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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
[sblock=Resolution of Conflict. Hidden to preserve story continuity.]

Ok, here's the deal.

It's obvious that personal, OOC feelings / opinions / emotions are involved here. So let's set the record straight.

1. As the DM, I thought that Vale's actions were out-of-line for his character's alignment. (Neutral Good, w/ Chaotic tendencies.) Key word here, is GOOD.

2. By the same token, I thought that perhaps Kasnik over-reacted. I told him as much in a private conversation. I offered to talk to Aust, and get him to modify his post. Kasnik Refused, saying that Aust "needed to learn." In my mind, that's kind of mean-spirited. NEVERTHELESS, I let it slide.

3. Lathir made a valid point, about being a voice of dissent. I would not have worded it in such an adversarial manner, but that's beyond my purview. I am not Lathir's keeper.

Kasnik said:
Kasnik did not attack him, he protected someone according to the law. Kasnik also did not appreciate the comments about his head being up his horse's ass. The following comment about hitting Kasnik did also not resonate well. He could have kept his mouth shut and cut his losses to retire for the evening.

4. This is a valid point, also. Until Vale insulted and threatened him, the situation had de-escalated. Vale's comments re-ingnited the conflict. Again, not my choice on how I would have handled it; but again, I am not Vale's keeper, either.

Kasnik said:
I love his grumpiness and our problem that we will have to overcome. I play an old orc paladin who is not required to sit by and watch evil occur (paladin) and be insulted (orc) to be expected to do nothing. Kasnik showed considerable restraint.

5. Another valid point; Kasnik's comment about "loving the grumpiness," and looking forward to "overcoming the problem," in my mind, is an olive branch. SO YOU GUYS (VALE, KASNIK, LATHIR) ARE IN A GOOD POSITION RIGHT NOW TO RESOLVE THIS MATTER, BY LETTING IT DROP, AND BY ROLEPLAYING THE SITUATION OUT. I would like to remind you that in life, sometimes our best friends later on were people that we initially despised, usually because of nothing more than a wrong impression!

6. Lastly, in response to item #1, I docked Vale xp. This has NOTHING TO DO with the subsequent intervention by Kasnik, nor with the arguments that ensued afterwards. It's simply a slap on the wrist for acting out of alignment.

7.I now consider this matter closed. BOTH SIDES had valid points in defense of their actions, and both sides were also slightly in the wrong. I think that makes us all even! Let's all bury the hatchet, and move on. CONTINUED ARGUMENTATION will force me to consider the retirement of this ENTIRE CAMPAIGN!


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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
When Edward Speaks, People Listen.

Edward addresses the party, in a firm, authoritative voice. His "Mr. Nice Guy" facade is now glaringly ABSENT: "With all due respect to everyone involved, situations like this are exactly the reason that Sir Denby and I were appointed to keep order. We've dealt with this sort of thing before. There's always a vigilante in the "mob" that wants to hang the suspect immediately, or rough him up for information, and there's always a zealot that wants to chain himself to a tree in protest. So from here on out, the interrogation of this man will be conducted by Sir Denby, the rightful authority in this matter. The Domain of Dyvers is grateful for your assistance, but this matter is in our hands now. Does anyone here have a problem with that?"

Edward does not wait for a response; and he is quick to add: "He is already guilty of the reckless endangerment of Domain of Dyvers citizenry, and of assaulting a duly appointed officer of the Domain of Dyvers. And depending on the outcome of this interrogation, he may yet be found guilty of conspiracy against the sovereignty of the Domain of Dyvers. We've hung people for a lot less than that. That may as of yet be this man's fate; My lord, you may begin at your liesure."

Denby beams proudly at his deputy, then turns his gaze toward the Man In Green, and says: "Did you hear what my deputy said? If you tell us the truth, you might get off with hard labor. If, on the other hand, you choose not to cooperate, you will be placed on trial in the coming week, in front of the Dyvers Tribunal, which is governed by Lord Margull himself. He doesn't have a track record of letting criminals off easy. You should know that, if you've ever spent any time in this region. He takes a dim view of conspirators against his officers."

