remains of the twig monsters away from them. “I agree wi’ the gnome. Let’s get gaein’ b’fore anythin’ else attacks us.”

Taking point again, Ivar headed into the ruins, cautiously keeping alert for danger.

Action: Perception: 1D20+3 = [11]+3 = 14
Bonus Action:.
Reaction: Opportunity Attack

AC: 14
HP: 9/15 HD: 0/1 1d12+3
Rage: 2/2/LR



the magical equivalent to the number zero
Mister Bubbles suppresses a shudder.

"Darn goblin trees," he says softly. "No wonder people avoid this place."

The half-orc moves wearily, his eyes scanning the environment for any threats while his hands hold his walking cane ready to strike at whatever leaps at him.


The dark outline of a towering, massive structure suddenly appears out of the mist ahead. The castle appears badly ruined. There are gaping holes in the walls, and rubble lies strewn on the ground all around. The plaster on the outside walls is crumbling, and large patches of it are blackened as if by soot from a fire. Only empty holes remain where windows once covered the openings.

The dense fog obscures the castle's exact size, allowing you only a hint of its proportions. The walls disappear into the fog at a height of about 30', but they are probably much higher than that. On the ground, it appears to cover an area of at least 100'x50', but probably more.

The doors at the entrance to the castle are wide open, revealing a dark interior.

[sblock=Darkvision looking through the main doors]
The remains of two tall iron doors hang precariously from their hinges at the entrance to the castle. The metal has rusted through completely, leaving a brittle substance that seems ready to crumble at the slightest touch. A hallway is visible behind the doors. Its walls are blackened, as if by fire, although patches of a mural can be made out here and there. The arched ceiling above has partially collapsed, covering the floor with debris. Further down the hallway, two bronze doors that have turned green with corrosion over the centuries lean against the walls. A smaller, wooden door fills an opening in the west wall.

Past the bronze doors you see a large hallway full of debris.[/sblock]

OOC: Same marching order, or have the rogue step up to the front?
If so WIS(Perception) check from Ryder, and Stonework INT(History) check from Ivar plz

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