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Critical Role LYSK: Gods and Geography of Wildemount

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
It's not really clear what Setting the MTOF Raven Queen is even for, but the qoute from Laeral Silverhand about her suggests primarily for FR, but none of it fits or makes sense for FR given the Shadar Kai at all.

I like that they unified the demihuman Pantheons in FR, but they really, really messed up the racial/Raven Queen lore into something that does really make much sense. Not all of it's bad, but alot of it just doesn't fit anything.

MTOFs is why I really want them to playtest new lore, especially if it retcons things, because much of that book is a disaster.
We agree rarely, it seems, but on this I couldnā€™t agree more.

there are fun andusable tidbits, but overall I find the lore pretty terrible unless it were for a new setting altogether.

That funny, instead of coming up with a deity to fill the function of Sarenrae, they just shortened her name and ripped her off from Golarion. To be fair Paizo used a variant of D&D 3.5e rules for years profitably, so this is like returning the favour.

Sarenrae back door sneaks into mainstream D&D.
Irritating sanctimonious do-gooder she is too.

I hate this guy:


No he ain't. If it was the same guy, he wouldn't also appear in the Norse pantheon at the same time. Especially considering he was never killed off in the Norse pantheon even though he was in the Realms at one point. The Realms Tyr is like an alternate universe Tyr just like the Exandria Pelor is an alternate universe Pelor than the one in Greyhawk. Just like the Tyr in my Realms campaign is an alternate universe Tyr from the one in yours. They are all different. :)
Actually he is and he does. It's detailed in "On Hallowed Ground" sourcebook. Tyr felt his position in his home pantheon treated, as fellow war-like deities like Thor started to proach on his follower base. So he looked to etablish links to other prime material worlds to stabilize his base.

Other deities who branched out from their home pantheons into Toril are Mielikki, Oghma, Tyche (and since she split into Beshaba and Tymora her fellow Olympians are looking for her) and Loviatar.

Now about his apparent "death" in FR. Death is always difficult with multispheric deities. Often what residents of a given world perceive as the dead of their deity is merely the completely severance of a deities connection with their world. Also 4e just temporarily retconned the multiverse out of existance.


Actually he is and he does. It's detailed in "On Hallowed Ground" sourcebook. Tyr felt his position in his home pantheon treated, as fellow war-like deities like Thor started to proach on his follower base. So he looked to etablish links to other prime material worlds to stabilize his base.
I understand completely the idea that the character of Tyr is supposed to be the same in both worlds. At some point someone wrote (I guess like in that sourcebook you mentioned) that the Norse god went to the Realms and started up their own worship base. But the only problem is that there is no one overarching actual "god" here. There isn't just one central "D&D story" that applies to everyone and everything. But rather, from the metaphysical sense, there are trillions upon trillions of individual, alternate universes in D&D that have been created by writers, designers, DMs, and players whose lore and story are separate from every other. Things that happen in one game have no impact on any other. So there isn't just "one Tyr"... every single individual game that has Tyr as a character in it is it's own Tyr. One Tyr of millions. Because what happened to your Tyr in your Realms game had no impact on my Tyr in my Norse pantheon campaign.

Which is completely fine! Because we both have two of the millions of Tyrs in existance in the D&D multiverse. ;)


Yeah, I suspect they didn't want to piss off the Critters by creating an entirely new deity, but also obviously couldn't use Sarenrae whole-cloth. I'd be curious once the book comes out whether there will be a 'used by permission' legal bit in the front of the book, insinuating WotC got permission from Paizo for adapting one of their gods for it. Or if they filed just enough stuff off of Sarenrae to act like she's "new enough" to not infringe. (I did notice Chris said she was now the goddess of "atonement", which is different not only from Sarenrae in Golarion (sun, healing, redemption), but also "Everlight" her equivalent deity in the Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting (compassion, redemption).

So they might have changed her portfolio a little bit as well as changing the name just enough. And truth be told, my using 'Rae' is just me assuming that's how they are spelling it... for all we know they made an even more different spelling just to differentiate the goddess further.

I'd say, considering the treatment in Tal'Dorei that most of it will be glossed over. For example the Tal'dorei book says her festivals and holy days are lost and her followers squabble over when they should be. It's kept incredibly vague while the other gods are still OBVIOUSLY Pelor, Torog etc. without their names, just titles.

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