Father Xavier bows to Sir Denby, and excuses himself from the proceedings, without saying another word. He leaves the black box on the tea table.

The Man in Green swallows audibly, and confesses:
"My name is Beringer Crestwall. I am a distant relation to the Crestwall family of the Dyvers Gentry. I say this so that when I am dead, they will not think ill of me, and so that the honor of the family will remain intact. I take full responsibility for my actions, and I want to state now, that no other person of Crestwall lineage was involved. I acted of my own accord. I swear this before St. Cuthbert, as the whole, unblemished truth."

As he speaks, no green mist is seen upon his lips. It is obvious that he is truthful.

He continues:
"I am a soldier of fortune, and a spy, and a courier for hire. I am in the business of selling information to the highest bidder, and I am also in the business of delivering packages of unknown contents from one place to another, with the utmost discretion. The acquisition of wealth, through the application of my skills, has always been both my primary motivation, and my primary means of maintaining my livelihood."

Beringer sighs heavily.
"This all began with him," he says, indicating Sir Denby. "I didn't know who he was. I had been living in Greyhawk for the last 10 years, so I wasn't up on who the current Sheriff was. In fact, my contact, a Half-Orc named Shem, told me that Sir Denby (he called him "Theodosius") was a criminal, an ex-employee who owed him money. I was to lay in ambush for him with a potion and a ring. Shem said that I should throw the potion at the horse's feet, and then slip the ring onto his finger when he and the horse were asleep. I did what I was paid to do; the potion was actually a sleep bomb. When I threw it, the bottle exploded into a mass of vapors, which put both him and his horse instantly to sleep. I walked over, slipped the ring onto his finger, and as I did so, his form changed, from his previous appearance, to what you see now. When that happened, I knew something was wrong! I fled, and confronted Shem about it. He simply laughed, and paid me my wages, telling me to forget what I had seen. He said that he was from the Seventh Order, and that those who betray The Order face not only death, but the utter damnation of those who die without a soul. But he didn't need to make the threat; Shem didn't know it, but I already knew all about The Seventh Order. I was warned early in my career to avoid employment with them. They are Warlocks, men who lie with Devil-kind in return for the promise of power. They serve a hidden master, who is said to be Half-Fiend / Half-Vampire. He is said to have eyes everywhere. They call him Grimlok, The Usurper. No one knows his true name; at any rate, Shem told me that I had one, final task to complete: I was to watch the man until he killed someone, and then speak the words, "Scarlet Soul." He said that I did not need to say it loudly, nor did I need to be anywhere nearby."

Beringer turns to Edward, and says:
"That's when I knew that the man I had attacked was innocent. That's when I figured out they were trying to frame him. I thought it strange that they were so certain that he would try to commit a murder, until I realized that he might be forced to do so, by some foul enchantment laid upon that ring; AND THAT," he says, staring straight at Denby, "is when I decided to try and help you. I am used to dealing with criminals. And I would have had no qualms helping to frame someone who deserved it. But I have never in my career exploited the innocent for money. I know that you all don't believe that such a code of honor excuses my crimes. But I want you to know, that as twisted as you might think it to be, I do have and follow a code of honor. I was watching the Sheriff's office because I was awaiting an opportunity to warn you. I didn't know if Shem had any contacts within the town government, so I was trying to catch you alone. When I noticed I was being followed, I panicked; I thought you fellows were Shem's henchmen."

