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Kickstarter Deal-Breakers (Poll)

What made you decide not to back that Kickstarter project?

  • This is the creator's very first crowdfunding project.

    Votes: 14 11.8%
  • The crowdfunding page is slapdash or poorly-written.

    Votes: 76 63.9%
  • The comment section is full of complaints and/or hateful people.

    Votes: 30 25.2%
  • The creator's own personal reputation.

    Votes: 72 60.5%
  • The creator's fulfillment history with other crowdfunding projects.

    Votes: 84 70.6%
  • The shipping costs for the project.

    Votes: 45 37.8%
  • The shipping schedule for the project.

    Votes: 22 18.5%
  • The use of AI artwork.

    Votes: 56 47.1%
  • The use of AI writing.

    Votes: 61 51.3%
  • The product is exclusively for 5E D&D

    Votes: 43 36.1%
  • The product isn't exclusively for 5E D&D.

    Votes: 5 4.2%
  • The product has already met its goal.

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • The product is struggling to meet its goal.

    Votes: 23 19.3%
  • There are too many stretch goals.

    Votes: 36 30.3%
  • There aren't enough stretch goals.

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Lack of add-ons and accessories.

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • The product does not offer electronic/PDF format.

    Votes: 31 26.1%
  • The product does not offer physical/print format.

    Votes: 19 16.0%
  • Other, I'll explain below.

    Votes: 12 10.1%
  • NEW: The cost of the project (not including shipping)

    Votes: 49 41.2%
  • NEW: The product didn't have a usable demo/preview.

    Votes: 13 10.9%
  • NEW: It's nothing personal; I just don't do crowdfunding at all.

    Votes: 7 5.9%
  • NEW: The product is for a system/game/edition that I don't like.

    Votes: 18 15.1%
  • NEW: The quality of other products by the same creator.

    Votes: 17 14.3%
  • NEW: The product isn't made by one of the specific creators/companies I support.

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • NEW: Unrelated stretch goals (like hats and stickers being offered for a book project).

    Votes: 9 7.6%
  • NEW: The product is of no use to me.

    Votes: 23 19.3%


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
While I agree that Kevin’s campaigns are gold-standard he doesn’t have a full manuscript before starting the campaign. He regularly posts updates on the writing process throughout, however.
I was thinking more of his offset print reissue kickstarters when I posted that.

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The one I selected that is most controversial (as in only 22% of people voted for it) is the shipping schedule. If its not going to be delivered until a VERY long time, then there is no way I am planning to back it. I don't even know what I am getting because its not done being designed and playtested at that point.

If its a nearly complete product and they are just setting up the layout and getting it printed, then they still need to do some serious due diligence on delivery dates and a timetable. If they think they can deliver that in just a month, then they are showing some serious inexperience (unless they've run print runs before and have everything set up). It shows something I would want to stay away from.


Registered Ninja
I voted for the ones that are absolute red flags for me, like use of AI and poor creator track record.

There are others that I didn't vote for that aren't absolute deal breakers, but make me less likely to buy something. For instance I mostly buy PDFs, but every once in a while I get something in print. It has to be something I'm really excited about though. If it's "this is new and looks like it might be interesting," I'll want it to have a PDF option. Cost is another factor like that.

Very nice to see there are multiple options. I think very, very relevant to RPGs are these:
  • The creator's own personal reputation.
  • The creator's fulfillment history with other crowdfunding projects.
While both of these have a lower score (to date) than a poorly written description, they are both very high and interconnected. You aren't going to have a great personal reputation if you don't fulfill your kickstarters. I wonder as compared to other types of kickstarters, how many RPG ones fail and, how many as compared to others, blame 'personal issues' or just stop communicating.

For me, it's typically a multi-stage decision process.
1) If it's a creator I don't want to support (most often that happens because I was unhappy with their conduct on past or ongoing unfulfilled campaigns), I back out
2) Then I look at the project page and check if I like the pitch - a sloppy or uninformative description is typically a showstopper
3) If it's a system I don't like or currently have no interest in (5e is one of them, but hardly the only one), I'm out
4) It needs a digital pledge level, since I rarely go for physical books these days
5) The price needs to be in a range that doesn't bother me too much
6) If the fulfillment date is too far off, I typically also skip the campaign - too often I had already lost interest in campaigns that shipped a year (or even multiple years) later
7) If I do go for physical items, the campaign needs EU-friendly shipping

This still leaves a fair amount of things that I find interesting, so typically I back about a dozen campaigns per year (not equally distributed since I tend to back a few more Zinequest/-month things than other campaigns).


Reputation, reputation, reputation.

I won't back a first time KS unless it's a creator I know and trust from other ventures...and even then I want to see a very clear and sensible KS proposal. All of my big KSs are related to miniatures and terrain, so at this point I only back proven track records. And of course cost and quality matter - either the value is there, or it isn't. I'm not so picky about fulfillment schedule; as long as I am confident it will eventually deliver, I can wait a long time. Actually, I kind of like a KS that takes its time as long as it is getting it right. Fore example, I backed Reaper 6 two years ago, but I enjoy the updates and have gotten two years of pleasant anticipation. It should be delivering this Spring.

Edit: sometimes I'll back just because I like the creator, and it's not a big pledge. So I've backed KSs from folks on this forum when they've offered digital options even when it hasn't been a product that I really need that much.
Last edited:


I only back Reaper, Goodman Games & Free League at this point. There are a few others I will look at and decide. My wife really wanted Obojima for example but we also have had very fun experiences with 1985. I also would back Ral Partha or someone trusted by Goodman Games.


I view Kickstarters as a pre-ordering system, so I won't contribute unless it's run by an established company. i.e. PEG, Inc., Free League, CMON, etc., etc. I also won't purchase anything that's made for 5th edition because I don't use 3rd party products for the game.


So, from the poll, my deal breakers are:

-Page is poorly written - bad pitch, no money. Plain and simple. Put some effort and present in clear and concise manner what your product is.
-The creator's fulfillment history with other crowdfunding projects - if creator failed to deliver on promised for past project, there is a good chance it will happen again. Also, if there was problems with product quality or shipping logistics.
-The shipping costs for the project.- I live in small EU country. Shipping costs, especially from USA, can get wild. Also, there is always possibility for customs charges and VAT (and shipping price is included when VAT is calculated, our VAT is 25%). Also, customs brokerage fees from delivery companies are always included for non-EU products, even if there isn't customs charges. There is good posibility that shipping and fees are couple of times greater than money i gave to support product
-The shipping schedule for the project. - If they ship year from now, there is a good chance i will loose interest in product by the time it reaches me
-The product is struggling to meet its goal.- Good chance that product will be delayed or that project will fail all together

I voted "Other" because I'm reluctant to back a kickstarter that has "unrelated" stretch goals. Such as, if you back a project to make a book, you'll also get miniatures, or other accessories. OK, I'll trust you to write a book - but do you really know anything about supplying this other stuff?

I'm pretty much indifferent to shipping dates - most kickstarters I've backed have been late anyway, and I don't need any of this stuff within a set timeframe (or need it at all, really :)).

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