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D&D 5E One Shot #3: Lady of the Mist

Mister Bubbles suggests, "Upstairs?"​

"Upstairs?" Lee asks. "We're just going to ignore this open door I'm standing next. And ignore the open door there at the bottom of the stairs. Ignore them both and just go upstairs? Do we wants something sneaking up behind us when we run into trouble up there?"

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[sblock=What Lee sees]
Room 5:
Only a burned-out shell remains of this room. Gaping holes in the north wall are all that remain of the windows. The walls are blackened by fire and soot. Piles of rubbish cover the floor. The bronze door leading east appears to have partially melted. There is nothing left of value to be seen in here.[/sblock]

Seeing nothing of interest the monk moves on. Mr. Bubbles feels an odd compulsion to look in after Lee moves aside.

[sblock=What Mr. Bubbles sees]
Room #5
Somehow, this room seems to have survived the destruction of the castle. The walls are lined with bookcases filled with books of all sizes. In the center of the room are a few neatly arranged groups of tables and comfortable armchairs. Moonlight beams in through the tall windows in the north wall.

Suddenly a man's head appears over the back of one of the chairs facing the windows. He jumps out of it and is quickly followed by a woman from the same chair. Both are clad in expensive and elegant clothing. They stand frozen, staring in the half-orcs direction. Then they begin backing off, thier faces twisted in fear. The woman begins to scream as gouts of fire seem to pour from the warlock to engulf them both.[/sblock]

Mr. Bubbles turns and dry heaves as he uses his cane to stay standing. He coughs and hacks for several moments. Ivar and Ryder are at the base of the stairs while the squirrel form of Bilkar sits high on the railing of the stairway. Lee standing next to the other set of a jarred doors looks on.

[sblock=In Mr.Bubbles head]
"Witness my power. Witness what you could achieve by bowing your will to me." a hideous voices booms. "Look! Obey me and LOOK!" [/sblock]

Everyone watches as the half-orc stands and covers his eyes, shaking his head back and forth as if defying someone. And then he removes his hands to stare into the room, a faint orange glow, like the light from a fire briefly surrounding his eyes.

OOC: Mr. Bubbles now sees the room as Lee saw it (see sblock above)

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Isle of Mists
Round 0

Ivar studied the stonework as they passed through. “This place is old,” he murmured. “Four ‘unnerd years. An’ it fell a long time ago, tae, mebbe three ‘unnerd years.”

On seeing the spider, Ivar shivered. He hated spiders. Damn drow. “We sure tha’ thing ain’t gaein’ t’ bite us in the arse if we leave it be’ind us?” he warned. But it did seem this floor was clear. “Also still got a door in the south corner, an’ in the entry,” Ivar said.

“Where did tha’ scream come from?” He moved to the base of the stairs to cover their rear.

Bonus Action:.
Reaction: Opportunity Attack

AC: 14
HP: 9/15 HD: 0/1 1d12+3
Rage: 2/2/LR



the magical equivalent to the number zero
Mister Bubbles is reeling from the vision and the voice in his head. Trembling, he opens his eyes and looks again into the room that he first suggested they ignore.

Nothing now.

"I'm going mad," he whispers, realizing exactly what is causing these visions. He tries, vainly, to close his eyes again; tears forming at the edges of his vision as the warlock attempts to defy his powerful patron. As he watches, the shadows in the room seem to lighten, showing their secrets, and Mister Bubbles realizes that it is because of the connection of the fiend to the dark shadows of this world that the half-orc is given the ability to see into those pools of darkness and despair.

Keep it together, he tells himself. Don't upset the others. This has nothing to do with them. Do not make them part of this, do not make him take them too.

With a start, Mister Bubbles is released from the fiendish grip, and he breathes out loudly. Looking around, he tries to smile comfortingly at his companions and make light of these events.

"Just a haunted castle," he says, failing to sound convincingly nonchalant.


Bilkar Gnome Druid

The squirrel cocks his head looking at the others. Is that, Yes the squirrel just shrugged.

Bilkar scurries up the railing to the first landing and looks up the stairs to see what can be seen above.

OOC: Perception: [roll0]

Getting to the top of the stairs he sees a pine cone resting on the landing and his instincts give in jumping down on top of the pine cone he starts chewing on it only to realize that it is far to dry at this point to be tasty. He drops the pine cone and appears to nibble the fur of his arm, maybe to get the taste out of his mouth.
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
It seems someone noticed Mister Bubbles' glee, because a whisper offers him more information to find the traitor. Intrigued, Mister Bubbles follows the stranger, not worried about his safety as he was not someone people tended to pick fights with.
Did you just quote one line from my first post in this thread? WTF? :-S

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