A single tear rolls down Beringer's cheek;
"If you're willing to trust me, I can turn you back to your true form. I suspect that the ring doesn't even need to be worn for its powers to work. I know how people like this operate; items like this are complex, and work on a much higher level than a simple contingency. They are prepared for the event that, for some unforeseen reason, you are not actually wearing the ring. You are already under the influence of its power; hence, you remain in the form that it forced upon you. It is my guess that if the ring is removed from the box, and the command words are spoken, you will be returned to your true form. To prove the veracity of my claim, I am willing to be the one who takes the risk. If you allow it, I will be the one who takes it from the box. And I will be the one to handle it. What say you?"

The absence of the green vapors is glaringly apparent.

Denby looks around the room, as if waiting to hear differing opinions.

[Everyone: What do you do?]

Sylvar B.

He does not appear to be lying, Sir Denby. Sylvar turns and begins walking toward Beringer. On his way he picks up his Naginata and carries it with him. He carries his Naganat is a non-threatening manner, but he holds it as one who is accustomed to its use. As he walks over he briefly locks eyes with Kasnik. Sylvar walks over to Beringer and squats in front of him so that he is at eye level, his Naginata is across his knees. Tell me Mr. Beringer,
Is it your intent to harm Sir Denby, or anyone else in this room?
How long has it been since you attacked Sir Denby?
Is any of your gear enchanted so that someone else can hear our conversation, or find you?
Do you know of anyone named Vaelik?
Also, while i'm here, I might as well ask. I've relieved your of your magical items, I have them on the table. They are:

Short Sword (faint aura)
Cloak (faint aura)
Ring #1 (faint aura)
Ring #2 (faint aura)
Boots (faint aura)
Leather Armor (faint aura)
Belt Pouch (moderate aura)
Please stand and point to each item in turn and tell me its magical properties. Also, were any of them given to you by the Pomarj?

As Beringer answers, Sylvar looks intently at Beringer's mouth looking for any sign of magically suppressed vapors.


About to interject, the hint of a smile toys at my lips when Edward speaks. Casually shuffling closer to Sheriff Denby, I whisper, "You have yourself one hell of a deputy there Sheriff."

When Beringer finishes speaking, I ask, "Is it really worth the risk of having him say the words? Doing so could result in a number of things - the death of Sheriff Denby, Beringer, both of them, or even of everyone near potentially."
Looking at Beringer, I continue, "You have done the Crestwall name proud today by speaking truly. Thank you."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Beringer answers truthfully, explaining in detail everything that he feels is pertinent.

Is it your intent to harm Sir Denby, or anyone else in this room? No, I make my living by lying and stealing, not killing. I have no taste for it.
How long has it been since you attacked Sir Denby? Day before yesterday.
Is any of your gear enchanted so that someone else can hear our conversation, or find you? No. But I can't be sure that Shem didn't cast a spell upon me without my knowledge.
Do you know of anyone named Vaelik? The assassin? Yes, I've heard of him. He's famous. He's a freelance assassin who got his start working for The Scarlet Brotherhood. If he's involved in this, steer clear of him. He's bad news.
Also, while i'm here, I might as well ask. I've relieved your of your magical items, I have them on the table. They are:

Short Sword (faint aura) This is my sword. I found it while exploring some caves in the Cairn Hills near Greyhawk. It's always sharp, so I always suspected it was magical. I guess my instincts were correct.

Cloak (faint aura) I traded a nice gem for this cloak; the guy who sold it said that it would bring me luck. That's all I know, aside from the fact that it's obviously magical; it's always clean and fresh-smelling, and never seems to need mending.

Ring #1 (faint aura) A friend of mine gave me this ring. He said he found it while poking around some ruins. I had no idea it was magical; I just like the design on it. See the little man carved into it, jumping over a log? I love that.

Ring #2 (faint aura) This is my grandfather's ring from his adventuring days. I knew this one was magical. It's supposed to help deflect blows.

Boots (faint aura) I got these as a reward for some work I did for a wizard who shall remain nameless; they help me with gymnastic tasks, like running, jumping, and leaping. They give me a "boost."

Leather Armor (faint aura) This armor was also my grandfather's. He had it commissioned by Delbin Arcanus himself. He was always so proud to wear it.

Belt Pouch (moderate aura) A few years ago, I got on the bad side of a local thug in Greyhawk; he sent a man to kill me, but I got lucky, and killed him instead. I took this pouch from him. It's really neat, it holds WAY more than it looks like it will. There were papers in it when I first got it, that were evidence of many crimes. I hid them in such a way that they will be discovered if any harm should befall me. That's why the thug stopped bothering me.

Please stand and point to each item in turn and tell me its magical properties. Also, were any of them given to you by the Pomarj? I've never done any work for The Pomarj Empire.

As Beringer answers, Sylvar looks intently at Beringer's mouth looking for any sign of magically suppressed vapors.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Lathir who should still be some distance from town pauses in his return return ride as a thought occurs to him. He dismounts in a wooded area comforting Sugarfoot and telling her to graze at her leisure for a bit. He then walks off a bit, sits cross-legged on the ground and clears his mind.

OOC: Summon Animal Companion
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Sylvar B.

Please stand and point to each item in turn and tell me its magical properties. Also, were any of them given to you by the Pomarj? I've never done any work for The Pomarj Empire.

There is a slight tightening of Sylvar's eyes, he moves his Naginata from an at rest stance to an at ready stance. Although not directly threatening, it is obvious that the Naginata is in a position for immediate deployment, It certainly looks more threatening, although Sylvar has no intention of harming Mr. Beringer.
Forgive me Mr. Beringer for being so insistent, I didn't ask if you had done work for the Pomarj, I asked if you had received any of the magical items from one of them. You were vague in some of your answers. Half truths will not do Mr. Beringer. We are considering trusting you with a powerful magical object, so we need to know that you can be trusted. I am asking you directly and so I need direct answers. I'm going to break my question into two parts.

Have you ever received a magical item from the Pomarj?
Did Shem give you any other items other than the ones you used to attack Sir Denby?

Please answer by saying either "Yes I have received magical items from the Pomarj, or, No, I have not received magical items from the Pomarj." Answer my next question by saying either "Yes, Shem gave me other magical items besides the items I used to attack Sir Denby, or, "No, Shem did not give me other magical items besides the ones I used to attack Sir Denby."

Once again Sylvar looks intently at Mr. Beringers mouth looking for vapors.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
"Half truths will not do Mr. Beringer. We are considering trusting you with a powerful magical object, so we need to know that you can be trusted. I am asking you directly and so I need direct answers. I'm going to break my question into two parts.

Have you ever received a magical item from the Pomarj?
Did Shem give you any other items other than the ones you used to attack Sir Denby?

Beringer looks taken aback by Sylvar's insistence. "Half-truths? Which things that I have said sound only half-way true? The things I have told you today will ensure my DEATH sometime in the near future. And yet, you still doubt their veracity? Very well. Let's try this another way."

Beringer straightens himself, regaining much of his composure. He shifts into a sitting cross-legged position, leans closer to Sylvar, to look him straight in the eyes, and says: "Yes, I have received magical items from the Pomarj Empire; in fact, I have an entire warehouse full of them in Greyhawk, enough to equip an entire army!" As he says this, green vapors flow freely from his mouth.

Beringer smiles, and continues: "Yes, Shem gave me Odin's spear, and Thor's hammer, with explicit instructions to keep them hidden!" As more green vapors pour from his mouth, he shoots Sylvar the middle finger. "Satisfied?"


Taking on a sterner tone, I state, "The way the statements were worded are important. State them as instructed lest I write your family as a representative of mine own, house Moresby, and convey your actions past and present to them."


First Post
Kasnik is still a bit confused with the situation and history of everything. He's just standing back listening and asking a few questions here and there to get caught up on things.

OOC: I am assuming Kasnik can get the information before he joined in the campaign to be caught up a bit.

Voidrunner's Codex

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